/* * som.c * * Implementation of Kohonen's Self Organizing Map (V3.0). * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: SExtractor * * Copyright: (C) 1998-2010 IAP/CNRS/UPMC * (C) 1997 ESO * (C) 1995,1996 Sterrewacht Leiden * * Author: Emmanuel Bertin (IAP) * * License: GNU General Public License * * SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SExtractor. If not, see . * * Last modified: 11/10/2010 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "fits/fitscat.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "som.h" /********************************* som_phot **********************************/ /* Perform SOM-fitting on a detected source: returns node number of the best-fitting prototype. */ void som_phot(somstruct *som, float back, float backnoise, float gain, float dx0, float dy0, float *vector, float clip) { float err, errmin, *xnt; int i,j,nd,jmin, *nx, *mul; nd = som->neurdim; /* First we compute the error map */ if (clip!=0.0) if (!som_mkweight(som, back, backnoise, gain)) { /*---- If all weights to zero, don't go further! */ som->stderror = -1.0; som->amp = som->sigamp = 0.0; if (vector) { xnt = som->vector; for (i=nd; i--;) *(vector++) = 99.0; } return; } /* Use a sound starting point for the gradient search */ /* i = nd-1; som->vector[i--] = (dy0+0.5)*som->neursize[i]+0.4999; som->vector[i] = (dx0+0.5)*som->neursize[i]+0.4999; while (i--) som->vector[i] = (som->neursize[i]-1)/2.0; */ errmin=BIG; jmin = 0; for (j=0; jnneur; j++) { if ((err=som_err(som, (float)j, SOM_NODE))neurstep; nx = som->neursize; xnt = som->vector; for (i=nd; i--;) *(xnt++) = (float)((jmin/(*(mul++)))%(*(nx++))); /* Gradient search */ som_conjgrad(som, 1e-6); /* Now perform the true photometry */ som->stderror = (float)sqrt(som_err(som, 0.0, SOM_PHOTOM)); /* Store final position vector if requested */ if (vector) { xnt = som->vector; for (i=nd; i--;) *(vector++) = *(xnt++); } if (clip>0.0) { /*-- Clip deviant pixels if requested */ float *input, *inputw, *proto, diff; proto = som->proto; input = som->input; inputw = som->inputw; for (i=som->ninput-som->nextrainput;i--; inputw++) { diff = *(input++)-*(proto++); if (*inputw>0.0 && (diff*diff>clip/(*inputw))) *inputw /= clip; } } return; } /****************************** som_mkweight *********************************/ /* Compute weights associated to pixels in a vignet. */ int som_mkweight(somstruct *som, float back, float backnoise, float gain) { float *yt, *wt, wstiff, pix, llim,hlim; int i, nima, ngood; yt = som->input; wt = som->inputw; nima = som->ninput-som->nextrainput; llim = -5.0*backnoise; hlim = thefield2.satur_level-back; backnoise *= backnoise; ngood = 0; for (i=nima; i--;) { pix = *(yt++); /*-- look if pixel is in the "reasonable" range */ if (pix>llim && pix0.0?pix/gain:0.0)+backnoise); ngood++; } else *(wt++) = 0.0; } wstiff = 1/(som->xy_stiff*som->xy_stiff); for (i=som->nextrainput; i--;) *(wt++) = wstiff; return ngood; } /********************************** som_err **********************************/ /* Return the reduced RMS error at some (non-integer) position in the SOM. 1 degree of freedom is left: the amplitude of the prototype. */ float som_err(somstruct *som, float dist, int flags) { static float dx[SOM_MAXDIM]; double s,sx,sxx,sy,syy,sxy,b,err,ds; float *psft, *dxt, *wt,*xt,*yt,xi,yi,wi,wxi,wyi, diff,dd; int i,j,k,n, nd, *nx, *mult, ix, pos,post, nima; yt = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ n = nd = pos = 0; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ /* Is the requested position lying on a node? */ if (flags & SOM_NODE) /*-- Yes: just