* analyse.c
* Do measurements on detections.
* This file part of: SExtractor
* Copyright: (C) 1993-2015 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP/CNRS/UPMC
* License: GNU General Public License
* SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with SExtractor. If not, see .
* Last modified: 02/12/2015
#include "config.h"
#include "define.h"
#include "key.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "prefs.h"
#include "fits/fitscat.h"
#include "back.h"
#include "dgeo.h"
#include "check.h"
#include "assoc.h"
#include "astrom.h"
#include "plist.h"
#include "flag.h"
#include "growth.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "photom.h"
#include "psf.h"
#include "profit.h"
#include "retina.h"
#include "som.h"
#include "weight.h"
#include "winpos.h"
static obj2struct *obj2 = &outobj2;
extern profitstruct *theprofit,*thedprofit;
/********************************* analyse ***********************************/
void analyse(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, int objnb,
objliststruct *objlist)
objstruct *obj = objlist->obj+objnb;
/* Do photometry on the detection image if no other image available */
obj->number = ++thecat.ndetect;
obj->bkg = (float)back(field, (int)(obj->mx+0.5), (int)(obj->my+0.5));
obj->dbkg = 0.0;
if (prefs.pback_type == LOCAL)
localback(field, obj);
obj->sigbkg = field->backsig;
obj->dsigbkg = dfield? dfield->backsig : field->backsig;
examineiso(field, dfield, obj, objlist->plist);
/* Put here your calls to custom functions related to isophotal measurements.
/***************************** examineiso ********************************/
compute some isophotal parameters IN THE MEASUREMENT image.
void examineiso(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, objstruct *obj,
pliststruct *pixel)
checkstruct *check;
pliststruct *pixt;
int i,j,k,h, photoflag,area,errflag, cleanflag,
pospeakflag, minarea, gainflag;
double tv,sigtv, ngamma,
esum, emx2,emy2,emxy, err,gain,backnoise2,dbacknoise2,
xm,ym, x,y,var,var2, threshfac;
float *heap,*heapt,*heapj,*heapk, swap;
PIXTYPE pix, cdpix, tpix, peak,cdpeak, thresh,dthresh,minthresh;
static PIXTYPE threshs[NISO];
if (!dfield)
dfield = field;
/* Prepare computation of positional error */
esum = emx2 = emy2 = emxy = 0.0;
if ((errflag=FLAG(obj.poserr_mx2)))
dbacknoise2 = dfield->backsig*dfield->backsig;
xm = obj->mx;
ym = obj->my;
xm = ym = dbacknoise2 = 0.0; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
pospeakflag = FLAG(obj.peakx);
gain = field->gain;
ngamma = field->ngamma;
photoflag = (prefs.detect_type==PHOTO);
gainflag = PLISTEXIST(var) && prefs.weightgain_flag;
h = minarea = prefs.ext_minarea;
/* Prepare selection of the heap selection for CLEANing */
if ((cleanflag = prefs.clean_flag))
if (obj->fdnpix < minarea)
obj->mthresh = 0.0;
cleanflag = 0;
heapt = heap = NULL; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
QMALLOC(heap, float, minarea);
heapt = heap;
obj->mthresh = 0.0;
heapt = heap = NULL; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
/* Measure essential isophotal parameters in the measurement image... */
tv = sigtv = 0.0;
var = backnoise2 = field->backsig*field->backsig;
peak = -BIG;
cdpeak = -BIG;
thresh = field->thresh;
minthresh = (PLISTEXIST(var))? BIG : thresh;
threshfac = field->backsig > 0.0 ? field->thresh / field->backsig : 1.0;
dthresh = dfield->dthresh;
area = 0;
for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
pix = PLIST(pixt,value);
if (pix>peak)
peak = pix;
if (pospeakflag && cdpix>cdpeak)
obj->peakx = PLIST(pixt,x) + 1;
obj->peaky = PLIST(pixt,y) + 1;
if (PLISTEXIST(var))
var = PLISTPIX(pixt, var);
thresh = threshfac*sqrt(var);
if (thresh < minthresh)
minthresh = thresh;
if (photoflag)
pix = exp(pix/ngamma);
var2 = pix*pix*var;
var2 = var;
if (gainflag && pix>0.0 && gain>0.0)
var2 += pix/gain*var/backnoise2;
sigtv += var2;
if (pix>thresh)
tv += pix;
if (errflag)
err = dbacknoise2;
if (gain>0.0 && cdpix>0.0)
err += cdpix/gain;
x = PLIST(pixt,x) - xm;
y = PLIST(pixt,y) - ym;
if PLISTEXIST(dgeo) {
x -= PLISTPIX(pixt, dgeox);
y -= PLISTPIX(pixt, dgeoy);
esum += err;
emx2 += err*x*x;
emy2 += err*y*y;
emxy += err*x*y;
/*-- Find the minareath pixel in decreasing intensity for CLEANing */
if (cleanflag)
tpix = PLISTPIX(pixt, cdvalue) - (PLISTEXIST(dthresh)?
