/* * clean.c * * Remove spurious detections from the catalogue. * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: SExtractor * * Copyright: (C) 1993-2020 IAP/CNRS/SorbonneU * * License: GNU General Public License * * SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SExtractor. If not, see . * * Last modified: 15/07/2020 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "check.h" #include "clean.h" #include "flag.h" #include "image.h" /*------------------------------- variables ---------------------------------*/ static LONG *cleanvictim; objliststruct *cleanobjlist; /******************************* initclean ********************************** PROTO void initclean(void) PURPOSE Initialize things for CLEANing. INPUT -. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden & ESO) VERSION 03/07/97 ***/ void initclean(void) { if (prefs.clean_flag) QMALLOC(cleanvictim, LONG, prefs.clean_stacksize); QMALLOC(cleanobjlist, objliststruct, 1); cleanobjlist->obj = NULL; cleanobjlist->plist = NULL; cleanobjlist->nobj = cleanobjlist->npix = 0; return; } /******************************** endclean ********************************** PROTO void endclean(void) PURPOSE End things related to CLEANing. INPUT -. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden & ESO) VERSION 03/07/97 ***/ void endclean(void) { if (prefs.clean_flag) free(cleanvictim); free(cleanobjlist); return; } /********************************** clean *********************************** PROTO int clean(int objnb, objliststruct *objlistin) PURPOSE Remove object from frame -buffer and put it in the "CLEANlist". INPUT Object number, Object list (source). OUTPUT 0 if the object was CLEANed, 1 otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP, Leiden & ESO) VERSION 08/02/2001 ***/ int clean(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, int objnb, objliststruct *objlistin) { objstruct *objin, *obj; int i,j,k; double amp,ampin,alpha,alphain, unitarea,unitareain,beta,val; float dx,dy,rlim; objin = objlistin->obj+objnb; beta = prefs.clean_param; unitareain = PI*objin->a*objin->b; ampin = objin->fdflux/(2*unitareain*objin->abcor); alphain = (pow(ampin/objin->dthresh, 1.0/beta)-1)*unitareain/objin->fdnpix; j=0; obj = cleanobjlist->obj; for (i=0; inobj; i++, obj++) { dx = objin->mx - obj->mx; dy = objin->my - obj->my; rlim = objin->a+obj->a; rlim *= rlim; if (dx*dx+dy*dyfdflux < objin->fdflux) { val = 1+alphain*(objin->cxx*dx*dx+objin->cyy*dy*dy+objin->cxy*dx*dy); if (val>1.0 && ((float)(val<1e10?ampin*pow(val,-beta) : 0.0) > obj->mthresh)) /*------- the newcomer puts that object in its menu! */ cleanvictim[j++] = i; } else { unitarea = PI*obj->a*obj->b; amp = obj->fdflux/(2*unitarea*obj->abcor); alpha = (pow(amp/obj->dthresh, 1.0/beta) - 1)*unitarea/obj->fdnpix; val = 1+alpha*(obj->cxx*dx*dx+obj->cyy*dy*dy+obj->cxy*dx*dy); if (val>1.0 && ((float)(val<1e10?amp*pow(val,-beta) : 0.0) > objin->mthresh)) { /*------- the newcomer is eaten!! */ mergeobject(objin, obj); if (prefs.blank_flag) { /*---------- Paste back ``CLEANed'' object pixels before forgetting them */ if (objin->blank) { pasteimage(field, objin->blank, objin->subw, objin->subh, objin->subx, objin->suby); free(objin->blank); } if (objin->dblank) { pasteimage(dfield, objin->dblank, objin->subw, objin->subh, objin->subx, objin->suby); free(objin->dblank); } } return 0; } } } } /* the newcomer eats the content of the menu */ for (i=j; i--;) { k = cleanvictim[i]; obj = cleanobjlist->obj + k; mergeobject(obj, objin); if (prefs.blank_flag) { /*---- Paste back ``CLEANed'' object pixels before forgetting them */ if (obj->blank) { pasteimage(field, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh, obj->subx, obj->suby); free(obj->blank); } if (obj->dblank) { pasteimage(dfield, obj->dblank, obj->subw, obj->subh, obj->subx, obj->suby); free(obj->dblank); } } subcleanobj(k); } return 1; } /******************************* addcleanobj ********************************/ /* Add an object to the "cleanobjlist". */ void addcleanobj(objstruct *objin) { int margin, y; float hh1,hh2; /*Update the object list */ if (cleanobjlist->nobj) { if (!