/* * profit.c * * Fit a range of galaxy models to an image. * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: SExtractor * * Copyright: (C) 2006-2011 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP/CNRS/UPMC * * License: GNU General Public License * * SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SExtractor. If not, see . * * Last modified: 25/07/2011 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifndef HAVE_MATHIMF_H #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "fits/fitscat.h" #include "levmar/levmar.h" #include "fft.h" #include "fitswcs.h" #include "check.h" #include "image.h" #include "pattern.h" #include "psf.h" #include "profit.h" static double prof_gammainc(double x, double a), prof_gamma(double x); static float prof_interpolate(profstruct *prof, float *posin); static float interpolate_pix(float *posin, float *pix, int *naxisn, interpenum interptype); static void make_kernel(float pos, float *kernel, interpenum interptype); /*------------------------------- variables ---------------------------------*/ const int interp_kernwidth[5]={1,2,4,6,8}; const int flux_flag[PARAM_NPARAM] = {0, 1,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,0,0 }; /* "Local" global variables for debugging purposes */ int theniter, the_gal; static picstruct *the_field, *the_wfield; profitstruct *theprofit, *thepprofit, *theqprofit; /****** profit_init *********************************************************** PROTO profitstruct profit_init(psfstruct *psf, unsigned int modeltype) PURPOSE Allocate and initialize a new profile-fitting structure. INPUT Pointer to PSF structure, Model type. OUTPUT A pointer to an allocated profit structure. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 22/04/2011 ***/ profitstruct *profit_init(psfstruct *psf, unsigned int modeltype) { profitstruct *profit; int t, nmodels; QCALLOC(profit, profitstruct, 1); profit->psf = psf; QMALLOC(profit->prof, profstruct *, MODEL_NMAX); nmodels = 0; for (t=1; t<(1<prof[nmodels++] = prof_init(profit, t); /* Allocate memory for the complete model */ QMALLOC16(profit->modpix, float, PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE*PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->modpix2, float, PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE*PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->cmodpix, float, PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE*PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->psfpix, float, PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE*PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->objpix, PIXTYPE, PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE*PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->objweight, PIXTYPE, PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE*PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->lmodpix, PIXTYPE, PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE*PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->lmodpix2, PIXTYPE, PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE*PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->resi, float, PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE*PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE); QMALLOC16(profit->covar, float, profit->nparam*profit->nparam); profit->nprof = nmodels; profit->fluxfac = 1.0; /* Default */ return profit; } /****** profit_end ************************************************************ PROTO void prof_end(profstruct *prof) PURPOSE End (deallocate) a profile-fitting structure. INPUT Prof structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 06/04/2010 ***/ void profit_end(profitstruct *profit) { int p; for (p=0; pnprof; p++) prof_end(profit->prof[p]); free(profit->modpix); free(profit->modpix2); free(profit->cmodpix); free(profit->psfpix); free(profit->lmodpix); free(profit->lmodpix2); free(profit->objpix); free(profit->objweight); free(profit->resi); free(profit->prof); free(profit->covar); free(profit->psfdft); free(profit); return; } /****** profit_fit ************************************************************ PROTO void profit_fit(profitstruct *profit, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj, obj2struct *obj2) PURPOSE Fit profile(s) convolved with the PSF to a detected object. INPUT Array of profile structures, Number of profiles, Pointer to the profile-fitting structure, Pointer to the field, Pointer to the field weight, Pointer to the obj. OUTPUT Pointer to an allocated fit structure (containing details about the fit). NOTES It is a modified version of the lm_minimize() of lmfit. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 31/05/2011 ***/ void profit_fit(profitstruct *profit, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj, obj2struct *obj2) { profitstruct *pprofit, *qprofit; patternstruct *pattern; psfstruct *psf; checkstruct *check; double emx2,emy2,emxy, a , cp,sp, cn, bn, n, sump,sumq, sumpw2,sumqw2,sumpqw, sump0,sumq0; PIXTYPE valp,valq,sig2; float param0[PARAM_NPARAM], param1[PARAM_NPARAM], param[PARAM_NPARAM], **list, *cov, psf_fwhm, dchi2, err, aspect, chi2; int *index, i,j,p, nparam, nparam2, ncomp, nprof; nparam = profit->nparam; nparam2 = nparam*nparam; nprof = profit->nprof; if (profit->psfdft) { QFREE(profit->psfdft); } psf = profit->psf; profit->pixstep = psf->pixstep; obj2->prof_flag = 0; /* Create pixmaps at image resolution */ profit->ix = (int)(obj->mx + 0.49999);/* internal convention: 1st pix = 0 */ profit->iy = (int)(obj->my + 0.49999);/* internal convention: 1st pix = 0 */ psf_fwhm = psf->masksize[0]*psf->pixstep; profit->objnaxisn[0] = (((int)((obj->xmax-obj->xmin+1) + psf_fwhm + 0.499) *1.2)/2)*2 + 1; profit->objnaxisn[1] = (((int)((obj->ymax-obj->ymin+1) + psf_fwhm + 0.499) *1.2)/2)*2 + 1; if (profit->objnaxisn[1]objnaxisn[0]) profit->objnaxisn[1] = profit->objnaxisn[0]; else profit->objnaxisn[0] = profit->objnaxisn[1]; if (profit->objnaxisn[0]>PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE) { profit->subsamp = ceil((float)profit->objnaxisn[0]/PROFIT_MAXOBJSIZE); profit->objnaxisn[1] = (profit->objnaxisn[0] /= (int)profit->subsamp); obj2->prof_flag |= PROFLAG_OBJSUB; } else profit->subsamp = 1.0; profit->nobjpix = profit->objnaxisn[0]*profit->objnaxisn[1]; /* Use (dirty) global variables to interface with lmfit */ the_field = field; the_wfield = wfield; theprofit = profit; profit->obj = obj; profit->obj2 = obj2; profit->nresi = profit_copyobjpix(profit, field, wfield); /* Check if the number of constraints exceeds the number of free parameters */ if (profit->nresi < nparam) { if (FLAG(obj2.prof_vector)) for (p=0; pprof_vector[p] = 0.0; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_errvector)) for (p=0; pprof_errvector[p] = 0.0; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_errmatrix)) for (p=0; pprof_errmatrix[p] = 0.0; obj2->prof_niter = 0; obj2->prof_flag |= PROFLAG_NOTCONST; return; } /* Create pixmap at PSF resolution */ profit->modnaxisn[0] = ((int)(profit->objnaxisn[0]*profit->subsamp/profit->pixstep +0.4999)/2+1)*2; profit->modnaxisn[1] = ((int)(profit->objnaxisn[1]*profit->subsamp/profit->pixstep +0.4999)/2+1)*2; if (profit->modnaxisn[1] < profit->modnaxisn[0]) profit->modnaxisn[1] = profit->modnaxisn[0]; else profit->modnaxisn[0] = profit->modnaxisn[1]; if (profit->modnaxisn[0]>PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE) { profit->pixstep = (double)profit->modnaxisn[0] / PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; profit->modnaxisn[0] = profit->modnaxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; obj2->prof_flag |= PROFLAG_MODSUB; } profit->nmodpix = profit->modnaxisn[0]*profit->modnaxisn[1]; /* Compute the local PSF */ profit_psf(profit); /* Set initial guesses and boundaries */ profit->sigma = obj->sigbkg; if ((profit->guessradius = 0.5*psf->fwhm) < obj2->hl_radius) profit->guessradius = obj2->hl_radius; if ((profit->guessflux = obj2->flux_auto) <= 0.0) profit->guessflux = 0.0; if ((profit->guessfluxmax = 10.0*obj2->fluxerr_auto) <= profit->guessflux) profit->guessfluxmax = profit->guessflux; if (profit->guessfluxmax <= 0.0) profit->guessfluxmax = 1.0; profit_resetparams(profit); /* Actual minimisation */ fft_reset(); the_gal++; /* char str[1024]; sprintf(str, "obj_%04d.fits", the_gal); catstruct *bcat; float *bpix, *opix,*lmodpix,*objpix; bcat=read_cat("base.fits"); QMALLOC(bpix, float, field->npix); QFSEEK(bcat->file, bcat->tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, bcat->filename); read_body(bcat->tab, bpix, field->npix); free_cat(&bcat,1); bcat=read_cat(str); QMALLOC(opix, float, profit->nobjpix); QFSEEK(bcat->file, bcat->tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, bcat->filename); read_body(bcat->tab, opix, profit->nobjpix); free_cat(&bcat,1); addfrombig(bpix, field->width, field->height, profit->objpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, -1.0); objpix = profit->objpix; lmodpix = opix; for (i=profit->nobjpix; i--;) *(objpix++) += *(lmodpix++); free(bpix); free(opix); */ profit->niter = profit_minimize(profit, PROFIT_MAXITER); /* profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, 0.0, profit->paraminit, NULL); check=initcheck(str, CHECK_OTHER,1); check->width = profit->objnaxisn[0]; check->height = profit->objnaxisn[1]; reinitcheck(field,check); memcpy(check->pix, profit->lmodpix, profit->nobjpix*sizeof(float)); reendcheck(field,check); endcheck(check); chi2 = profit->chi2; for (p=0; pparaminit[p]; profit_resetparams(profit); for (p=0; pparaminit[p] = param1[p] + (profit->paraminit[p]covar[p*(nparam+1)]); profit->niter = profit_minimize(profit, PROFIT_MAXITER); if (chi2chi2) for (p=0; pparaminit[p] = param1[p]; list = profit->paramlist; index = profit->paramindex; for (i=0; ifreeparam_flag[index[i]] = 0; profit->niter = profit_minimize(profit, PROFIT_MAXITER); */ if (profit->nlimmin) obj2->prof_flag |= PROFLAG_MINLIM; if (profit->nlimmax) obj2->prof_flag |= PROFLAG_MAXLIM; for (p=0; pparamerr[p]= sqrt(profit->covar[p*(nparam+1)]); /* CHECK-Images */ if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_PROFILES])) { profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, 0.0, profit->paraminit, NULL); addcheck(check, profit->lmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, 1.0); } if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPROFILES])) { profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, 0.0, profit->paraminit, NULL); addcheck(check, profit->lmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, -1.0); } if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SPHEROIDS])) { /*-- Set to 0 flux components that do not belong to spheroids */ for (p=0; pnparam; p++) param[p] = profit->paraminit[p]; list = profit->paramlist; index = profit->paramindex; for (i=0; ilmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, 1.0); } if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBSPHEROIDS])) { /*-- Set to 0 flux components that do not belong to spheroids */ for (p=0; pnparam; p++) param[p] = profit->paraminit[p]; list = profit->paramlist; index = profit->paramindex; for (i=0; ilmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, -1.0); } if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_DISKS])) { /*-- Set to 0 flux components that do not belong to disks */ for (p=0; pnparam; p++) param[p] = profit->paraminit[p]; list = profit->paramlist; index = profit->paramindex; for (i=0; ilmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, 1.0); } if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBDISKS])) { /*-- Set to 0 flux components that do not belong to disks */ for (p=0; pnparam; p++) param[p] = profit->paraminit[p]; list = profit->paramlist; index = profit->paramindex; for (i=0; ilmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, -1.0); } /* Compute compressed residuals */ profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, 10.0, profit->paraminit,profit->resi); /* Fill measurement parameters */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_vector)) { for (p=0; pprof_vector[p]= profit->paraminit[p]; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_errvector)) { for (p=0; pprof_errvector[p]= profit->paramerr[p]; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_errmatrix)) { for (p=0; pprof_errmatrix[p]= profit->covar[p]; } obj2->prof_niter = profit->niter; obj2->flux_prof = profit->flux; if (FLAG(obj2.fluxerr_prof)) { err = 0.0; cov = profit->covar; index = profit->paramindex; list = profit->paramlist; for (i=0; icovar + nparam*index[i]; for (j=0; jfluxerr_prof = err>0.0? sqrt(err): 0.0; } obj2->prof_chi2 = (profit->nresi > profit->nparam)? profit->chi2 / (profit->nresi - profit->nparam) : 0.0; /* Position */ if (FLAG(obj2.x_prof)) { i = profit->paramindex[PARAM_X]; j = profit->paramindex[PARAM_Y]; /*-- Model coordinates follow the FITS convention (first pixel at 1,1) */ if (profit->paramlist[PARAM_X]) { obj2->x_prof = (double)profit->ix + *profit->paramlist[PARAM_X] + 1.0; obj2->poserrmx2_prof = emx2 = profit->covar[i*(nparam+1)]; } else emx2 = 0.0; if (profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]) { obj2->y_prof = (double)profit->iy + *profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y] + 1.0; obj2->poserrmy2_prof = emy2 = profit->covar[j*(nparam+1)]; } else emy2 = 0.0; if (profit->paramlist[PARAM_X] && profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]) obj2->poserrmxy_prof = emxy = profit->covar[i+j*nparam]; else emxy = 0.0; /*-- Error ellipse parameters */ if (FLAG(obj2.poserra_prof)) { double pmx2,pmy2,temp,theta; if (fabs(temp=emx2-emy2) > 0.0) theta = atan2(2.0 * emxy,temp) / 2.0; else theta = PI/4.0; temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+ emxy*emxy); pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(emx2+emy2); pmx2+=temp; pmy2-=temp; obj2->poserra_prof = (float)sqrt(pmx2); obj2->poserrb_prof = (float)sqrt(pmy2); obj2->poserrtheta_prof = (float)(theta/DEG); } if (FLAG(obj2.poserrcxx_prof)) { double temp; obj2->poserrcxx_prof = (float)(emy2/(temp=emx2*emy2-emxy*emxy)); obj2->poserrcyy_prof = (float)(emx2/temp); obj2->poserrcxy_prof = (float)(-2*emxy/temp); } } /* Equivalent noise area */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_noisearea)) obj2->prof_noisearea = profit_noisearea(profit); /* Second order moments and ellipticities */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_mx2)) profit_moments(profit, obj2); /* Second order moments of the convolved model (used by other parameters) */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_convmx2)) profit_convmoments(profit, obj2); /* "Hybrid" magnitudes */ if (FLAG(obj2.fluxcor_prof)) { profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, 0.0, profit->paraminit, NULL); profit_fluxcor(profit, obj, obj2); } /* Do measurements on the rasterised model (surface brightnesses) */ if (FLAG(obj2.peak_prof)) profit_surface(profit, obj2); /* Background offset */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_offset_flux)) { obj2->prof_offset_flux = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_BACK]; obj2->prof_offset_fluxerr=profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_BACK]]; } /* Point source */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_dirac_flux)) { obj2->prof_dirac_flux = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX]; obj2->prof_dirac_fluxerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX]]; } /* Spheroid */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_spheroid_flux)) { if ((aspect = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]) > 1.0) { *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF] *= aspect; profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] *= aspect; profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] /= (aspect*aspect); *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT] = 1.0 / aspect; *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG] += 90.0; } obj2->prof_spheroid_flux = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX]; obj2->prof_spheroid_fluxerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX]]; obj2->prof_spheroid_reff = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]; obj2->prof_spheroid_refferr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]]; obj2->prof_spheroid_aspect = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]; obj2->prof_spheroid_aspecterr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]]; obj2->prof_spheroid_theta = fmod_m90_p90(*profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]); obj2->prof_spheroid_thetaerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]]; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_spheroid_sersicn)) { obj2->prof_spheroid_sersicn = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN]; obj2->prof_spheroid_sersicnerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN]]; } else obj2->prof_spheroid_sersicn = 4.0; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_spheroid_peak)) { n = obj2->prof_spheroid_sersicn; bn = 2.0*n - 1.0/3.0 + 4.0/(405.0*n) + 46.0/(25515.0*n*n) + 131.0/(1148175*n*n*n); /* Ciotti & Bertin 1999 */ cn = n * prof_gamma(2.0*n) * pow(bn, -2.0*n); obj2->prof_spheroid_peak = obj2->prof_spheroid_reff>0.0? obj2->prof_spheroid_flux * profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep / (2.0 * PI * cn * obj2->prof_spheroid_reff*obj2->prof_spheroid_reff * obj2->prof_spheroid_aspect) : 0.0; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_spheroid_fluxeff)) obj2->prof_spheroid_fluxeff = obj2->prof_spheroid_peak * exp(-bn); if (FLAG(obj2.prof_spheroid_fluxmean)) obj2->prof_spheroid_fluxmean = obj2->prof_spheroid_peak * cn; } } /* Disk */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_flux)) { if ((aspect = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]) > 1.0) { *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE] *= aspect; profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] *= aspect; profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]] /= (aspect*aspect); *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT] = 1.0 / aspect; *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_POSANG] += 90.0; } obj2->prof_disk_flux = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_FLUX]; obj2->prof_disk_fluxerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_FLUX]]; obj2->prof_disk_scale = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]; obj2->prof_disk_scaleerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]]; obj2->prof_disk_aspect = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]; obj2->prof_disk_aspecterr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]]; obj2->prof_disk_theta = fmod_m90_p90(*profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_POSANG]); obj2->prof_disk_thetaerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_POSANG]]; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_inclination)) { obj2->prof_disk_inclination = acos(obj2->prof_disk_aspect) / DEG; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_inclinationerr)) { a = sqrt(1.0-obj2->prof_disk_aspect*obj2->prof_disk_aspect); obj2->prof_disk_inclinationerr = obj2->prof_disk_aspecterr /(a>0.1? a : 0.1)/DEG; } } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_peak)) { obj2->prof_disk_peak = obj2->prof_disk_scale>0.0? obj2->prof_disk_flux * profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep / (2.0 * PI * obj2->prof_disk_scale*obj2->prof_disk_scale * obj2->prof_disk_aspect) : 0.0; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_fluxeff)) obj2->prof_disk_fluxeff = obj2->prof_disk_peak * 0.186682; /* e^-(b_n)*/ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_fluxmean)) obj2->prof_disk_fluxmean = obj2->prof_disk_peak * 0.355007;/* b_n^(-2)*/ } /* Disk pattern */ if (prefs.pattern_flag) { profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, PROFIT_DYNPARAM, profit->paraminit,profit->resi); pattern = pattern_init(profit, prefs.pattern_type, prefs.prof_disk_patternncomp); pattern_fit(pattern, profit); if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_patternspiral)) obj2->prof_disk_patternspiral = pattern_spiral(pattern); if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_patternvector)) { ncomp = pattern->size[2]; for (p=0; pprof_disk_patternvector[p] = (float)pattern->coeff[p]; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_patternmodvector)) { ncomp = pattern->ncomp*pattern->nfreq; for (p=0; pprof_disk_patternmodvector[p] = (float)pattern->mcoeff[p]; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_patternargvector)) { ncomp = pattern->ncomp*pattern->nfreq; for (p=0; pprof_disk_patternargvector[p] = (float)pattern->acoeff[p]; } pattern_end(pattern); } /* Bar */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_bar_flux)) { obj2->prof_bar_flux = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_BAR_FLUX]; obj2->prof_bar_fluxerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_BAR_FLUX]]; obj2->prof_bar_length = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_START] **profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]; obj2->prof_bar_lengtherr = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_START] * profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] + *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE] * profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_START]]; obj2->prof_bar_aspect = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_BAR_ASPECT]; obj2->prof_bar_aspecterr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_BAR_ASPECT]]; obj2->prof_bar_posang = fmod_m90_p90(*profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_POSANG]); obj2->prof_bar_posangerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_POSANG]]; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_bar_theta)) { cp = cos(obj2->prof_bar_posang*DEG); sp = sin(obj2->prof_bar_posang*DEG); a = obj2->prof_disk_aspect; obj2->prof_bar_theta = fmod_m90_p90(atan2(a*sp,cp)/DEG + obj2->prof_disk_theta); obj2->prof_bar_thetaerr = obj2->prof_bar_posangerr*a/(cp*cp+a*a*sp*sp); } /* Arms */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_arms_flux)) { obj2->prof_arms_flux = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_FLUX]; obj2->prof_arms_fluxerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_FLUX]]; obj2->prof_arms_pitch = fmod_m90_p90(*profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_PITCH]); obj2->prof_arms_pitcherr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_PITCH]]; obj2->prof_arms_start = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_START] **profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]; obj2->prof_arms_starterr = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_START] * profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] + *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE] * profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_START]]; obj2->prof_arms_quadfrac = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_QUADFRAC]; obj2->prof_arms_quadfracerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_QUADFRAC]]; obj2->prof_arms_posang = fmod_m90_p90(*profit->paramlist[PARAM_ARMS_POSANG]); obj2->prof_arms_posangerr = profit->paramerr[profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_POSANG]]; } } } /* Star/galaxy classification */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_class_star) || FLAG(obj2.prof_concentration)) { profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, PROFIT_DYNPARAM, profit->paraminit, profit->resi); pprofit = thepprofit; nparam = pprofit->nparam; if (pprofit->psfdft) { QFREE(pprofit->psfdft); } psf = pprofit->psf; pprofit->pixstep = profit->pixstep; pprofit->guessradius = profit->guessradius; pprofit->guessflux = profit->guessflux; pprofit->guessfluxmax = profit->guessfluxmax; pprofit->ix = profit->ix; pprofit->iy = profit->iy; pprofit->objnaxisn[0] = profit->objnaxisn[0]; pprofit->objnaxisn[1] = profit->objnaxisn[1]; pprofit->subsamp = profit->subsamp; pprofit->nobjpix = profit->nobjpix; pprofit->obj = obj; pprofit->obj2 = obj2; pprofit->nresi = profit_copyobjpix(pprofit, field, wfield); pprofit->modnaxisn[0] = profit->modnaxisn[0]; pprofit->modnaxisn[1] = profit->modnaxisn[1]; pprofit->nmodpix = profit->nmodpix; profit_psf(pprofit); pprofit->sigma = obj->sigbkg; profit_resetparams(pprofit); if (profit->paramlist[PARAM_X] && profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]) { pprofit->paraminit[pprofit->paramindex[PARAM_X]] = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_X]; pprofit->paraminit[pprofit->paramindex[PARAM_Y]] = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]; } fft_reset(); pprofit->paraminit[pprofit->paramindex[PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX]] = profit->flux; pprofit->niter = profit_minimize(pprofit, PROFIT_MAXITER); profit_residuals(pprofit,field,wfield, PROFIT_DYNPARAM, pprofit->paraminit, pprofit->resi); qprofit = theqprofit; nparam = qprofit->nparam; if (qprofit->psfdft) { QFREE(qprofit->psfdft); } qprofit->pixstep = profit->pixstep; qprofit->guessradius = profit->guessradius; qprofit->guessflux = profit->guessflux; qprofit->guessfluxmax = profit->guessfluxmax; qprofit->ix = profit->ix; qprofit->iy = profit->iy; qprofit->objnaxisn[0] = profit->objnaxisn[0]; qprofit->objnaxisn[1] = profit->objnaxisn[1]; qprofit->subsamp = profit->subsamp; qprofit->nobjpix = profit->nobjpix; qprofit->obj = obj; qprofit->obj2 = obj2; qprofit->nresi = profit_copyobjpix(qprofit, field, wfield); qprofit->modnaxisn[0] = profit->modnaxisn[0]; qprofit->modnaxisn[1] = profit->modnaxisn[1]; qprofit->nmodpix = profit->nmodpix; profit_psf(qprofit); qprofit->sigma = obj->sigbkg; profit_resetparams(qprofit); fft_reset(); qprofit->paraminit[qprofit->paramindex[PARAM_X]] = pprofit->paraminit[pprofit->paramindex[PARAM_X]]; qprofit->paraminit[qprofit->paramindex[PARAM_Y]] = pprofit->paraminit[pprofit->paramindex[PARAM_Y]]; qprofit->paraminit[qprofit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_FLUX]] = pprofit->paraminit[pprofit->paramindex[PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX]]; qprofit->paraminit[qprofit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] = psf->fwhm/16.0; qprofit->paraminit[qprofit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]] = 1.0; qprofit->paraminit[qprofit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_POSANG]] = 0.0; profit_residuals(qprofit,field,wfield, PROFIT_DYNPARAM, qprofit->paraminit, qprofit->resi); sump = sumq = sumpw2 = sumqw2 = sumpqw = sump0 = sumq0 = 0.0; for (p=0; pnobjpix; p++) if (pprofit->objweight[p]>0 && pprofit->objpix[p]>-BIG) { valp = pprofit->lmodpix[p]; sump += (double)(valp*pprofit->objpix[p]); valq = qprofit->lmodpix[p]; sumq += (double)(valq*pprofit->objpix[p]); sump0 += (double)(valp*valp); sumq0 += (double)(valp*valq); sig2 = 1.0f/(pprofit->objweight[p]*pprofit->objweight[p]); sumpw2 += valp*valp*sig2; sumqw2 += valq*valq*sig2; sumpqw += valp*valq*sig2; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_class_star)) { dchi2 = 0.5*(pprofit->chi2 - profit->chi2); obj2->prof_class_star = dchi2 < 50.0? (dchi2 > -50.0? 2.0/(1.0+expf(dchi2)) : 2.0) : 0.0; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_concentration)) { obj2->prof_concentration = sump>0.0? (sumq/sump - sumq0/sump0) : 1.0; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_concentrationerr)) obj2->prof_concentrationerr = sump>0.0? sqrt(sumqw2*sump*sump+sumpw2*sumq*sumq-2.0*sumpqw*sump*sumq) / (sump*sump) : 0.0; } } /* clean up. */ fft_reset(); return; } /****** profit_noisearea ****************************************************** PROTO float profit_noisearea(profitstruct *profit) PURPOSE Return the equivalent noise area (see King 1983) of a model. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, OUTPUT Equivalent noise area, in pixels. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 19/10/2010 ***/ float profit_noisearea(profitstruct *profit) { double dval, flux,flux2; PIXTYPE *pix; int p; flux = flux2 = 0.0; pix = profit->lmodpix; for (p=profit->nobjpix; p--;) { dval = (double)*(pix++); flux += dval; flux2 += dval*dval; } return (float)(flux2>0.0? flux*flux / flux2 : 0.0); } /****** profit_fluxcor ****************************************************** PROTO void profit_fluxcor(profitstruct *profit, objstruct *obj, obj2struct *obj2) PURPOSE Integrate the flux within an ellipse and complete it with the wings of the fitted model. