/* scan.c *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: SExtractor * * Author: E.BERTIN (IAP) * * Contents: functions for extraction of connected pixels from * a pixmap. * * Last modify: 28/09/2010 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "back.h" #include "check.h" #include "clean.h" #include "extract.h" #include "filter.h" #include "image.h" #include "plist.h" #include "weight.h" /****************************** scanimage ************************************ PROTO void scanimage(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, picstruct *ffield, picstruct *wfield, picstruct *dwfield) PURPOSE Scan of the large pixmap(s). Main loop and heart of the program. INPUT Measurement field pointer, Detection field pointer, Flag field pointer, Measurement weight-map field pointer, Detection weight-map field pointer, OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 28/09/2010 ***/ void scanimage(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, picstruct **pffield, int nffield, picstruct *wfield, picstruct *dwfield) { static infostruct curpixinfo, *info, *store, initinfo, freeinfo, *victim; picstruct *ffield; checkstruct *check; objliststruct objlist; objstruct *cleanobj; pliststruct *pixel, *pixt; picstruct *cfield, *cdwfield; char *marker, newmarker, *blankpad, *bpt,*bpt0; int co, i,j, flag, luflag,pstop, xl,xl2,yl, cn, nposize, stacksize, w, h, blankh, maxpixnb, varthreshflag, ontotal; short trunflag; PIXTYPE thresh, relthresh, cdnewsymbol, cdvar,cdwthresh,wthresh, *scan,*dscan,*cdscan,*dwscan,*dwscanp,*dwscann, *cdwscan,*cdwscanp,*cdwscann,*wscand, *scant, *wscan,*wscann,*wscanp; FLAGTYPE *pfscan[MAXFLAG]; status cs, ps, *psstack; int *start, *end, ymax; /* Avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ scan = dscan = cdscan = cdwscan = cdwscann = cdwscanp = dwscan = dwscann = dwscanp = wscan = wscann = wscanp = NULL; victim = NULL; /* Avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ blankh = 0; /* Avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ /*----- Beginning of the main loop: Initialisations */ thecat.ntotal = thecat.ndetect = 0; /* cfield is the detection field in any case */ cfield = dfield? dfield:field; /* cdwfield is the detection weight-field if available */ cdwfield = dwfield? dwfield:(prefs.dweight_flag?wfield:NULL); cdwthresh = cdwfield ? cdwfield->weight_thresh : 0.0; if (cdwthresh>BIG*WTHRESH_CONVFAC); cdwthresh = BIG*WTHRESH_CONVFAC; wthresh = wfield? wfield->weight_thresh : 0.0; /* If WEIGHTing and no absolute thresholding, activate threshold scaling */ varthreshflag = (cdwfield && prefs.thresh_type[0]!=THRESH_ABSOLUTE); relthresh = varthreshflag ? prefs.dthresh[0] : 0.0;/* To avoid gcc warnings*/ w = cfield->width; h = cfield->height; objlist.dthresh = cfield->dthresh; objlist.thresh = field->thresh; cfield->yblank = 1; field->y = field->stripy = 0; field->ymin = field->stripylim = 0; field->stripysclim = 0; if (dfield) { dfield->y = dfield->stripy = 0; dfield->ymin = dfield->stripylim = 0; dfield->stripysclim = 0; } if (nffield) for (i=0; iy = ffield->stripy = 0; ffield->ymin = ffield->stripylim = 0; ffield->stripysclim = 0; } if (wfield) { wfield->y = wfield->stripy = 0; wfield->ymin = wfield->stripylim = 0; wfield->stripysclim = 0; } if (dwfield) { dwfield->y = dwfield->stripy = 0; dwfield->ymin = dwfield->stripylim = 0; dwfield->stripysclim = 0; } /*Allocate memory for buffers */ stacksize = w+1; QMALLOC(info, infostruct, stacksize); QCALLOC(store, infostruct, stacksize); QMALLOC(marker, char, stacksize); QMALLOC(dumscan, PIXTYPE, stacksize); QMALLOC(psstack, status, stacksize); QCALLOC(start, int, stacksize); QMALLOC(end, int, stacksize); blankpad = bpt = NULL; lutzalloc(w,h); allocparcelout(); /* Some initializations */ thresh = objlist.dthresh; initinfo.pixnb = 0; initinfo.flag = 0; initinfo.firstpix = initinfo.lastpix = -1; for (xl=0; xlconvh/2+1; QMALLOC(blankpad, char, w*blankh); cfield->yblank -= blankh; if (dfield) field->yblank = cfield->yblank; bpt = blankpad; } } /*----- Here we go */ for (yl=0; yl<=h;) { ps = COMPLETE; cs = NONOBJECT; if (yl==h) { /*---- Need an empty line for Lutz' algorithm to end gracely */ if (prefs.filter_flag) { free(cdscan); if (cdwfield) { if (PLISTEXIST(wflag)) { free(cdwscanp); free(cdwscann); cdwscanp = cdwscan; } else free(cdwscan); } } cdwscan = cdwscann = cdscan = dumscan; } else { if (nffield) for (i=0; istripy==ffield->stripysclim)? (FLAGTYPE *)loadstrip(ffield, (picstruct *)NULL) : &ffield->fstrip[ffield->stripy*ffield->width]; } if (wfield) { /*------ Copy the previous weight line to track bad pixel limits */ wscan = (wfield->stripy==wfield->stripysclim)? (PIXTYPE *)loadstrip(wfield, (picstruct *)NULL) : &wfield->strip[wfield->stripy*wfield->width]; if (PLISTEXIST(wflag)) { if (yl>0) wscanp = &wfield->strip[((yl-1)%wfield->stripheight)*wfield->width]; if (ylstrip[((yl+1)%wfield->stripheight)*wfield->width]; } } scan = (field->stripy==field->stripysclim)? (PIXTYPE *)loadstrip(field, wfield) : &field->strip[field->stripy*field->width]; if (dwfield) { dwscan = (dwfield->stripy==dwfield->stripysclim)? (PIXTYPE *)loadstrip(dwfield, dfield?(picstruct *)NULL:dwfield) : &dwfield->strip[dwfield->stripy*dwfield->width]; if (PLISTEXIST(wflag)) { if (yl>0) dwscanp = &dwfield->strip[((yl-1)%dwfield->stripheight) *dwfield->width]; if (ylstrip[((yl+1)%dwfield->stripheight) *dwfield->width]; } } else { dwscan = wscan; if (PLISTEXIST(wflag)) { dwscanp = wscanp; dwscann = wscann; } } if (dfield) dscan = (dfield->stripy==dfield->stripysclim)? (PIXTYPE *)loadstrip(dfield, dwfield) : &dfield->strip[dfield->stripy*dfield->width]; else dscan = scan; if (prefs.filter_flag) { filter(cfield, cdscan, cfield->y); if (cdwfield) { if (PLISTEXIST(wflag)) { if (yl==0) filter(cdwfield, cdwscann, yl); wscand = cdwscanp; cdwscanp = cdwscan; cdwscan = cdwscann; cdwscann = wscand; if (yl < h-1) filter(cdwfield, cdwscann, yl + 1); } else filter(cdwfield, cdwscan, yl); } } else { cdscan = dscan; cdwscan = dwscan; if (PLISTEXIST(wflag)) { cdwscanp = dwscanp; cdwscann = dwscann; } } if ((check=prefs.check[CHECK_FILTERED])) writecheck(check, cdscan, w); } trunflag = (yl==0 || yl==h-1)? OBJ_TRUNC:0; for (xl=0; xl<=w; xl++) { if (xl == w) cdnewsymbol = -BIG; else cdnewsymbol = cdscan[xl]; newmarker = marker[xl]; marker[xl] = 0; curpixinfo.flag = trunflag; if (varthreshflag) thresh = relthresh*sqrt(cdvar = ((xl==w || yl==h)? 0.0:cdwscan[xl])); luflag = cdnewsymbol > thresh?1:0; if (luflag) { if (xl==0 || xl==w-1) curpixinfo.flag |= OBJ_TRUNC; pixt = pixel + (cn=freeinfo.firstpix); freeinfo.firstpix = PLIST(pixt, nextpix); /*------- Running out of pixels, the largest object becomes a "victim" ------*/ if (freeinfo.firstpix==freeinfo.lastpix) { sprintf(gstr, "%d,%d", xl+1, yl+1); warning("Pixel stack overflow at position ", gstr); maxpixnb = 0; for (i=0; i<=w; i++) if (store[i].pixnb>maxpixnb) if (marker[i]=='S' || (newmarker=='S' && i==xl)) { flag = 0; if (ipixnb; } for (j=1; j<=co; j++) if (info[j].pixnb>maxpixnb) maxpixnb = (victim = &info[j])->pixnb; if (!maxpixnb) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Fatal Error*: