/* psf.h *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: SExtractor * * Authors: E.BERTIN (IAP) * P.DELORME (LAOG) * * Contents: Include file for psffit.c. * * Last modify: 12/01/2006 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ /*----------------------------- Internal constants --------------------------*/ #define PSF_MAXSHIFT 20.0 /* Max shift from initial guess (pixels)*/ #define PSF_MINSHIFT 1e-3 /* Min shift from previous guess (pixels)*/ #define PSF_NITER 20 /* Maximum number of iterations in fit */ #define PSF_NA 3 /* Number of fitted parameters per component */ #define PSF_NTOT (PSF_NA*PSF_NPSFMAX) /* Number of fitted parameters*/ #define PSF_DOUBLETOT ((PSF_NA+1)*PSF_NPSFMAX)/* Nb of fitted parameters */ #define PC_NITER 1 /* Maximum number of iterations in PC fit */ /* NOTES: One must have: PSF_MAXSHIFT > 0.0 PSF_NPSF >= 1 PSF_NITER >= 1 */ /*--------------------------- structure definitions -------------------------*/ typedef struct code { float *pc; float **param; int *parammod; int ncode; int nparam; } codestruct; typedef struct pc { char name[MAXCHAR]; /* PC filename */ int npc; /* Number of Principal Components */ int maskdim; /* Dimensionality of the tabulated data */ int *masksize; /* PC mask dimensions */ int masknpix; /* Total number of involved PC pixels */ float *maskcomp; /* Convolved pix data (principal components) */ int omaskdim; /* Dimensionality of the tabulated data */ int *omasksize; /* PC mask dimensions */ int omasknpix; /* Total number of involved PC pixels */ float *omaskcomp; /* Original pix data (principal components) */ double *maskcurr; /* Current model */ double *mx2,*my2,*mxy; /* 2nd order moments for each component */ double *flux; /* Flux of each component */ double *bt; /* B/T for each component */ codestruct *code; } pcstruct; typedef struct { char name[MAXCHAR]; /* Name of the file containing the PSF data */ int maskdim; /* Dimensionality of the tabulated data */ int *masksize; /* PSF mask dimensions */ int masknpix; /* Total number of involved PSF pixels */ float *maskcomp; /* Complete pix. data (PSF components) */ double *maskloc; /* Local PSF */ double **context; /* Contexts */ t_type *contexttyp; /* Context types */ char **contextname; /* Array of context key-names */ double *contextoffset; /* Offset to apply to context data */ double *contextscale; /* Scaling to apply to context data */ struct poly *poly; /* Polynom describing the PSF variations */ pcstruct *pc; /* PC components */ double fwhm; /* Typical PSF FWHM */ float pixstep; /* PSF sampling step */ } psfstruct; typedef struct { int niter; /* Number of iterations required */ int npsf; /* Number of fitted stars for this detection */ float *x,*y; /* Position derived from the PSF-fitting */ float *flux; /* Flux derived from the PSF-fitting */ } psfitstruct; /*----------------------------- Global variables ----------------------------*/ psfstruct *psf,*ppsf,*thepsf; psfitstruct *thepsfit,*ppsfit,*psfit; PIXTYPE *checkmask; /*-------------------------------- functions --------------------------------*/ extern void compute_pos(int *pnpsf,int *pconvflag,int *pnpsfflag, double radmin2, double radmax2,double r2, double *sol, double *flux , double *deltax,double *deltay, double *pdx,double *pdy), compute_pos_phot(int *pnpsf,double *sol,double *flux), compute_poserr(int j,double *var,double *sol,obj2struct *obj2, double *x2, double *y2,double *xy), psf_build(psfstruct *psf), psf_end(psfstruct *psf, psfitstruct *psfit), psf_init(psfstruct *psf), svdfit(double *a, double *b, int m, int n, double *sol, double *vmat, double *wmat), svdvar(double *vmat, double *wmat, int n, double *covmat); extern double *compute_gradient (double *weight,int width, int height, double *masks, double *maskx, double *masky, double *mat), *compute_gradient_phot(double *weight,int width, int height, double *masks, double *pm); extern psfstruct *psf_load(char *filename); extern void pc_end(pcstruct *pc), pc_fit(psfstruct *psf, double *data, double *weight, int width, int height, int ix, int iy, double dx, double dy, int npc, float backrms), double_psf_fit(psfstruct *psf, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj, psfstruct *dpsf, picstruct *dfield, picstruct *dwfield), psf_fit(psfstruct *psf, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj), psf_readcontext(psfstruct *psf, picstruct *field); extern pcstruct *pc_load(catstruct *cat);