use the prototype at that node */ xt = som->weight+som->ninput*(int)dist; else { /*-- ...No: compute offsets and fractional parts for each dimension */ nd = som->neurdim; nx = som->neursize; xt = som->vector; if (flags & SOM_LINE) yt = som->dvector; pos = 0; dxt = dx; mult = som->neurstep; for (i=nd; i--; nx++) { xi = *(xt++); if (flags & SOM_LINE) xi += dist**(yt++); ix = (int)xi; if (ix<0) ix = 0; else if (ix>=*nx-1) ix = *nx-2; if (ix<0) { ix = 0; *(dxt++) = 0.0; } else *(dxt++) = xi - ix; pos += ix**(mult++); } memset(som->proto, 0, som->ninput*sizeof(float)); n = 1<neursize; mult = som->neurstep; for (i=0; i1) { post += *mult; dd *= *(dxt++); } else dd *= (1-*(dxt++)); } psft = som->proto; wt = som->weight + som->ninput*post; for (i=som->ninput; i--;) *(psft++) += dd**(wt++); } xt = som->proto; } yt = som->input; wt = som->inputw; nima = som->ninput-som->nextrainput; /* Test if we need to derive photometry, or just compute the error */ if (flags & SOM_PHOTOM) { /*-- Yes: photometry */ s = sx = sy = sxx = syy = sxy = 0.0; for (i=nima; i--;) { s += (wi = *(wt++)); sx += (wxi = wi*(xi=*(xt++))); sxx += wxi*xi; sy += (wyi = wi*(yi=*(yt++))); syy += wyi*yi; sxy += wxi*yi; } /*-- First, the error from the image-fitting */ som->amp = b = sxy/sxx; err = nima*(b*b*sxx + syy - 2.0*b*sxy)/s; /* err = (syy - b*sxy)/(nima-1); */ som->sigamp = sqrt(err*s/(s*sxx-sx*sx)); /*-- Second, the error of non-pixel parameters */ for (i=som->nextrainput; i--;) { diff = *(yt++) - *(xt++); err += (diff*diff*(double)*(wt++))/(double)som->nextrainput; } } else { /*-- No: just an estimate of error */ sxx = sxy = 0.0; for (i=nima; i--;) { sxy += (wxi = *(wt++)*(xi=*(xt++)))**(yt++); sxx += wxi*xi; } /*-- First, the error from the image-fitting */ err = -sxy*sxy/sxx/(nima-1); /*-- Second, the error of non-pixel parameters */ for (i=som->nextrainput; i--;) { diff = *(yt++) - *(xt++); err += (diff*diff*(double)*(wt++))/(double)som->nextrainput; } } /* Compute error gradients if requested */ if (flags & SOM_GRADIENT) { for (k=0; kdproto, 0, som->ninput*sizeof(float)); for (j=0; jneurstep; nx = som->neursize; for (i=0; i1) { post += *mult; if ((i++)!=k) dd *= *dxt; } else dd *= ((i++)==k ? (*nx>1?-1.0:0.0) : (1-*dxt)); } psft = som->dproto; wt = som->weight + som->ninput*post; for (i=som->ninput; i--;) *(psft++) += dd**(wt++); } ds = 0.0; psft = som->dproto; xt = som->proto; yt = som->input; wt = som->inputw; for (i=nima; i--;) ds += *(wt++)*(sxy**(xt++)-sxx**(yt++))**(psft++); ds *= 2*sxy/(sxx*sxx)/(nima-1); for (i=som->nextrainput; i--;) ds += 2**(wt++)**(psft++)*(*(xt++)-*(yt++))/(double)som->nextrainput; som->dvector[k] = (float)ds; } } return (float)err; } /******************************** som_linmin *********************************/ /* Perform minimisation through line-search using two routines from Numerical Recipes in C: mnbrak() and brent() (pp. 297 and 301). */ #define SHFT(a,b,c,d) {(a)=(b);(b)=(c);(c)=(d);} /* For line-search */ #define SIGN(a,b) ((b)>0.0? fabs(a) : -fabs(a)) /* For line-search */ #define GOLD 1.6180340 /* Golden section for line-search */ #define CGOLD 0.3819660 /* Complement to the golden section */ #define TINY 1e-20 /* Almost nothing */ #define GLIMIT 100.0 /* Max. magnification in line-search */ #define ITMAX 100 /* Max. nb of iter. in line-search */ #define TOL 1e-1 /* Fract. tolerance in line-search */ float som_linmin(somstruct *som) { float ax,bx,cx, fa,fb,fc, u,r,q,fu,dum,ulim, qmr, a,b,d,e,etemp, fv,fw,fx, p, tol1,tol2,v,w,x,xm, *vt,*dvt; int i,iter; /* Normalize the gradient */ /* dvt = som->dvector; for (i=som->neurdim; i--; dvt++) dum += *dvt**dvt; if (dum>0.0) { dum = sqrt(dum); dvt = som->dvector; for (i=som->neurdim; i--;) *(dvt++) /= dum; } */ d = 0.0; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ /* Begin by bracketing a minimum of the function */ ax = 0.0; /* Initial guesses */ bx = 1.0; if ((fb=som_err(som, bx, SOM_LINE)) > (fa=som_err(som, ax, SOM_LINE))) { SHFT(dum, ax, bx, dum); SHFT(dum, fb, fa, dum); } fc = som_err(som, cx = bx+GOLD*(bx-ax), SOM_LINE); while (fb > fc) { r = (bx-ax)*(fb-fc); q = (bx-cx)*(fb-fa); if (fabs(qmr = q-r)0.0?TINY:-TINY; u = bx-((bx-cx)*q - (bx-ax)*r) / (2.0*qmr); ulim= bx + GLIMIT*(cx-bx); if ((bx-u)*(u-cx) > 0.0) { if ((fu=som_err(som, u, SOM_LINE)) < fc) { ax = bx; bx = u; fa = fb; fb = fu; break; } else if (fu > fb) { cx = u; fc = fu; break; } fu = som_err(som, u = cx + GOLD*(cx-bx), SOM_LINE); } else if ((cx-u)*(u-ulim) > 0.0) { if ((fu=som_err(som, u, SOM_LINE)) < fc) { SHFT(bx, cx, u, cx+GOLD*(cx-bx)); SHFT(fb, fc, fu, som_err(som, u, SOM_LINE)); } } else if ((u-ulim)*(ulim-cx) >= 0.0) fu = som_err(som, u=ulim, SOM_LINE); else fu = som_err(som, u = cx + GOLD*(cx-bx), SOM_LINE); SHFT(ax, bx, cx, u); SHFT(fa, fb, fc, fu); } /* Now we step to Brent's algorithm for finding the minimum */ e = 0.0; a = (ax < cx) ? ax : cx; b = (ax > cx) ? ax : cx; x = w = v = bx; fw = fv = fx = som_err(som, x, SOM_LINE); for (iter=ITMAX; iter--;) { xm = 0.5*(a+b); tol2 = 2 * (tol1=TOL*fabs(x)+TINY); if (fabs(x-xm) <= (tol2-0.5*(b-a))) goto linmin_end; if (fabs(e) > tol1) { r = (x-w) * (fx-fv); q = (x-v) * (fx-fw); p = (x-v)*q - (x-w)*r; q = 2*(q-r); if (q > 0.0) p = -p; q = fabs(q); etemp = e; e = d; if (fabs(p) >= fabs(0.5*q*etemp) || p <= q*(a-x) || p >= q*(b-x)) d = CGOLD*(e=(x >= xm ? a-x : b-x)); else { d = p/q; u = x+d; if (u-a < tol2 || b-u < tol2) d = SIGN(tol1,xm-x); } } else d = CGOLD*(e=(x >= xm ? a-x : b-x)); u = (fabs(d) >= tol1 ? x+d : x+SIGN(tol1,d)); if ((fu=som_err(som, u, SOM_LINE)) <= fx) { if (u >= x) a = x; else b = x; SHFT(v, w, x, u); SHFT(fv, fw, fx, fu); } else { if (u < x) a = u; else b = u; if (fu <= fw || w == x) { v = w; w = u; fv = fw; fw = fu; } else if (fu <= fv || v == x || v == w) { v = u; fv = fu; } } } warning("Too many iterations in ", "som_linmin()"); /* Finally we set the SOM vector to the new minimum */ linmin_end: vt = som->vector; dvt = som->dvector; for (i=som->neurdim; i--;) *(vt++) += x**(dvt++); return fx; } #undef SHFT #undef SIGN #undef GOLD #undef CGOLD #undef TINY #undef GLIMIT #undef ITMAX #undef TOL /******************************** som_conjgrad *******************************/ /* Perform Polak-Ribiere minimization (adapted from Numerical Recipes in C,p.432). */ #define ITMAX 100 #define EPS 1.0e-10 void som_conjgrad(somstruct *som, float ftol) { static float g[SOM_MAXDIM], h[SOM_MAXDIM]; int j, nd, its; float *xi, *xit,*gt,*ht,tmp,tmp2, gg,gam,fp,fret,dgg; nd = som->neurdim; xi = som->dvector; fp = som_err(som, 0.0, SOM_GRADIENT); gt = g; xit = xi; ht = h; for (j=nd;j--;) tmp = -*xit, *(xit++) = *(ht++)= *(gt++) = tmp; for (its=ITMAX;its--;) { fret = som_linmin(som); if (2.0*fabs(fret-fp) <= ftol*(fabs(fret)+fabs(fp)+EPS)) return; fp=som_err(som, 0.0, SOM_GRADIENT); dgg=gg=0.0; gt = g; xit = xi; for (j=nd;j--; xit++) { gg += *gt**gt; dgg += (*xit+*(gt++))**xit; } if (gg == 0.0) return; gam=dgg/gg; gt = g; xit = xi; ht = h; for (j=nd;j--;) tmp = -*xit,tmp2 = *ht, *(xit++) = *(ht++) = (*(gt++) = tmp) + gam*tmp2; } warning("Too many iterations during SOM-Fitting",""); } #undef ITMAX #undef EPS /********************************* som_end ***********************************/ /* Terminate