#NUMBER Running object number #EXT_NUMBER FITS extension number #FLUX_ISO Isophotal flux [count] #FLUXERR_ISO RMS error for isophotal flux [count] #MAG_ISO Isophotal magnitude [mag] #MAGERR_ISO RMS error for isophotal magnitude [mag] #FLUX_ISOCOR Corrected isophotal flux [count] #FLUXERR_ISOCOR RMS error for corrected isophotal flux [count] #MAG_ISOCOR Corrected isophotal magnitude [mag] #MAGERR_ISOCOR RMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude [mag] #FLUX_APER Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s) [count] #FLUXERR_APER RMS error vector for aperture flux(es) [count] #MAG_APER Fixed aperture magnitude vector [mag] #MAGERR_APER RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag. [mag] #FLUX_AUTO Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture [count] #FLUXERR_AUTO RMS error for AUTO flux [count] #MAG_AUTO Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] #MAGERR_AUTO RMS error for AUTO magnitude [mag] #FLUX_PETRO Flux within a Petrosian-like elliptical aperture [count] #FLUXERR_PETRO RMS error for PETROsian flux [count] #MAG_PETRO Petrosian-like elliptical aperture magnitude [mag] #MAGERR_PETRO RMS error for PETROsian magnitude [mag] #FLUX_BEST Best of FLUX_AUTO and FLUX_ISOCOR [count] #FLUXERR_BEST RMS error for BEST flux [count] #MAG_BEST Best of MAG_AUTO and MAG_ISOCOR [mag] #MAGERR_BEST RMS error for MAG_BEST [mag] #FLUX_WIN Gaussian-weighted flux [count] #FLUXERR_WIN RMS error for WIN flux [count] #MAG_WIN Gaussian-weighted magnitude [mag] #MAGERR_WIN RMS error for MAG_WIN [mag] #FLUX_SOMFIT Flux derived from SOM fit [count] #FLUXERR_SOMFIT RMS error for SOMFIT flux [count] #MAG_SOMFIT Magnitude derived from SOM fit [mag] #MAGERR_SOMFIT Magnitude error derived from SOM fit [mag] #ERROR_SOMFIT Reduced Chi-square error of the SOM fit #VECTOR_SOMFIT Position vector of the winning SOM node #KRON_RADIUS Kron apertures in units of A or B #PETRO_RADIUS Petrosian apertures in units of A or B #BACKGROUND Background at centroid position [count] #THRESHOLD Detection threshold above background [count] #FLUX_MAX Peak flux above background [count] #ISOAREA_IMAGE Isophotal area above Analysis threshold [pixel**2] #ISOAREAF_IMAGE Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection threshold [pixel**2] #XMIN_IMAGE Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels [pixel] #YMIN_IMAGE Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels [pixel] #XMAX_IMAGE Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels [pixel] #YMAX_IMAGE Maximum y-coordinate among detected pixels [pixel] #XPEAK_IMAGE x-coordinate of the brightest pixel [pixel] #YPEAK_IMAGE y-coordinate of the brightest pixel [pixel] #XPEAK_FOCAL Focal-plane x coordinate of the brightest pixel #YPEAK_FOCAL Focal-plane y coordinate of the brightest pixel #XPEAK_WORLD World-x coordinate of the brightest pixel [deg] #YPEAK_WORLD World-y coordinate of the brightest pixel [deg] #ALPHAPEAK_SKY Right ascension of brightest pix (native) [deg] #DELTAPEAK_SKY Declination of brightest pix (native) [deg] #ALPHAPEAK_J2000 Right ascension of brightest pix (J2000) [deg] #DELTAPEAK_J2000 Declination of brightest pix (J2000) [deg] #ALPHAPEAK_B1950 Right ascension of brightest pix (B1950) [deg] #DELTAPEAK_B1950 Declination of brightest pix (B1950) [deg] #X_IMAGE Object position along x [pixel] #Y_IMAGE Object position along y [pixel] #X_IMAGE_DBL Object position along x (double precision) [pixel] #Y_IMAGE_DBL Object position along y (double precision) [pixel] #X_FOCAL Barycenter position along focal-plane x axis #Y_FOCAL Barycenter position along focal-plane y axis #X_WORLD Barycenter position along world x axis [deg] #Y_WORLD Barycenter position along world y axis [deg] #X_MAMA Barycenter position along MAMA x axis [m**(-6)] #Y_MAMA Barycenter position along MAMA y axis [m**(-6)] #ALPHA_SKY Right ascension of barycenter (native) [deg] #DELTA_SKY Declination of barycenter (native) [deg] #ALPHA_J2000 Right ascension of barycenter (J2000) [deg] #DELTA_J2000 Declination of barycenter (J2000) [deg] #ALPHA_B1950 Right ascension of barycenter (B1950) [deg] #DELTA_B1950 Declination of barycenter (B1950) [deg] #X2_IMAGE Variance along x [pixel**2] #Y2_IMAGE Variance along y [pixel**2] #XY_IMAGE Covariance between x and y [pixel**2] #X2_WORLD Variance along X-WORLD (alpha) [deg**2] #Y2_WORLD Variance along Y-WORLD (delta) [deg**2] #XY_WORLD Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD [deg**2] #CXX_IMAGE Cxx object ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #CYY_IMAGE