/* fft.c *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: A program that uses FFTs * * Author: E.BERTIN (IAP) * * Contents: Routines dealing with float precision FFT. * * Last modify: 26/06/2009 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "fft.h" #include "prefs.h" #ifdef USE_THREADS #include "threads.h" #endif fftwf_plan fplan, bplan; int firsttimeflag; #ifdef USE_THREADS pthread_mutex_t fftmutex; #endif fftwf_complex *fdata1; #define SWAP(a,b) tempr=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=tempr /****** fft_init ************************************************************ PROTO void fft_init(void) PURPOSE Initialize the FFT routines INPUT -. OUTPUT -. NOTES Global preferences are used for multhreading. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 26/06/2009 ***/ void fft_init(int nthreads) { if (!firsttimeflag) { #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT(&fftmutex, NULL); #ifdef HAVE_FFTW_MP if (nthreads > 1) { if (!fftw_init_threads()) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: thread initialization failed in ", "FFTW"); fftwf_plan_with_nthreads(prefs.nthreads); } #endif #endif firsttimeflag = 1; } return; } /****** fft_end ************************************************************ PROTO void fft_init(void) PURPOSE Clear up stuff set by FFT routines INPUT -. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 26/06/2009 ***/ void fft_end(void) { if (firsttimeflag) { firsttimeflag = 0; #ifdef USE_THREADS #ifdef HAVE_FFTW_MP fftwf_cleanup_threads(); #endif QPTHREAD_MUTEX_DESTROY(&fftmutex); #endif fftwf_cleanup(); } return; } /****** fft_reset *********************************************************** PROTO void fft_reset(void) PURPOSE Reset the FFT plans INPUT -. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 26/06/2009 ***/ void fft_reset(void) { if (fplan) { QFFTWFREE(fdata1); fftwf_destroy_plan(fplan); } if (bplan) fftwf_destroy_plan(bplan); fplan = bplan = NULL; return; } /****** fft_conv ************************************************************ PROTO void fft_conv(float *data1, float *fdata2, int *size) PURPOSE Optimized 2-dimensional FFT convolution using the FFTW library. INPUT ptr to the first image, ptr to the Fourier transform of the second image, image size vector. OUTPUT -. NOTES For data1 and fdata2, memory must be allocated for size[0]* ... * 2*(size[naxis-1]/2+1) floats (padding required). AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 26/03/2007 ***/ void fft_conv(float *data1, float *fdata2, int *size) { float *fdata1p,*fdata2p, real,imag, fac; int i, npix,npix2; /* Convert axis indexing to that of FFTW */ npix = size[0]*size[1]; npix2 = (((size[0]/2) + 1)*2) * size[1]; /* Forward FFT "in place" for data1 */ #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(&fftmutex); #endif if (!fplan) { QFFTWMALLOC(fdata1, fftwf_complex, npix2); fplan = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(size[1], size[0], data1, (fftwf_complex *)fdata1, FFTW_MEASURE|FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT); } #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&fftmutex); #endif fftwf_execute_dft_r2c(fplan, data1, fdata1); // fftwf_execute(plan); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(&fftmutex); #endif // fftwf_destroy_plan(plan); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&fftmutex); #endif /* Actual convolution (Fourier product) */ fac = 1.0/npix; fdata1p = fdata1; fdata2p = fdata2; for (i=npix2/2; i--; fdata2p+=2) { real = *fdata1p **fdata2p - *(fdata1p+1)**(fdata2p+1); imag = *(fdata1p+1)**fdata2p + *fdata1p**(fdata2p+1); *(fdata1p++) = fac*real; *(fdata1p++) = fac*imag; } /* Reverse FFT */ #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(&fftmutex); #endif if (!bplan) bplan = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d(size[1], size[0], (fftwf_complex *)fdata1, data1, FFTW_MEASURE|FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&fftmutex); #endif fftwf_execute_dft_c2r(bplan, fdata1, data1); // fftwf_execute(plan); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(&fftmutex); #endif // fftwf_destroy_plan(plan); /* Free the fdata1 scratch array */ #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&fftmutex); #endif return; } /****** fft_rtf ************************************************************ PROTO float *fft_rtf(float *data, int *size) PURPOSE Optimized 2-dimensional FFT "in place" using the FFTW library. INPUT ptr to the image, ptr to image size vector. OUTPUT Pointer to the compressed, memory-allocated Fourier transform. NOTES Input data may end up corrupted. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 26/03/2007 ***/ float *fft_rtf(float *data, int *size) { fftwf_plan plan; fftwf_complex *fdata; int npix2; /* Convert axis indexing to that of FFTW */ npix2 = ((size[0]/2) + 1) * size[1]; /* Forward FFT "in place" for data1 */ #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(&fftmutex); #endif QFFTWMALLOC(fdata, fftwf_complex, npix2); plan = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d(size[1], size[0], data, fdata, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&fftmutex); #endif fftwf_execute(plan); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK(&fftmutex); #endif fftwf_destroy_plan(plan); #ifdef USE_THREADS QPTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&fftmutex); #endif return (float *)fdata; }