SOM. */ void som_end(somstruct *som) { /* Free memory*/ free(som->weight); free(som->input); free(som->inputw); free(som->proto); free(som->dproto); free(som->vector); free(som->dvector); free(som->freq); free(som->inputsize); free(som->neursize); free(som->neurstep); free(som); /* locals */ return; } /********************************* som_load **********************************/ /* Read the SOM weights in a FITS file. */ somstruct *som_load(char *filename) { somstruct *som; catstruct *cat; tabstruct *tab; keystruct *key; char *head, str[80]; int i; /* Open the cat (well it is not a "cat", but simply a FITS file */ if (!(cat = read_cat(filename))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: SOM file not found: ", filename); if (!(tab = name_to_tab(cat, "SOM", 0))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: SOM table not found in catalog ", filename); /* OK, we now allocate memory for the SOM structure itself */ QCALLOC(som, somstruct, 1); /* Load important scalars (which are stored as FITS keywords) */ head = tab->headbuf; /* Dimensionality of the input */ if (fitsread(head, "INPNAXIS", &som->inputdim, H_INT, T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; if (som->inputdim>INPUT_MAXDIM) { sprintf(str, "%d", INPUT_MAXDIM); error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: This package is presently limited to inputs" "with dimensionality less or equal to ", str); } QMALLOC(som->inputsize, int, INPUT_MAXDIM); for (i=0; iinputsize[i] = 1; som->ninput = 1; for (i=0; iinputdim; i++) { sprintf(str, "INPAXIS%1d", i+1); if (fitsread(head, str, &som->inputsize[i], H_INT,T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; som->ninput *= som->inputsize[i]; } if (fitsread(head,"INPNEXTR",&som->nextrainput,H_INT,T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) som->nextrainput = 0; som->ninput += som->nextrainput; /* Dimensionality of the SOM */ if (fitsread(head, "SOMNAXIS", &som->neurdim, H_INT, T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; QMALLOC(som->neursize, int, som->neurdim); QMALLOC(som->neurstep, int, som->neurdim); QCALLOC(som->vector, float, som->neurdim); QCALLOC(som->dvector, float, som->neurdim); for (i=0; ineurdim; i++) som->neursize[i] = 1; som->nneur = 1; for (i=0; ineurdim; i++) { sprintf(str, "SOMAXIS%1d", i+1); if (fitsread(head, str, &som->neursize[i], H_INT,T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; som->neurstep[i] = som->nneur; som->nneur *= som->neursize[i]; } /* Other scalars */ if (fitsread(head, "SOMLRATE", &som->learnrate,H_FLOAT,T_FLOAT) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; som->clearnrate = som->learnrate; if (fitsread(head, "SOMKERNW", &som->kernw, H_FLOAT,T_FLOAT) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; som->ckernw = som->kernw; if (fitsread(head, "SOMNPASS", &som->ntrain , H_INT, T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; if (fitsread(head, "SOMNSWEE", &som->nsweep , H_INT, T_LONG) != RETURN_OK) goto headerror; som->nweight = som->nneur*som->ninput; QMALLOC(som->weight, float, som->nneur*som->ninput); QMALLOC(som->input, float, som->ninput); QMALLOC(som->inputw, float, som->ninput); QMALLOC(som->proto, float, som->ninput); QMALLOC(som->dproto, float, som->ninput); QCALLOC(som->freq, int, som->nneur); /* Locals */ /* Load the weight vector */ key = read_key(tab, "WEIGHTS"); som->weight = key->ptr; /* But don't touch my arrays!! */ blank_keys(tab); free_cat(&cat, 1); return som; headerror: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Incorrect or obsolete SOM data in ", filename); return NULL; }