/* * fitskey.c * * Functions related to the management of FITS table columns ("keys"). * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: AstrOmatic FITS/LDAC library * * Copyright: (C) 1995-2020 IAP/CNRS/SorbonneU * * License: GNU General Public License * * AstrOmatic software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * AstrOmatic software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AstrOmatic software. * If not, see . * * Last modified: 11/02/2020 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "fitscat_defs.h" #include "fitscat.h" /****** add_key **************************************************************** PROTO int add_key(keystruct *key, tabstruct *tab, int pos) PURPOSE Copy a key from one table to another. INPUT Pointer to the key, Pointer to the table, Pointer to the destination table, Position (1= first, <=0 = at the end) OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES A preexisting key in the destination table yields a RETURN_ERROR. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 26/03/96 ***/ int add_key(keystruct *key, tabstruct *tab, int pos) { /*Check if a similar key doesn't already exist in the dest. cat */ if (name_to_key(tab, key->name)) return RETURN_ERROR; /*Update links (portion of code similar to that of copy_key below) */ if ((key->nextkey = pos_to_key(tab, pos))) { (key->prevkey = key->nextkey->prevkey)->nextkey = key; key->nextkey->prevkey = key; /*--the first place has a special meaning*/ if (pos==1) tab->key = key; } else /*There was no no key before*/ tab->key = key->nextkey = key->prevkey = key; tab->nkey++; return RETURN_OK; } /****** blank_keys ************************************************************* PROTO int blank_keys(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Put the array pointers from all keys in a table to NULL. INPUT Pointer to the table. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if keys were found, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. Notes: -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 25/04/97 ***/ int blank_keys(tabstruct *tab) { keystruct *key; int k; if (!(key = tab->key)) return RETURN_ERROR; for (k=tab->nkey; k--;) { key->ptr = NULL; key = key->nextkey; } return RETURN_OK; } /****** copy_key *************************************************************** PROTO int copy_key(tabstruct *tabin, char *keyname, tabstruct *tabout, int pos) PURPOSE Copy a key from one table to another. INPUT Pointer to the original table, Name of the key, Pointer to the destination table, Position (1= first, <=0 = at the end) OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES A preexisting key in the destination table yields a RETURN_ERROR, the ptr member is NOT COPIED. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 19/08/96 ***/ int copy_key(tabstruct *tabin, char *keyname, tabstruct *tabout, int pos) { keystruct *keyin, *keyout; /*Convert the key name to a pointer*/ if (!(keyin = name_to_key(tabin, keyname))) return RETURN_ERROR; /*Check if a similar key doesn't already exist in the dest. cat */ if (name_to_key(tabout, keyname)) return RETURN_ERROR; tabout->nkey++; /*First, allocate memory and copy data */ QCALLOC(keyout, keystruct, 1); *keyout = *keyin; keyout->ptr = NULL; if (keyin->naxis) QMEMCPY(keyin->naxisn, keyout->naxisn, int, keyin->naxis); /*Then, update the links */ if ((keyout->nextkey = pos_to_key(tabout, pos))) { (keyout->prevkey = keyout->nextkey->prevkey)->nextkey = keyout; keyout->nextkey->prevkey = keyout; /*--the first place has a special meaning*/ if (pos==1) tabout->key = keyout; } else /*There was no no key before*/ tabout->key = keyout->nextkey = keyout->prevkey = keyout; return RETURN_OK; } /****** free_key *************************************************************** PROTO void free_key(keystruct *key) PURPOSE Free memory associated to a key ptr. INPUT Pointer to the key. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 19/08/96 ***/ void free_key(keystruct *key) { free(key->naxisn); free(key->ptr); free(key); return; } /****** new_key **************************************************************** PROTO keystruct *new_key(char *keyname) PURPOSE Create a new key. INPUT Name of the key. OUTPUT A pointer to the new keystruct. NOTES This function is only provided as a counterpart to new_tab() and new_cat(): in order to be usable, other key parameters MUST be handled by the user. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 26/03/96 ***/ keystruct *new_key(char *keyname) { keystruct *key; QCALLOC(key, keystruct, 1); strcpy(key->name, keyname); return key; } /****** read_key *************************************************************** PROTO keystruct *read_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname) PURPOSE Read one simple column from a FITS binary table. INPUT pointer to the table, name of the key, OUTPUT A pointer to the relevant key, or NULL if the desired key is not found in the table. NOTES If key->ptr is not NULL, the function doesn't do anything. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) E.R. Deul (Sterrewacht Leiden) (Added open_cat error checking) VERSION 11/02/2020 ***/ keystruct *read_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname) { catstruct *cat; keystruct *key; char *buf, *ptr, *fptr,*fptr0; unsigned short ashort = 1; int i,j, larray,narray,size, esize, bswapflag; if (!(key = name_to_key(tab, keyname))) return NULL; /*If ptr is not NULL, there is already something loaded there: let's free mem */ QFREE(key->ptr); /*!! It is not necessarily the original table */ tab = key->tab; cat = tab->cat; /*We are expecting a 2D binary-table, and nothing else*/ if ((tab->naxis != 2) || (tab->bitpix!=8) || (tab->tfields == 0) || strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: No binary table in ", cat->filename); /*Size and number of lines in the binary table*/ larray = tab->naxisn[0]; narray = tab->naxisn[1]; /*Positioning to the first element*/ if (open_cat(cat, READ_ONLY) == RETURN_ERROR) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: opening catalog ",cat->filename); QFSEEK(cat->file, tab->bodypos , SEEK_SET, cat->filename); /*allocate memory for the buffer where we put one line of data*/ QMALLOC(buf, char, larray); fptr0 = buf+key->pos; size = key->nbytes; /*allocate memory for the array*/ QMALLOC(ptr, char, size*narray); key->ptr = ptr; bswapflag = *((char *)&ashort); // Byte-swapping flag /*read line by line*/ for (i=narray; i--;) { QFREAD(buf, larray, cat->file, cat->filename); fptr = fptr0; if (bswapflag) { esize = t_size[key->ttype]; swapbytes(fptr0, esize, size/esize); } for (j = size; j--;) *(ptr++) = *(fptr++); } free(buf); return key; } /****** read_keys ************************************************************** PURPOSE Read several columns from a FITS binary table. INPUT pointer to the table, pointer to an array of char *, pointer to an array of keystruct * (memory must have been allocated), number of keys to read, an optional mask pointer. OUTPUT -. NOTES The array of pointers pointed by keys is filled with pointers to the relevant keys (a NULL means NO key with such name was found). A NULL keys pointer can be given (no info returned of course). A NULL keynames pointer means read ALL keys belonging to the table. A NULL mask pointer means NO selection for reading. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 11/02/2020 ***/ void read_keys(tabstruct *tab, char **keynames, keystruct **keys, int nkeys, BYTE *mask) { catstruct *cat; keystruct *key, **ckeys; BYTE *mask2; char *buf, *ptr, *fptr; unsigned short ashort = 1; int i,j,k,n, larray,narray, nb, kflag = 0, size, esize, bswapflag; /*!! It is not necessarily the original table */ tab = tab->key->tab; cat = tab->cat; /*We are expecting a 2D binary-table, and nothing else*/ if ((tab->naxis != 2) || (tab->bitpix!