PLISTPIX(pixt, dthresh):dthresh);
if (h>0)
*(heapt++) = (float)tpix;
else if (h)
if ((float)tpix>*heap)
*heap = (float)tpix;
for (j=0; (k=(j+1)<<1)<=minarea; j=k)
heapk = heap+k;
heapj = heap+j;
if (k != minarea && *(heapk-1) > *heapk)
if (*heapj <= *(--heapk))
swap = *heapk;
*heapk = *heapj;
*heapj = swap;
fqmedian(heap, minarea);
/* Flagging from the flag-map */
if (PLISTEXIST(flag))
getflags(obj, pixel);
/* Flag and count pixels with a low weight */
if (PLISTEXIST(wflag))
weight_count(obj, pixel);
if (cleanflag)
obj->mthresh = *heap;
if (errflag)
double flux2;
flux2 = obj->fdflux*obj->fdflux;
/*-- Estimation of the error ellipse moments: we re-use previous variables */
emx2 /= flux2; /* variance of xm */
emy2 /= flux2; /* variance of ym */
emxy /= flux2; /* covariance */
/*-- Handle fully correlated profile
s (which cause a singularity...) */
esum *= 0.08333/flux2;
if (obj->singuflag && (emx2*emy2-emxy*emxy) < esum*esum)
emx2 += esum;
emy2 += esum;
obj->poserr_mx2 = emx2;
obj->poserr_my2 = emy2;
obj->poserr_mxy = emxy;
if (photoflag)
tv = ngamma*(tv-obj->fdnpix*exp(obj->dbkg/ngamma));
sigtv /= ngamma*ngamma;
tv -= obj->fdnpix*obj->dbkg;
if (!gainflag && gain > 0.0 && tv>0.0)
sigtv += tv/gain;
obj->npix = area;
obj->flux = tv;
obj->fluxerr = sigtv;
obj->peak = peak;
obj->thresh = minthresh - obj->dbkg;
obj->peak -= obj->dbkg;
/* Initialize isophotal thresholds so as to sample optimally the full profile*/
if (FLAG(obj.iso[0]))
int *iso;
PIXTYPE *thresht;
memset(obj->iso, 0, NISO*sizeof(int));
if (prefs.detect_type == PHOTO)
for (i=0; ithresh + (obj->peak-obj->thresh)*i/NISO;
if (obj->peak>0.0 && obj->thresh>0.0)
for (i=0; ithresh*pow(obj->peak/obj->thresh, (double)i/NISO);
for (i=0; ifirstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
for (i=NISO,iso=obj->iso,thresht=threshs;
i-- && PLIST(pixt,value)>*(thresht++);)
/* Put objects in "segmentation check-image" */
if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SEGMENTATION]))
for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
((ULONG *)check->pix)[check->width*PLIST(pixt,y)+PLIST(pixt,x)]
= (ULONG)obj->number;
if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_OBJECTS]))
for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix; pixt>=pixel; pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
((PIXTYPE *)check->pix)[check->width*PLIST(pixt,y)+PLIST(pixt,x)]
= PLIST(pixt,value);
/* Compute the FWHM of the object */
if (FLAG(obj.fwhm))
PIXTYPE thresh0;
thresh0 = obj->peak/5.0;
if (thresh0thresh)
thresh0 = obj->thresh;
if (thresh0>0.0)
double mx,my, s,sx,sy,sxx,sxy, dx,dy,d2, lpix,pix, b, inverr2, sat,
dbkg, d, bmax;
mx = obj->mx;
my = obj->my;
dbkg = obj->dbkg;
sat = (double)(field->satur_level - obj->bkg);
s = sx = sy = sxx = sxy = 0.0;
