/* * fitshead.c * * General functions for handling FITS file headers * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: AstrOmatic FITS/LDAC library * * Copyright: (C) 1995-2011 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP/CNRS/UPMC * * License: GNU General Public License * * AstrOmatic software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * AstrOmatic software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AstrOmatic software. * If not, see . * * Last modified: 30/08/2011 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "fitscat_defs.h" #include "fitscat.h" extern char histokeys[][12]; const int t_size[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8, 1};/* size in bytes per t_type */ /******* get_head ************************************************************* PROTO int get_head(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Read a FITS header. INPUT Table structure. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if a FITS header has been found and loaded, or RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES The file must be opened, and the file pointer must be located at the beginning of a header. The headbuf pointer in the catstruct is reallocated. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 08/02/96 ***/ int get_head(tabstruct *tab) { catstruct *cat; int i; char *buf; buf = tab->headbuf; if (!(cat = tab->cat)) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Table has no parent catalog","!"); QFREE(buf); QMALLOC(buf, char, FBSIZE); /*Read the first block and check that it is FITS */ if (!fread(buf, FBSIZE, 1, cat->file)) { QFREE(buf); return RETURN_ERROR; } if (strncmp(buf, "SIMPLE ", 8) && strncmp(buf, "XTENSION", 8)) { QFREE(buf); return RETURN_ERROR; } /*Find the number of FITS blocks of the header while reading it */ for (i=1; !fitsnfind(buf,"END ", i); i++) { QREALLOC(buf, char, FBSIZE*(i+1)); QFREAD(&buf[FBSIZE*i], FBSIZE, cat->file, cat->filename); } tab->headnblock = i; tab->headbuf = buf; return RETURN_OK; } /****** readbasic_head ******************************************************** PROTO void readbasic_head(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Read the current FITS header basic keywords. INPUT pointer to catstruct. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 25/09/2004 ***/ void readbasic_head(tabstruct *tab) { char str[88]; char key[12], name[16], *filename; int i; KINGSIZE_T tabsize; filename = (tab->cat? tab->cat->filename : strcpy(name, "internal header")); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "BITPIX ", &tab->bitpix, H_INT, T_LONG) ==RETURN_ERROR) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Corrupted FITS header in ", filename); tab->bytepix = tab->bitpix>0?(tab->bitpix/8):(-tab->bitpix/8); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "NAXIS ", &tab->naxis, H_INT, T_LONG) ==RETURN_ERROR) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Corrupted FITS header in ", filename); tabsize = 0; if (tab->naxis>0) { QFREE(tab->naxisn); QMALLOC(tab->naxisn, int, tab->naxis); /*--get the size of the array*/ tabsize = 1; for (i=0; inaxis && i<999; i++) { sprintf(key,"NAXIS%-3d", i+1); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, key, &tab->naxisn[i], H_INT, T_LONG) ==RETURN_ERROR) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: incoherent FITS header in ", filename); tabsize *= tab->naxisn[i]; } } /*random groups parameters (optional)*/ tab->pcount = 0; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "PCOUNT ", &tab->pcount, H_INT, T_LONG); tab->gcount = 1; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "GCOUNT ", &tab->gcount, H_INT, T_LONG); /*number of fields (only for tables)*/ tab->tfields = 0; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "TFIELDS ", &tab->tfields, H_INT, T_LONG); /*in case of a non-primary header*/ tab->xtension[0] = (char)'\0'; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "XTENSION", tab->xtension, H_STRING, T_STRING); tab->extname[0] = (char)'\0'; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "EXTNAME ", tab->extname, H_STRING, T_STRING); tab->tabsize = tab->bytepix*tab->gcount*((size_t)tab->pcount+tabsize); /* Scaling parameters for basic FITS integer arrays */ tab->bscale = 1.0; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "BSCALE ", &tab->bscale, H_FLOAT, T_DOUBLE); tab->bzero = 0.0; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "BZERO ", &tab->bzero, H_FLOAT, T_DOUBLE); tab->blankflag = (fitsread(tab->headbuf,"BLANK ",&tab->blank,H_INT,T_LONG) == RETURN_OK)? 