=8) || (tab->tfields == 0) || strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: No binary table in ", cat->filename); /*Size and number of lines in the binary table*/ larray = tab->naxisn[0]; narray = tab->naxisn[1]; nb = 0; if ((mask2 = mask)) { for (i=narray; i--;) if (*(mask2++)) nb++; } if (!keynames) nkeys = tab->nkey; /*Allocate memory to store the list of keys to be read */ if (!keys) { QMALLOC(keys, keystruct *, nkeys); kflag = 1; } /*allocate memory for the arrays*/ ckeys = keys; if (keynames) for (i=nkeys; i--;) { if ((key = name_to_key(tab, *(keynames++)))) { QFREE(key->ptr); if (nb) key->nobj = nb; else nb=key->nobj; QMALLOC(key->ptr, char, key->nbytes*nb); *(ckeys++) = key; } else *(ckeys++) = NULL; } else { key = tab->key; for (i=nkeys; i--;) { QFREE(key->ptr); if (nb) key->nobj = nb; else nb=key->nobj; QMALLOC(key->ptr, char, key->nbytes*nb); *(ckeys++) = key; key = key->nextkey; } } /*allocate memory for the buffer where we put one line of data*/ QMALLOC(buf, char, larray); /*Positioning to the first element*/ open_cat(cat, READ_ONLY); QFSEEK(cat->file, tab->bodypos , SEEK_SET, cat->filename); /*read line by line*/ bswapflag = *((char *)&ashort); // Byte-swapping flag n = 0; mask2 = mask; for (i=narray; i--;) { QFREAD(buf, larray, cat->file, cat->filename); if (!mask || *(mask2++)) { ckeys = keys; for (j=nkeys; j--;) if ((key = *(ckeys++))) { fptr = buf+key->pos; ptr = (char *)key->ptr+n*(size=key->nbytes); if (bswapflag) { esize = t_size[key->ttype]; swapbytes(fptr, esize, size/esize); } for (k = size; k--;) *(ptr++) = *(fptr++); } n++; } } free(buf); if (kflag) free(keys); return; } /****** remove_key ************************************************************* PROTO int remove_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname) PURPOSE Remove a key from a table. INPUT Pointer to the table, Name of the key. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES If keyname = "", the last key from the list is removed. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 15/01/97 ***/ int remove_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname) { keystruct *key, *prevkey, *nextkey; if (!keyname || !tab->nkey || !tab->key) return RETURN_ERROR; if (keyname[0]) { /*--Convert the key name to a pointer*/ if (!(key = name_to_key(tab, keyname))) return RETURN_ERROR; } else key = tab->key->prevkey; prevkey = key->prevkey; /*Free memory*/ nextkey = key->nextkey; if (tab->key==key) tab->key = nextkey; free_key(key); if (--tab->nkey) { /*--update the links of neighbours*/ nextkey->prevkey = prevkey; prevkey->nextkey = nextkey; } else tab->key = NULL; return RETURN_OK; } /****** remove_keys ************************************************************ PROTO int remove_keys(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Remove all keys from a table. INPUT Pointer to the table. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if keys were found, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 13/03/99 ***/ int remove_keys(tabstruct *tab) { int k; if (!tab->key) return RETURN_ERROR; for (k=tab->nkey; k--;) remove_key(tab, ""); return RETURN_OK; } /****** name_to_key ************************************************************ PROTO keystruct *name_to_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname) PURPOSE Name search of a key in a table. INPUT Pointer to the table, Key name. OUTPUT The key pointer if the name was matched, and NULL otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 25/04/97 ***/ keystruct *name_to_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname) { keystruct *key; int i; if (!(key=tab->key)) return NULL; for (i=tab->nkey; strcmp(keyname, key->name) && i--; key=key->nextkey); return i<0? NULL:key; } /****** keys_list ************************************************************** PROTO char **keys_list(catstruct *tab, int *n) PURPOSE List all keys in a table. INPUT Pointer to the table, Pointer to the number of names in that list. OUTPUT A list of all key names. NOTES -. AUTHOR E.R. Deul (Leiden observatory) VERSION ??