for (pixt=pixel+obj->firstpix;pixt>=pixel;pixt=pixel+PLIST(pixt,nextpix))
pix = PLIST(pixt,value)-dbkg;
if (pix>thresh0 && pix0.0)
b = -(s*sxy-sx*sy)/d;
if (b<(bmax = 1/(13*obj->a*obj->b))) /* to have FWHM # 6 sigma */
b = bmax;
obj->fwhm = (float)(1.6651/sqrt(b));
/*----- correction for undersampling effects (established from simulations) */
if (obj->fwhm>0.0)
obj->fwhm -= 1/(4*obj->fwhm);
obj->fwhm = 0.0;
obj->fwhm = 0.0;
/******************************* endobject **********************************/
Final processing of object data, just before saving it to the catalog.
void endobject(picstruct *field, picstruct *dfield, picstruct *wfield,
picstruct *dwfield, picstruct *dgeofield,
int n, objliststruct *objlist)
objstruct *obj;
checkstruct *check;
double rawpos[NAXIS],
int i,j, ix,iy,selecflag, newnumber,nsub;
if (prefs.psf_flag)
thepsf->build_flag = 0; /* Reset PSF building flag */
if (prefs.dpsf_flag)
thedpsf->build_flag = 0; /* Reset PSF building flag */
if (FLAG(obj2.analtime))
analtime1 = counter_seconds();
analtime1 = 0.0; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
obj = &objlist->obj[n];
/* Current FITS extension */
obj2->ext_number = thecat.currext;
/* Source position */
obj2->sposx = (float)(obj2->posx = obj->mx+1.0); /* That's standard FITS */
obj2->sposy = (float)(obj2->posy = obj->my+1.0);
obj2->pos_dgeox = obj->dmx;
obj2->pos_dgeoy = obj->dmy;
/* Integer coordinates */
/* Association */
if (prefs.assoc_flag)
obj2->assoc_number = do_assoc(field, obj2->posx, obj2->posy);
if (prefs.assoc_flag && prefs.assocselec_type!=ASSOCSELEC_ALL)
selecflag = (prefs.assocselec_type==ASSOCSELEC_MATCHED)?
selecflag = 1;
if (selecflag)
/*-- Paste back to the image the object's pixels if BLANKing is on */
if (prefs.blank_flag)
pasteimage(field, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
obj->subx, obj->suby);
if (obj->dblank)
pasteimage(dfield, obj->dblank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
obj->subx, obj->suby);
/*------------------------- Error ellipse parameters ------------------------*/
if (FLAG(obj2.poserr_a))
double pmx2,pmy2,temp,theta;
if (fabs(temp=obj->poserr_mx2-obj->poserr_my2) > 0.0)
theta = atan2(2.0 * obj->poserr_mxy,temp) / 2.0;
theta = PI/4.0;
temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+obj->poserr_mxy*obj->poserr_mxy);
pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(obj->poserr_mx2+obj->poserr_my2);
obj2->poserr_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2);
obj2->poserr_b = (float)sqrt(pmy2);
obj2->poserr_theta = theta*180.0/PI;
if (FLAG(obj2.poserr_cxx))
double xm2,ym2, xym, temp;
xm2 = obj->poserr_mx2;
ym2 = obj->poserr_my2;
xym = obj->poserr_mxy;
obj2->poserr_cxx = (float)(ym2/(temp=xm2*ym2-xym*xym));
obj2->poserr_cyy = (float)(xm2/temp);
obj2->poserr_cxy = (float)(-2*xym/temp);
