.. File PositionWin.rst .. include:: global.rst Windowed positional parameters ============================== Measurements performed through a *window* function (an *envelope*) do not have many of the drawbacks of isophotal measurements. |SExtractor| implements “windowed” versions for most of the measurements described in the :ref:`previous section`: .. note:: Unless otherwise noted, all parameter names given below are only prefixes. They must be followed by _IMAGE if the results shall be expressed in pixel coordinates or :param:`_WORLD`, :param:`_SKY`, :param:`_J2000` or :param:`_B1950` for |WCS|_ coordinates (see :ref:`coord_suffix`). +-------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Isophotal parameters | Equivalent windowed parameters | +=================================================+==========================================================+ | :param:`X`, :param:`Y` | :param:`XWIN`, :param:`YWIN` | +-------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | :param:`ERRA`, :param:`ERRB`, :param:`ERRTHETA` | :param:`ERRAWIN`, :param:`ERRBWIN`, :param:`ERRTHETAWIN` | +-------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | :param:`A`, :param:`B`, :param:`THETA` | :param:`AWIN`, :param:`BWIN`, :param:`THETAWIN` | +-------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | :param:`X2`, :param:`Y2`, :param:`XY` | :param:`X2WIN`, :param:`Y2WIN`, :param:`XYWIN` | +-------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | :param:`CXX`, :param:`CYY`, :param:`CXY` | :param:`CXXWIN`, :param:`CYYWIN`, :param:`CXYWIN` | +-------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ The computations involved are roughly the same except that the pixel values are integrated within a circular Gaussian window as opposed to the object’s isophotal footprint. The Gaussian window is scaled to each object; the Gaussian FWHM is the diameter of the disk that contains half of the object flux (:math:`d_{50}`). Note that in double-image mode (§[chap:using]) the window is scaled based on the *measurement* image. .. _xywin: Windowed centroid: :param:`XWIN`, :param:`YWIN` ----------------------------------------------- This is an iterative process. Computation starts by initializing the windowed centroid coordinates :math:`\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}^{(0)}` and :math:`\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}^{(0)}` to their basic :math:`\overline{x}` and :math:`\overline{y}` isophotal equivalents, respectively. Then at each iteration :math:`t`, :math:`\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}` and :math:`\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}` are refined using: .. math:: :label: xywin \begin{aligned} {\tt XWIN}^{(t+1)} & = & \overline{x_{\tt WIN}}^{(t+1)} = \overline{x_{\tt WIN}}^{(t)} + 2\,\frac{\sum_{r_i^{(t)} < r_{\rm max}} w_i^{(t)} I_i \ (x_i - \overline{x_{\tt WIN}}^{(t)})} {\sum_{r_i^{(t)} < r_{\rm max}} w_i^{(t)} I_i},\\ \label{eq:ywin} {\tt YWIN}^{(t+1)} & = & \overline{y_{\tt WIN}}^{(t+1)} = \overline{y_{\tt WIN}}^{(t)} + 2\,\frac{\sum_{r_i^{(t)} < r_{\rm max}} w_i^{(t)} I_i\ (y_i - \overline{y_{\tt WIN}}^{(t)})} {\sum_{r_i^{(t)} < r_{\rm max}} w_i^{(t)} I_i}, \end{aligned} where .. math:: :label: wi_t w_i^{(t)} = \exp \left(-\frac{r_i^{(t)^2}}{2s_{\tt WIN}^2} \right), with .. math:: :label: ri_t r_i^{(t)} = \sqrt{\left(x_i - \overline{x_{\tt WIN}}^{(t)}\right)^2 + \left(y_i - \overline{y_{\tt WIN}}^{(t)}\right)^2} and :math:`s_{\tt WIN} = d_{50} / \sqrt{8 \ln 2}`. Process stops when the change in position between two iterations is less than :math:`2\times10^{-4}` pixel, a condition which is achieved in about 3 to 5 iterations in practice. Although they are slower, it is recommended to use whenever possible windowed position parameters instead of their isophotal equivalents; the measurements they provide are generally much more accurate (:numref:`fig_xwinprec`). The centroiding accuracy of :param:`XWIN_IMAGE` and :param:`YWIN_IMAGE` is actually very close to that of PSF-fitting on focused and properly sampled star images. Windowed measurements can also be applied to galaxies. It has been verified that for isolated objects with Gaussian-like profiles, their accuracy is close to the theoretical limit set by image noise [#win_accuracy]_. .. _fig_xwinprec: .. figure:: figures/xwinprec.* :figwidth: 100% :align: center Comparison between isophotal and windowed centroid measurement residuals on simulated, background noise-limited images. *Left*: histogram of the difference between :param:`X_IMAGE` and the true centroid in x. *Right*: histogram of the difference between :param:`XWIN_IMAGE` and the true centroid in x. Windowed 2nd order moments: :param:`X2`, :param:`Y2`, :param:`XY` ----------------------------------------------------------------- Windowed second-order moments are computed on the image data once the :ref:`centering process ` has converged: .. math:: :label: x2y2win \begin{aligned} {\tt X2WIN} & = \overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2} = & \frac{\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i (x_i - \overline{x_{\tt WIN}})^2} {\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i},\\ {\tt Y2WIN} & = \overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2} = & \frac{\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i (y_i - \overline{y_{\tt WIN}})^2} {\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i},\\ {\tt XYWIN} & = \overline{xy_{\tt WIN}} = & \frac{\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i (x_i - \overline{x_{\tt WIN}}) (y_i - \overline{y_{\tt WIN}})} {\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i}.