/* fitsbody.c *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: The LDAC Tools * * Author: E.BERTIN (IAP) * * Contents: Handle memory allocation for FITS bodies. * * Last modify: 29/06/2006 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H #include #endif #include "fitscat_defs.h" #include "fitscat.h" size_t body_maxram = BODY_DEFRAM, body_maxvram = BODY_DEFVRAM, body_ramleft, body_vramleft, body_ramflag; int body_vmnumber; double bufdata0[DATA_BUFSIZE/sizeof(double)]; char body_swapdirname[MAXCHARS] = BODY_DEFSWAPDIR; /******* alloc_body *********************************************************** PROTO PIXTYPE *alloc_body(tabstruct *tab, void (*func)(PIXTYPE *ptr, int npix)) PURPOSE Allocate memory for and read a FITS data body (read-only). If not enough RAM is available, a swap file is created. INPUT Table (tab) structure. OUTPUT Pointer to the mapped data if OK, or NULL otherwise. NOTES The file pointer must be positioned at the beginning of the data. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 05/05/2001 ***/ PIXTYPE *alloc_body(tabstruct *tab, void (*func)(PIXTYPE *ptr, int npix)) { FILE *file; PIXTYPE *buffer; size_t npix, size, sizeleft, spoonful; if (!body_ramflag) { body_ramleft = body_maxram; body_vramleft = body_maxvram; body_ramflag = 1; } /* Return a NULL pointer if size is zero */ if (!tab->tabsize) return (PIXTYPE *)NULL; /* Check that there is a cat parent structure and that the file is open */ if (tab->cat && !tab->cat->file) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Cannot access table: ", tab->extname); /* Decide if the data will go in physical memory or on swap-space */ npix = tab->tabsize/tab->bytepix; size = npix*sizeof(PIXTYPE); if (size < body_ramleft) { /*-- There should be enough RAM left: try to do a malloc() */ if ((tab->bodybuf = malloc(size))) { QFSEEK(tab->cat->file, tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, tab->cat->filename); read_body(tab, (PIXTYPE *)tab->bodybuf, npix); /*---- Apply pixel processing */ if (func) (*func)((PIXTYPE *)tab->bodybuf, npix); body_ramleft -= size; return (PIXTYPE *)tab->bodybuf; } else tab->bodybuf = NULL; } if (size < body_vramleft) { /*-- Convert and copy the data to a swap file, and mmap() it */ if (!(buffer = malloc(DATA_BUFSIZE))) return NULL; sprintf(tab->swapname, "%s/vm%05ld_%05x.tmp", body_swapdirname, (long)getpid(), (unsigned int)++body_vmnumber) ; if (!(file=fopen(tab->swapname, "wb+"))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: cannot create swap-file ", tab->swapname); add_cleanupfilename(tab->swapname); spoonful = (size%DATA_BUFSIZE); if (!spoonful) spoonful = DATA_BUFSIZE; QFSEEK(tab->cat->file, tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, tab->cat->filename); read_body(tab, buffer, spoonful/sizeof(PIXTYPE)); /*-- Apply pixel processing */ if (func) (*func)(buffer, spoonful/sizeof(PIXTYPE)); QFWRITE(buffer, spoonful, file, tab->swapname); for (sizeleft = size; sizeleft -= spoonful;) { read_body(tab, buffer, (spoonful=DATA_BUFSIZE)/sizeof(PIXTYPE)); /*--- Apply pixel processing */ if (func) (*func)(buffer, spoonful/sizeof(PIXTYPE)); QFWRITE(buffer, spoonful, file, tab->swapname); } free(buffer); tab->bodybuf = mmap(NULL,size,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,fileno(file),(off_t)0); fclose(file); tab->swapflag = 1; body_vramleft -= size; /*-- Memory mapping problem */ if (tab->bodybuf == (void *)-1) return NULL; return (PIXTYPE *)tab->bodybuf; } /* If no memory left at all: forget it! */ return NULL; } /******* free_body ************************************************************ PROTO void free_body(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Free FITS body data. INPUT Tab structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 04/03/2000 ***/ void free_body(tabstruct *tab) { size_t size; /* Free the body! (if allocated) */ if (tab->bodybuf) { size = (tab->tabsize/tab->bytepix)*sizeof(PIXTYPE); if (tab->swapflag) { if (munmap(tab->bodybuf, size)) warning("Can't unmap ", tab->cat->filename); tab->swapflag = 0; tab->bodybuf = NULL; body_vramleft += size; if (unlink(tab->swapname)) warning("Can't delete ", tab->swapname); remove_cleanupfilename(tab->swapname); *tab->swapname = '\0'; } else { QFREE(tab->bodybuf); body_ramleft += size; } } /* Free the decompression buffer if allocated */ if (tab->compress_buf) QFREE(tab->compress_buf); return; } /******* read_body ************************************************************ PROTO read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, long size) PURPOSE Read values from the body of a FITS table. INPUT A pointer to the tab structure, a pointer to the array in memory, the number of elements to be read. OUTPUT -. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 06/11/2003 ***/ void read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size) { catstruct *cat; unsigned char cuval, cublank; char *bufdata, cval, cblank; unsigned short suval, sublank; short val16, sval, sblank; unsigned int iuval, iublank; int curval, dval, blankflag, ival, iblank; size_t i, bowl, spoonful, npix; PIXTYPE bs,bz; /* a NULL cat structure indicates that no data can be read */ if (!