/* ---- Aspect ratio */
if (FLAG(obj2.elong))
obj2->elong = obj->a/obj->b;
if (FLAG(obj2.ellip))
obj2->ellip = 1-obj->b/obj->a;
if (FLAG(obj2.polar))
obj2->polar = (obj->a*obj->a - obj->b*obj->b)
/ (obj->a*obj->a + obj->b*obj->b);
/*-- Express positions in FOCAL or WORLD coordinates */
if (FLAG(obj2.mxf) || FLAG(obj2.mxw))
astrom_pos(field, obj);
obj2->pixscale2 = 0.0; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */
if (FLAG(obj2.mx2w)
|| FLAG(obj2.win_mx2w)
|| FLAG(obj2.poserr_mx2w)
|| FLAG(obj2.winposerr_mx2w)
|| FLAG(obj2.poserrmx2w_psf)
|| FLAG(obj2.poserrmx2w_prof)
|| FLAG(obj2.prof_flagw)
|| ((!prefs.pixel_scale) && FLAG(obj2.area_flagw))
|| ((!prefs.pixel_scale) && FLAG(obj2.fwhmw_psf)))
rawpos[0] = obj2->posx;
rawpos[1] = obj2->posy;
obj2->pixscale2 = wcs_jacobian(field->wcs, rawpos, obj2->jacob);
/*-- Express shape parameters in the FOCAL or WORLD frame */
if (FLAG(obj2.mx2w))
astrom_shapeparam(field, obj);
/*-- Express position error parameters in the FOCAL or WORLD frame */
if (FLAG(obj2.poserr_mx2w))
astrom_errparam(field, obj);
if (FLAG(obj2.npixw))
obj2->npixw = obj->npix * (prefs.pixel_scale?
field->pixscale/3600.0*field->pixscale/3600.0 : obj2->pixscale2);
if (FLAG(obj2.fdnpixw))
obj2->fdnpixw = obj->fdnpix * (prefs.pixel_scale?
field->pixscale/3600.0*field->pixscale/3600.0 : obj2->pixscale2);
if (FLAG(obj2.fwhmw))
obj2->fwhmw = obj->fwhm * (prefs.pixel_scale?
field->pixscale/3600.0 : sqrt(obj2->pixscale2));
/*------------------------------- Photometry -------------------------------*/
/*-- Convert the father of photom. error estimates from variance to RMS */
obj2->flux_iso = obj->flux;
obj2->fluxerr_iso = sqrt(obj->fluxerr);
if (FLAG(obj2.flux_isocor))
computeisocorflux(field, obj);
if (FLAG(obj2.flux_aper))
for (i=0; ipeak+obj->bkg >= field->satur_level)
obj->flag |= OBJ_SATUR;
/*-- Express positions in FOCAL or WORLD coordinates */
if (FLAG(obj2.peakxf) || FLAG(obj2.peakxw))
astrom_peakpos(field, obj);
/*-- Check-image CHECK_APERTURES option */
if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_APERTURES]))
if (FLAG(obj2.flux_aper))
for (i=0; ipix, check->width, check->height,
obj->mx, obj->my, prefs.apert[i]/2.0, check->overlay);
if (FLAG(obj2.flux_auto))
sexellips(check->pix, check->width, check->height,
obj->mx, obj->my, obj->a*obj2->kronfactor,
obj->b*obj2->kronfactor, obj->theta,
check->overlay, obj->flag&OBJ_CROWDED);
if (FLAG(obj2.flux_petro))
sexellips(check->pix, check->width, check->height,
obj->mx, obj->my, obj->a*obj2->petrofactor,
obj->b*obj2->petrofactor, obj->theta,
check->overlay, obj->flag&OBJ_CROWDED);
/* ---------------------- Star/Galaxy classification -----------------------*/
if (FLAG(obj2.fwhm_psf) || (FLAG(obj2.sprob) && prefs.seeing_fwhm==0.0))
obj2->fwhm_psf = (prefs.seeing_fwhm==0.0)?