(cleanobjlist->obj = (objstruct *)realloc(cleanobjlist->obj, (++cleanobjlist->nobj) * sizeof(objstruct)))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough memory for ", "CLEANing"); } else { if (!(cleanobjlist->obj = (objstruct *)malloc((++cleanobjlist->nobj) * sizeof(objstruct)))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough memory for ", "CLEANing"); } /* Compute the max. vertical extent of the object: */ /* First from 2nd order moments, compute y-limit of the 3-sigma ellips... */ hh1 = objin->cyy - objin->cxy*objin->cxy/(4.0*objin->cxx); hh1 = hh1 > 0.0 ? 1/sqrt(3*hh1) : 0.0; /* ... then from the isophotal limit, which should not be TOO different... */ hh2 = (objin->ymax-objin->ymin+1.0); margin = (int)((hh1>hh2?hh1:hh2)*MARGIN_SCALE+MARGIN_OFFSET+0.49999); objin->ycmax = objin->ymax+margin; /* ... and finally compare with the predefined margin */ if ((y=(int)(objin->my+0.49999)+prefs.cleanmargin)>objin->ycmax) objin->ycmax = y; objin->ycmin = objin->ymin-margin; if ((y=(int)(objin->my+0.49999)-prefs.cleanmargin)ycmin) objin->ycmin = y; cleanobjlist->obj[cleanobjlist->nobj-1] = *objin; return; } /******************************** mergeobject *******************************/ /* Merge twos objects from "objlist". */ void mergeobject(objstruct *objslave,objstruct *objmaster) { checkstruct *check; if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SEGMENTATION])) { ULONG *pix; ULONG colorslave = objslave->number, colormaster = objmaster->number; int dx,dx0,dy,dpix; pix = (ULONG *)check->pix+check->width*objslave->ymin + objslave->xmin; dx0 = objslave->xmax-objslave->xmin+1; dpix = check->width-dx0; for (dy=objslave->ymax-objslave->ymin+1; dy--; pix += dpix) for (dx=dx0; dx--; pix++) if (*pix==colorslave) *pix = colormaster; } objmaster->fdnpix += objslave->fdnpix; objmaster->dnpix += objslave->dnpix; objmaster->fdflux += objslave->fdflux; objmaster->dflux += objslave->dflux; objmaster->flux += objslave->flux; objmaster->fluxerr += objslave->fluxerr; if (objslave->fdpeak>objmaster->fdpeak) { objmaster->fdpeak = objslave->fdpeak; objmaster->peakx = objslave->peakx; objmaster->peaky = objslave->peaky; } if (objslave->dpeak>objmaster->dpeak) objmaster->dpeak = objslave->dpeak; if (objslave->peak>objmaster->peak) objmaster->peak = objslave->peak; if (objslave->xminxmin) objmaster->xmin = objslave->xmin; if (objslave->xmax>objmaster->xmax) objmaster->xmax = objslave->xmax; if (objslave->yminymin) objmaster->ymin = objslave->ymin; if (objslave->ymax>objmaster->ymax) objmaster->ymax = objslave->ymax; objmaster->flag |= (objslave->flag & (~(OBJ_MERGED|OBJ_CROWDED))); mergeflags(objmaster, objslave); return; } /******************************* subcleanobj ********************************/ /* remove an object from a "cleanobjlist". */ void subcleanobj(int objnb) { /* Update the object list */ if (objnb>=cleanobjlist->nobj) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: no CLEAN object to remove ", "in subcleanobj()"); if (--cleanobjlist->nobj) { if (cleanobjlist->nobj != objnb) cleanobjlist->obj[objnb] = cleanobjlist->obj[cleanobjlist->nobj]; if (!(cleanobjlist->obj = (objstruct *)realloc(cleanobjlist->obj, cleanobjlist->nobj * sizeof(objstruct)))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough memory for ", "CLEANing"); } else free(cleanobjlist->obj); return; }