import grpc import time import logging from csst_dfs_commons.models import Result from csst_dfs_commons.models.common import from_proto_model_list, Gaia3Record from csst_dfs_proto.common.ephem import ephem_pb2, ephem_pb2_grpc from .service import ServiceProxy from .constants import * from .utils import get_auth_headers log = logging.getLogger('csst') class CatalogApi(object): def __init__(self): self.stub = ephem_pb2_grpc.EphemSearchSrvStub(ServiceProxy().channel()) def gaia3_query(self, ra: float, dec: float, radius: float, min_mag: float, max_mag: float, obstime: int, limit: int): ''' retrieval GAIA DR 3 args: ra: in deg dec: in deg radius: in deg min_mag: minimal magnitude max_mag: maximal magnitude obstime: seconds limit: limits returns the number of records return: csst_dfs_common.models.Result ''' try: resp, _ = self.stub.Gaia3Search.with_call(ephem_pb2.EphemSearchRequest( ra = ra, dec = dec, radius = radius, minMag = min_mag, maxMag = max_mag, obstime = obstime, limit = limit ),metadata = get_auth_headers()) if resp.success: # t_start = time.time() data = from_proto_model_list(Gaia3Record, resp.records) # t_end = time.time() #"object deserialization used: %.6f's" %(t_end - t_start,)) return Result.ok_data(data = data).append("totalCount", resp.totalCount) else: return Result.error(message = str(resp.error.detail)) except grpc.RpcError as e: return Result.error(message="%s:%s" % (e.code().value, e.details()))