(cat = tab->cat)) return; bs = (PIXTYPE)tab->bscale; bz = (PIXTYPE)tab->bzero; blankflag = tab->blankflag; switch(tab->compress_type) { /*-- Uncompressed image */ case COMPRESS_NONE: bowl = DATA_BUFSIZE/tab->bytepix; spoonful = size0; size -= spoonful) { if (spoonful>size) spoonful = size; bufdata = (char *)bufdata0; QFREAD(bufdata, spoonful*tab->bytepix, cat->file, cat->filename); switch(tab->bitpix) { case BP_BYTE: if (blankflag) { if (tab->bitsgn) { cblank = (char)tab->blank; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(ptr++) = ((cval = *(bufdata++)) == cblank)? -BIG : cval*bs + bz; } else { cublank = (unsigned char)tab->blank; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(ptr++) = ((cuval=*((unsigned char *)bufdata++))==cublank)? -BIG : cuval*bs + bz; } } else { if (tab->bitsgn) for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(ptr++) = *(bufdata++)*bs + bz; else for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(ptr++) = *((unsigned char *)bufdata++)*bs + bz; } break; case BP_SHORT: if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 2, spoonful); if (blankflag) { if (tab->bitsgn) { sblank = (short)tab->blank; for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(short)) *(ptr++) = ((sval = *((short *)bufdata)) == sblank)? -BIG : sval*bs + bz; } else { sublank = (unsigned short)tab->blank; for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(unsigned short)) *(ptr++) = ((suval=*((unsigned short *)bufdata)) == sublank)? -BIG : suval*bs + bz; } } else { if (tab->bitsgn) for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(short)) *(ptr++) = *((short *)bufdata)*bs + bz; else for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(unsigned short)) *(ptr++) = *((unsigned short *)bufdata)*bs + bz; } break; case BP_LONG: if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 4, spoonful); if (blankflag) { if (tab->bitsgn) { iblank = (int)tab->blank; for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(int)) *(ptr++) = ((ival = *((int *)bufdata)) == iblank)? -BIG : ival*bs + bz; } else { iublank = (unsigned int)tab->blank; for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(unsigned int)) *(ptr++) = ((iuval = *((unsigned int *)bufdata)) == iublank)? -BIG : iuval*bs + bz; } } else { if (tab->bitsgn) for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(int)) *(ptr++) = *((int *)bufdata)*bs + bz; else for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(unsigned int)) *(ptr++) = *((unsigned int *)bufdata)*bs + bz; } break; case BP_FLOAT: if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 4, spoonful); for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(float)) *(ptr++) = ((0x7f800000&*(unsigned int *)bufdata) == 0x7f800000)? -BIG : *((float *)bufdata)*bs + bz; break; case BP_DOUBLE: if (bswapflag) { swapbytes(bufdata, 8, spoonful); for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(double)) *(ptr++) = ((0x7ff00000 & *(unsigned int *)(bufdata+4)) == 0x7ff00000)? -BIG : *((double *)bufdata)*bs + bz; } else { for (i=spoonful; i--; bufdata += sizeof(double)) *(ptr++) = ((0x7ff00000 & *(unsigned int *)bufdata) == 0x7ff00000)? -BIG : *((double *)bufdata)*bs + bz; } break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*FATAL ERROR*: unknown BITPIX type in ", "read_body()"); break; } } break; /*-- Compressed image */ case COMPRESS_BASEBYTE: if (!tab->compress_buf) QMALLOC(tab->compress_buf, char, FBSIZE); bufdata = tab->compress_bufptr; curval = tab->compress_curval; npix = tab->compress_npix; while (size--) { if (!(npix--)) { if (curval != tab->compress_checkval) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: invalid BASEBYTE checksum in ", cat->filename); bufdata = tab->compress_buf; QFREAD(bufdata, FBSIZE, cat->file, cat->filename); curval = 0; if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 4, 1); tab->compress_checkval = *((int *)bufdata); bufdata += 4; if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 2, 1); npix = (int)(*((short *)bufdata))-1; bufdata+=2; } if ((dval=(int)*(bufdata++))==-128) { if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 2, 1); memcpy(&val16, bufdata, 2); dval = (int)val16; if (dval==-32768) { bufdata += 2; if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 4, 1); memcpy(&dval,bufdata,4); bufdata += 4; } else bufdata += 2; } *(ptr++) = dval*bs + bz; curval += dval; } tab->compress_curval = curval; tab->compress_bufptr = bufdata; tab->compress_npix = npix; break; case COMPRESS_PREVPIX: if (!tab->compress_buf) QMALLOC(tab->compress_buf, char, FBSIZE); bufdata = tab->compress_bufptr; curval = tab->compress_curval; npix = tab->compress_npix; while (size--) { if (!