\end{aligned} Windowed second-order moments are typically twice smaller than their isophotal equivalent. Windowed shape parameters: :param:`AWIN`, :param:`BWIN`, :param:`THETAWIN` -------------------------------------------------------------------------- They are computed from the windowed 2nd order moments exactly the same way as in :eq:`theta0_3` and :eq:`aimage_2` from the :ref:`isophotal shape parameter` section: .. math:: :label: shapewin \begin{aligned} {\tt AWIN}^2 & = & \frac{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2}+\overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2}}{2} + \sqrt{\left(\frac{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2}-\overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2}}{2}\right)^2 + \overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}^2},\\ {\tt BWIN}^2 & = & \frac{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2}+\overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2}}{2} - \sqrt{\left(\frac{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2}-\overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2}}{2}\right)^2 + \overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}^2},\\ \tan (2\,{\tt THETAWIN}) & = & 2 \frac{\overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}}{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2} - \overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2}}. \end{aligned} Windowed ellipse parameters: :param:`CXXWIN`, :param:`CYYWIN`, :param:`CXYWIN` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ellipse parameters are computed from the windowed 2nd order moments exactly the same way as in :eq:`ellipse_2` describing the :ref:`isophotal ellipse parameters`: .. math:: :label: ellipsewin_2 \begin{aligned} {\tt CXXWIN} & = & \frac{\cos^2 {\tt THETAWIN}}{{\tt AWIN}^2} + \frac{\sin^2 {\tt THETAWIN}}{{\tt BWIN}^2} = \frac{\overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2}}{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2} \overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2} - \overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}^2}\\ {\tt CYYWIN} & = & \frac{\sin^2 {\tt THETAWIN}}{{\tt AWIN}^2} + \frac{\cos^2 {\tt THETAWIN}}{{\tt BWIN}^2} = \frac{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2}}{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2} \overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2} - \overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}^2}\\ {\tt CXYWIN} & = & 2 \,\cos {\tt THETAWIN}\,\sin {\tt THETAWIN} \left( \frac{1}{{\tt AWIN}^2} - \frac{1}{{\tt BWIN}^2}\right) = -2\, \frac{\overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}}{\overline{x_{\tt WIN}^2} \overline{y_{\tt WIN}^2} - \overline{xy_{\tt WIN}}^2}. \end{aligned} Windowed position uncertainties: :param:`ERRX2WIN`, :param:`ERRY2WIN`, :param:`ERRXYWIN`, :param:`ERRAWIN`, :param:`ERRBWIN`, :param:`ERRTHETAWIN`, :param:`ERRCXXWIN`, :param:`ERRCYYWIN`, :param:`ERRCXYWIN` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windowed position uncertainties are computed on the image data once the centering process of the :ref:`windowed centroid ` has converged. Assuming that noise is uncorrelated among pixels, standard error propagation applied to :eq:`xywin` writes: .. math:: :label: errwin \begin{aligned} {\tt ERRX2WIN} & = {\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}) = & 4\,\frac{\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i^2 \sigma^2_i (x_i-\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})^2} {\left(\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i\right)^2},\\ {\tt ERRY2WIN} & = {\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}) = & 4\,\frac{\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i^2 \sigma^2_i (y_i-\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})^2} {\left(\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i\right)^2},\\ {\tt ERRXYWIN} & = {\rm cov}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}) = & 4\,\frac{\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i^2 \sigma^2_i (x_i-\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})(y_i-\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})} {\left(\sum_{r_i < r_{\rm max}} w_i I_i\right)^2}. \end{aligned} Semi-major axis :param:`ERRAWIN`, semi-minor axis :param:`ERRBWIN`, and position angle :param:`ERRTHETAWIN` of the :math:`1\sigma` position error ellipse are computed from the covariance matrix elements :math:`{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})`, :math:`{\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})`, :math:`{\rm cov}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})`, similarly to the :ref:`isophotal error ellipse `: .. math:: :label: errabthetawin \begin{aligned} {\tt ERRAWIN}^2 & = & \frac{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})+{\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}{2} + \sqrt{\left(\frac{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})-{\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}{2}\right)^2 + {\rm cov}^2(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})},\\ {\tt ERRBWIN}^2 & = & \frac{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})+{\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}{2} - \sqrt{\left(\frac{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})-{\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}{2}\right)^2 + {\rm cov}^2(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})},\\ \tan (2{\tt ERRTHETAWIN}) & = & 2 \,\frac{{\rm cov}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})} {{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}) - {\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}. \end{aligned} The error ellipse parameters are: .. math:: :label: errellipsewin \begin{aligned} {\tt ERRCXXWIN} & = & \frac{\cos^2 {\tt ERRTHETAWIN}}{{\tt ERRAWIN}^2} + \frac{\sin^2 {\tt ERRTHETAWIN}}{{\tt ERRBWIN}^2} = \frac{{\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}) {\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}) - {\rm cov}^2(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})},\\ {\tt ERRCYYWIN} & = & \frac{\sin^2 {\tt ERRTHETAWIN}}{{\tt ERRAWIN}^2} + \frac{\cos^2 {\tt ERRTHETAWIN}}{{\tt ERRBWIN}^2} = \frac{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}})}{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}) {\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}) - {\rm cov}^2(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})},\\ {\tt ERRCXYWIN} & = & 2 \cos {\tt ERRTHETAWIN}\sin {\tt ERRTHETAWIN} \left( \frac{1}{{\tt ERRAWIN}^2} - \frac{1}{{\tt ERRBWIN}^2}\right)\\ & = & -2 \frac{{\rm cov}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}{{\rm var}(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}}) {\rm var}(\overline{y_{\tt WIN}}) - {\rm cov}^2(\overline{x_{\tt WIN}},\overline{y_{\tt WIN}})}. \end{aligned} .. [#win_accuracy] See http://www.astromatic.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=581 .