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, pointer to the obj structure, pointer to the obj2 structure. OUTPUT Model-corrected flux. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 12/04/2011 ***/ void profit_fluxcor(profitstruct *profit, objstruct *obj, obj2struct *obj2) { checkstruct *check; double mx,my, dx,dy, cx2,cy2,cxy, klim,klim2, tvobj,sigtvobj, tvm,tvmin,tvmout, r1,v1; PIXTYPE *objpix,*objpixt,*objweight,*objweightt, *lmodpix, pix, weight,var; int x,y, x2,y2, pos, w,h, area, corrflag; corrflag = (prefs.mask_type==MASK_CORRECT); w = profit->objnaxisn[0]; h = profit->objnaxisn[1]; mx = (float)(w/2); my = (float)(h/2); if (FLAG(obj2.x_prof)) { if (profit->paramlist[PARAM_X]) mx += *profit->paramlist[PARAM_X]; if (profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]) my += *profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]; } if (obj2->kronfactor>0.0) { cx2 = obj->cxx; cy2 = obj->cyy; cxy = obj->cxy; klim2 = 0.64*obj2->kronfactor*obj2->kronfactor; } else /*-- ...if not, use the circular aperture provided by the user */ { cx2 = cy2 = 1.0; cxy = 0.0; klim2 = (prefs.autoaper[1]/2.0)*(prefs.autoaper[1]/2.0); } /* cx2 = obj2->prof_convcxx; cy2 = obj2->prof_convcyy; cxy = obj2->prof_convcxy; lmodpix = profit->lmodpix; r1 = v1 = 0.0; for (y=0; ypix, check->width, check->height, obj2->x_prof-1.0, obj2->y_prof-1.0, klim*obj2->prof_conva,klim*obj2->prof_convb, obj2->prof_convtheta, check->overlay, 0); */ area = 0; tvmin = tvmout = tvobj = sigtvobj = 0.0; lmodpix = profit->lmodpix; objpixt = objpix = profit->objpix; objweightt = objweight = profit->objweight; for (y=0; y=0 && x2=0 && y20.0) { pix = objpix[pos]; var = 1.0/(weight*weight); } else pix = var = 0.0; } else { pix = *objpixt; var = 1.0/(weight*weight); } tvobj += pix; sigtvobj += var; tvmin += *(lmodpix++); // *(lmodpix++) = pix; } else tvmout += *(lmodpix++); } } // tv -= area*bkg; tvm = tvmin + tvmout; if (tvm != 0.0) { obj2->fluxcor_prof = tvobj+obj2->flux_prof*tvmout/tvm; obj2->fluxcorerr_prof = sqrt(sigtvobj +obj2->fluxerr_prof*obj2->fluxerr_prof*tvmout/tvm); } else { obj2->fluxcor_prof = tvobj; obj2->fluxcorerr_prof = sqrt(sigtvobj); } /* if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_OTHER])) addcheck(check, profit->lmodpix, w, h, profit->ix,profit->iy, 1.0); */ return; } /****i* prof_gammainc ********************************************************* PROTO double prof_gammainc(double x, double a) PURPOSE Returns the incomplete Gamma function (based on algorithm described in Numerical Recipes in C, chap. 6.1). INPUT A double, upper integration limit. OUTPUT Incomplete Gamma function. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 08/10/2010 */ static double prof_gammainc (double x, double a) { double b,c,d,h, xn,xp, del,sum; int i; if (a < 0.0 || x <= 0.0) return 0.0; if (a < (x+1.0)) { /*-- Use the series representation */ xp = x; del = sum = 1.0/x; for (i=100;i--;) /* Iterate to convergence */ { sum += (del *= a/(++xp)); if (fabs(del) < fabs(sum)*3e-7) return sum*exp(-a+x*log(a)) / prof_gamma(x); } } else { /*-- Use the continued fraction representation and take its complement */ b = a + 1.0 - x; c = 1e30; h = d = 1.0/b; for (i=1; i<=100; i++) /* Iterate to convergence */ { xn = -i*(i-x); b += 2.0; if (fabs(d=xn*d+b) < 1e-30) d = 1e-30; if (fabs(c=b+xn/c) < 1e-30) c = 1e-30; del= c * (d = 1.0/d); h *= del; if (fabs(del-1.0) < 3e-7) return 1.0 - exp(-a+x*log(a))*h / prof_gamma(x); } } error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: out of bounds in ", "prof_gammainc()"); return 0.0; } /****i* prof_gamma ************************************************************ PROTO double prof_gamma(double xx) PURPOSE Returns the Gamma function (based on algorithm described in Numerical Recipes in C, chap 6.1). INPUT A double. OUTPUT Gamma function. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 11/09/2009 */ static double prof_gamma(double xx) { double x,tmp,ser; static double cof[6]={76.18009173,-86.50532033,24.01409822, -1.231739516,0.120858003e-2,-0.536382e-5}; int j; tmp=(x=xx-1.0)+5.5; tmp -= (x+0.5)*log(tmp); ser=1.0; for (j=0;j<6;j++) ser += cof[j]/(x+=1.0); return 2.50662827465*ser*exp(-tmp); } /****** profit_minradius ****************************************************** PROTO float profit_minradius(profitstruct *profit, float refffac) PURPOSE Returns the minimum disk radius that guarantees that each and every model component fits within some margin in that disk. INPUT Profit structure pointer, margin in units of (r/r_eff)^(1/n)). OUTPUT Radius (in pixels). NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 08/10/2010 */ float profit_minradius(profitstruct *profit, float refffac) { double r,reff,rmax; int p; rmax = reff = 0.0; for (p=0; pnprof; p++) { switch (profit->prof[p]->code) { case MODEL_BACK: case MODEL_DIRAC: reff = 0.0; break; case MODEL_SERSIC: reff = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]; break; case MODEL_DEVAUCOULEURS: reff = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]; break; case MODEL_EXPONENTIAL: reff = *profit->paramlist[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]*1.67835; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown profile parameter in ", "profit_minradius()"); break; } r = reff*(double)refffac; if (r>rmax) rmax = r; } return (float)rmax; } /****** profit_psf ************************************************************ PROTO void profit_psf(profitstruct *profit) PURPOSE Build the local PSF at a given resolution. INPUT Profile-fitting structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 07/07/2010 ***/ void profit_psf(profitstruct *profit) { double flux; float posin[2], posout[2], dnaxisn[2], *pixout, xcout,ycout, xcin,ycin, invpixstep, norm; int d,i; psf = profit->psf; psf_build(psf); xcout = (float)(profit->modnaxisn[0]/2) + 1.0; /* FITS convention */ ycout = (float)(profit->modnaxisn[1]/2) + 1.0; /* FITS convention */ xcin = (psf->masksize[0]/2) + 1.0; /* FITS convention */ ycin = (psf->masksize[1]/2) + 1.0; /* FITS convention */ invpixstep = profit->pixstep / psf->pixstep; /* Initialize multi-dimensional counters */ for (d=0; d<2; d++) { posout[d] = 1.0; /* FITS convention */ dnaxisn[d] = profit->modnaxisn[d]+0.5; } /* Remap each pixel */ pixout = profit->psfpix; flux = 0.0; for (i=profit->modnaxisn[0]*profit->modnaxisn[1]; i--;) { posin[0] = (posout[0] - xcout)*invpixstep + xcin; posin[1] = (posout[1] - ycout)*invpixstep + ycin; flux += ((*(pixout++) = interpolate_pix(posin, psf->maskloc, psf->masksize, INTERP_LANCZOS3))); for (d=0; d<2; d++) if ((posout[d]+=1.0) < dnaxisn[d]) break; else posout[d] = 1.0; } /* Normalize PSF flux (just in case...) */ flux *= profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep; if (fabs(flux) <= 0.0) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: PSF model is empty or negative: ", psf->name); norm = 1.0/flux; pixout = profit->psfpix; for (i=profit->modnaxisn[0]*profit->modnaxisn[1]; i--;) *(pixout++) *= norm; return; } /****** profit_minimize ******************************************************* PROTO void profit_minimize(profitstruct *profit) PURPOSE Provide a function returning residuals to lmfit. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure involved in the fit, maximum number of iterations. OUTPUT Number of iterations used. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 20/05/2011 ***/ int profit_minimize(profitstruct *profit, int niter) { double lm_opts[5], info[LM_INFO_SZ], dcovar[PARAM_NPARAM*PARAM_NPARAM], dparam[PARAM_NPARAM]; int nfree; profit->iter = 0; memset(dcovar, 0, profit->nparam*profit->nparam*sizeof(double)); /* Perform fit */ lm_opts[0] = 1.0e-3; /* Initial mu */ lm_opts[1] = 1.0e-6; /* ||J^T e||_inf stopping factor */ lm_opts[2] = 1.0e-6; /* |Dp||_2 stopping factor */ lm_opts[3] = 1.0e-6; /* ||e||_2 stopping factor */ lm_opts[4] = 1.0e-4; /* Jacobian step */ nfree = profit_boundtounbound(profit, profit->paraminit, dparam, PARAM_ALLPARAMS); niter = dlevmar_dif(profit_evaluate, dparam, NULL, nfree, profit->nresi, niter, lm_opts, info, NULL, dcovar, profit); profit_unboundtobound(profit, dparam, profit->paraminit, PARAM_ALLPARAMS); /* Convert covariance matrix to bounded space */ profit_covarunboundtobound(profit, dcovar, profit->covar); return niter; } /****** profit_printout ******************************************************* PROTO void profit_printout(int n_par, float* par, int m_dat, float* fvec, void *data, int iflag, int iter, int nfev ) PURPOSE Provide a function to print out results to lmfit. INPUT Number of fitted parameters, pointer to the vector of parameters, number of data points, pointer to the vector of residuals (output), pointer to the data structure (unused), 0 (init) 1 (outer loop) 2(inner loop) -1(terminated), outer loop counter, number of calls to evaluate(). OUTPUT -. NOTES Input arguments are there only for compatibility purposes (unused) AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 17/09/2008 ***/ void profit_printout(int n_par, float* par, int m_dat, float* fvec, void *data, int iflag, int iter, int nfev ) { checkstruct *check; profitstruct *profit; char filename[256]; static int itero; profit = (profitstruct *)data; if (0 && (iter!=itero || iter<0)) { if (iter<0) itero++; else itero = iter; sprintf(filename, "check_%d_%04d.fits", the_gal, itero); check=initcheck(filename, CHECK_PROFILES, 0); reinitcheck(the_field, check); addcheck(check, profit->lmodpix, profit->objnaxisn[0],profit->objnaxisn[1], profit->ix,profit->iy, 1.0); reendcheck(the_field, check); endcheck(check); } return; } /****** profit_evaluate ****************************************************** PROTO void profit_evaluate(double *par, double *fvec, int m, int n, void *adata) PURPOSE Provide a function returning residuals to levmar. INPUT Pointer to the vector of parameters, pointer to the vector of residuals (output), number of model parameters, number of data points, pointer to a data structure (we use it for the profit structure here). OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 20/05/2011 ***/ void profit_evaluate(double *dpar, double *fvec, int m, int n, void *adata) { profitstruct *profit; profstruct **prof; double *dpar0, *dresi; float *modpixt, *profpixt, *resi, tparam, val; PIXTYPE *lmodpixt,*lmodpix2t, *objpix,*weight, wval; int c,f,i,p,q, fd,pd, jflag,sflag, nprof; profit = (profitstruct *)adata; /* Detect "Jacobian-related" calls */ jflag = pd = fd = 0; dpar0 = profit->dparam; if (profit->iter) { f = q = 0; for (p=0; pnparam; p++) { if (dpar[f] - dpar0[f] != 0.0) { pd = p; fd = f; q++; } if (profit->parfittype[p]!=PARFIT_FIXED) f++; } if (f>0 && q==1) jflag = 1; } jflag = 0; /* Temporarily deactivated (until problems are fixed) */ if (jflag && !(profit->nprof==1 && profit->prof[0]->code == MODEL_DIRAC)) { prof = profit->prof; nprof = profit->nprof; /*-- "Jacobian call" */ tparam = profit->param[pd]; profit_unboundtobound(profit, &dpar[fd], &profit->param[pd], pd); sflag = 1; switch(profit->paramrevindex[pd]) { case PARAM_BACK: lmodpixt = profit->lmodpix; lmodpix2t = profit->lmodpix2; val = (profit->param[pd] - tparam); for (i=profit->nobjpix;i--;) *(lmodpix2t++) = val; break; case PARAM_X: case PARAM_Y: profit_resample(profit, profit->cmodpix, profit->lmodpix2, 1.0); lmodpixt = profit->lmodpix; lmodpix2t = profit->lmodpix2; for (i=profit->nobjpix;i--;) *(lmodpix2t++) -= *(lmodpixt++); break; case PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX: case PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX: case PARAM_DISK_FLUX: case PARAM_ARMS_FLUX: case PARAM_BAR_FLUX: if (nprof==1 && tparam != 0.0) { lmodpixt = profit->lmodpix; lmodpix2t = profit->lmodpix2; val = (profit->param[pd] - tparam) / tparam; for (i=profit->nobjpix;i--;) *(lmodpix2t++) = val**(lmodpixt++); } else { for (c=0; cflux == &profit->param[pd]) break; memcpy(profit->modpix, prof[c]->pix, profit->nmodpix*sizeof(float)); profit_convolve(profit, profit->modpix); profit_resample(profit, profit->modpix, profit->lmodpix2, profit->param[pd] - tparam); } break; case PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF: case PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT: case PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG: case PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN: sflag = 0; /* We are in the same switch */ for (c=0; ccode == MODEL_SERSIC || prof[c]->code == MODEL_DEVAUCOULEURS) break; case PARAM_DISK_SCALE: case PARAM_DISK_ASPECT: case PARAM_DISK_POSANG: if (sflag) for (c=0; ccode == MODEL_EXPONENTIAL) break; sflag = 0; case PARAM_ARMS_QUADFRAC: case PARAM_ARMS_SCALE: case PARAM_ARMS_START: case PARAM_ARMS_POSANG: case PARAM_ARMS_PITCH: case PARAM_ARMS_PITCHVAR: case PARAM_ARMS_WIDTH: if (sflag) for (c=0; ccode == MODEL_ARMS) break; sflag = 0; case PARAM_BAR_ASPECT: case PARAM_BAR_POSANG: if (sflag) for (c=0; ccode == MODEL_ARMS) break; modpixt = profit->modpix; profpixt = prof[c]->pix; val = -*prof[c]->flux; for (i=profit->nmodpix;i--;) *(modpixt++) = val**(profpixt++); memcpy(profit->modpix2, prof[c]->pix, profit->nmodpix*sizeof(float)); prof_add(profit, prof[c], 0); memcpy(prof[c]->pix, profit->modpix2, profit->nmodpix*sizeof(float)); profit_convolve(profit, profit->modpix); profit_resample(profit, profit->modpix, profit->lmodpix2, 1.0); break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: ", "unknown parameter index in profit_jacobian()"); break; } objpix = profit->objpix; weight = profit->objweight; lmodpixt = profit->lmodpix; lmodpix2t = profit->lmodpix2; resi = profit->resi; dresi = fvec; if (PROFIT_DYNPARAM > 0.0) for (i=profit->nobjpix;i--; lmodpixt++, lmodpix2t++) { val = *(objpix++); if ((wval=*(weight++))>0.0) *(dresi++) = *(resi++) + *lmodpix2t * wval/(1.0+wval*fabs(*lmodpixt - val)/PROFIT_DYNPARAM); } else for (i=profit->nobjpix;i--; lmodpix2t++) if ((wval=*(weight++))>0.0) *(dresi++) = *(resi++) + *lmodpix2t * wval; } else { /*-- "Regular call" */ for (p=0; pnparam; p++) dpar0[p] = dpar[p]; profit_unboundtobound(profit, dpar, profit->param, PARAM_ALLPARAMS); profit_residuals(profit, the_field, the_wfield, PROFIT_DYNPARAM, profit->param, profit->resi); for (p=0; pnresi; p++) fvec[p] = profit->resi[p]; } // profit_printout(m, par, n, fvec, adata, 0, -1, 0 ); profit->iter++; return; } /****** profit_residuals ****************************************************** PROTO float *prof_residuals(profitstruct *profit, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, float dynparam, float *param, float *resi) PURPOSE Compute the vector of residuals between the data and the galaxy profile model. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, pointer to the field, pointer to the field weight, dynamic compression parameter (0=no compression), pointer to the model parameters (output), pointer to the computed residuals (output). OUTPUT Vector of residuals. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 08/07/2010 ***/ float *profit_residuals(profitstruct *profit, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, float dynparam, float *param, float *resi) { int p, nmodpix; nmodpix = profit->modnaxisn[0]*profit->modnaxisn[1]*sizeof(float); memset(profit->modpix, 0, nmodpix); for (p=0; pnparam; p++) profit->param[p] = param[p]; /* Simple PSF shortcut */ if (profit->nprof == 1 && profit->prof[0]->code == MODEL_DIRAC) { profit_resample(profit, profit->psfpix, profit->lmodpix, *profit->prof[0]->flux); profit->flux = *profit->prof[0]->flux; } else { profit->flux = 0.0; for (p=0; pnprof; p++) profit->flux += prof_add(profit, profit->prof[p], 0); memcpy(profit->cmodpix, profit->modpix, profit->nmodpix*sizeof(float)); profit_convolve(profit, profit->cmodpix); profit_resample(profit, profit->cmodpix, profit->lmodpix, 1.0); } if (resi) profit_compresi(profit, dynparam, resi); return resi; } /****** profit_compresi ****************************************************** PROTO float *prof_compresi(profitstruct *profit, float dynparam, float *resi) PURPOSE Compute the vector of residuals between the data and the galaxy profile model. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, dynamic-compression parameter (0=no compression), vector of residuals (output). OUTPUT Vector of residuals. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 07/09/2009 ***/ float *profit_compresi(profitstruct *profit, float dynparam, float *resi) { double error; float *resit; PIXTYPE *objpix, *objweight, *lmodpix, val,val2,wval, invsig; int npix, i; /* Compute vector of residuals */ resit = resi; objpix = profit->objpix; objweight = profit->objweight; lmodpix = profit->lmodpix; error = 0.0; npix = profit->objnaxisn[0]*profit->objnaxisn[1]; if (dynparam > 0.0) { invsig = (PIXTYPE)(1.0/dynparam); for (i=npix; i--; lmodpix++) { val = *(objpix++); if ((wval=*(objweight++))>0.0) { val2 = (*lmodpix - val)*wval*invsig; val2 = val2>0.0? logf(1.0+val2) : -logf(1.0-val2); *(resit++) = val2*dynparam; error += val2*val2; } } profit->chi2 = dynparam*dynparam*error; } else { for (i=npix; i--; lmodpix++) { val = *(objpix++); if ((wval=*(objweight++))>0.0) { val2 = (*lmodpix - val)*wval; *(resit++) = val2; error += val2*val2; } } profit->chi2 = error; } return resi; } /****** profit_resample ****************************************************** PROTO int prof_resample(profitstruct *profit, float *inpix, PIXTYPE *outpix, float factor) PURPOSE Resample the current full resolution model to image resolution. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, pointer to input raster, pointer to output raster, multiplicating factor. OUTPUT RETURN_ERROR if the rasters don't overlap, RETURN_OK otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 12/09/2010 ***/ int profit_resample(profitstruct *profit, float *inpix, PIXTYPE *outpix, float factor) { PIXTYPE *pixout,*pixout0; float *pixin,*pixin0, *mask,*maskt, *pixinout, *dpixin,*dpixin0, *dpixout,*dpixout0, *dx,*dy, xcin,xcout,ycin,ycout, xsin,ysin, xin,yin, x,y, dxm,dym, val, invpixstep, norm; int *start,*startt, *nmask,*nmaskt, i,j,k,n,t, ixsout,iysout, ixout,iyout, dixout,diyout, nxout,nyout, iysina, nyin, hmw,hmh, ix,iy, ixin,iyin; invpixstep = profit->subsamp/profit->pixstep; xcin = (profit->modnaxisn[0]/2); xcout = (float)(profit->objnaxisn[0]/2); if ((dx=(profit->paramlist[PARAM_X]))) xcout += *dx; xsin = xcin - xcout*invpixstep; /* Input start x-coord*/ if ((int)xsin >= profit->modnaxisn[0]) return RETURN_ERROR; ixsout = 0; /* Int. part of output start x-coord */ if (xsin<0.0) { dixout = (int)(1.0-xsin/invpixstep); /*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in x */ if (dixout >= profit->objnaxisn[0]) return RETURN_ERROR; ixsout += dixout; xsin += dixout*invpixstep; } nxout = (int)((profit->modnaxisn[0]-xsin)/invpixstep);/* nb of interpolated input pixels along x */ if (nxout>(ixout=profit->objnaxisn[0]-ixsout)) nxout = ixout; if (!nxout) return RETURN_ERROR; ycin = (profit->modnaxisn[1]/2); ycout = (float)(profit->objnaxisn[1]/2); if ((dy=(profit->paramlist[PARAM_Y]))) ycout += *dy; ysin = ycin - ycout*invpixstep; /* Input start y-coord*/ if ((int)ysin >= profit->modnaxisn[1]) return RETURN_ERROR; iysout = 0; /* Int. part of output start y-coord */ if (ysin<0.0) { diyout = (int)(1.0-ysin/invpixstep); /*-- Simply leave here if the images do not overlap in y */ if (diyout >= profit->objnaxisn[1]) return RETURN_ERROR; iysout += diyout; ysin += diyout*invpixstep; } nyout = (int)((profit->modnaxisn[1]-ysin)/invpixstep);/* nb of interpolated input pixels along y */ if (nyout>(iyout=profit->objnaxisn[1]-iysout)) nyout = iyout; if (!nyout) return RETURN_ERROR; /* Set the yrange for the x-resampling with some margin for interpolation */ iysina = (int)ysin; /* Int. part of Input start y-coord with margin */ hmh = INTERPW/2 - 1; /* Interpolant start */ if (iysina<0 || ((iysina -= hmh)< 0)) iysina = 0; nyin = (int)(ysin+nyout*invpixstep)+INTERPW-hmh;/* Interpolated Input y size*/ if (nyin>profit->modnaxisn[1]) /* with margin */ nyin = profit->modnaxisn[1]; /* Express everything relative to the effective Input start (with margin) */ nyin -= iysina; ysin -= (float)iysina; /* Allocate interpolant stuff for the x direction */ QMALLOC(mask, float, nxout*INTERPW); /* Interpolation masks */ QMALLOC(nmask, int, nxout); /* Interpolation mask sizes */ QMALLOC(start, int, nxout); /* Int. part of Input conv starts */ /* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in x */ hmw = INTERPW/2 - 1; xin = xsin; maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; for (j=nxout; j--; xin+=invpixstep) { ix = (ixin=(int)xin) - hmw; dxm = ixin - xin - hmw; /* starting point in the interpolation func */ if (ix < 0) { n = INTERPW+ix; dxm -= (float)ix; ix = 0; } else n = INTERPW; if (n>(t=profit->modnaxisn[0]-ix)) n=t; *(startt++) = ix; *(nmaskt++) = n; norm = 0.0; for (x=dxm, i=n; i--; x+=1.0) norm += (*(maskt++) = INTERPF(x)); norm = norm>0.0? 1.0/norm : 1.0; maskt -= n; for (i=n; i--;) *(maskt++) *= norm; } QCALLOC(pixinout, float, nxout*nyin); /* Intermediary frame-buffer */ /* Make the interpolation in x (this includes transposition) */ pixin0 = inpix + iysina*profit->modnaxisn[0]; dpixout0 = pixinout; for (k=nyin; k--; pixin0+=profit->modnaxisn[0], dpixout0++) { maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; dpixout = dpixout0; for (j=nxout; j--; dpixout+=nyin) { pixin = pixin0+*(startt++); val = 0.0; for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;) val += *(maskt++)**(pixin++); *dpixout = val; } } /* Reallocate interpolant stuff for the y direction */ QREALLOC(mask, float, nyout*INTERPW); /* Interpolation masks */ QREALLOC(nmask, int, nyout); /* Interpolation mask sizes */ QREALLOC(start, int, nyout); /* Int. part of Input conv starts */ /* Compute the local interpolant and data starting points in y */ hmh = INTERPW/2 - 1; yin = ysin; maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; for (j=nyout; j--; yin+=invpixstep) { iy = (iyin=(int)yin) - hmh; dym = iyin - yin - hmh; /* starting point in the interpolation func */ if (iy < 0) { n = INTERPW+iy; dym -= (float)iy; iy = 0; } else n = INTERPW; if (n>(t=nyin-iy)) n=t; *(startt++) = iy; *(nmaskt++) = n; norm = 0.0; for (y=dym, i=n; i--; y+=1.0) norm += (*(maskt++) = INTERPF(y)); norm = norm>0.0? 1.0/norm : 1.0; maskt -= n; for (i=n; i--;) *(maskt++) *= norm; } /* Initialize destination buffer to zero */ memset(outpix, 0, (size_t)profit->nobjpix*sizeof(PIXTYPE)); /* Make the interpolation in y and transpose once again */ dpixin0 = pixinout; pixout0 = outpix+ixsout+iysout*profit->objnaxisn[0]; for (k=nxout; k--; dpixin0+=nyin, pixout0++) { maskt = mask; nmaskt = nmask; startt = start; pixout = pixout0; for (j=nyout; j--; pixout+=profit->objnaxisn[0]) { dpixin = dpixin0+*(startt++); val = 0.0; for (i=*(nmaskt++); i--;) val += *(maskt++)**(dpixin++); *pixout = (PIXTYPE)(factor*val); } } /* Free memory */ free(pixinout); free(mask); free(nmask); free(start); return RETURN_OK; } /****** profit_convolve ******************************************************* PROTO void profit_convolve(profitstruct *profit, float *modpix) PURPOSE Convolve a model image with the local PSF. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, Pointer to the image raster. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 15/09/2008 ***/ void profit_convolve(profitstruct *profit, float *modpix) { if (!profit->psfdft) profit_makedft(profit); fft_conv(modpix, profit->psfdft, profit->modnaxisn); return; } /****** profit_makedft ******************************************************* PROTO void profit_makedft(profitstruct *profit) PURPOSE Create the Fourier transform of the descrambled PSF component. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 22/04/2008 ***/ void profit_makedft(profitstruct *profit) { psfstruct *psf; float *mask,*maskt, *ppix; float dx,dy, r,r2,rmin,rmin2,rmax,rmax2,rsig,invrsig2; int width,height,npix,offset, psfwidth,psfheight,psfnpix, cpwidth, cpheight,hcpwidth,hcpheight, i,j,x,y; if (!(psf=profit->psf)) return; psfwidth = profit->modnaxisn[0]; psfheight = profit->modnaxisn[1]; psfnpix = psfwidth*psfheight; width = profit->modnaxisn[0]; height = profit->modnaxisn[1]; npix = width*height; QCALLOC(mask, float, npix); cpwidth = (width>psfwidth)?psfwidth:width; hcpwidth = cpwidth>>1; cpwidth = hcpwidth<<1; offset = width - cpwidth; cpheight = (height>psfheight)?psfheight:height; hcpheight = cpheight>>1; cpheight = hcpheight<<1; /* Frame and descramble the PSF data */ ppix = profit->psfpix + (psfheight/2)*psfwidth + psfwidth/2; maskt = mask; for (j=hcpheight; j--; ppix+=psfwidth) { for (i=hcpwidth; i--;) *(maskt++) = *(ppix++); ppix -= cpwidth; maskt += offset; for (i=hcpwidth; i--;) *(maskt++) = *(ppix++); } ppix = profit->psfpix + ((psfheight/2)-hcpheight)*psfwidth + psfwidth/2; maskt += width*(height-cpheight); for (j=hcpheight; j--; ppix+=psfwidth) { for (i=hcpwidth; i--;) *(maskt++) = *(ppix++); ppix -= cpwidth; maskt += offset; for (i=hcpwidth; i--;) *(maskt++) = *(ppix++); } /* Truncate to a disk that has diameter = (box width) */ rmax = cpwidth - 1.0 - hcpwidth; if (rmax > (r=hcpwidth)) rmax = r; if (rmax > (r=cpheight-1.0-hcpheight)) rmax = r; if (rmax > (r=hcpheight)) rmax = r; if (rmax<1.0) rmax = 1.0; rmax2 = rmax*rmax; rsig = psf->fwhm/profit->pixstep; invrsig2 = 1/(2*rsig*rsig); rmin = rmax - (3*rsig); /* 3 sigma annulus (almost no aliasing) */ rmin2 = rmin*rmin; maskt = mask; dy = 0.0; for (y=hcpheight; y--; dy+=1.0) { dx = 0.0; for (x=hcpwidth; x--; dx+=1.0, maskt++) if ((r2=dx*dx+dy*dy)>rmin2) *maskt *= (r2>rmax2)?0.0:expf((2*rmin*sqrtf(r2)-r2-rmin2)*invrsig2); dx = -hcpwidth; maskt += offset; for (x=hcpwidth; x--; dx+=1.0, maskt++) if ((r2=dx*dx+dy*dy)>rmin2) *maskt *= (r2>rmax2)?0.0:expf((2*rmin*sqrtf(r2)-r2-rmin2)*invrsig2); } dy = -hcpheight; maskt += width*(height-cpheight); for (y=hcpheight; y--; dy+=1.0) { dx = 0.0; for (x=hcpwidth; x--; dx+=1.0, maskt++) if ((r2=dx*dx+dy*dy)>rmin2) *maskt *= (r2>rmax2)?0.0:expf((2*rmin*sqrtf(r2)-r2-rmin2)*invrsig2); dx = -hcpwidth; maskt += offset; for (x=hcpwidth; x--; dx+=1.0, maskt++) if ((r2=dx*dx+dy*dy)>rmin2) *maskt *= (r2>rmax2)?0.0:expf((2*rmin*sqrtf(r2)-r2-rmin2)*invrsig2); } /* Finally move to Fourier space */ profit->psfdft = fft_rtf(mask, profit->modnaxisn); free(mask); return; } /****** profit_copyobjpix ***************************************************** PROTO int profit_copyobjpix(profitstruct *profit, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield) PURPOSE Copy a piece of the input field image to a profit structure. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, Pointer to the field structure, Pointer to the field weight structure. OUTPUT The number of valid pixels copied. NOTES Global preferences are used. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 01/12/2009 ***/ int profit_copyobjpix(profitstruct *profit, picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield) { float dx, dy2, dr2, rad2; PIXTYPE *pixin,*spixin, *wpixin,*swpixin, *pixout,*wpixout, backnoise2, invgain, satlevel, wthresh, pix,spix, wpix,swpix; int i,x,y, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, w,h,dw, npix, off, gainflag, badflag, sflag, sx,sy,sn,sw, ix,iy; /* First put the image background to -BIG */ pixout = profit->objpix; wpixout = profit->objweight; for (i=profit->objnaxisn[0]*profit->objnaxisn[1]; i--;) { *(pixout++) = -BIG; *(wpixout++) = 0.0; } /* Don't go further if out of frame!! */ ix = profit->ix; iy = profit->iy; if (ix<0 || ix>=field->width || iyymin || iy>=field->ymax) return 0; backnoise2 = field->backsig*field->backsig; sn = (int)profit->subsamp; sflag = (sn>1); w = profit->objnaxisn[0]*sn; h = profit->objnaxisn[1]*sn; if (sflag) backnoise2 *= (PIXTYPE)sn; invgain = (field->gain > 0.0) ? 