/* assoc.c *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: SExtractor * * Author: E.BERTIN (IAP) * * Contents: Routines for catalog-associations. * * Last modify: 26/11/2003 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "assoc.h" /********************************* comp_assoc ********************************/ /* Comparison function for sort_assoc(). */ int comp_assoc(const void *i1, const void *i2) { float *f1,*f2; f1 = (float *)i1 + 1; f2 = (float *)i2 + 1; if (*f1<*f2) return -1; else return (*f1==*f2)?0:1; } /********************************* sort_assoc ********************************/ /* Make the presentation histogram, order the assoc-list and build the hash-table. */ void sort_assoc(picstruct *field, assocstruct *assoc) { int comp_assoc(const void *i1, const void *i2); float *list, rad; int i,j, step,nobj, *hash; step = assoc->ncol; nobj = assoc->nobj; list = assoc->list; qsort(assoc->list, assoc->nobj, step*sizeof(float), comp_assoc); /* Build the hash table that contains the first object in the sorted list */ /* which may be in reach from the current scanline */ QMALLOC(assoc->hash, int, field->height); list = assoc->list+1; /* This is where the 1st y coordinate is stored */ hash = assoc->hash; rad = assoc->radius; for (i=0, j=0; iheight; i++) { /*-- For safety, we keep a 1-pixel margin */ for (;ji) ? -1 : j; } return; } /********************************* load_assoc ********************************/ /* Read an assoc-list, and returns a pointer to the new assoc struct (or NULL if no list was found). */ assocstruct *load_assoc(char *filename) { assocstruct *assoc; FILE *file; float *list, val; char str[MAXCHAR], str2[MAXCHAR], *sstr; int *data, i,ispoon,j,k,l, ncol, ndata, nlist, size,spoonsize, xindex,yindex,mindex; if (!(file = fopen(filename, "r"))) return NULL; assoc = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ list = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ data = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ ispoon = ncol = ndata = nlist = size = spoonsize = xindex = yindex = mindex = 0; NFPRINTF(OUTPUT, "Reading ASSOC input-list..."); for (i=0; fgets(str, MAXCHAR, file);) { /*-- Examine current input line (discard empty and comment lines) */ if (!*str || strchr("#\t\n",*str)) continue; if (!i) { strcpy(str2, str); /*---- Let's count the number of columns in the first line */ for (ncol=0; strtok(ncol?NULL:str2, " \t\v\n\r\f"); ncol++); if (!ncol) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: empty line in ", filename); /*---- Build a look-up table containing the ordering of column data */ QCALLOC(data, int, ncol); k = 1; for (j=0; j= ncol) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: ASSOC_PARAMS #1 exceeds the number of ", "fields in the ASSOC file"); if ((yindex = prefs.assoc_param[1]-1) >= ncol) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: ASSOC_PARAMS #2 exceeds the number of ", "fields in the ASSOC file"); if (prefs.nassoc_param>2) { if ((mindex = prefs.assoc_param[2]-1) >= ncol) error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*Error*: ASSOC_PARAMS #3 exceeds the number of ", "fields in the ASSOC file"); } else { mindex = -1; prefs.assoc_type = ASSOC_FIRST; } nlist = ndata+3; /*---- Allocate memory for the ASSOC struct and the filtered list */ QMALLOC(assoc, assocstruct, 1); ispoon = ASSOC_BUFINC/(nlist*sizeof(float)); spoonsize = ispoon*nlist; QMALLOC(assoc->list, float, size = spoonsize); list = assoc->list; } else if (!(i%ispoon)) { QREALLOC(assoc->list, float, size += spoonsize); list = assoc->list + i*nlist; } if (!(++i%1000)) { sprintf(str2, "Reading input list... (%d objects)", i); NFPRINTF(OUTPUT, str2); } /*-- Read the data normally */ *(list+2) = 0.0; for (sstr = str, j=0; jlist, float, i*nlist); assoc->nobj = i; assoc->radius = prefs.assoc_radius; assoc->ndata = ndata; assoc->ncol = nlist; return assoc; } /********************************* init_assoc ********************************/ /* Initialize the association procedure. */ void init_assoc(picstruct *field) { assocstruct *assoc; /* Load the assoc-list */ if (!(assoc = field->assoc = load_assoc(prefs.assoc_name))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Assoc-list file not found: ", prefs.assoc_name); /* Sort the assoc-list by y coordinates, and build the hash table */ sort_assoc(field, assoc); /* Where data go for the current output pattern*/ assoc->data = outobj2.assoc; return; } /********************************** end_assoc ********************************/ /* Free memory related to the assoc operations. */ void end_assoc(picstruct *field) { /* Free the assoc-list */ if (field->assoc) { free((field->assoc)->list); free((field->assoc)->hash); free(field->assoc); } return; } /********************************** do_assoc *********************************/ /* Perform the association task for a source and return the number of IDs. */ int do_assoc(picstruct *field, float x, float y) { assocstruct *assoc; double aver; float dx,dy, dist, rad, rad2, comp, wparam, *list, *input, *data; int h, step, i, flag, iy, nobj; assoc = field->assoc; /* Need to initialize the array */ memset(assoc->data, 0, prefs.assoc_size*sizeof(float)); aver = 0.0; if (prefs.assoc_type == ASSOC_MIN || prefs.assoc_type == ASSOC_NEAREST) comp = BIG; else comp = -BIG; iy = (int)(y+0.499999); if (iy<0 || iy>=field->height) return 0; /* If there is already no candidate in hash table, no need to go further */ if ((h=assoc->hash[iy])<0) return 0; /* Now loop over possible candidates */ nobj = assoc->nobj; step = assoc->ncol; list = assoc->list + step*h; rad = assoc->radius; rad2 = rad*rad; for (flag = 0; (h++data, input, assoc->ndata*sizeof(float)); return 1; } wparam = *(list+2); data = assoc->data; switch(prefs.assoc_type) { case ASSOC_NEAREST: if (distndata*sizeof(float)); comp = dist; } break; case ASSOC_MEAN: aver += wparam; for (i=assoc->ndata; i--;) *(data++) += *(input++)*wparam; break; case ASSOC_MAGMEAN: wparam = fabs(wparam)<99.0?DEXP(-0.4*wparam): 0.0; aver += wparam; for (i=assoc->ndata; i--;) *(data++) += *(input++)*wparam; break; case ASSOC_SUM: for (i=assoc->ndata; i--;) *(data++) += *(input++); break; case ASSOC_MAGSUM: for (i=assoc->ndata; i--;) *(data++) += fabs(wparam=*(input++))<99.0? DEXP(-0.4*wparam):0.0; break; case ASSOC_MIN: if (wparamndata*sizeof(float)); comp = wparam; } break; case ASSOC_MAX: if (wparam>comp) { memcpy(data, input, assoc->ndata*sizeof(float)); comp = wparam; } break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: unknown ASSOC type in ", "pixlearn()"); } } } /* No candidate found? exit! */ if (!flag) return 0; /* Terminate the computation of the mean */ if (prefs.assoc_type == ASSOC_MEAN || prefs.assoc_type == ASSOC_MAGMEAN) { if (aver<1e-30) return 0; data = assoc->data; for (i=assoc->ndata; i--;) *(data++) /= aver; } if (prefs.assoc_type == ASSOC_MAGSUM) { data = assoc->data; for (i=assoc->ndata; i--; data++) *data = *data>0.0? -2.5*log10(*data):99.0; } return flag; }