## csst_common [![Documentation Status](https://readthedocs.org/projects/csst-proto/badge/?version=latest)](https://csst-proto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest) CSST L1 pipeline prototype. ## homepage This code is available at *CSST GitLab*: - [https://csst-tb.bao.ac.cn/code/csst-l1/csst_common](https://csst-tb.bao.ac.cn/code/csst-l1/csst_common). ## documentation A sphinx-based documentation is available at - [https://csst-proto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/](https://csst-proto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) ## dependency - numpy~=1.20.3 - joblib~=1.1.0 - astropy~=5.1 ## installation `csst_common` can be installed with the following shell command ```bash git clone https://csst-tb.bao.ac.cn/code/csst-l1/csst_common.git cd csst_common pip install -r requirements.txt python setup.py install ``` or a single-line command ```bash sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://csst-tb.bao.ac.cn/code/csst-l1/csst_common/-/raw/main/install.sh)" ``` ## instruction how to import CSST parameters: ```python from csst_common.params import CSST_PARAMS as CP print(CP) print(CP["mbi"]["detector2filter"]) ``` how to use data_manager ```python from csst_common.data_manager import CsstMbiDataManager dm = CsstMbiDataManager(...) # access L0 directory dm.dir_l0 # access L1 directory dm.dir_l1 # access dir_pcref dm.dir_pcref # access path_aux dm.path_aux # access ver_sim dm.ver_sim # access target detectors dm.target_detectors # access available detectors dm.available_detectors # define an L1 file (detector-specified) dm.l1_detector(detector=6) # define an L1 file (non-detector-specified) dm.l1_file("flipped_image.fits") ``` a shortcut for test dataset ```python from csst_common.data_manager import CsstMbiDataManager CsstMbiDataManager.quick_dataset(hostname="dandelion", ver_sim="C5.2", dir_l1=".", exposure_id=100) ``` ## algorithm description The `csst_common` provides some common modules for CSST pipeline. - `csst_common.parameters` - `csst_common.data_manager`