something is badly bugged in ", "scanimage()!"); if (maxpixnb <= 1) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Pixel stack overflow in ", "scanimage()"); freeinfo.firstpix = PLIST(pixel+victim->firstpix, nextpix); PLIST(pixel+victim->lastpix, nextpix) = freeinfo.lastpix; PLIST(pixel+(victim->lastpix=victim->firstpix), nextpix) = -1; victim->pixnb = 1; victim->flag |= OBJ_OVERFLOW; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ curpixinfo.lastpix = curpixinfo.firstpix = cn; PLIST(pixt, nextpix) = -1; PLIST(pixt, x) = xl; PLIST(pixt, y) = yl; PLIST(pixt, value) = scan[xl]; if (PLISTEXIST(dvalue)) PLISTPIX(pixt, dvalue) = dscan[xl]; if (PLISTEXIST(cdvalue)) PLISTPIX(pixt, cdvalue) = cdnewsymbol; if (PLISTEXIST(flag)) for (i=0; i= wthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWWEIGHT; if (cdwscan[xl] >= cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (yl>0) { if (cdwscanp[xl] >= cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (xl>0 && cdwscanp[xl-1]>=cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (xl=cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; } if (xl>0 && cdwscan[xl-1]>=cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (xl=cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (yl= cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (xl>0 && cdwscann[xl-1]>=cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; if (xl=cdwthresh) PLISTFLAG(pixt, wflag) |= OBJ_LOWDWEIGHT; } } if (PLISTEXIST(dthresh)) PLISTPIX(pixt, dthresh) = thresh; if (PLISTEXIST(var)) PLISTPIX(pixt, var) = wscan[xl]; if (cs != OBJECT) /*------------------------------- Start Segment -----------------------------*/ { cs = OBJECT; if (ps == OBJECT) { if (start[co] == UNKNOWN) { marker[xl] = 'S'; start[co] = xl; } else marker[xl] = 's'; } else { psstack[pstop++] = ps; marker[xl] = 'S'; start[++co] = xl; ps = COMPLETE; info[co] = initinfo; } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } if (newmarker) /*---------------------------- Process New Marker ---------------------------*/ { if (newmarker == 'S') { psstack[pstop++] = ps; if (cs == NONOBJECT) { psstack[pstop++] = COMPLETE; info[++co] = store[xl]; start[co] = UNKNOWN; } else update (&info[co],&store[xl], pixel); ps = OBJECT; } else if (newmarker == 's') { if ((cs == OBJECT) && (ps == COMPLETE)) { pstop--; xl2 = start[co]; update (&info[co-1],&info[co], pixel); if (start[--co] == UNKNOWN) start[co] = xl2; else marker[xl2] = 's'; } ps = OBJECT; } else if (newmarker == 'f') ps = INCOMPLETE; else if (newmarker == 'F') { ps = psstack[--pstop]; if ((cs == NONOBJECT) && (ps == COMPLETE)) { if (start[co] == UNKNOWN) { if ((int)info[co].pixnb >= prefs.ext_minarea) { sortit(field, dfield, wfield, cdwfield, &info[co], &objlist, cdwscan, wscan); } /* ------------------------------------ free the chain-list */ PLIST(pixel+info[co].lastpix, nextpix) = freeinfo.firstpix; freeinfo.firstpix = info[co].firstpix; } else { marker[end[co]] = 'F'; store[start[co]] = info[co]; } co--; ps = psstack[--pstop]; } } } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (luflag) update (&info[co],&curpixinfo, pixel); else { if (cs == OBJECT) /*-------------------------------- End Segment ------------------------------*/ { cs = NONOBJECT; if (ps != COMPLETE) { marker[xl] = 'f'; end[co] = xl; } else { ps = psstack[--pstop]; marker[xl] = 'F'; store[start[co]] = info[co]; co--; } } } if (prefs.blank_flag && xlyblank >= 0) { scant = &PIX(cfield, 0, cfield->yblank); for (i=w; i--; scant++) if (*(bpt++)) *scant = -BIG; if (dfield) { bpt = bpt0; scant = &PIX(field, 0, cfield->yblank); for (i=w; i--; scant++) if (*(bpt++)) *scant = -BIG; } bpt = bpt0; } } cfield->yblank++; if (dfield) field->yblank = cfield->yblank; } /*-- Prepare markers for the next line */ yl++; field->stripy = (field->y=yl)%field->stripheight; if (dfield) dfield->stripy = (dfield->y=yl)%dfield->stripheight; if (nffield) for (i=0; istripy = (ffield->y=yl)%ffield->stripheight; } if (wfield) wfield->stripy = (wfield->y=yl)%wfield->stripheight; if (dwfield) dwfield->stripy = (dwfield->y=yl)%dwfield->stripheight; /*-- Remove objects close to the ymin limit if ymin is ready to increase */ if (cfield->stripy==cfield->stripysclim) { cleanobj = cleanobjlist->obj+cleanobjlist->nobj-1; ontotal = 0; for (i=cleanobjlist->nobj; i--; cleanobj--) { if (cleanobj->ycmin <= cfield->ymin) { /*-------- Warn if there is a possibility for any aperture to be truncated */ if ((ymax=cleanobj->ycmax) > cfield->ymax) { sprintf(gstr, "Object at position %.0f,%.0f ", cleanobj->mx+1, cleanobj->my+1); QWARNING(gstr, "may have some apertures truncated:\n" " You might want to increase MEMORY_BUFSIZE"); } else if (ymax>cfield->yblank && prefs.blank_flag) { sprintf(gstr, "Object at position %.0f,%.0f ", cleanobj->mx+1, cleanobj->my+1); QWARNING(gstr, "may have some unBLANKed neighbours:\n" " You might want to increase MEMORY_PIXSTACK"); } if ((prefs.prof_flag && !(thecat.ntotal%10) && thecat.ntotal != ontotal) || !(thecat.ntotal%400)) NPRINTF(OUTPUT, "\33[1M> Line:%5d " "Objects: %8d detected / %8d sextracted\n\33[1A", yl>=h? h:yl+1, thecat.ndetect, thecat.ntotal); ontotal = thecat.ntotal; endobject(field, dfield, wfield, cdwfield, i, cleanobjlist); subcleanobj(i); cleanobj = cleanobjlist->obj+i; /* realloc in subcleanobj() */ } } } if ((prefs.prof_flag && !(thecat.ntotal%10)) || !((yl+1)%25)) NPRINTF(OUTPUT, "\33[1M> Line:%5d " "Objects: %8d detected / %8d sextracted\n\33[1A", yl+1, thecat.ndetect, thecat.ntotal); /*--------------------- End of the loop over the y's -----------------------*/ } /* Removal or the remaining pixels */ if (prefs.blank_flag && prefs.filter_flag && (cfield->yblank >= 0)) for (j=blankh-1; j--; yl++) { bpt = bpt0 = blankpad + w*(yl%blankh); scant = &PIX(cfield, 0, cfield->yblank); for (i=w; i--; scant++) if (*(bpt++)) *scant = -BIG; if (dfield) { bpt = bpt0; scant = &PIX(field, 0, cfield->yblank); for (i=w; i--; scant++) if (*(bpt++)) *scant = -BIG; } cfield->yblank++; if (dfield) field->yblank = cfield->yblank; } /* Now that all "detected" pixels have been removed, analyse detections */ ontotal = 0; for (j=cleanobjlist->nobj; j--;) { if ((prefs.prof_flag && !(thecat.ntotal%10) && thecat.ntotal != ontotal) || !(thecat.ntotal%400)) NPRINTF(OUTPUT, "\33[1M> Line:%5d " "Objects: %8d detected / %8d sextracted\n\33[1A", h, thecat.ndetect, thecat.ntotal); ontotal = thecat.ntotal; endobject(field, dfield, wfield, cdwfield, 0, cleanobjlist); subcleanobj(0); } endclean(); /*Free memory */ if (prefs.filter_flag && cdwfield && PLISTEXIST(wflag)) free(cdwscanp); freeparcelout(); free(pixel); lutzfree(); free(info); free(store); free(marker); free(dumscan); free(psstack); free(start); free(end); if (prefs.blank_flag && prefs.filter_flag) free(blankpad); return; } /********************************* update ************************************/ /* update object's properties each time one of its pixels is scanned by lutz() */ void update(infostruct *infoptr1, infostruct *infoptr2, pliststruct *pixel) { infoptr1->pixnb += infoptr2->pixnb; infoptr1->flag |= infoptr2->flag; if (infoptr1->firstpix == -1) { infoptr1->firstpix = infoptr2->firstpix; infoptr1->lastpix = infoptr2->lastpix; } else if (infoptr2->lastpix != -1) { PLIST(pixel+infoptr1->lastpix, nextpix) = infoptr2->firstpix; infoptr1->lastpix = infoptr2->lastpix; } return; } /********************************* sortit ************************************/ /* build the object structure. */ void sortit(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, picstruct *wfield, picstruct *dwfield, infostruct *info, objliststruct *objlist, PIXTYPE *cdwscan, PIXTYPE *wscan) { picstruct *cfield; objliststruct objlistout, *objlist2; static objstruct obj; objstruct *cobj; pliststruct *pixel; int i,j,n; cfield = dfield? dfield: field; pixel = objlist->plist; objlistout.obj = NULL; objlistout.plist = NULL; objlistout.nobj = objlistout.npix = 0; /*----- Allocate memory to store object data */ objlist->obj = &obj; objlist->nobj = 1; memset(&obj, 0, (size_t)sizeof(objstruct)); objlist->npix = info->pixnb; obj.firstpix = info->firstpix; obj.lastpix = info->lastpix; obj.flag = info->flag; obj.dthresh = objlist->dthresh; obj.thresh = objlist->thresh; preanalyse(0, objlist, ANALYSE_FAST); /*----- Check if the current strip contains the lower isophote... */ if ((int)obj.ymin < cfield->ymin) obj.flag |= OBJ_ISO_PB; if (!(obj.flag & OBJ_OVERFLOW) && (createsubmap(objlist, 0) == RETURN_OK)) { if (parcelout(objlist, &objlistout) == RETURN_OK) objlist2 = &objlistout; else { objlist2 = objlist; for (i=0; inobj; i++) objlist2->obj[i].flag |= OBJ_DOVERFLOW; sprintf(gstr, "%.0f,%.0f", obj.mx+1, obj.my+1); warning("Deblending overflow for detection at ", gstr); } free(obj.submap); } else objlist2 = objlist; for (i=0; inobj; i++) { preanalyse(i, objlist2, ANALYSE_FULL|ANALYSE_ROBUST); if (prefs.ext_maxarea && objlist2->obj[i].fdnpix > prefs.ext_maxarea) continue; analyse(field, dfield, i, objlist2); cobj = objlist2->obj + i; if (prefs.blank_flag) { if (createblank(objlist2,i) != RETURN_OK) { /*------ Not enough mem. for the BLANK vignet: flag the object now */ cobj->flag |= OBJ_OVERFLOW; cobj->blank = cobj->dblank = NULL; sprintf(gstr, "%.0f,%.0f", cobj->mx+1, cobj->my+1); warning("Memory overflow during masking for detection at ", gstr); } } if ((n=cleanobjlist->nobj) >= prefs.clean_stacksize) { objstruct *cleanobj; int ymin, ymax, victim=0; ymin = 2000000000; /* No image is expected to be that tall ! */ cleanobj = cleanobjlist->obj; for (j=0; jycmax < ymin) { victim = j; ymin = cleanobj->ycmax; } /*---- Warn if there is a possibility for any aperture to be truncated */ if (field->ymax < field->height) { cleanobj = &cleanobjlist->obj[victim]; if ((ymax=cleanobj->ycmax) > field->ymax) { sprintf(gstr, "Object at position %.0f,%.0f ", cleanobj->mx+1, cleanobj->my+1); QWARNING(gstr, "may have some apertures truncated:\n" " You might want to increase MEMORY_OBJSTACK"); } else if (ymax>field->yblank && prefs.blank_flag) { sprintf(gstr, "Object at position %.0f,%.0f ", cleanobj->mx+1, cleanobj->my+1); QWARNING(gstr, "may have some unBLANKed neighbours\n" " You might want to increase MEMORY_OBJSTACK"); } } endobject(field, dfield, wfield, dwfield, victim, cleanobjlist); subcleanobj(victim); } /* Only add the object if it is not swallowed by cleaning */ if (!prefs.clean_flag || clean(field, dfield, i, objlist2)) addcleanobj(cobj); } free(objlistout.plist); free(objlistout.obj); return; } /******************************** preanalyse ********************************* PROTO void preanalyse(int no, objliststruct *objlist, int analyse_type) PURPOSE Compute basic image parameters from the pixel-list for each detection. INPUT objlist number, objlist pointer, analysis switch flag. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden & ESO) VERSION 28/11/2003 ***/ void preanalyse(int no, objliststruct *objlist, int analyse_type) { objstruct *obj = &objlist->obj[no]; pliststruct *pixel = objlist->plist, *pixt; PIXTYPE peak, cpeak, val, cval, minthresh, thresht; double thresh,thresh2, t1t2,darea, mx,my, mx2,my2,mxy, rv, tv, xm,ym, xm2,ym2,xym, temp,temp2, theta,pmx2,pmy2; int x, y, xmin,xmax, ymin,ymax,area2, fdnpix, dnpix; /*----- initialize stacks and bounds */ thresh = obj->dthresh; if (PLISTEXIST(dthresh)) minthresh = BIG; else minthresh = 0.0; fdnpix = dnpix = 0; rv = 0.0; peak = cpeak = -BIG; ymin = xmin = 2*MAXPICSIZE; /* to be really sure!! */ ymax = xmax = 0; /*----- integrate results */ for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix)) { x = PLIST(pixt, x); y = PLIST(pixt, y); val=PLISTPIX(pixt, dvalue); if (cpeak < (cval=PLISTPIX(pixt, cdvalue))) cpeak = cval; if (PLISTEXIST(dthresh) && (thresht=PLISTPIX(pixt, dthresh)) x) xmin = x; if (xmax < x) xmax = x; if (ymin > y) ymin = y; if (ymax < y) ymax = y; fdnpix++; } if (PLISTEXIST(dthresh)) obj->dthresh = thresh = minthresh; /* copy some data to "obj" structure */ obj->fdnpix = (LONG)fdnpix; obj->fdflux = (float)rv; obj->fdpeak = cpeak; obj->dpeak = peak; obj->xmin = xmin; obj->xmax = xmax; obj->ymin = ymin; obj->ymax = ymax; if (analyse_type & ANALYSE_FULL) { mx = my = tv = 0.0; mx2 = my2 = mxy = 0.0; thresh2 = (thresh + peak)/2.0; area2 = 0; for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix)) { x = PLIST(pixt,x)-xmin; /* avoid roundoff errors on big images */ y = PLIST(pixt,y)-ymin; /* avoid roundoff errors on big images */ cval = PLISTPIX(pixt, cdvalue); tv += (val = PLISTPIX(pixt, dvalue)); if (val>thresh) dnpix++; if (val > thresh2) area2++; mx += cval * x; my += cval * y; mx2 += cval * x*x; my2 += cval * y*y; mxy += cval * x*y; } /*----- compute object's properties */ xm = mx / rv; /* mean x */ ym = my / rv; /* mean y */ /*-- In case of blending, use previous barycenters */ if ((analyse_type&ANALYSE_ROBUST) && (obj->flag&OBJ_MERGED)) { double xn,yn; xn = obj->mx-xmin; yn = obj->my-ymin; xm2 = mx2 / rv + xn*xn - 2*xm*xn; ym2 = my2 / rv + yn*yn - 2*ym*yn; xym = mxy / rv + xn*yn - xm*yn - xn*ym; xm = xn; ym = yn; } else { xm2 = mx2 / rv - xm * xm; /* variance of x */ ym2 = my2 / rv - ym * ym; /* variance of y */ xym = mxy / rv - xm * ym; /* covariance */ } /* Handle fully correlated x/y (which cause a singularity...) */ if ((temp2=xm2*ym2-xym*xym)<0.00694) { xm2 += 0.0833333; ym2 += 0.0833333; temp2 = xm2*ym2-xym*xym; obj->singuflag = 1; } else obj->singuflag = 0; if ((fabs(temp=xm2-ym2)) > 0.0) theta = atan2(2.0 * xym,temp) / 2.0; else theta = PI/4.0; temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+xym*xym); pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(xm2+ym2); pmx2+=temp; pmy2-=temp; obj->dnpix = (obj->flag & OBJ_OVERFLOW)? obj->fdnpix:(LONG)dnpix; obj->dflux = tv; obj->mx = xm+xmin; /* add back xmin */ obj->my = ym+ymin; /* add back ymin */ obj->mx2 = xm2; obj->my2 = ym2; obj->mxy = xym; obj->a = (float)sqrt(pmx2); obj->b = (float)sqrt(pmy2); obj->theta = theta*180.0/PI; obj->cxx = (float)(ym2/temp2); obj->cyy = (float)(xm2/temp2); obj->cxy = (float)(-2*xym/temp2); darea = (double)area2 - dnpix; t1t2 = thresh/thresh2; if (t1t2>0.0 && !prefs.dweight_flag) { obj->abcor = (darea<0.0?darea:-1.0)/(2*PI*log(t1t2<1.0?t1t2:0.99) *obj->a*obj->b); if (obj->abcor>1.0) obj->abcor = 1.0; } else obj->abcor = 1.0; } return; }