/* image.c *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: SExtractor * * Author: E.BERTIN (IAP) * * Contents: Function related to image manipulations. * * Last modify: 13/09/2009 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "image.h" static float interpm[INTERPW*INTERPH]; /********************************* copyimage *********************************/ /* Copy a small part of the image. Image parts which lie outside boundaries are set to -BIG. */ int copyimage(picstruct *field, PIXTYPE *dest, int w,int h, int ix,int iy) { PIXTYPE *destt; int i,y, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,w2; /* First put the retina background to -BIG */ destt = dest; for (i=w*h; i--;) *(destt++) = -BIG; /* Don't go further if out of frame!! */ if (ix<0 || ix>=field->width || iyymin || iy>=field->ymax) return RETURN_ERROR; /* Set the image boundaries */ w2 = w; ymin = iy-h/2; ymax = ymin + h; if (yminymin) { dest += (field->ymin-ymin)*w; ymin = field->ymin; } if (ymax>field->ymax) ymax = field->ymax; xmin = ix-w/2; xmax = xmin + w; if (xmax>field->width) { w2 -= xmax-field->width; xmax = field->width; } if (xmin<0) { dest += -xmin; w2 -= -xmin; xmin = 0; } /* Copy the right pixels to the destination */ for (y=ymin; yymin) { psf += (field->ymin-ymin)*w; ymin = field->ymin; } if (ymax>field->ymax) ymax = field->ymax; xmin = ix-w/2; xmax = xmin + w; if (xmax>field->width) { w2 -= xmax-field->width; xmax = field->width; } if (xmin<0) { psf += -xmin; w2 -= -xmin; xmin = 0; } dwpsf = w-w2; /* Subtract the right pixels to the destination */ for (y=ymin; y=field->width || iyymin || iy>=field->ymax) return RETURN_ERROR; /* Compute the interpolation mask */ ddx0 = -(idmx=(INTERPW-(dx>0.0?1:0))/2)-dx; ddy = -(idmy=(INTERPH-(dy>0.0?1:0))/2)-dy; sum = 0.0; m = interpm; for (my=INTERPH; my--; ddy+=1.0) { ddx = ddx0; fy = INTERPF(ddy); for (mx=INTERPW; mx--;ddx+=1.0) sum += *(m++) = fy*INTERPF(ddx); } /* Normalize it */ m = interpm; for (i=INTERPW*INTERPH; i--;) *(m++) /= sum; /* Do the interpolation */ m = interpm; xmin = ix - w/2 - idmx; ymin = iy - h/2 - idmy; sw = field->width; sh = field->stripheight; for (my=INTERPH; my--; ymin++) { /*-- Set the image boundaries in y */ if ((idy = field->ymin-ymin) > 0) { dt0 = dest + w*idy; y0 = field->ymin; h2 = (idyymax - y0) < h2) h2 = idy; xmin2 = xmin; for (mx=INTERPW; mx--; xmin2++) { mval = *(m++); /*---- Set the image boundaries in x */ if (xmin2 < 0) { dt = dt0 - xmin2; x0 = 0; if ((w2 = w + xmin2) < 0) w2 = 0; } else { dt = dt0; x0 = xmin2; w2 = w; } if ((idx = sw - x0) < w2) w2 = idx; if (h2 >= 0 && w2 >= 0) { s0 = field->strip + x0; y2 = y0; for (iy=h2; iy--; dt+=w) { dt2 = dt; s = s0+sw*((y2++)%sh); for (ix=w2; ix--;) *(dt2++) += mval**(s++); } } } } return RETURN_OK; } /****************************** addimage_center ******************************/ /* Add a vignet to an image (with a multiplicative factor), recentered through sinc interpolation. */ void addimage_center(picstruct *field, float *psf, int w,int h, float x,float y, float amplitude) { PIXTYPE *s,*s0, *dt,*dt0,*dt2; float *m, dx,dy, ddx0,ddx,ddy,sum, fy, mval; int i,ix,iy, idmx,idmy, mx,my, xmin,ymin,xmin2,x0,y0,y2, w2,h2, sw,sh, idx,idy; /* QMALLOC(psf2, float, w*h); copyimage_center(field, psf2, w, h, x, y) dt = psf; dt2 = psf2; for (i=w*h; i--; dt++) *dt = amplitude*(dt++) - *(dt2++); free(psf2); */ dx = x - (ix=(int)x); dy = y - (iy=(int)y); /* Don't go further if out of frame!! */ if (ix<0 || ix>=field->width || iyymin || iy>=field->ymax) return; /* Compute the interpolation mask */ ddx0 = -(idmx=(INTERPW-(dx>0.0?1:0))/2)-dx; ddy = -(idmy=(INTERPH-(dy>0.0?1:0))/2)-dy; sum = 0.0; m = interpm; for (my=INTERPH; my--; ddy+=1.0) { ddx = ddx0; fy = INTERPF(ddy); for (mx=INTERPW; mx--;ddx+=1.0) sum += *(m++) = fy*INTERPF(ddx); } /* Normalize it */ m = interpm; for (i=INTERPW*INTERPH; i--;) *(m++) /= sum; /* Do the interpolation */ m = interpm; xmin = ix - w/2 - idmx; ymin = iy - h/2 - idmy; sw = field->width; sh = field->stripheight; for (my=INTERPH; my--; ymin++) { /*-- Set the image boundaries in y */ if ((idy = field->ymin-ymin) > 0) { dt0 = psf + w*idy; y0 = field->ymin; h2 = (idyymax - y0) < h2) h2 = idy; xmin2 = xmin; for (mx=INTERPW; mx--; xmin2++) { mval = *(m++); /*---- Set the image boundaries in x */ if (xmin2 < 0) { dt = dt0 - xmin2; x0 = 0; if ((w2 = w + xmin2) < 0) w2 = 0; } else { dt = dt0; x0 = xmin2; w2 = w; } if ((idx = sw - x0) < w2) w2 = idx; if (h2 >= 0 && w2 >= 0) { s0 = field->strip + x0; y2 = y0; for (iy=h2; iy--; dt+=w) { dt2 = dt; s = s0+sw*((y2++)%sh); for (ix=w2; ix--;) *(s++) += amplitude*mval**(dt2++); } } } } return; } /********************************* blankimage *******************************/ /* Blank a small part of the image according to a mask. */ void blankimage(picstruct *field, PIXTYPE *mask, int w,int h, int xmin,int ymin, PIXTYPE val) { PIXTYPE *pixt; int x,y, xmax,ymax,w2; /* Don't go further if out of frame!! */ if (xmin+w<0 || xmin>=field->width || ymin+hymin || ymin>=field->ymax) return; /* Set the image boundaries */ w2 = w; ymax = ymin + h; if (yminymin) { mask += (field->ymin-ymin)*w; ymin = field->ymin; } if (ymax>field->yblank) ymax = field->yblank; xmax = xmin + w; if (xmax>field->width) { w2 -= xmax-field->width; xmax = field->width; } if (xmin<0) { mask += -xmin; w2 -= -xmin; xmin = 0; } w -= w2; /* Blank the right pixels in the image */ for (y=ymin; y -BIG) *pixt = val; } return; } /********************************* pasteimage *******************************/ /* Paste a mask onto an image. */ void pasteimage(picstruct *field, PIXTYPE *mask, int w,int h, int xmin,int ymin) { PIXTYPE *pixt, val; int x,y, xmax,ymax,w2; /* Don't go further if out of frame!! */ if (xmin+w<0 || xmin>=field->width || ymin+hymin || ymin>=field->ymax) return; /* Set the image boundaries */ w2 = w; ymax = ymin + h; if (yminymin) { mask += (field->ymin-ymin)*w; ymin = field->ymin; } if (ymax>field->ymax) ymax = field->ymax; xmax = xmin + w; if (xmax>field->width) { w2 -= xmax-field->width; xmax = field->width; } if (xmin<0) { mask += -xmin; w2 -= -xmin; xmin = 0; } w -= w2; /* Blank the right pixels in the image */ for (y=ymin; y -BIG) *pixt = val; } return; } /****************************** vignet_resample ******************************/ /* Scale and shift a small image through sinc interpolation. Image parts which lie outside boundaries are set to 0. */ int vignet_resample(float *pix1, int w1, int h1, float *pix2, int w2, int h2, float dx, float dy, float step2) { float *mask,*maskt, xc1,xc2,yc1,yc2, xs1,ys1, x1,y1, x,y, dxm,dym, val, *pix12, *pixin,*pixin0, *pixout,*pixout0; int i,j,k,n,t, *start,*startt, *nmask,*nmaskt, ixs2,iys2, ix2,iy2, dix2,diy2, nx2,ny2, iys1a, ny1, hmw,hmh, ix,iy, ix1,iy1; /* Initialize destination buffer to zero */ memset(pix2, 0, w2*h2*sizeof(float)); xc1 = (float)(w1/2); /* Im1 center x-coord*/ xc2 = (float)(w2/2); /* Im2 center x-coord*/ xs1 = xc1 + dx - xc2*step2; /* Im1 start x-coord */ if ((int)xs1 >= w1) return RETURN_ERROR; ixs2 = 0; /* Int part of Im2 start x-coord */ if (xs1<0.0) { dix2 = (int)(1-xs1/step2); /*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in