Cyy object ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #CXY_IMAGE Cxy object ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #CXX_WORLD Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #CYY_WORLD Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #CXY_WORLD Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #A_IMAGE Profile RMS along major axis [pixel] #B_IMAGE Profile RMS along minor axis [pixel] #THETA_IMAGE Position angle (CCW/x) [deg] #A_WORLD Profile RMS along major axis (world units) [deg] #B_WORLD Profile RMS along minor axis (world units) [deg] #THETA_WORLD Position angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #THETA_SKY Position angle (east of north) (native) [deg] #THETA_J2000 Position angle (east of north) (J2000) [deg] #THETA_B1950 Position angle (east of north) (B1950) [deg] #ERRX2_IMAGE Variance of position along x [pixel**2] #ERRY2_IMAGE Variance of position along y [pixel**2] #ERRXY_IMAGE Covariance of position between x and y [pixel**2] #ERRX2_WORLD Variance of position along X-WORLD (alpha) [deg**2] #ERRY2_WORLD Variance of position along Y-WORLD (delta) [deg**2] #ERRXY_WORLD Covariance of position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD [deg**2] #ERRCXX_IMAGE Cxx error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCYY_IMAGE Cyy error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXY_IMAGE Cxy error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXX_WORLD Cxx error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCYY_WORLD Cyy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCXY_WORLD Cxy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRA_IMAGE RMS position error along major axis [pixel] #ERRB_IMAGE RMS position error along minor axis [pixel] #ERRTHETA_IMAGE Error ellipse position angle (CCW/x) [deg] #ERRA_WORLD World RMS position error along major axis [deg] #ERRB_WORLD World RMS position error along minor axis [deg] #ERRTHETA_WORLD Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #ERRTHETA_SKY Native error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETA_J2000 J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETA_B1950 B1950 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #XWIN_IMAGE Windowed position estimate along x [pixel] #YWIN_IMAGE Windowed position estimate along y [pixel] #XWIN_FOCAL Windowed position along focal-plane x axis #YWIN_FOCAL Windowed position along focal-plane y axis #XWIN_WORLD Windowed position along world x axis [deg] #YWIN_WORLD Windowed position along world y axis [deg] #ALPHAWIN_SKY Windowed right ascension (native) [deg] #DELTAWIN_SKY Windowed declination (native) [deg] #ALPHAWIN_J2000 Windowed right ascension (J2000) [deg] #DELTAWIN_J2000 windowed declination (J2000) [deg] #ALPHAWIN_B1950 Windowed right ascension (B1950) [deg] #DELTAWIN_B1950 Windowed declination (B1950) [deg] #X2WIN_IMAGE Windowed variance along x [pixel**2] #Y2WIN_IMAGE Windowed variance along y [pixel**2] #XYWIN_IMAGE Windowed covariance between x and y [pixel**2] #X2WIN_WORLD Windowed variance along X-WORLD (alpha) [deg**2] #Y2WIN_WORLD Windowed variance along Y-WORLD (delta) [deg**2] #XYWIN_WORLD Windowed covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD [deg**2] #CXXWIN_IMAGE Windowed Cxx object ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #CYYWIN_IMAGE Windowed Cyy object ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #CXYWIN_IMAGE Windowed Cxy object ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #CXXWIN_WORLD Windowed Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #CYYWIN_WORLD Windowed Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #CXYWIN_WORLD Windowed Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #AWIN_IMAGE Windowed profile RMS along major axis [pixel] #BWIN_IMAGE Windowed profile RMS along minor axis [pixel] #THETAWIN_IMAGE Windowed position angle (CCW/x) [deg] #AWIN_WORLD Windowed profile RMS along major axis (world units) [deg] #BWIN_WORLD Windowed profile RMS along minor axis (world units) [deg] #THETAWIN_WORLD Windowed position angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #THETAWIN_SKY Windowed position angle (east of north) (native) [deg] #THETAWIN_J2000 Windowed position angle (east of north) (J2000) [deg] #THETAWIN_B1950 Windowed position angle (east of north) (B1950) [deg] #ERRX2WIN_IMAGE Variance of windowed pos along x [pixel**2] #ERRY2WIN_IMAGE Variance of windowed pos along y [pixel**2] #ERRXYWIN_IMAGE Covariance of windowed pos