: prefs.seeing_fwhm;
if (FLAG(obj2.fwhmw_psf))
obj2->fwhmw_psf = obj2->fwhm_psf * (prefs.pixel_scale?
field->pixscale/3600.0 : sqrt(obj2->pixscale2));
if (FLAG(obj2.sprob))
double fac2, input[10], output, fwhm;
fwhm = (prefs.seeing_fwhm==0.0)? obj2->fwhm_psf : prefs.seeing_fwhm;
fac2 = fwhm/field->pixscale;
fac2 *= fac2;
input[j=0] = log10(obj->iso[0]? obj->iso[0]/fac2: 0.01);
input[++j] = field->thresh>0.0?
log10(obj->peak>0.0? obj->peak/field->thresh: 0.1)
for (i=1; iiso[i]? obj->iso[i]/fac2: 0.01);
input[++j] = log10(fwhm);
neurresp(input, &output);
obj2->sprob = (float)output;
/*-- Put here your calls to "BLIND" custom functions. Ex:
newnumber = ++thecat.ntotal;
/*-- update segmentation map */
if ((check=prefs.check[CHECK_SEGMENTATION]))
ULONG *pix;
ULONG newsnumber = newnumber,
oldsnumber = obj->number;
int dx,dx0,dy,dpix;
pix = (ULONG *)check->pix + check->width*obj->ymin + obj->xmin;
dx0 = obj->xmax-obj->xmin+1;
dpix = check->width-dx0;
for (dy=obj->ymax-obj->ymin+1; dy--; pix += dpix)
for (dx=dx0; dx--; pix++)
if (*pix==oldsnumber)
*pix = newsnumber;
obj->number = newnumber;
/*-- SOM fitting */
if (prefs.somfit_flag)
float *input;
input = thesom->input;
if (thesom->nextrainput)
input += thesom->ninput-thesom->nextrainput;
*(input) = (obj->mx+1)/field->width;
*(input+1) = (obj->my+1)/field->height;
som_phot(thesom, obj->bkg, field->backsig,
(float)field->gain, obj->mx-ix, obj->my-iy,
FLAG(obj2.vector_somfit)?outobj2.vector_somfit:NULL, -1.0);
obj2->stderr_somfit = thesom->stderror;
obj2->flux_somfit = thesom->amp;
outobj2.fluxerr_somfit = thesom->sigamp;
if (FLAG(obj2.vignet))
if (FLAG(obj2.vigshift))
copyimage_center(field, outobj2.vigshift, prefs.vigshiftsize[0],
prefs.vigshiftsize[1], obj->mx, obj->my);
if (dgeofield) {
if (FLAG(obj2.vignet_dgeox) && FLAG(obj2.vignet_dgeoy)
&& prefs.vignet_dgeoxsize[0] == prefs.vignet_dgeoysize[0]
&& prefs.vignet_dgeoxsize[1] == prefs.vignet_dgeoysize[1])
dgeo_copy(dgeofield, outobj2.vignet_dgeox , outobj2.vignet_dgeoy,
prefs.vignet_dgeoxsize[0],prefs.vignet_dgeoxsize[1], ix,iy);
else {
if (FLAG(obj2.vignet_dgeox))
dgeo_copy(dgeofield, outobj2.vignet_dgeox, NULL,
prefs.vignet_dgeoxsize[0],prefs.vignet_dgeoxsize[1], ix,iy);
if (FLAG(obj2.vignet_dgeoy))
dgeo_copy(dgeofield, NULL, outobj2.vignet_dgeoy,
prefs.vignet_dgeoysize[0],prefs.vignet_dgeoysize[1], ix,iy);
/*----- Pre-compute mags in case they are needed for PSF dependency */
if ((prefs.psffit_flag || prefs.prof_flag) && thepsf->mag_flag)
computemags(field, obj);
/*------------------------------- PSF fitting ------------------------------*/
nsub = 1;
if (prefs.psffit_flag)
if (prefs.dpsffit_flag)
double_psf_fit(thepsf, field, wfield, obj, thedpsf, dfield, dwfield);
psf_fit(thepsf, field, wfield, obj);
obj2->npsf = thepsfit->npsf;
nsub = thepsfit->npsf;
if (nsub<1)
nsub = 1;
/*----------------------------- Profile fitting -----------------------------*/