x */ if (dix2 >= w2) return RETURN_ERROR; ixs2 += dix2; xs1 += dix2*step2; } nx2 = (int)((w1-1-xs1)/step2+1);/* nb of interpolated Im2 pixels along x */ if (nx2>(ix2=w2-ixs2)) nx2 = ix2; if (nx2<=0) return RETURN_ERROR; yc1 = (float)(h1/2); /* Im1 center y-coord */ yc2 = (float)(h2/2); /* Im2 center y-coord */ ys1 = yc1 + dy - yc2*step2; /* Im1 start y-coord */ if ((int)ys1 >= h1) return RETURN_ERROR; iys2 = 0; /* Int part of Im2 start y-coord */ if (ys1<0.0) { diy2 = (int)(1-ys1/step2); /*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in y */ if (diy2 >= h2) return RETURN_ERROR; iys2 += diy2; ys1 += diy2*step2; } ny2 = (int)((h1-1-ys1)/step2+1);/* nb of interpolated Im2 pixels along y */ if (ny2>(iy2=h2-iys2)) ny2 = iy2; if (ny2<=0) return RETURN_ERROR; /* Set the yrange for the x-resampling with some margin for interpolation */ iys1a = (int)ys1; /* Int part of Im1 start y-coord with margin */ hmh = INTERPH/2 - 1; /* Interpolant start */ if (iys1a<0 || ((iys1a -= hmh)< 0)) iys1a = 0; ny1 = (int)(ys1+ny2*step2)+INTERPW-hmh; /* Interpolated Im1 y size */ if (ny1>h1) /* with margin */ ny1 = h1; /* Express everything relative to the effective Im1 start (with margin) */ ny1 -= iys1a; ys1 -= (float)iys1a; /* Allocate interpolant stuff for the x direction */ QMALLOC(mask, float, nx2*INTERPW); /* Interpolation masks */ QMALLOC(nmask, int, nx2); /* Interpolation mask sizes */ QMALLOC(start, int, nx2); /* Int part of Im1 conv starts */ /* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in x */ hmw = INTERPW/2 - 1; x1 = xs1; maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; for (j=nx2; j--; x1+=step2) { ix = (ix1=(int)x1) - hmw; dxm = ix1 - x1 - hmw; /* starting point in the interpolation func */ if (ix < 0) { n = INTERPW+ix; dxm -= (float)ix; ix = 0; } else n = INTERPW; if (n>(t=w1-ix)) n=t; *(startt++) = ix; *(nmaskt++) = n; for (x=dxm, i=n; i--; x+=1.0) *(maskt++) = INTERPF(x); } QCALLOC(pix12, float, nx2*ny1); /* Intermediary frame-buffer */ /* Make the interpolation in x (this includes transposition) */ pixin0 = pix1+iys1a*w1; pixout0 = pix12; for (k=ny1; k--; pixin0+=w1, pixout0++) { maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; pixout = pixout0; for (j=nx2; j--; pixout+=ny1) { pixin = pixin0+*(startt++); val = 0.0; for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;) val += *(maskt++)**(pixin++); *pixout = val; } } /* Reallocate interpolant stuff for the y direction */ QREALLOC(mask, float, ny2*INTERPH); /* Interpolation masks */ QREALLOC(nmask, int, ny2); /* Interpolation mask sizes */ QREALLOC(start, int, ny2); /* Int part of Im1 conv starts */ /* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in y */ hmh = INTERPH/2 - 1; y1 = ys1; maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; for (j=ny2; j--; y1+=step2) { iy = (iy1=(int)y1) - hmh; dym = iy1 - y1 - hmh; /* starting point in the interpolation func */ if (iy < 0) { n = INTERPH+iy; dym -= (float)iy; iy = 0; } else n = INTERPH; if (n>(t=ny1-iy)) n=t; *(startt++) = iy; *(nmaskt++) = n; for (y=dym, i=n; i--; y+=1.0) *(maskt++) = INTERPF(y); } /* Make the interpolation in y and transpose once again */ pixin0 = pix12; pixout0 = pix2+ixs2+iys2*w2; for (k=nx2; k--; pixin0+=ny1, pixout0++) { maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; pixout = pixout0; for (j=ny2; j--; pixout+=w2) { pixin = pixin0+*(startt++); val = 0.0; for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;) val += *(maskt++)**(pixin++); *pixout = val; } } /* Free memory */ free(pix12); free(mask); free(nmask); free(start); return RETURN_OK; }