(npix--)) { if (curval != tab->compress_checkval) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: invalid PREV_PIX checksum in ", tab->cat->filename); bufdata = tab->compress_buf; QFREAD(bufdata, FBSIZE, cat->file, cat->filename); if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 2, 3); curval = (int)*(short *)bufdata; npix = (int)*(short *)(bufdata+=2)-1; tab->compress_checkval = (int)(*(short *)(bufdata+=2)); bufdata+=4; } if ((dval=(int)*(bufdata++))==-128) { if (bswapflag) swapbytes(bufdata, 2, 1); memcpy(&val16, bufdata, 2); curval = (int)val16; bufdata += 2; } else curval += dval; *(ptr++) = curval*bs + bz; } tab->compress_curval = curval; tab->compress_bufptr = bufdata; tab->compress_npix = npix; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*Internal Error*: unknown compression mode in ", "read_body()"); } return; } /******* write_body *********************************************************** PROTO write_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, long size) PURPOSE Write values to a FITS body. INPUT A pointer to the tab structure, a pointer to the array in memory, the number of elements to be written. OUTPUT -. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 29/06/2006 ***/ void write_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size) { catstruct *cat; char *cbufdata0; size_t i, bowl, spoonful; PIXTYPE bs,bz; bs = (PIXTYPE)tab->bscale; bz = (PIXTYPE)tab->bzero; cat = tab->cat; if (!cat) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: no parent cat structure for table ", tab->extname); cbufdata0 = (char *)bufdata0; /* A trick to remove gcc aliasing warnings */ switch(tab->compress_type) { /*-- Uncompressed image */ case COMPRESS_NONE: bowl = DATA_BUFSIZE/tab->bytepix; spoonful = size0; size -= spoonful) { if (spoonful>size) spoonful = size; switch(tab->bitpix) { case BP_BYTE: if (tab->bitsgn) { char *bufdata = (char *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (char)((*(ptr++)-bz)/bs+0.49999); } else { unsigned char *bufdata = (unsigned char *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (unsigned char)((*(ptr++)-bz)/bs+0.49999);; } break; case BP_SHORT: if (tab->bitsgn) { short *bufdata = (short *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (short)((*(ptr++)-bz)/bs+0.49999); } else { unsigned short *bufdata = (unsigned short *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (unsigned short)((*(ptr++)-bz)/bs+0.49999); } if (bswapflag) swapbytes(cbufdata0, 2, spoonful); break; case BP_LONG: if (tab->bitsgn) { int *bufdata = (int *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (int)((*(ptr++)-bz)/bs+0.49999); } else { unsigned int *bufdata = (unsigned int *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (unsigned int)((*(ptr++)-bz)/bs+0.49999); } if (bswapflag) swapbytes(cbufdata0, 4, spoonful); break; case BP_FLOAT: { float *bufdata = (float *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (*(ptr++)-bz)/bs; if (bswapflag) swapbytes(cbufdata0, 4, spoonful); } break; case BP_DOUBLE: { double *bufdata = (double *)cbufdata0; for (i=spoonful; i--;) *(bufdata++) = (double)(*(ptr++)-bz)/bs; if (bswapflag) swapbytes(cbufdata0, 8, spoonful); } break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*FATAL ERROR*: unknown BITPIX type in ", "read_body()"); break; } QFWRITE(cbufdata0, spoonful*tab->bytepix, cat->file, cat->filename); } break; /*-- Compressed image */ case COMPRESS_BASEBYTE: break; case COMPRESS_PREVPIX: break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*Internal Error*: unknown compression mode in ", "read_body()"); } return; } /******* set_maxram *********************************************************** PROTO int set_maxram(size_t maxram) PURPOSE Set the maximum amount of silicon memory that can be allocated for storing FITS body data. INPUT The maximum amount of RAM (in bytes). OUTPUT RETURN_OK if within limits, RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 19/12/99 ***/ int set_maxram(size_t maxram) { if (maxram<1) return RETURN_ERROR; body_maxram = maxram; return RETURN_OK; } /******* set_maxvram ********************************************************** PROTO int set_maxvram(size_t maxram) PURPOSE Set the maximum amount of total virtual memory that can be used for storing FITS body data. INPUT The maximum amount of VRAM (in bytes). OUTPUT RETURN_OK if within limits, RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 08/02/2000 ***/ int set_maxvram(size_t maxvram) { if (maxvram<1) return RETURN_ERROR; body_maxvram = maxvram; return RETURN_OK; } /******* set_swapdir ********************************************************** PROTO int set_swapdir(char *dirname) PURPOSE Set the path name of the directory that will be used for storing memory swap files. INPUT The pointer to the path string. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if path appropriate, RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 19/12/99 ***/ int set_swapdir(char *dirname) { if (!dirname) return RETURN_ERROR; strcpy(body_swapdirname, dirname); return RETURN_OK; }