1 : 0; /* Custom basic FITS parameters */ tab->bitsgn = 1; fitsread(tab->headbuf, "BITSGN ", &tab->bitsgn, H_INT, T_LONG); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "IMAGECOD", str, H_STRING, T_STRING)==RETURN_OK) { if (!strcmp(str, "NONE")) tab->compress_type = COMPRESS_NONE; else if (!strcmp(str, "BASEBYTE")) tab->compress_type = COMPRESS_BASEBYTE; else if (!strcmp(str, "PREV_PIX")) tab->compress_type = COMPRESS_PREVPIX; else warning("Compression skipped: unknown IMAGECOD parameter:", str); } /* Checksum */ if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, "DATASUM ", str, H_STRING, T_STRING)==RETURN_OK) tab->bodysum = (unsigned int)atoi(str); return; } /******* readbintabparam_head ************************************************* PROTO int readbintabparam_head(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Read the current FITS header parameters concerning the binary-table. INPUT pointer to tabstruct. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if a binary table was found and mapped, RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 20/07/2010 ***/ int readbintabparam_head(tabstruct *tab) { catstruct *cat; keystruct *key, *prevkey; char strf[88], strk[16]; char *str; int naxisn[32]; int i,j, larray, nfields,narray, pos; if (!(cat = tab->cat)) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Table has no parent catalog","!"); /*We are expecting a 2D binary-table, and nothing else*/ if ((tab->naxis != 2) || (tab->bitpix!=8) || (tab->tfields == 0) || strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)) return RETURN_ERROR; /*Size and number of lines in the binary table*/ larray = tab->naxisn[0]; nfields= tab->nkey = tab->tfields; narray = tab->naxisn[1]; prevkey = NULL; /*For each of the data fields...*/ pos = 0; for (i=0; inextkey = key; key->prevkey = prevkey; } else tab->key = key; prevkey = key; /*--map binary-table fields*/ sprintf(strk, "TTYPE%-3d", i+1); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, strk, key->name, H_STRING, T_STRING) != RETURN_OK) { error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Incorrect FITS binary-table header in ", cat->filename); } fitsread(tab->headbuf, strk, key->comment, H_HCOMMENT, T_STRING); sprintf(strk, "TUNIT%-3d", i+1); fitsread(tab->headbuf, strk, key->unit, H_STRING, T_STRING); sprintf(strk, "TDISP%-3d", i+1); fitsread(tab->headbuf, strk, key->printf, H_STRING, T_STRING); if (*key->printf) tdisptoprintf(key->printf, key->printf); sprintf(strk, "TFORM%-3d", i+1); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, strk, strf, H_STRING, T_STRING) != RETURN_OK) { error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Incorrect FITS binary-table header in ", cat->filename); } key->pos = pos; pos += (key->nbytes = tsizeof(strf)); key->ttype = ttypeof(strf); switch(key->ttype) { case T_BYTE: case T_SHORT: case T_LONG: case T_LONGLONG: key->htype = H_INT; break; case T_FLOAT: case T_DOUBLE: key->htype = H_EXPO; break; case T_STRING: key->htype = H_STRING; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Unknown TFORM in ", cat->filename); } /*--handle the special case of multimensional arrays*/ if ((naxisn[0] = key->nbytes/t_size[key->ttype]) > 1) { sprintf(strk, "TDIM%-3d", i+1); if (fitsread(tab->headbuf, strk, strf, H_STRING, T_STRING) == RETURN_OK) { str = strf; for (j=0; (naxisn[j]=(int)strtol(str+1, &str, 10)); j++); key->naxis = j; } else key->naxis = 1; QMALLOC(key->naxisn, int, key->naxis); for (j=0; jnaxis; j++) key->naxisn[j] = naxisn[j]; } else key->naxis = 0; key->nobj = narray; key->tab = tab; } if (pos != larray) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Malformed FITS binary-table header in ", cat->filename); /*make both ends of the chain meet*/ prevkey->nextkey = tab->key; tab->key->prevkey = prevkey; return RETURN_OK; } /****** update_head *********************************************************** PROTO int update_head(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Update a FITS header according to what's in the table. INPUT Table structure. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if tab is a binary table, or RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES The headbuf pointer in the tabstruct might be reallocated. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 11/06/2007 ***/ int update_head(tabstruct *tab) { keystruct *key; tabstruct *ctab; int i,j,n,naxis1; char strk[88], str[88]; char *buf; /*Update EXTNAME, the table name */ if (*tab->extname) { addkeywordto_head(tab, "EXTNAME ", "EXTENSION NAME"); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "EXTNAME ", tab->extname, H_STRING, T_STRING); } /* If not a binary table, do only a few basic things */ if ((tab->naxis != 2) || (tab->bitpix!