/??/96 ***/ char **keys_list(tabstruct *tab, int *n) { keystruct *key; int i; char **names; QCALLOC(names, char *, tab->nkey); key = tab->key; for (i=0; inkey; i++) { QCALLOC(names[i], char, MAXCHARS); strcpy(names[i],key->name); key = key->nextkey; } *n = tab->nkey; return names; } /****** pos_to_key ************************************************************* PROTO keystruct *pos_to_key(tabstruct *tab, int pos) PURPOSE Position search of a key in a table. INPUT Pointer to the table, Position of the key. OUTPUT The key pointer if a key exists at the given position, and the pointer to the first key otherwise. NOTES pos = 0 or 1 means the first key. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 20/03/96 ***/ keystruct *pos_to_key(tabstruct *tab, int pos) { keystruct *key; int i; if (!(key=tab->key)) return NULL; if ((pos--)==1) return tab->key; for (i=0; i!=pos && inkey; i++, key=key->nextkey); return inkey?key:tab->key; } /****** show_keys ************************************************************** PROTO void show_keys(tabstruct *tab, char **keynames, keystruct **keys, int nkeys, BYTE *mask, FILE *stream, int strflag, int banflag, int leadflag, output_type o_type) PURPOSE Convert a binary table to an ASCII file. INPUT pointer to the table, pointer to an array of char *, pointer to an array of keystruct * (memory must have been allocated), number of keys to read, an optional mask pointer, a stream, a flag to indicate if arrays should be displayed (0=NO), a flag to indicate if a banner with keynames should be added (0=NO). a flag to indicate if a leading row number should be added (0=NO). the output type OUTPUT -. NOTES This is approximately the same code as for read_keys. The array of pointers pointed by keys is filled with pointers to the relevant keys (a NULL means NO key with such name was found). A NULL keys pointer can be given (no info returned of course). A NULL keynames pointer means read ALL keys belonging to the table. A NULL mask pointer means NO selection for reading. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 11/02/2020 ***/ void show_keys(tabstruct *tab, char **keynames, keystruct **keys, int nkeys, BYTE *mask, FILE *stream, int strflag, int banflag, int leadflag, output_type o_type) { catstruct *cat; keystruct *key, **ckeys; BYTE *mask2; char *buf, *rfield, *ptr; unsigned short ashort = 1; int *key_col, i,j,k,n,c, larray,narray, nb, kflag, maxnbytes, nelem, esize, bswapflag; typedef struct structreq_keyname { char oldname[80]; /* Name of the original pipeline key */ char newname[80]; /* Name of the skycat required key */ } req_keynamestruct; req_keynamestruct objectmap[] = { {"SeqNr", "id"}, {"Ra", "ra"}, {"Dec", "dec"}, {"MAG_ISO", "Mag"}, {"", ""} }; req_keynamestruct *map; char skycathead[] = "QueryResult\n\n" "# Config entry for original catalog server:\n" "serv_type: catalog\n" "long_name: ldactoskycat catalog\n" "short_name: ldactoaskycat\n" "symbol: id circle %4.1f\n" "search_cols: mag {Brightest (min)} {Faintest (max)}\n" "# End config entry\n\n"; char *t, skycattail[] = ""; /* !! It is not necessarily the original table */ if (tab->key) tab = tab->key->tab; cat = tab->cat; /* We are expecting a 2D binary-table, and nothing else */ if ((tab->naxis != 2) || (tab->bitpix!=8) || (tab->tfields == 0) || strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Not a binary table in ", cat->filename); /* Size and number of lines in the binary table */ larray = tab->naxisn[0]; narray = tab->naxisn[1]; nb = 0; if ((mask2 = mask)) { for (i=narray; i--;) if (*(mask2++)) nb++; } if (!keynames) nkeys = tab->nkey; QCALLOC(key_col, int, nkeys); if (keynames) { for (i=0;ioldname[0]&&o_type == SHOW_SKYCAT; map++) { if (strcmp(key->name, map->oldname) == 0) { strcpy(key->name, map->newname); } } *(ckeys++) = key; switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: if (banflag) { if (*key->unit) fprintf(stream, "# %3d %-15.15s %-47.47s [%s]\n", n, key->name,key->comment, key->unit); else fprintf(stream, "# %3d %-15.15s %.47s\n", n, key->name,key->comment); n += key->nbytes/t_size[key->ttype]; } break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: if (key->nbytes/t_size[key->ttype] > 1) for (j=0;jnbytes/t_size[key->ttype];j++) fprintf(stream, "%s(%d)\t", key->name,j+1); else fprintf(stream, "%s\t", key->name); break; } if (key->nbytes>maxnbytes) maxnbytes = key->nbytes; } else *(ckeys++) = NULL; } else { key = tab->key; for (i=nkeys; i--; key = key->nextkey) if (strflag || key->naxis==0) { for (map=objectmap; map->oldname[0]&&o_type == SHOW_SKYCAT; map++) { if (strcmp(key->name, map->oldname) == 0) { strcpy(key->name, map->newname); } } *(ckeys++) = key; switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: if (banflag) { if (*key->unit) fprintf(stream, "# %3d %-15.15s %-47.47s [%s]\n", n, key->name,key->comment, key->unit); else fprintf(stream, "# %3d %-15.15s %.47s\n", n, key->name,key->comment); n += key->nbytes/t_size[key->ttype]; } break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: if (key->nbytes/t_size[key->ttype] > 1) for (j=0;jnbytes/t_size[key->ttype];j++) fprintf(stream, "%s(%d)\t", key->name,j+1); else fprintf(stream, "%s\t", key->name); break; } if (key->nbytes>maxnbytes) maxnbytes = key->nbytes; } else { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: if (*key->unit) fprintf(stream, "# %-15.15s %-47.47s [%s]\n", key->name,key->comment, key->unit); else fprintf(stream, "# %-15.15s %.47s\n", key->name,key->comment); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: break; } *(ckeys++) = NULL; } } if (o_type == SHOW_SKYCAT) fprintf(stream, "\n------------------\n"); /* Allocate memory for the buffer where we put one line of data */ QMALLOC(buf, char, larray); /* Allocate memory for the buffer where we put one element */ QMALLOC(rfield, char, maxnbytes); /* Positioning to the first element */ open_cat(cat, READ_ONLY); QFSEEK(cat->file, tab->bodypos , SEEK_SET, cat->filename); /*read line by line*/ bswapflag = *((char *)&ashort); // Byte-swapping flag n = 0; mask2 = mask; for (i=narray; i--;) { QFREAD(buf, larray, cat->file, cat->filename); if (!mask || *(mask2++)) { ckeys = keys; if (leadflag) { fprintf(stream, "%d", ++n); if (nkeys) putc(' ', stream); } for (k=0; knaxis==0)) { ptr = memcpy(rfield, buf+key->pos, key->nbytes); esize = t_size[key->ttype]; nelem = key->nbytes/esize; if (bswapflag) swapbytes(ptr, esize, nelem); switch(key->ttype) { case T_SHORT: for (j = 0; jprintf?key->printf:"%d", *(short *)ptr); if (j < nelem-1) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } break; case T_LONG: for (j = 0; jprintf?key->printf:"%d", *(int *)ptr); if (j < nelem-1) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } break; case T_LONGLONG: for (j = 0; jprintf?key->printf:"%lld", *(SLONGLONG *)ptr); #else fprintf(stream, *key->printf?key->printf:"%d", *(int *)ptr); #endif if (j < nelem-1) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } break; case T_FLOAT: for (j = 0; jprintf?key->printf:"%g", *(float *)ptr); if (j < nelem-1) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } break; case T_DOUBLE: for (j = 0; jprintf?key->printf:"%f", *(double *)ptr); if (j < nelem-1) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } break; case T_BYTE: if (key->htype==H_BOOL) for (j = 0; jprintf?key->printf:"%d", (int)*((unsigned char *)ptr)); if (j) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } break; case T_STRING: for (j = nelem; j-- && (c=(int)*ptr); ptr += esize) fprintf(stream, "%c", c); break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*FATAL ERROR*: Unknown FITS type in ", "show_keys()"); break; } if (k < nkeys - 1) { switch (o_type) { case SHOW_ASCII: putc(' ', stream); break; case SHOW_SKYCAT: putc('\t', stream); break; } } } } putc('\n', stream); } } free(key_col); free(buf); if (kflag) free(keys); if (o_type == SHOW_SKYCAT) fprintf(stream, "%s", skycattail); return; }