from ..common.delegate import Delegate class RefFitsApi(object): """ Reference Fits Operation Class of IFS """ REF_FITS_BIAS = "bias" REF_FITS_FLAT = "flat" REF_FITS_DARK = "dark" REF_FITS_SKY = "sky" REF_FITS_ARC = "arc" REF_FITS_TYPES = [REF_FITS_BIAS, REF_FITS_FLAT, REF_FITS_DARK, REF_FITS_SKY, REF_FITS_ARC] def __init__(self, sub_system="ifs"): self.sub_system = sub_system self.module = Delegate().load(sub_module = "ifs") self.stub = getattr(self.module, "RefFitsApi")() self.file_prefix = self.stub.root_dir def find(self, **kwargs): ''' parameter kwargs: obs_time = [int], file_name = [str], exp_time = (start, end), ccd_num = [int], status = [int], ref_type = [str] return list of reference's files records ''' return self.stub.find(**kwargs) def get(self, **kwargs): ''' query database, return a record as dict parameter kwargs: fits_id = [int] return dict or None ''' return self.stub.get(**kwargs) def read(self, **kwargs): ''' yield bytes of fits file parameter kwargs: fits_id = [int], file_path = [str], chunk_size = [int] default 20480 yield bytes of fits file ''' return**kwargs) def update_status(self, **kwargs): ''' update the status of reduction parameter kwargs: fits_id = [int], status = [int] ''' return self.stub.update_status(**kwargs) def write(self, **kwargs): ''' copy a local file to file storage, then reduce the header of fits file and insert a record into database parameter kwargs: file_path = [str] ''' yield self.stub.write(**kwargs)