=8) || (tab->tfields == 0) || strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)) { addkeywordto_head(tab, "BITPIX ", "BITS PER PIXEL"); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "BITPIX ", &tab->bitpix, H_INT, T_LONG); addkeywordto_head(tab, "NAXIS ", "NUMBER OF AXES"); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "NAXIS ", &tab->naxis, H_INT, T_LONG); for (i=0; inaxis; i++) { sprintf(strk, "NAXIS%-3d", i+1); addkeywordto_head(tab, strk, "NUMBER OF ELEMENTS ALONG THIS AXIS"); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, strk, &tab->naxisn[i], H_INT, T_LONG); } return RETURN_ERROR; } /*First, remove all existing TTYPE, TFORM, etc...*/ removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TTYPE???"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TFORM???"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TUNIT???"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TZERO???"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TSCAL???"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TDIM???"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TDISP???"); /*Change NAXIS1 in order to take into account changes in width*/ naxis1 = 0; key = tab->key; if (tab->nkey>1000) { for (i=0; inkey); i++) { naxis1 += key->nbytes; key = key->nextkey; } fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "NAXIS1 ", &naxis1, H_INT, T_LONG); } else { fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "NAXIS1 ", &tab->naxisn[0], H_INT, T_LONG); } /*Change NAXIS1 in the number of fields */ tab->tfields = MIN(999,tab->tfields); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "TFIELDS ", &tab->tfields, H_INT, T_LONG); /*Changes in the number of elements (look for possible segments)*/ for (ctab = tab, n = ctab->naxisn[1]; (ctab=ctab->nexttab) && !ctab->nseg;) n += ctab->naxisn[1]; fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "NAXIS2 ", &n, H_INT, T_LONG); key = tab->key; if (!key) return RETURN_ERROR; if (tab->nkey>1000) warning("Too many output keys, trashing the ones bejond 999", ""); for (i=0; inkey); i++) { sprintf(strk, "TTYPE%-3d", i+1); addkeywordto_head(tab, strk, key->comment); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, strk, key->name, H_STRING, T_STRING); sprintf(strk, "TFORM%-3d", i+1); addkeywordto_head(tab, strk, ""); tformof(str, key->ttype, key->nbytes/t_size[key->ttype]); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, strk, str, H_STRING, T_STRING); if (key->naxis>1) { char *str2, *str2lim; sprintf(strk, "TDIM%-3d", i+1); addkeywordto_head(tab, strk, ""); sprintf(str, "("); str2 = str+1; str2lim = str+70; /* Prevent an excessively large string */ for (n=0; nnaxis && str2naxisn[n],&j); str2 += j; } sprintf(str2, ")"); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, strk, str, H_STRING, T_STRING); } if (*key->unit) { sprintf(strk, "TUNIT%-3d", i+1); addkeywordto_head(tab, strk, ""); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, strk, key->unit, H_STRING, T_STRING); } if (*key->printf) { sprintf(strk, "TDISP%-3d", i+1); addkeywordto_head(tab, strk, ""); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, strk, printftotdisp(key->printf, str), H_STRING, T_STRING); } key = key->nextkey; } /*Finally re-compute CHECKSUM if present */ if (fitsfind(tab->headbuf, "CHECKSUM")==RETURN_OK) { unsigned int sum; if (tab->bodysum) { sprintf(str, "%u", tab->bodysum); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "DATASUM ", str, H_STRING, T_STRING); } sum = tab->bodysum; /*-- Now the header */ buf = tab->headbuf; for (i=tab->headnblock; i--; buf+=FBSIZE) sum = compute_blocksum(buf, sum); /*-- Complement to 1 */ encode_checksum(~sum, str); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, "CHECKSUM", str, H_STRING, T_STRING); } /*That may be enough for now; to be continued...*/ return RETURN_OK; } /****** prim_head ************************************************************* PROTO int prim_head(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Update a FITS header to make it "primary" (not extension) INPUT Table structure. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if tab header was already primary, or RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) C. Marmo (IAP) VERSION 30/08/2011 ***/ int prim_head(tabstruct *tab) { if (!tab->headbuf) return RETURN_ERROR; if (!strncmp(tab->headbuf, "XTENSION",8)) { strncpy(tab->headbuf, "SIMPLE = T " "/ This is a FITS file ", 80); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "PCOUNT"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "GCOUNT"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "TFIELDS"); removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "EXTNAME"); *tab->extname = '\0'; return RETURN_ERROR; } return RETURN_OK; } /****** ext_head ************************************************************* PROTO int ext_head(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Update a FITS header to make it "extension" (not primary) INPUT Table structure. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if tab header was already extension, or RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) C. Marmo (IAP) VERSION 20/06/2007 ***/ int ext_head(tabstruct *tab) { if (!tab->headbuf) return RETURN_ERROR; if (!strncmp(tab->headbuf, "SIMPLE ",8)) { strncpy(tab->headbuf, "XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' " "/ Image extension ", 80); /* fitsverify 4.13 (CFITSIO V3.002) return an error if EXTEND are in an extension header (20/06/2007)*/ removekeywordfrom_head(tab, "EXTEND"); /* fitsverify 4.13 (CFITSIO V3.002) return an error if PCOUNT and GCOUNT are not in the extension header (23/05/2007) */ addkeywordto_head(tab, "PCOUNT ", "required keyword; must = 0"); addkeywordto_head(tab, "GCOUNT ", "required keyword; must = 1"); fitswrite(tab->headbuf,"PCOUNT ", &tab->pcount, H_INT, T_LONG); fitswrite(tab->headbuf,"GCOUNT ", &tab->gcount, H_INT, T_LONG); return RETURN_ERROR; } return RETURN_OK; } /****** addkeyto_head ********************************************************* PROTO int addkeyto_head(tabstruct *tab, keystruct *key) PURPOSE Add a keyword and its value to a table header. INPUT Table structure, Key containing the keyword and its value. OUTPUT Line position in the FITS header. NOTES The headbuf pointer in the tabstruct might be reallocated. Pre-existing keywords are overwritten (but not their comments). AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 11/05/2002 ***/ int addkeyto_head(tabstruct *tab, keystruct *key) { int n; n = addkeywordto_head(tab, key->name, key->comment); fitswrite(tab->headbuf, key->name, key->ptr, key->htype, key->ttype); return n; } /****** addkeywordto_head ***************************************************** PROTO int addkeywordto_head(tabstruct *tab, char *keyword, char *comment) PURPOSE Add a keyword and a comment to a table header. INPUT Table structure, String containing the keyword, String containing the comment. OUTPUT Line position in the FITS header. NOTES The headbuf pointer in the tabstruct might be reallocated. Pre-existing keywords are overwritten (but not their comments). AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 21/04/2003 ***/ int addkeywordto_head(tabstruct *tab, char *keyword, char *comment) { int n; if ((fitsfind(tab->headbuf, keyword) == RETURN_ERROR || findkey(keyword, (char *)histokeys, 12)!=RETURN_ERROR) && (fitsfind(tab->headbuf, "END ")+1)*80 >= tab->headnblock*FBSIZE) { tab->headnblock++; QREALLOC(tab->headbuf, char, tab->headnblock*FBSIZE); memset(tab->headbuf + (tab->headnblock-1)*FBSIZE, ' ', FBSIZE); } n = fitsadd(tab->headbuf, keyword, comment); return n; } /****** removekeywordfrom_head ************************************************ PROTO int removekeywordfrom_head(tabstruct *tab, char *keyword) PURPOSE Remove a keyword from a table header. INPUT Table structure, String containing the keyword. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if the keyword was found, RETURN_ERROR otherwise.. NOTES The headbuf pointer in the tabstruct might be reallocated. '?' wildcard allowed; Don't remove the ``END'' keyword with this!!! AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 11/06/2007 ***/ int removekeywordfrom_head(tabstruct *tab, char *keyword) { int nb; if (fitsremove(tab->headbuf, keyword) == RETURN_OK) { if ((nb=fitsfind(tab->headbuf, "END ")/(FBSIZE/80)+1) < tab->headnblock) { tab->headnblock = nb; QREALLOC(tab->headbuf, char, tab->headnblock*FBSIZE); } return RETURN_OK; } else return RETURN_ERROR; } /****** tformof *************************************************************** PROTO int tformof(char *str, t_type ttype, int n) PURPOSE Return the ``TFORM'' string corresponding to a t_type and the number of elements. INPUT a char pointer (to be filled with the T_FORM string), t_type, Number of elements. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, or RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 28/10/2009 ***/ int tformof(char *str, t_type ttype, int n) { char t; switch (ttype) { case T_BYTE: t = 'B'; break; case T_SHORT: t = 'I'; break; case T_LONG: t = 'J'; break; case T_LONGLONG: t = 'K'; break; case T_FLOAT: t = 'E'; break; case T_DOUBLE: t = 'D'; break; case T_STRING: t = 'A'; break; default: return RETURN_ERROR; } sprintf(str, "%d%c", n, t); return RETURN_OK; } /****** tsizeof *************************************************************** PROTO int tsizeof(char *str) PURPOSE Return the size of a binary-table field from its ``TFORM''. INPUT TFORM string (see the FITS documentation). OUTPUT size in bytes, or RETURN_ERROR if the TFORM is unknown. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 28/10/2009 ***/ int tsizeof(char *str) { int n; char *str2; str2 = str; if (!(n = strtol(str, &str2, 10))) n = 1; switch ((int)*str2) { case 'L': case 'B': case 'A': return n; case 'X': return (n-1)/8+1; case 'I': return 2*n; case 'J': case 'E': return 4*n; case 'C': case 'D': case 'K': case 'P': return 8*n; case 'M': return 16*n; default: return RETURN_ERROR; } } /****** ttypeof *************************************************************** PROTO t_type ttypeof(char *str) PURPOSE Give the ``t_type'' of a binary-table field from its ``TFORM''. INPUT TFORM string (see the FITS documentation). OUTPUT size in bytes, or RETURN_ERROR if the TFORM is unknown. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 28/10/2009 ***/ t_type ttypeof(char *str) { char *str2; str2 = str; strtol(str, &str2, 10); switch ((int)*str2) { case 'L': case 'B': case 'X': return T_BYTE; case 'I': return T_SHORT; case 'J': return T_LONG; case 'K': return T_LONGLONG; case 'E': return T_FLOAT; case 'D': return T_DOUBLE; case 'A': return T_STRING; default: return (t_type)RETURN_ERROR; } } /****** tdisptoprintf ********************************************************* PROTO char *tdisptoprintf(char *tdisp, char *str) PURPOSE Convert the ``TDISP'' FITS format to the printf() format. INPUT TDISP format string (see the FITS documentation), output string (allocated pointer). OUTPUT printf() format string (see e.g. K&R). NOTES The present conversion does not handle binary or engineer notations. A NULL vector is returned if the conversion was unsuccessful. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 25/09/2004 ***/ char *tdisptoprintf(char *tdisp, char *str) { char control[4]; int w,d, n; w = d = 0; n = 0; n=sscanf(tdisp,"%[ALIBOZFENSGD]%d.%d", control, &w, &d)-1; if (!w) { warning("Strange TDISP format: ", tdisp); return NULL; } switch ((int)*control) { case 'A': sprintf(str, "%%%dc",w); break; case 'L': sprintf(str, "%%%dd",w); break; case 'I': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "%%%d.%dd",w,d); else sprintf(str, "%%%dd",w); break; case 'B': case 'Z': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "%%%d.%dx",w,d); else sprintf(str, "%%%dx",w); break; case 'O': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "%%%d.%do",w,d); else sprintf(str, "%%%do",w); break; case 'F': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "%%%d.%df",w,d); else sprintf(str, "%%%df",w); break; case 'E': case 'D': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "%%%d.%dE",w,d); else sprintf(str, "%%%dE",w); break; case 'G': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "%%%d.%dG",w,d); else sprintf(str, "%%%dG",w); break; default: warning("Unknown TDISP format: ", tdisp); return NULL; } return str; } /****** printftotdisp ********************************************************* PROTO char *printftotdisp(char *tdisp, char *str) PURPOSE Convert the printf() format to the ``TDISP'' FITS format. INPUT printf() format string (see e.g. K&R), output string (allocated pointer). OUTPUT TDISP format string (see the FITS documentation). NOTES The handling of C string formatting does not include the precision. NULL is returned in case of unsucessful conversion. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 25/09/2004 ***/ char *printftotdisp(char *cprintf, char *str) { char *control; int w,d,n; *str = 0; w = d = 0; if (!(control = strpbrk(cprintf, "cdueERfFgGoOxXs"))) { warning("Unknown printf() format: ", cprintf); return NULL; } n = sscanf(cprintf,"%%%d.%d", &w, &d); w = abs(w); if (!n) { warning("Unconvertible printf() format: ", cprintf); return NULL; } switch ((int)*control) { case 'c': sprintf(str, "A%d",w); break; case 's': sprintf(str, "A%d",w); break; case 'd': case 'u': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "I%d.%d",w,d); else sprintf(str, "I%d",w); break; case 'o': case 'O': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "O%d.%d",w,d); else sprintf(str, "O%d",w); break; case 'x': case 'X': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "Z%d.%d",w,d); else sprintf(str, "Z%d",w); break; case 'f': case 'F': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "F%d.%d",w,d); else sprintf(str, "F%d",w); break; case 'e': case 'E': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "E%d.%d",w,d); else sprintf(str, "E%d",w); break; case 'g': case 'G': if (n>1) sprintf(str, "G%d.%d",w,d); else sprintf(str, "G%d",w); break; default: warning("Unknown printf() format: ", cprintf); return NULL; } return str; }