#ifdef USE_MODEL
if (prefs.prof_flag)
profit_fit(theprofit, field, wfield, dgeofield, obj, obj2);
/*---- Express positions in FOCAL or WORLD coordinates */
if (FLAG(obj2.xf_prof) || FLAG(obj2.xw_prof))
astrom_profpos(field, obj);
/*---- Express shape parameters in the FOCAL or WORLD frame */
if (FLAG(obj2.prof_flagw))
astrom_profshapeparam(field, obj);
/*---- Express position error parameters in the FOCAL or WORLD frame */
if (FLAG(obj2.poserrmx2w_prof))
astrom_proferrparam(field, obj);
if (prefs.dprof_flag)
profit_dfit(theprofit, thedprofit, field, dfield, wfield, dwfield, obj,
/*--- Express everything in magnitude units */
computemags(field, obj);
/*-------------------------------- Astrometry ------------------------------*/
/*-- Edit min and max coordinates to follow the FITS conventions */
obj->xmin += 1;
obj->ymin += 1;
obj->xmax += 1;
obj->ymax += 1;
/*-- Go through each newly identified component */
for (j=0; jx_psf = thepsfit->x[j];
obj2->y_psf = thepsfit->y[j];
if (FLAG(obj2.xf_psf) || FLAG(obj2.xw_psf))
astrom_psfpos(field, obj);
/*------ Express position error parameters in the FOCAL or WORLD frame */
if (FLAG(obj2.poserrmx2w_psf))
astrom_psferrparam(field, obj);
if (FLAG(obj2.flux_psf))
obj2->flux_psf = thepsfit->flux[j]>0.0? thepsfit->flux[j]:0.0; /*?*/
if (FLAG(obj2.mag_psf))
obj2->mag_psf = thepsfit->flux[j]>0.0?
prefs.mag_zeropoint -2.5*log10(thepsfit->flux[j]) : 99.0;
if (FLAG(obj2.fluxerr_psf))
obj2->fluxerr_psf= thepsfit->fluxerr[j];
if (FLAG(obj2.magerr_psf))
obj2->magerr_psf =
(thepsfit->flux[j]>0.0 && thepsfit->fluxerr[j]>0.0) ? /*?*/
1.086*thepsfit->fluxerr[j]/thepsfit->flux[j] : 99.0;
if (j)
obj->number = ++thecat.ntotal;
if (FLAG(obj2.analtime) && !j)
obj2->analtime = (float)(counter_seconds() - analtime1);
FPRINTF(OUTPUT, "%8d %6.1f %6.1f %5.1f %5.1f %12g "
obj->number, obj->mx+1.0, obj->my+1.0,
obj->a, obj->b,
writecat(n, objlist);
/*-- Treatment of discarded detections */
/*-- update segmentation map */
if ((check=prefs.check[CHECK_SEGMENTATION]))
ULONG *pix;
ULONG oldsnumber = obj->number;
int dx,dx0,dy,dpix;
pix = (ULONG *)check->pix + check->width*obj->ymin + obj->xmin;
dx0 = obj->xmax-obj->xmin+1;
dpix = check->width-dx0;
for (dy=obj->ymax-obj->ymin+1; dy--; pix += dpix)
for (dx=dx0; dx--; pix++)
if (*pix==oldsnumber)
*pix = 0;
/* Remove again from the image the object's pixels if BLANKing is on ... */
/*-- ... and free memory */
if (prefs.blank_flag && obj->blank)
if (selecflag)
if (prefs.somfit_flag && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_MAPSOM]))
blankcheck(check, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
obj->subx, obj->suby, (PIXTYPE)*(obj2->vector_somfit));
blankimage(field, obj->blank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
obj->subx, obj->suby, -BIG);
if (obj->dblank)
blankimage(dfield, obj->dblank, obj->subw, obj->subh,
obj->subx, obj->suby, -BIG);
/* Clean (zero) all measurements */