1.0/field->gain : 0.0; satlevel = field->satur_level - profit->obj->bkg; rad2 = h/2.0; if (rad2 > w/2.0) rad2 = w/2.0; rad2 *= rad2; /* Set the image boundaries */ pixout = profit->objpix; wpixout = profit->objweight; ymin = iy-h/2; ymax = ymin + h; if (yminymin) { off = (field->ymin-ymin-1)/sn + 1; pixout += off*profit->objnaxisn[0]; wpixout += off*profit->objnaxisn[0]; ymin += off*sn; } if (ymax>field->ymax) ymax -= ((ymax-field->ymax-1)/sn + 1)*sn; xmin = ix-w/2; xmax = xmin + w; dw = 0; if (xmax>field->width) { off = (xmax-field->width-1)/sn + 1; dw += off; xmax -= off*sn; } if (xmin<0) { off = (-xmin-1)/sn + 1; pixout += off; wpixout += off; dw += off; xmin += off*sn; } /* Make sure the input frame size is a multiple of the subsampling step */ if (sflag) { /* if (((rem=ymax-ymin)%sn)) { ymin += rem/2; ymax -= (rem-rem/2); } if (((rem=xmax-xmin)%sn)) { xmin += rem/2; pixout += rem/2; wpixout += rem/2; dw += rem; xmax -= (rem-rem/2); } */ sw = field->width; } /* Copy the right pixels to the destination */ npix = 0; if (wfield) { wthresh = wfield->weight_thresh; gainflag = prefs.weightgain_flag; if (sflag) { /*---- Sub-sampling case */ for (y=ymin; y-BIG && spix0.0? (gainflag? pix*wpix/backnoise2:pix)*invgain : 0.0)); npix++; } else *(wpixout++) = 0.0; } } } else for (y=ymin; y-BIG && pix0.0? (gainflag? pix*wpix/backnoise2:pix)*invgain : 0.0)); npix++; } else *(pixout++) = *(wpixout++) = 0.0; } } } else { if (sflag) { /*---- Sub-sampling case */ for (y=ymin; y-BIG && spix0.0?pix*invgain:0.0)); npix++; } else *(wpixout++) = 0.0; } } } else for (y=ymin; y-BIG && pix0.0?pix*invgain : 0.0)); npix++; } else *(pixout++) = *(wpixout++) = 0.0; } } } return npix; } /****** profit_spiralindex **************************************************** PROTO float profit_spiralindex(profitstruct *profit) PURPOSE Compute the spiral index of a galaxy image (positive for arms extending counter-clockwise and negative for arms extending CW, 0 for no spiral pattern). INPUT Profile-fitting structure. OUTPUT Vector of residuals. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 18/05/2011 ***/ float profit_spiralindex(profitstruct *profit) { objstruct *obj; obj2struct *obj2; float *dx,*dy, *fdx,*fdy, *gdx,*gdy, *gdxt,*gdyt, *pix, fwhm, invtwosigma2, hw,hh, ohw,ohh, x,y,xstart, tx,ty,txstart, gx,gy, r2, spirindex, invsig, val, sep; PIXTYPE *fpix; int i,j, npix; npix = profit->objnaxisn[0]*profit->objnaxisn[1]; obj = profit->obj; obj2 = profit->obj2; /* Compute simple derivative vectors at a fraction of the object scale */ fwhm = profit->guessradius * 2.0 / 4.0; if (fwhm < 2.0) fwhm = 2.0; sep = 2.0; invtwosigma2 = -(2.35*2.35/(2.0*fwhm*fwhm)); hw = (float)(profit->objnaxisn[0]/2); ohw = profit->objnaxisn[0] - hw; hh = (float)(profit->objnaxisn[1]/2); ohh = profit->objnaxisn[1] - hh; txstart = -hw; ty = -hh; QMALLOC(dx, float, npix); pix = dx; for (j=profit->objnaxisn[1]; j--; ty+=1.0) { tx = txstart; y = ty < -0.5? ty + hh : ty - ohh; for (i=profit->objnaxisn[0]; i--; tx+=1.0) { x = tx < -0.5? tx + hw : tx - ohw; *(pix++) = exp(invtwosigma2*((x+sep)*(x+sep)+y*y)) - exp(invtwosigma2*((x-sep)*(x-sep)+y*y)); } } QMALLOC(dy, float, npix); pix = dy; ty = -hh; for (j=profit->objnaxisn[1]; j--; ty+=1.0) { tx = txstart; y = ty < -0.5? ty + hh : ty - ohh; for (i=profit->objnaxisn[0]; i--; tx+=1.0) { x = tx < -0.5? tx + hw : tx - ohw; *(pix++) = exp(invtwosigma2*(x*x+(y+sep)*(y+sep))) - exp(invtwosigma2*(x*x+(y-sep)*(y-sep))); } } QMALLOC(gdx, float, npix); gdxt = gdx; fpix = profit->objpix; invsig = npix/profit->sigma; for (i=npix; i--; fpix++) { val = *fpix > -1e29? *fpix*invsig : 0.0; *(gdxt++) = (val>0.0? log(1.0+val) : -log(1.0-val)); } gdy = NULL; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ QMEMCPY(gdx, gdy, float, npix); fdx = fft_rtf(dx, profit->objnaxisn); fft_conv(gdx, fdx, profit->objnaxisn); fdy = fft_rtf(dy, profit->objnaxisn); fft_conv(gdy, fdy, profit->objnaxisn); /* Compute estimator */ invtwosigma2 = -1.18*1.18 / (2.0*profit->guessradius*profit->guessradius); xstart = -hw - obj->mx + (int)(obj->mx+0.49999); y = -hh - obj->my + (int)(obj->my+0.49999);; spirindex = 0.0; gdxt = gdx; gdyt = gdy; for (j=profit->objnaxisn[1]; j--; y+=1.0) { x = xstart; for (i=profit->objnaxisn[0]; i--; x+=1.0) { gx = *(gdxt++); gy = *(gdyt++); if ((r2=x*x+y*y)>0.0) spirindex += (x*y*(gx*gx-gy*gy)+gx*gy*(y*y-x*x))/r2 * exp(invtwosigma2*r2); } } free(dx); free(dy); free(fdx); free(fdy); free(gdx); free(gdy); return spirindex; } /****** profit_moments **************************************************** PROTO void profit_moments(profitstruct *profit, obj2struct *obj2) PURPOSE Compute the 2nd order moments from the unconvolved object model. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, Pointer to obj2 structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 22/04/2011 ***/ void profit_moments(profitstruct *profit, obj2struct *obj2) { profstruct *prof; double dpdmx2[6], cov[4], *jac,*jact, *pjac,*pjact, *dcovar,*dcovart, *dmx2,*dmy2,*dmxy, m0,invm0, mx2,my2,mxy, den,invden, temp, temp2,invtemp2,invstemp2, pmx2,theta, flux, dval; float *covart; int findex[MODEL_NMAX], i,j,p, nparam; /* hw = (float)(profit->modnaxisn[0]/2);*/ /* hh = (float)(profit->modnaxisn[1]/2);*/ /* r2max = hwmodpix;*/ /* mx2 = my2 = mxy = mx = my = sum = 0.0;*/ /* for (iy=profit->modnaxisn[1]; iy--; y+=1.0)*/ /* {*/ /* x = xstart;*/ /* for (ix=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix--; x+=1.0)*/ /* if (y*y+x*x <= r2max)*/ /* {*/ /* val = *(pix++);*/ /* sum += val;*/ /* mx += val*x;*/ /* my += val*y;*/ /* mx2 += val*x*x;*/ /* mxy += val*x*y;*/ /* my2 += val*y*y;*/ /* }*/ /* else*/ /* pix++;*/ /* }*/ /* if (sum <= 1.0/BIG)*/ /* sum = 1.0;*/ /* mx /= sum;*/ /* my /= sum;*/ /* obj2->prof_mx2 = mx2 = mx2/sum - mx*mx;*/ /* obj2->prof_my2 = my2 = my2/sum - my*my;*/ /* obj2->prof_mxy = mxy = mxy/sum - mx*my;*/ nparam = profit->nparam; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_e1err) || FLAG(obj2.prof_pol1err)) { /*-- Set up Jacobian matrices */ QCALLOC(jac, double, nparam*3); QMALLOC(pjac, double, (nparam<2? 6 : nparam*3)); QMALLOC(dcovar, double, nparam*nparam); dcovart = dcovar; covart = profit->covar; for (i=nparam*nparam; i--;) *(dcovart++) = (double)(*(covart++)); dmx2 = jac; dmy2 = jac+nparam; dmxy = jac+2*nparam; } else jac = pjac = dcovar = dmx2 = dmy2 = dmxy = NULL; m0 = mx2 = my2 = mxy = 0.0; for (p=0; pnprof; p++) { prof = profit->prof[p]; findex[p] = prof_moments(profit, prof, pjac); flux = *prof->flux; m0 += flux; mx2 += prof->mx2*flux; my2 += prof->my2*flux; mxy += prof->mxy*flux; if (jac) { jact = jac; pjact = pjac; for (j=nparam*3; j--;) *(jact++) += flux * *(pjact++); } } invm0 = 1.0 / m0; obj2->prof_mx2 = (mx2 *= invm0); obj2->prof_my2 = (my2 *= invm0); obj2->prof_mxy = (mxy *= invm0); /* Complete the flux derivative of moments */ if (jac) { for (p=0; pnprof; p++) { prof = profit->prof[p]; dmx2[findex[p]] = prof->mx2 - mx2; dmy2[findex[p]] = prof->my2 - my2; dmxy[findex[p]] = prof->mxy - mxy; } jact = jac; for (j=nparam*3; j--;) *(jact++) *= invm0; } /* Handle fully correlated profiles (which cause a singularity...) */ if ((temp2=mx2*my2-mxy*mxy)<0.00694) { mx2 += 0.0833333; my2 += 0.0833333; temp2 = mx2*my2-mxy*mxy; } /* Use the Jacobians to compute the moment covariance matrix */ if (jac) propagate_covar(dcovar, jac, obj2->prof_mx2cov, nparam, 3, pjac); /* We re-use pjac */ if (FLAG(obj2.prof_pol1)) { /*--- "Polarisation", i.e. module = (a^2-b^2)/(a^2+b^2) */ if (mx2+my2 > 1.0/BIG) { obj2->prof_pol1 = (mx2 - my2) / (mx2+my2); obj2->prof_pol2 = 2.0*mxy / (mx2 + my2); if (FLAG(obj2.prof_pol1err)) { /*------ Compute the Jacobian of polarisation */ invden = 1.0/(mx2+my2); dpdmx2[0] = 2.0*my2*invden*invden; dpdmx2[1] = -2.0*mx2*invden*invden; dpdmx2[2] = 0.0; dpdmx2[3] = -2.0*mxy*invden*invden; dpdmx2[4] = -2.0*mxy*invden*invden; dpdmx2[5] = 2.0*invden; /*------ Use the Jacobian to compute the polarisation covariance matrix */ propagate_covar(obj2->prof_mx2cov, dpdmx2, cov, 3, 2, pjac); /* We re-use pjac */ obj2->prof_pol1err = (float)sqrt(cov[0]<0.0? 0.0: cov[0]); obj2->prof_pol2err = (float)sqrt(cov[3]<0.0? 0.0: cov[3]); obj2->prof_pol12corr = (dval=cov[0]*cov[3]) > 0.0? (float)(cov[1]/sqrt(dval)) : 0.0; } } else obj2->prof_pol1 = obj2->prof_pol2 = obj2->prof_pol1err = obj2->prof_pol2err = obj2->prof_pol12corr = 0.0; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_e1)) { /*--- "Ellipticity", i.e. module = (a-b)/(a+b) */ if (mx2+my2 > 1.0/BIG) { den = (temp2>=0.0) ? mx2+my2+2.0*sqrt(temp2) : mx2+my2; invden = 1.0/den; obj2->prof_e1 = (float)(invden * (mx2 - my2)); obj2->prof_e2 = (float)(2.0 * invden * mxy); if (FLAG(obj2.prof_e1err)) { /*------ Compute the Jacobian of ellipticity */ invstemp2 = (temp2>=0.0) ? 1.0/sqrt(temp2) : 0.0; dpdmx2[0] = ( den - (1.0+my2*invstemp2)*(mx2-my2))*invden*invden; dpdmx2[1] = (-den - (1.0+mx2*invstemp2)*(mx2-my2))*invden*invden; dpdmx2[2] = 2.0*mxy*invstemp2*(mx2-my2)*invden*invden; dpdmx2[3] = -2.0*mxy*(1.0+my2*invstemp2)*invden*invden; dpdmx2[4] = -2.0*mxy*(1.0+mx2*invstemp2)*invden*invden; dpdmx2[5] = (2.0*den+4.0*mxy*mxy*invstemp2)*invden*invden; /*------ Use the Jacobian to compute the ellipticity covariance matrix */ propagate_covar(obj2->prof_mx2cov, dpdmx2, cov, 3, 2, pjac); /* We re-use pjac */ obj2->prof_e1err = (float)sqrt(cov[0]<0.0? 0.0: cov[0]); obj2->prof_e2err = (float)sqrt(cov[3]<0.0? 0.0: cov[3]); obj2->prof_e12corr = (dval=cov[0]*cov[3]) > 0.0? (float)(cov[1]/sqrt(dval)) : 0.0; } } else obj2->prof_e1 = obj2->prof_e2 = obj2->prof_e1err = obj2->prof_e2err = obj2->prof_e12corr = 0.0; } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_cxx)) { invtemp2 = (temp2>=0.0) ? 1.0/temp2 : 0.0; obj2->prof_cxx = (float)(my2*invtemp2); obj2->prof_cyy = (float)(mx2*invtemp2); obj2->prof_cxy = (float)(-2*mxy*invtemp2); } if (FLAG(obj2.prof_a)) { if ((fabs(temp=mx2-my2)) > 0.0) theta = atan2(2.0 * mxy,temp) / 2.0; else theta = PI/4.0; temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+mxy*mxy); pmx2 = 0.5*(mx2+my2); obj2->prof_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2 + temp); obj2->prof_b = (float)sqrt(pmx2 - temp); obj2->prof_theta = theta*180.0/PI; } /* Free memory used by Jacobians */ free(jac); free(pjac); free(dcovar); return; } /****** profit_convmoments **************************************************** PROTO void profit_convmoments(profitstruct *profit, obj2struct *obj2) PURPOSE Compute the 2nd order moments of the convolved object model. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, Pointer to obj2 structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 12/04/2011 ***/ void profit_convmoments(profitstruct *profit, obj2struct *obj2) { double hw,hh, r2max, x,xstart,y, mx2,my2,mxy,mx,my,sum, dval, temp,temp2,invtemp2, pmx2, theta; PIXTYPE *pix; int ix,iy, w,h; w = profit->modnaxisn[0]; h = profit->modnaxisn[1]; hw = (double)(w/2); hh = (double)(h/2); r2max = hwcmodpix; mx2 = my2 = mxy = mx = my = sum = 0.0; for (iy=h; iy--; y+=1.0) { x = xstart; for (ix=w; ix--; x+=1.0) if (y*y+x*x <= r2max) { dval = *(pix++); sum += dval; mx += dval*x; my += dval*y; mx2 += dval*x*x; mxy += dval*x*y; my2 += dval*y*y; } else pix++; } if (sum <= 1.0/BIG) sum = 1.0; mx /= sum; my /= sum; obj2->prof_convmx2 = (mx2 = mx2/sum - mx*mx)*profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep; obj2->prof_convmy2 = (my2 = my2/sum - my*my)*profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep; obj2->prof_convmxy = (mxy = mxy/sum - mx*my)*profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep; /* Handle fully correlated profiles (which cause a singularity...) */ if ((temp2=mx2*my2-mxy*mxy)<0.00694) { mx2 += 0.0833333; my2 += 0.0833333; temp2 = mx2*my2-mxy*mxy; } temp2 *= profit->pixstep*profit->pixstep; if (FLAG(obj2.prof_convcxx)) { invtemp2 = (temp2>=0.0) ? 1.0/temp2 : 0.0; obj2->prof_convcxx = (float)(my2*invtemp2); obj2->prof_convcyy = (float)(mx2*invtemp2); obj2->prof_convcxy = (float)(-2*mxy*invtemp2); } if (1 /*FLAG(obj2.prof_conva)*/) { if ((fabs(temp=mx2-my2)) > 0.0) theta = atan2(2.0 * mxy,temp) / 2.0; else theta = PI/4.0; temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+mxy*mxy); pmx2 = 0.5*(mx2+my2); obj2->prof_conva = (float)sqrt(pmx2 + temp)*profit->pixstep; obj2->prof_convb = (float)sqrt(pmx2 - temp)*profit->pixstep; obj2->prof_convtheta = theta/DEG; } return; } /****** profit_surface **************************************************** PROTO void profit_surface(profitstruct *profit, obj2struct *obj2) PURPOSE Compute surface brightnesses from the unconvolved object model. INPUT Pointer to the profile-fitting structure, Pointer to obj2 structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 24/01/2011 ***/ void profit_surface(profitstruct *profit, obj2struct *obj2) { profitstruct hdprofit; double dsum,dhsum,dsumoff, dhval, frac, seff; float *spix, *spixt, val,vmax, scalefac, imsizefac, flux, lost, sum, lostfluxfrac; int i,p, imax, npix, neff; /* Allocate "high-definition" raster only to make measurements */ hdprofit.modnaxisn[0] = hdprofit.modnaxisn[1] = PROFIT_HIDEFRES; npix = hdprofit.nmodpix = hdprofit.modnaxisn[0]*hdprofit.modnaxisn[1]; /* Find best image size factor from fitting results */ imsizefac = 2.0*profit_minradius(profit, PROFIT_REFFFAC)/profit->pixstep / (float)profit->modnaxisn[0]; if (imsizefac<0.01) imsizefac = 0.01; else if (imsizefac>100.0) imsizefac = 100.0; scalefac = (float)hdprofit.modnaxisn[0] / (float)profit->modnaxisn[0] / imsizefac; hdprofit.pixstep = profit->pixstep / scalefac; hdprofit.fluxfac = scalefac*scalefac; QCALLOC(hdprofit.modpix, float,npix*sizeof(float)); for (p=0; pnparam; p++) profit->param[p] = profit->paraminit[p]; lost = sum = 0.0; for (p=0; pnprof; p++) { sum += (flux = prof_add(&hdprofit, profit->prof[p],0)); lost += flux*profit->prof[p]->lostfluxfrac; } lostfluxfrac = sum > 0.0? lost / sum : 0.0; /* char filename[256]; sprintf(filename, "raster_%02d.fits", the_gal); check=initcheck(filename, CHECK_OTHER, 0); check->width = hdprofit.modnaxisn[0]; check->height = hdprofit.modnaxisn[1]; reinitcheck(the_field, check); memcpy(check->pix,hdprofit.modpix,check->npix*sizeof(float)); int r,t; double ratio,ratio0,ang,ang0, x,x0,y,y0; list = profit->paramlist; index = profit->paramindex; for (p=0; pparaminit[p]; ratio0 = profit->paraminit[index[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]]; ang0 = profit->paraminit[index[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]]; x0 = profit->paraminit[index[PARAM_X]]; y0 = profit->paraminit[index[PARAM_Y]]; for (r=0;rheight;r++) for (t=0; twidth;t++) { //x = (r-10.0)/100.0 + x0; //y = (t-10.0)/100.0 + y0; ratio = ratio0*exp((r-10.0)/400.0); ang = ang0+(t-10.0)/3.0; for (i=0; iparaminit[index[i]]*sqrt(ratio0/ratio); } profit_residuals(profit,field,wfield, PROFIT_DYNPARAM, param,profit->resi); *((float *)check->pix + t + r*check->width) = profit->chi2; } reendcheck(the_field, check); endcheck(check); */ if (FLAG(obj2.fluxeff_prof)) { /*-- Sort model pixel values */ spix = NULL; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ QMEMCPY(hdprofit.modpix, spix, float, npix); fqmedian(spix, npix); /*-- Build a cumulative distribution */ dsum = 0.0; spixt = spix; for (i=npix; i--;) dsum += (double)*(spixt++); /*-- Find matching surface brightness */ if (lostfluxfrac > 1.0) lostfluxfrac = 0.0; dhsum = 0.5 * dsum / (1.0-lostfluxfrac); dsum = lostfluxfrac * dsum / (1.0-lostfluxfrac); neff = 0; spixt = spix; for (i=npix; i--;) if ((dsum += (double)*(spixt++)) >= dhsum) { neff = i; break; } dhval = (double)*(spixt-1); seff = neff; dsumoff = 0.0; if (spixt>=spix+2) if (dhval > 0.0 && (frac = (dsum - dhsum) / dhval) < 1.0) { seff += frac; dsumoff = frac*dhval; dhval = dsumoff + (1.0 - frac)*(double)*(spixt-2); } obj2->fluxeff_prof = dhval; if (FLAG(obj2.fluxmean_prof)) { dsum = dsumoff; for (i=neff; i--;) dsum += (double)*(spixt++); obj2->fluxmean_prof = seff > 0.0? dsum / seff : 0.0; } free(spix); } /* Compute model peak (overwrites oversampled model!!) */ if (FLAG(obj2.peak_prof)) { /*-- Find position of maximum pixel in current hi-def raster */ imax = 0; vmax = -BIG; spixt = hdprofit.modpix; for (i=npix; i--;) if ((val=*(spixt++))>vmax) { vmax = val; imax = i; } imax = npix-1 - imax; /*-- Recompute hi-def model raster without oversampling */ /*-- and with the same flux correction factor */ memset(hdprofit.modpix,0, npix*sizeof(float)); for (p=0; pnprof; p++) prof_add(&hdprofit, profit->prof[p], 1); obj2->peak_prof = hdprofit.modpix[imax]; } /* Free hi-def model raster */ free(hdprofit.modpix); return; } /****** profit_addparam ******************************************************* PROTO void profit_addparam(profitstruct *profit, paramenum paramindex, float **param) PURPOSE Add a profile parameter to the list of fitted items. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, Parameter index, Pointer to the parameter pointer. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 29/03/2010 ***/ void profit_addparam(profitstruct *profit, paramenum paramindex, float **param) { /* Check whether the parameter has already be registered */ if (profit->paramlist[paramindex]) /*-- Yes */ *param = profit->paramlist[paramindex]; else /*-- No */ { *param = profit->paramlist[paramindex] = &profit->param[profit->nparam]; profit->paramindex[paramindex] = profit->nparam; profit->paramrevindex[profit->nparam++] = paramindex; } return; } /****** profit_resetparam **************************************************** PROTO void profit_resetparam(profitstruct *profit, paramenum paramtype) PURPOSE Set the initial, lower and upper boundary values of a profile parameter. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, Parameter index. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 18/05/2011 ***/ void profit_resetparam(profitstruct *profit, paramenum paramtype) { objstruct *obj; obj2struct *obj2; float param, parammin,parammax, range; parfitenum fittype; obj = profit->obj; obj2 = profit->obj2; param = parammin = parammax = 0.0; /* Avoid gcc -Wall warnings*/ switch(paramtype) { case PARAM_BACK: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 0.0; parammin = -6.0*obj->sigbkg; parammax = 6.0*obj->sigbkg; break; case PARAM_X: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = obj->mx - (int)(obj->mx+0.49999); range = profit->guessradius*4.0; if (range>profit->objnaxisn[0]*2.0) range = profit->objnaxisn[0]*2.0; parammin = -range; parammax = range; break; case PARAM_Y: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = obj->my - (int)(obj->my+0.49999); range = profit->guessradius*4.0; if (range>profit->objnaxisn[1]*2) range = profit->objnaxisn[1]*2; parammin = -range; parammax = range; break; case PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 10.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 10.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_flux)? profit->guessradius : profit->guessradius*sqrtf(obj->a/obj->b); parammin = 0.01; parammax = param * 10.0; break; case PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_flux)? 1.0 : obj->b/obj->a; parammin = FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_flux)? 0.5 : 0.01; parammax = FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_flux)? 2.0 : 100.0; break; case PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG: fittype = PARFIT_UNBOUND; param = obj->theta; parammin = 90.0; parammax = 90.0; break; case PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 4.0; parammin = FLAG(obj2.prof_disk_flux)? 1.0 : 0.3; parammax = 10.0; break; case PARAM_DISK_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 10.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_DISK_SCALE: /* From scalelength to Re */ fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessradius/1.67835*sqrtf(obj->a/obj->b); parammin = 0.01/1.67835; parammax = param * 10.0; break; case PARAM_DISK_ASPECT: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = obj->b/obj->a; parammin = 0.01; parammax = 100.0; break; case PARAM_DISK_POSANG: fittype = PARFIT_UNBOUND; param = obj->theta; parammin = 90.0; parammax = 90.0; break; case PARAM_ARMS_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 10.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_ARMS_QUADFRAC: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 0.5; parammin = 0.0; parammax = 1.0; break; case PARAM_ARMS_SCALE: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 1.0; parammin = 0.5; parammax = 10.0; break; case PARAM_ARMS_START: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 0.5; parammin = 0.0; parammax = 3.0; break; case PARAM_ARMS_PITCH: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 20.0; parammin = 5.0; parammax = 50.0; break; case PARAM_ARMS_PITCHVAR: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 0.0; parammin = -1.0; parammax = 1.0; break; // if ((profit->spirindex=profit_spiralindex(profit, obj, obj2)) > 0.0) // { // param = -param; // parammin = -parammax; // parammax = -parammin; // } // printf("spiral index: %g \n", profit->spirindex); // break; case PARAM_ARMS_POSANG: fittype = PARFIT_UNBOUND; param = 0.0; parammin = 0.0; parammax = 0.0; break; case PARAM_ARMS_WIDTH: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 3.0; parammin = 1.5; parammax = 11.0; break; case PARAM_BAR_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 4.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_BAR_ASPECT: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = 0.3; parammin = 0.2; parammax = 0.5; break; case PARAM_BAR_POSANG: fittype = PARFIT_UNBOUND; param = 0.0; parammin = 90.0; parammax = 90.0; break; case PARAM_INRING_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 4.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_INRING_WIDTH: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 0.3; parammin = 0.0; parammax = 0.5; break; case PARAM_INRING_ASPECT: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = 0.8; parammin = 0.4; parammax = 1.0; break; case PARAM_OUTRING_FLUX: fittype = PARFIT_LOGBOUND; param = profit->guessflux/profit->nprof; parammin = 0.00001*profit->guessfluxmax; parammax = 4.0*profit->guessfluxmax; break; case PARAM_OUTRING_START: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 4.0; parammin = 3.5; parammax = 6.0; break; case PARAM_OUTRING_WIDTH: fittype = PARFIT_LINBOUND; param = 0.3; parammin = 0.0; parammax = 0.5; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown profile parameter in ", "profit_resetparam()"); break; } if (parammin!=parammax && (param<=parammin || param>=parammax)) param = (parammin+parammax)/2.0; else if (parammin==0.0 && parammax==0.0) parammax = 1.0; profit_setparam(profit, paramtype, param, parammin, parammax, fittype); return; } /****** profit_resetparams **************************************************** PROTO void profit_resetparams(profitstruct *profit) PURPOSE Set the initial, lower and upper boundary values of profile parameters. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 18/09/2008 ***/ void profit_resetparams(profitstruct *profit) { int p; for (p=0; pparamlist[(int)paramtype])) { index = profit->paramindex[(int)paramtype]; profit->paraminit[index] = param; profit->parammin[index] = parammin; profit->parammax[index] = parammax; profit->parfittype[index] = parfittype; return RETURN_OK; } else return RETURN_ERROR; } /****** profit_boundtounbound ************************************************* PROTO int profit_boundtounbound(profitstruct *profit, float *param, double *dparam, int index) PURPOSE Convert parameters from bounded to unbounded space. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, input array of single precision parameters, output (incomplete) array of double precision parameters, parameter selection index (<0 = all parameters) OUTPUT Number of free parameters. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 20/05/2011 ***/ int profit_boundtounbound(profitstruct *profit, float *param, double *dparam, int index) { double num,den, tparam; int f,p, pstart,np; if (index<0) { pstart = 0; np = profit->nparam; } else { pstart = index; np = pstart+1; } f = 0; for (p=pstart ; pparfittype[p]) { case PARFIT_FIXED: break; case PARFIT_UNBOUND: if (profit->parammax[p] > 0.0 || profit->parammax[p] < 0.0) dparam[f] = param[p-pstart] / profit->parammax[p]; f++; break; case PARFIT_LINBOUND: tparam = param[p-pstart]; num = tparam - profit->parammin[p]; den = profit->parammax[p] - tparam; dparam[f] = num>1e-50? (den>1e-50? log(num/den): 50.0) : -50.0; f++; break; case PARFIT_LOGBOUND: tparam = log(param[p-pstart]); num = tparam - log(profit->parammin[p]); den = log(profit->parammax[p]) - tparam; dparam[f] = num>1e-50? (den>1e-50? log(num/den): 50.0) : -50.0; f++; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown parameter fitting type in ", "profit_boundtounbound()"); } return f; } /****** profit_unboundtobound ************************************************* PROTO int profit_unboundtobound(profitstruct *profit, double *dparam, float *param, int index) PURPOSE Convert parameters from unbounded to bounded space. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, input (incomplete) array of double precision parameters, output array of single precision parameters. parameter selection index (<0 = all parameters) OUTPUT Number of free parameters. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 20/05/2011 ***/ int profit_unboundtobound(profitstruct *profit, double *dparam, float *param, int index) { int f,p, pstart,np; if (index<0) { pstart = 0; np = profit->nparam; } else { pstart = index; np = pstart+1; } f = 0; for (p=pstart; pparfittype[p]) { case PARFIT_FIXED: param[p-pstart] = profit->paraminit[p]; break; case PARFIT_UNBOUND: param[p-pstart] = dparam[f]*profit->parammax[p]; f++; break; case PARFIT_LINBOUND: param[p-pstart] = (profit->parammax[p] - profit->parammin[p]) / (1.0 + exp(-(dparam[f]>50.0? 50.0 : (dparam[f]<-50.0? -50.0: dparam[f])))) + profit->parammin[p]; f++; break; case PARFIT_LOGBOUND: param[p-pstart] = exp(log(profit->parammax[p]/profit->parammin[p]) / (1.0 + exp(-(dparam[f]>50.0? 50.0 : (dparam[f]<-50.0? -50.0: dparam[f]))))) *profit->parammin[p]; f++; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown parameter fitting type in ", "profit_unboundtobound()"); } return f; } /****** profit_covarunboundtobound ******************************************** PROTO int profit_covarunboundtobound(profitstruct *profit, double *dcovar, float *covar) PURPOSE Convert covariance matrix from unbounded to bounded space. INPUT Pointer to the profit structure, input (incomplete) matrix of double precision covariances, output matrix of single precision covariances. OUTPUT Number of parameters that hit a boundary. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 20/05/2011 ***/ int profit_covarunboundtobound(profitstruct *profit, double *dcovar, float *covar) { double *dxdy, xmmin,maxmx, maxmmin; float *x,*xmin,*xmax; parfitenum *fittype; int *fflag, f,f1,f2, p,p1,p2, nfree, nparam, nmin,nmax; nparam = profit->nparam; fittype = profit->parfittype; QMALLOC16(dxdy, double, PARAM_NPARAM); x = profit->paraminit; xmin = profit->parammin; xmax = profit->parammax; nmin = nmax = 0; f = 0; for (p=0; pnparam; p++) switch(fittype[p]) { case PARFIT_FIXED: break; case PARFIT_UNBOUND: dxdy[f++] = xmax[p]; break; case PARFIT_LINBOUND: xmmin = x[p] - xmin[p]; maxmx = xmax[p] - x[p]; maxmmin = xmax[p] - xmin[p]; dxdy[f++] = xmmin * maxmx / maxmmin; if (xmmin<0.001*maxmmin) nmin++; else if (maxmx<0.001*maxmmin) nmax++; break; case PARFIT_LOGBOUND: xmmin = log(x[p]/xmin[p]); maxmx = log(xmax[p]/x[p]); maxmmin = log(xmax[p]/xmin[p]); dxdy[f++] = x[p] * xmmin * maxmx / maxmmin; if (xmmin<0.001*maxmmin) nmin++; else if (maxmx<0.001*maxmmin) nmax++; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown parameter fitting type in ", "profit_boundtounbound()"); } nfree = f; memset(profit->covar, 0, nparam*nparam*sizeof(float)); f2 = 0; for (p2=0; p2nlimmin = nmin; profit->nlimmax = nmax; return nmin+nmax; } /****** prof_init ************************************************************* PROTO profstruct prof_init(profitstruct *profit, unsigned int modeltype) PURPOSE Allocate and initialize a new profile structure. INPUT Pointer to the profile-fitting structure, model type. OUTPUT A pointer to an allocated prof structure. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 22/04/2011 ***/ profstruct *prof_init(profitstruct *profit, unsigned int modeltype) { profstruct *prof; float *pix, rmax2, re2, dy2,r2, scale, zero, k,n, hinvn; int width,height, ixc,iyc, ix,iy, nsub, d,s; QCALLOC(prof, profstruct, 1); prof->code = modeltype; switch(modeltype) { case MODEL_BACK: prof->name = "background offset"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->pix = NULL; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_BACK, &prof->flux); prof->typscale = 1.0; break; case MODEL_DIRAC: prof->name = "point source"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DIRAC_FLUX, &prof->flux); break; case MODEL_SERSIC: prof->name = "Sersic spheroid"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, prof->npix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG, &prof->posangle); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN, &prof->extra[0]); break; case MODEL_DEVAUCOULEURS: prof->name = "de Vaucouleurs spheroid"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, profit->nmodpix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG, &prof->posangle); break; case MODEL_EXPONENTIAL: prof->name = "exponential disk"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, profit->nmodpix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_SCALE, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_POSANG, &prof->posangle); break; case MODEL_ARMS: prof->name = "spiral arms"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, profit->nmodpix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_SCALE, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_POSANG, &prof->posangle); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_QUADFRAC, &prof->featfrac); // profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_SCALE, &prof->featscale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_START, &prof->featstart); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_PITCH, &prof->featpitch); // profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_PITCHVAR, &prof->featpitchvar); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_POSANG, &prof->featposang); // profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_WIDTH, &prof->featwidth); break; case MODEL_BAR: prof->name = "bar"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, profit->nmodpix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_SCALE, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_POSANG, &prof->posangle); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_START, &prof->featstart); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_BAR_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_BAR_ASPECT, &prof->feataspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_POSANG, &prof->featposang); break; case MODEL_INRING: prof->name = "inner ring"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, profit->nmodpix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_SCALE, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_POSANG, &prof->posangle); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_ARMS_START, &prof->featstart); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_INRING_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_INRING_WIDTH, &prof->featwidth); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_INRING_ASPECT, &prof->feataspect); break; case MODEL_OUTRING: prof->name = "outer ring"; prof->naxis = 2; prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_MAXMODSIZE; prof->naxisn[2] = 1; prof->npix = prof->naxisn[0]*prof->naxisn[1]*prof->naxisn[2]; QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, profit->nmodpix); prof->typscale = 1.0; profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_X, &prof->x[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_SCALE, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_DISK_POSANG, &prof->posangle); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_OUTRING_START, &prof->featstart); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_OUTRING_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_OUTRING_WIDTH, &prof->featwidth); break; case MODEL_TABULATED: /* An example of tabulated profile */ prof->name = "tabulated model"; prof->naxis = 3; width = prof->naxisn[0] = PROFIT_PROFRES; height = prof->naxisn[1] = PROFIT_PROFRES; nsub = prof->naxisn[2] = PROFIT_PROFSRES; QCALLOC(prof->pix, float, width*height*nsub); ixc = width/2; iyc = height/2; rmax2 = (ixc - 1.0)*(ixc - 1.0); re2 = width/64.0; prof->typscale = re2; re2 *= re2; zero = prof->extrazero[0] = 0.2; scale = prof->extrascale[0]= 8.0/PROFIT_PROFSRES; pix = prof->pix; for (s=0; sx[0]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_Y, &prof->x[1]); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX, &prof->flux); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF, &prof->scale); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT, &prof->aspect); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG, &prof->posangle); profit_addparam(profit, PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN, &prof->extra[0]); break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown profile in ", "prof_init()"); break; } QMALLOC(prof->pix, float, prof->npix); if (prof->naxis>2) { prof->kernelnlines = 1; for (d=0; dnaxis; d++) { prof->interptype[d] = INTERP_BILINEAR; prof->kernelnlines *= (prof->kernelwidth[d] = interp_kernwidth[prof->interptype[d]]); } prof->kernelnlines /= prof->kernelwidth[0]; QMALLOC16(prof->kernelbuf, float, prof->kernelnlines); } return prof; } /****** prof_end ************************************************************** PROTO void prof_end(profstruct *prof) PURPOSE End (deallocate) a profile structure. INPUT Prof structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 09/04/2007 ***/ void prof_end(profstruct *prof) { if (prof->pix) { free(prof->pix); free(prof->kernelbuf); } free(prof); return; } /****** prof_add ************************************************************** PROTO float prof_add(profitstruct *profit, profstruct *prof, int extfluxfac_flag) PURPOSE Add a model profile to an image. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, profile structure, flag (0 if flux correction factor is to be computed internally) OUTPUT Total (asymptotic) flux contribution. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 25/07/2011 ***/ float prof_add(profitstruct *profit, profstruct *prof, int extfluxfac_flag) { double xscale, yscale, saspect, ctheta,stheta, flux, scaling, bn, n, dx1cout,dx2cout, ddx1[36],ddx2[36]; float posin[PROFIT_MAXEXTRA], posout[2], dnaxisn[2], *pixin, *pixin2, *pixout, fluxfac, amp,cd11,cd12,cd21,cd22, dx1,dx2, x1,x10,x2, x1cin,x2cin, x1cout,x2cout, x1max,x2max, x1in,x2in, k, hinvn, x1t,x2t, ca,sa, u,umin, armamp,arm2amp, armrdphidr, armrdphidrvar, posang, width, invwidth2, r,r2,rmin, r2minxin,r2minxout, rmax, r2max, r2max1, r2max2, r2min, invr2xdif, val, theta, thresh, ra,rb, num,num2,den, ang,angstep, invn, dr, krpinvn,dkrpinvn, rs,rs2, a11,a12,a21,a22, invdet, dca,dsa, a0,a2,a3, p1,p2, krspinvn, ekrspinvn, selem; int npix, threshflag, a,d,e,i, ix1,ix2, ix1max,ix2max, nang, nx2, npix2; npix = profit->nmodpix; if (prof->code==MODEL_BACK) { amp = fabs(*prof->flux); pixout = profit->modpix; for (i=npix; i--;) *(pixout++) += amp; prof->lostfluxfrac = 0.0; return 0.0; } scaling = profit->pixstep / prof->typscale; if (prof->code!=MODEL_DIRAC) { /*-- Compute Profile CD matrix */ ctheta = cos(*prof->posangle*DEG); stheta = sin(*prof->posangle*DEG); saspect = fabs(*prof->aspect); xscale = (*prof->scale==0.0)? 0.0 : fabs(scaling / (*prof->scale*prof->typscale)); yscale = (*prof->scale*saspect == 0.0)? 0.0 : fabs(scaling / (*prof->scale*prof->typscale*saspect)); cd11 = (float)(xscale*ctheta); cd12 = (float)(xscale*stheta); cd21 = (float)(-yscale*stheta); cd22 = (float)(yscale*ctheta); dx1 = 0.0; /* Shifting operations have been moved to profit_resample() */ dx2 = 0.0; /* Shifting operations have been moved to profit_resample() */ x1cout = (float)(profit->modnaxisn[0]/2); x2cout = (float)(profit->modnaxisn[1]/2); nx2 = profit->modnaxisn[1]/2 + 1; /*-- Compute the largest r^2 that fits in the frame */ num = cd11*cd22-cd12*cd21; num *= num; x1max = x1cout - 1.0; x2max = x2cout - 1.0; den = fabs(cd12*cd12+cd22*cd22); num2 = x1max*x1max*num; r2max1 = num2code) { case MODEL_DIRAC: prof->pix[profit->modnaxisn[0]/2 + (profit->modnaxisn[1]/2)*profit->modnaxisn[0]] = 1.0; prof->lostfluxfrac = 0.0; threshflag = 0; break; case MODEL_SERSIC: case MODEL_DEVAUCOULEURS: case MODEL_EXPONENTIAL: /*---- Compute sharp/smooth transition radius */ rs = PROFIT_SMOOTHR*(xscale>yscale?xscale:yscale); if (rs<=0) rs = 1.0; rs2 = rs*rs; /*---- The consequence of sampling on flux is compensated by PSF normalisation*/ if (prof->code==MODEL_EXPONENTIAL) bn = n = 1.0; else if (prof->code==MODEL_DEVAUCOULEURS) { n = 4.0; bn = 7.66924944; } else { n = fabs(*prof->extra[0]); bn = 2.0*n - 1.0/3.0 + 4.0/(405.0*n) + 46.0/(25515.0*n*n) + 131.0/(1148175*n*n*n); /* Ciotti & Bertin 1999 */ } invn = 1.0/n; hinvn = 0.5/n; k = -bn; /*---- Compute central polynomial terms */ krspinvn = prof->code==MODEL_EXPONENTIAL? -rs : k*expf(logf(rs)*invn); ekrspinvn = expf(krspinvn); p2 = krspinvn*invn*invn; p1 = krspinvn*p2; a0 = (1+(1.0/6.0)*(p1+(1.0-5.0*n)*p2))*ekrspinvn; a2 = (-1.0/2.0)*(p1+(1.0-3.0*n)*p2)/rs2*ekrspinvn; a3 = (1.0/3.0)*(p1+(1.0-2.0*n)*p2)/(rs2*rs)*ekrspinvn; /*---- Compute the smooth part of the profile */ x10 = -x1cout - dx1; x2 = -x2cout - dx2; pixin = prof->pix; if (prof->code==MODEL_EXPONENTIAL) for (ix2=nx2; ix2--; x2+=1.0) { x1 = x10; for (ix1=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix1--; x1+=1.0) { x1in = cd12*x2 + cd11*x1; x2in = cd22*x2 + cd21*x1; ra = x1in*x1in+x2in*x2in; if (ra>r2max) { *(pixin++) = 0.0; continue; } val = ramodnaxisn[0]; ix1--; x1+=1.0) { x1in = cd12*x2 + cd11*x1; x2in = cd22*x2 + cd21*x1; ra = x1in*x1in+x2in*x2in; if (ra>r2max) { *(pixin++) = 0.0; continue; } val = ramodnaxisn[1]-nx2)*profit->modnaxisn[0]) > 0) { pixin2 = pixin - profit->modnaxisn[0] - 1; if (!(profit->modnaxisn[0]&1)) { *(pixin++) = 0.0; npix2--; } for (i=npix2; i--;) *(pixin++) = *(pixin2--); } /*---- Compute the sharp part of the profile */ ix1max = profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix2max = profit->modnaxisn[1]; dx1cout = x1cout + 0.4999999; dx2cout = x2cout + 0.4999999; invdet = 1.0/fabsf(cd11*cd22 - cd12*cd21); a11 = cd22*invdet; a12 = -cd12*invdet; a21 = -cd21*invdet; a22 = cd11*invdet; nang = 72 / 2; /* 36 angles; only half of them are computed*/ angstep = PI/nang; ang = 0.0; for (a=0; apix; for (; r=0 && ix1=0 && ix2=0 && ix1=0 && ix2lostfluxfrac = prof->code==MODEL_EXPONENTIAL? (1.0 + rmax)*exp(-rmax) :1.0 - prof_gammainc(2.0*n, bn*pow(r2max, hinvn)); threshflag = 0; break; case MODEL_ARMS: r2min = *prof->featstart**prof->featstart; r2minxin = r2min * (1.0 - PROFIT_BARXFADE) * (1.0 - PROFIT_BARXFADE); r2minxout = r2min * (1.0 + PROFIT_BARXFADE) * (1.0 + PROFIT_BARXFADE); if ((invr2xdif = (r2minxout - r2minxin)) > 0.0) invr2xdif = 1.0 / invr2xdif; else invr2xdif = 1.0; umin = 0.5*logf(r2minxin + 0.00001); arm2amp = *prof->featfrac; armamp = 1.0 - arm2amp; armrdphidr = 1.0/tan(*prof->featpitch*DEG); armrdphidrvar = 0.0 /**prof->featpitchvar*/; posang = *prof->featposang*DEG; width = fabs(*prof->featwidth); width = 3.0; x1 = -x1cout - dx1; x2 = -x2cout - dx2; pixin = prof->pix; for (ix2=profit->modnaxisn[1]; ix2--; x2+=1.0) { x1t = cd12*x2 + cd11*x1; x2t = cd22*x2 + cd21*x1; for (ix1=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix1--;) { r2 = x1t*x1t+x2t*x2t; if (r2>r2minxin) { u = 0.5*logf(r2 + 0.00001); theta = (armrdphidr+armrdphidrvar*(u-umin))*u+posang; ca = cosf(theta); sa = sinf(theta); x1in = (x1t*ca - x2t*sa); x2in = (x1t*sa + x2t*ca); amp = expf(-sqrtf(x1t*x1t+x2t*x2t)); if (r2lostfluxfrac = 0.0; threshflag = 1; break; case MODEL_BAR: r2min = *prof->featstart**prof->featstart; r2minxin = r2min * (1.0 - PROFIT_BARXFADE) * (1.0 - PROFIT_BARXFADE); r2minxout = r2min * (1.0 + PROFIT_BARXFADE) * (1.0 + PROFIT_BARXFADE); if ((invr2xdif = (r2minxout - r2minxin)) > 0.0) invr2xdif = 1.0 / invr2xdif; else invr2xdif = 1.0; invwidth2 = fabs(1.0 / (*prof->featstart**prof->feataspect)); posang = *prof->featposang*DEG; ca = cosf(posang); sa = sinf(posang); x1 = -x1cout - dx1; x2 = -x2cout - dx2; pixin = prof->pix; for (ix2=profit->modnaxisn[1]; ix2--; x2+=1.0) { x1t = cd12*x2 + cd11*x1; x2t = cd22*x2 + cd21*x1; for (ix1=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix1--;) { r2 = x1t*x1t+x2t*x2t; if (r2r2minxin) ? (r2minxout - r2)*invr2xdif*expf(-x2in*x2in) : expf(-x2in*x2in); } else *(pixin++) = 0.0; x1t += cd11; x2t += cd21; } } prof->lostfluxfrac = 0.0; threshflag = 1; break; case MODEL_INRING: rmin = *prof->featstart; r2minxin = *prof->featstart-4.0**prof->featwidth; if (r2minxin < 0.0) r2minxin = 0.0; r2minxin *= r2minxin; r2minxout = *prof->featstart+4.0**prof->featwidth; r2minxout *= r2minxout; invwidth2 = 0.5 / (*prof->featwidth**prof->featwidth); cd22 /= *prof->feataspect; cd21 /= *prof->feataspect; x1 = -x1cout - dx1; x2 = -x2cout - dx2; pixin = prof->pix; for (ix2=profit->modnaxisn[1]; ix2--; x2+=1.0) { x1t = cd12*x2 + cd11*x1; x2t = cd22*x2 + cd21*x1; for (ix1=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix1--;) { r2 = x1t*x1t+x2t*x2t; if (r2>r2minxin && r2lostfluxfrac = 0.0; threshflag = 1; break; case MODEL_OUTRING: rmin = *prof->featstart; r2minxin = *prof->featstart-4.0**prof->featwidth; if (r2minxin < 0.0) r2minxin = 0.0; r2minxin *= r2minxin; r2minxout = *prof->featstart+4.0**prof->featwidth; r2minxout *= r2minxout; invwidth2 = 0.5 / (*prof->featwidth**prof->featwidth); x1 = -x1cout - dx1; x2 = -x2cout - dx2; pixin = prof->pix; for (ix2=profit->modnaxisn[1]; ix2--; x2+=1.0) { x1t = cd12*x2 + cd11*x1; x2t = cd22*x2 + cd21*x1; for (ix1=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix1--;) { r2 = x1t*x1t+x2t*x2t; if (r2>r2minxin && r2lostfluxfrac = 0.0; threshflag = 1; break; default: /*---- Tabulated profile: remap each pixel */ /*---- Initialize multi-dimensional counters */ for (d=0; d<2; d++) { posout[d] = 1.0; /* FITS convention */ dnaxisn[d] = profit->modnaxisn[d] + 0.99999; } for (e=0; enaxis - 2; e++) { d = 2+e; /*------ Compute position along axis */ posin[d] = (*prof->extra[e]-prof->extrazero[e])/prof->extrascale[e]+1.0; /*------ Keep position within boundaries and let interpolation do the rest */ if (posin[d] < 0.99999) { if (prof->extracycleflag[e]) posin[d] += (float)prof->naxisn[d]; else posin[d] = 1.0; } else if (posin[d] > (float)prof->naxisn[d]) { if (prof->extracycleflag[e]) posin[d] = (prof->extracycleflag[e])? fmod(posin[d], (float)prof->naxisn[d]) : (float)prof->naxisn[d]; } } x1cin = (float)(prof->naxisn[0]/2); x2cin = (float)(prof->naxisn[1]/2); pixin = prof->pix; for (i=npix; i--;) { x1 = posout[0] - x1cout - 1.0 - dx1; x2 = posout[1] - x2cout - 1.0 - dx2; posin[0] = cd11*x1 + cd12*x2 + x1cin + 1.0; posin[1] = cd21*x1 + cd22*x2 + x2cin + 1.0; *(pixin++) = prof_interpolate(prof, posin); for (d=0; d<2; d++) if ((posout[d]+=1.0) < dnaxisn[d]) break; else posout[d] = 1.0; } prof->lostfluxfrac = 0.0; threshflag = 1; break; } /* For complex profiles, threshold to the brightest pixel value at border */ if (threshflag) { /*-- Now find truncation threshold */ /*-- Find the shortest distance to a vignet border */ rmax = x1cout; if (rmax > (r = x2cout)) rmax = r; rmax += 0.01; if (rmax<1.0) rmax = 1.0; r2max = rmax*rmax; rmin = rmax - 1.0; r2min = rmin*rmin; /*-- Find best threshold (the max around the circle with radius rmax */ dx2 = -x2cout; pixin = prof->pix; thresh = -BIG; for (ix2=profit->modnaxisn[1]; ix2--; dx2 += 1.0) { dx1 = -x1cout; for (ix1=profit->modnaxisn[0]; ix1--; dx1 += 1.0) if ((val=*(pixin++))>thresh && (r2=dx1*dx1+dx2*dx2)>r2min && r2pix; for (i=npix; i--; pixin++) if (*pixin >= thresh) flux += (double)*pixin; else *pixin = 0.0; } else { flux = 0.0; pixin = prof->pix; for (i=npix; i--;) flux += (double)*(pixin++); } if (extfluxfac_flag) fluxfac = prof->fluxfac; else { if (prof->lostfluxfrac < 1.0) flux /= (1.0 - prof->lostfluxfrac); prof->fluxfac = fluxfac = fabs(flux)>0.0? profit->fluxfac/fabs(flux) : 0.0; } pixin = prof->pix; for (i=npix; i--;) *(pixin++) *= fluxfac; /* Correct final flux */ fluxfac = *prof->flux; pixin = prof->pix; pixout = profit->modpix; for (i=npix; i--;) *(pixout++) += fluxfac**(pixin++); return *prof->flux; } /****** prof_moments ********************************************************** PROTO int prof_moments(profitstruct *profit, profstruct *prof) PURPOSE Computes (analytically or numerically) the 2nd moments of a profile. INPUT Profile-fitting structure, profile structure, optional pointer to 3xnparam Jacobian matrix. OUTPUT Index to the profile flux for further processing. NOTES . AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 20/08/2010 ***/ int prof_moments(profitstruct *profit, profstruct *prof, double *jac) { double *dmx2,*dmy2,*dmxy, m20, a2, ct,st, mx2fac, my2fac,mxyfac, dc2,ds2,dcs, bn,bn2, n,n2, nfac,nfac2, hscale2, dmdn; int nparam, index; if (jac) /*-- Clear output Jacobian */ { nparam = profit->nparam; memset(jac, 0, nparam*3*sizeof(double)); dmx2 = jac; dmy2 = jac + nparam; dmxy = jac + 2*nparam; } else dmx2 = dmy2 = dmxy = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ m20 = 0.0; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ index = 0; /* to avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ if (prof->posangle) { a2 = *prof->aspect**prof->aspect; ct = cos(*prof->posangle*DEG); st = sin(*prof->posangle*DEG); mx2fac = ct*ct + st*st*a2; my2fac = st*st + ct*ct*a2; mxyfac = ct*st * (1.0 - a2); if (jac) { dc2 = -2.0*ct*st*DEG; ds2 = 2.0*ct*st*DEG; dcs = (ct*ct - st*st)*DEG; } else dc2 = ds2 = dcs = 0.0; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ switch(prof->code) { case MODEL_SERSIC: n = fabs(*prof->extra[0]); bn = 2.0*n - 1.0/3.0 + 4.0/(405.0*n) + 46.0/(25515.0*n*n) + 131.0/(1148175*n*n*n); /* Ciotti & Bertin 1999 */ nfac = prof_gamma(4.0*n) / (prof_gamma(2.0*n)*pow(bn, 2.0*n)); hscale2 = 0.5 * *prof->scale**prof->scale; m20 = hscale2 * nfac; if (jac) { dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] = *prof->scale * nfac * mx2fac; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] = *prof->scale * nfac * my2fac; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] = *prof->scale * nfac * mxyfac; n2 = n+0.01; bn2 = 2.0*n2 - 1.0/3.0 + 4.0/(405.0*n2) + 46.0/(25515.0*n2*n2) + 131.0/(1148175*n2*n2*n2); /* Ciotti & Bertin 1999 */ nfac2 = prof_gamma(4.0*n2) / (prof_gamma(2.0*n2)*pow(bn2, 2.0*n2)); dmdn = 100.0 * hscale2 * (nfac2-nfac); dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN]] = dmdn * mx2fac; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN]] = dmdn * my2fac; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_SERSICN]] = dmdn * mxyfac; dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] = 2.0 * m20 * st*st * *prof->aspect; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] = 2.0 * m20 * ct*ct * *prof->aspect; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] = -2.0 * m20 * ct*st * *prof->aspect; dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]] = m20 * (dc2+ds2*a2); dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]] = m20 * (ds2+dc2*a2); dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]] = m20 * (1.0-a2)*dcs; } index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX]; break; case MODEL_DEVAUCOULEURS: m20 = 10.83995 * *prof->scale**prof->scale; if (jac) { dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] = 21.680 * *prof->scale * mx2fac; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] = 21.680 * *prof->scale * my2fac; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_REFF]] = 21.680 * *prof->scale * mxyfac; dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] = 2.0 * m20 * st*st * *prof->aspect; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] = 2.0 * m20 * ct*ct * *prof->aspect; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_ASPECT]] = -2.0 * m20 * ct*st * *prof->aspect; dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]] = m20 * (dc2+ds2*a2); dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]] = m20 * (ds2+dc2*a2); dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_POSANG]] = m20 * (1.0-a2)*dcs; } index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_SPHEROID_FLUX]; break; case MODEL_EXPONENTIAL: m20 = 3.0 * *prof->scale**prof->scale; if (jac) { dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] = 6.0 * *prof->scale * mx2fac; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] = 6.0 * *prof->scale * my2fac; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_SCALE]] = 6.0 * *prof->scale * mxyfac; dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]] = 2.0 * m20 * st*st * *prof->aspect; dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]] = 2.0 * m20 * ct*ct * *prof->aspect; dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_ASPECT]] = -2.0 * m20 * ct*st * *prof->aspect; dmx2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_POSANG]] = m20 * (dc2 + ds2*a2); dmy2[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_POSANG]] = m20 * (ds2 + dc2*a2); dmxy[profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_POSANG]] = m20 * (1.0 - a2) * dcs; } index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_DISK_FLUX]; break; case MODEL_ARMS: m20 = 1.0; index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_ARMS_FLUX]; break; case MODEL_BAR: m20 = 1.0; index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_BAR_FLUX]; break; case MODEL_INRING: m20 = 1.0; index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_INRING_FLUX]; break; case MODEL_OUTRING: m20 = 1.0; index = profit->paramindex[PARAM_OUTRING_FLUX]; break; default: error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown oriented model in ", "prof_moments()"); break; } prof->mx2 = m20*mx2fac; prof->my2 = m20*my2fac; prof->mxy = m20*mxyfac; } else prof->mx2 = prof->my2 = prof->mxy = 0.0; return index; } /****** prof_interpolate ****************************************************** PROTO float prof_interpolate(profstruct *prof, float *posin) PURPOSE Interpolate a multidimensional model profile at a given position. INPUT Profile structure, input position vector. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 10/12/2006 ***/ static float prof_interpolate(profstruct *prof, float *posin) { float dpos[2+PROFIT_MAXEXTRA], kernel_vector[INTERP_MAXKERNELWIDTH], *kvector, *pixin,*pixout, val; long step[2+PROFIT_MAXEXTRA], start, fac; int linecount[2+PROFIT_MAXEXTRA], *naxisn, i,j,n, ival, nlines, kwidth,width, badpixflag, naxis; naxis = prof->naxis; naxisn = prof->naxisn; start = 0; fac = 1; for (n=0; ninterptype[n]==INTERP_NEARESTNEIGHBOUR)? (int)(val-0.50001):(int)val; /*-- Store the fractional part of the current coordinate */ dpos[n] = val - ival; /*-- Check if interpolation start/end exceed image boundary... */ kwidth = prof->kernelwidth[n]; ival-=kwidth/2; if (ival<0 || ival+kwidth<=0 || ival+kwidth>width) return 0.0; /*-- Update starting pointer */ start += ival*fac; /*-- Update step between interpolated regions */ step[n] = fac*(width-kwidth); linecount[n] = 0.0; fac *= width; } /* Update Interpolation kernel vectors */ make_kernel(*dpos, kernel_vector, prof->interptype[0]); kwidth = prof->kernelwidth[0]; nlines = prof->kernelnlines; /* First step: interpolate along NAXIS1 from the data themselves */ badpixflag = 0; pixin = prof->pix+start; pixout = prof->kernelbuf; for (j=nlines; j--;) { val = 0.0; kvector = kernel_vector; for (i=kwidth; i--;) val += *(kvector++)**(pixin++); *(pixout++) = val; for (n=1; nkernelwidth[n]) break; else linecount[n] = 0; /* No need to initialize it to 0! */ } } /* Second step: interpolate along other axes from the interpolation buffer */ for (n=1; ninterptype[n]); kwidth = prof->kernelwidth[n]; pixout = pixin = prof->kernelbuf; for (j = (nlines/=kwidth); j--;) { val = 0.0; kvector = kernel_vector; for (i=kwidth; i--;) val += *(kvector++)**(pixin++); *(pixout++) = val; } } return prof->kernelbuf[0]; } /****** interpolate_pix ****************************************************** PROTO void interpolate_pix(float *posin, float *pix, int naxisn, interpenum interptype) PURPOSE Interpolate a model profile at a given position. INPUT Profile structure, input position vector, input pixmap dimension vector, interpolation type. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 07/12/2006 ***/ static float interpolate_pix(float *posin, float *pix, int *naxisn, interpenum interptype) { float buffer[INTERP_MAXKERNELWIDTH], kernel[INTERP_MAXKERNELWIDTH], dpos[2], *kvector, *pixin, *pixout, val; int fac, ival, kwidth, start, width, step, i,j, n; kwidth = interp_kernwidth[interptype]; start = 0; fac = 1; for (n=0; n<2; n++) { val = *(posin++); width = naxisn[n]; /*-- Get the integer part of the current coordinate or nearest neighbour */ ival = (interptype==INTERP_NEARESTNEIGHBOUR)? (int)(val-0.50001):(int)val; /*-- Store the fractional part of the current coordinate */ dpos[n] = val - ival; /*-- Check if interpolation start/end exceed image boundary... */ ival-=kwidth/2; if (ival<0 || ival+kwidth<=0 || ival+kwidth>width) return 0.0; /*-- Update starting pointer */ start += ival*fac; /*-- Update step between interpolated regions */ fac *= width; } /* First step: interpolate along NAXIS1 from the data themselves */ make_kernel(dpos[0], kernel, interptype); step = naxisn[0]-kwidth; pixin = pix+start; pixout = buffer; for (j=kwidth; j--;) { val = 0.0; kvector = kernel; for (i=kwidth; i--;) val += *(kvector++)**(pixin++); *(pixout++) = val; pixin += step; } /* Second step: interpolate along NAXIS2 from the interpolation buffer */ make_kernel(dpos[1], kernel, interptype); pixin = buffer; val = 0.0; kvector = kernel; for (i=kwidth; i--;) val += *(kvector++)**(pixin++); return val; } /****** make_kernel ********************************************************** PROTO void make_kernel(float pos, float *kernel, interpenum interptype) PURPOSE Conpute interpolation-kernel data INPUT Position, Pointer to the output kernel data, Interpolation method. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 07/09/2009 ***/ void make_kernel(float pos, float *kernel, interpenum interptype) { float x, val, sinx1,sinx2,sinx3,cosx1; if (interptype == INTERP_NEARESTNEIGHBOUR) *kernel = 1; else if (interptype == INTERP_BILINEAR) { *(kernel++) = 1.0-pos; *kernel = pos; } else if (interptype == INTERP_LANCZOS2) { if (pos<1e-5 && pos>-1e-5) { *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 1.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *kernel = 0.0; } else { x = -PI/2.0*(pos+1.0); #ifdef HAVE_SINCOSF sincosf(x, &sinx1, &cosx1); #else sinx1 = sinf(x); cosx1 = cosf(x); #endif val = (*(kernel++) = sinx1/(x*x)); x += PI/2.0; val += (*(kernel++) = -cosx1/(x*x)); x += PI/2.0; val += (*(kernel++) = -sinx1/(x*x)); x += PI/2.0; val += (*kernel = cosx1/(x*x)); val = 1.0/val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *kernel *= val; } } else if (interptype == INTERP_LANCZOS3) { if (pos<1e-5 && pos>-1e-5) { *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 1.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *kernel = 0.0; } else { x = -PI/3.0*(pos+2.0); #ifdef HAVE_SINCOSF sincosf(x, &sinx1, &cosx1); #else sinx1 = sinf(x); cosx1 = cosf(x); #endif val = (*(kernel++) = sinx1/(x*x)); x += PI/3.0; val += (*(kernel++) = (sinx2=-0.5*sinx1-0.866025403785*cosx1) / (x*x)); x += PI/3.0; val += (*(kernel++) = (sinx3=-0.5*sinx1+0.866025403785*cosx1) /(x*x)); x += PI/3.0; val += (*(kernel++) = sinx1/(x*x)); x += PI/3.0; val += (*(kernel++) = sinx2/(x*x)); x += PI/3.0; val += (*kernel = sinx3/(x*x)); val = 1.0/val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *kernel *= val; } } else if (interptype == INTERP_LANCZOS4) { if (pos<1e-5 && pos>-1e-5) { *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 1.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *(kernel++) = 0.0; *kernel = 0.0; } else { x = -PI/4.0*(pos+3.0); #ifdef HAVE_SINCOS sincosf(x, &sinx1, &cosx1); #else sinx1 = sinf(x); cosx1 = cosf(x); #endif val = (*(kernel++) = sinx1/(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val +=(*(kernel++) = -(sinx2=0.707106781186*(sinx1+cosx1)) /(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val += (*(kernel++) = cosx1/(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val += (*(kernel++) = -(sinx3=0.707106781186*(cosx1-sinx1))/(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val += (*(kernel++) = -sinx1/(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val += (*(kernel++) = sinx2/(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val += (*(kernel++) = -cosx1/(x*x)); x += PI/4.0; val += (*kernel = sinx3/(x*x)); val = 1.0/val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *(kernel--) *= val; *kernel *= val; } } else error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Internal Error*: Unknown interpolation type in ", "make_kernel()"); return; }