between x and y [pixel**2] #ERRX2WIN_WORLD Variance of windowed pos along X-WORLD (alpha) [deg**2] #ERRY2WIN_WORLD Variance of windowed pos along Y-WORLD (delta) [deg**2] #ERRXYWIN_WORLD Covariance of windowed pos X-WORLD/Y-WORLD [deg**2] #ERRCXXWIN_IMAGE Cxx windowed error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCYYWIN_IMAGE Cyy windowed error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXYWIN_IMAGE Cxy windowed error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXXWIN_WORLD Cxx windowed error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCYYWIN_WORLD Cyy windowed error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCXYWIN_WORLD Cxy windowed error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRAWIN_IMAGE RMS windowed pos error along major axis [pixel] #ERRBWIN_IMAGE RMS windowed pos error along minor axis [pixel] #ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE Windowed error ellipse pos angle (CCW/x) [deg] #ERRAWIN_WORLD World RMS windowed pos error along major axis [deg] #ERRBWIN_WORLD World RMS windowed pos error along minor axis [deg] #ERRTHETAWIN_WORLD Windowed error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #ERRTHETAWIN_SKY Native windowed error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETAWIN_J2000 J2000 windowed error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETAWIN_B1950 B1950 windowed error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #NITER_WIN Number of iterations for WIN centering #MU_THRESHOLD Detection threshold above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_MAX Peak surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #ISOAREA_WORLD Isophotal area above Analysis threshold [deg**2] #ISOAREAF_WORLD Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection threshold [deg**2] #ISO0 Isophotal area at level 0 [pixel**2] #ISO1 Isophotal area at level 1 [pixel**2] #ISO2 Isophotal area at level 2 [pixel**2] #ISO3 Isophotal area at level 3 [pixel**2] #ISO4 Isophotal area at level 4 [pixel**2] #ISO5 Isophotal area at level 5 [pixel**2] #ISO6 Isophotal area at level 6 [pixel**2] #ISO7 Isophotal area at level 7 [pixel**2] #FLAGS Extraction flags #FLAGS_WEIGHT Weighted extraction flags #FLAGS_WIN Flags for WINdowed parameters #IMAFLAGS_ISO FLAG-image flags OR'ed over the iso. profile #NIMAFLAGS_ISO Number of flagged pixels entering IMAFLAGS_ISO #NLOWWEIGHT_ISO Nb of pixels with low weight over the iso. profile #NLOWDWEIGHT_ISO Nb of pixels with low det. weight over the iso. profile #FWHM_IMAGE FWHM assuming a gaussian core [pixel] #FWHM_WORLD FWHM assuming a gaussian core [deg] #ELONGATION A_IMAGE/B_IMAGE #ELLIPTICITY 1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGE #POLAR_IMAGE (A_IMAGE^2 - B_IMAGE^2)/(A_IMAGE^2 + B_IMAGE^2) #POLAR_WORLD (A_WORLD^2 - B_WORLD^2)/(A_WORLD^2 + B_WORLD^2) #POLARWIN_IMAGE (AWIN^2 - BWIN^2)/(AWIN^2 + BWIN^2) #POLARWIN_WORLD (AWIN^2 - BWIN^2)/(AWIN^2 + BWIN^2) #CLASS_STAR S/G classifier output #VIGNET Pixel data around detection [count] #VIGNET_SHIFT Pixel data around detection, corrected for shift [count] #VECTOR_ASSOC ASSOCiated parameter vector #NUMBER_ASSOC Number of ASSOCiated IDs #THRESHOLDMAX Maximum threshold possible for detection [count] #FLUX_GROWTH Cumulated growth-curve [count] #FLUX_GROWTHSTEP Step for growth-curves [pixel] #MAG_GROWTH Cumulated magnitude growth-curve [mag] #MAG_GROWTHSTEP Step for growth-curves [pixel] #FLUX_RADIUS Fraction-of-light radii [pixel] #XPSF_IMAGE X coordinate from PSF-fitting [pixel] #YPSF_IMAGE Y coordinate from PSF-fitting [pixel] #XPSF_WORLD PSF position along world x axis [deg] #YPSF_WORLD PSF position along world y axis [deg] #ALPHAPSF_SKY Right ascension of the fitted PSF (native) [deg] #DELTAPSF_SKY Declination of the fitted PSF (native) [deg] #ALPHAPSF_J2000 Right ascension of the fitted PSF (J2000) [deg] #DELTAPSF_J2000 Declination of the fitted PSF (J2000) [deg] #ALPHAPSF_B1950 Right ascension of the fitted PSF (B1950) [deg] #DELTAPSF_B1950 Declination of the fitted PSF (B1950) [deg] #FLUX_PSF Flux from PSF-fitting [count] #FLUXERR_PSF RMS flux error for PSF-fitting [count] #MAG_PSF Magnitude from PSF-fitting [mag] #MAGERR_PSF RMS magnitude error from PSF-fitting [mag] #NITER_PSF Number of iterations for PSF-fitting #CHI2_PSF Reduced chi2 from PSF-fitting #ERRX2PSF_IMAGE Variance of PSF position along x [pixel**2] #ERRY2PSF_IMAGE Variance of PSF position along y [pixel**2] #ERRXYPSF_IMAGE Covariance of PSF position between x and y [pixel**2] #ERRX2PSF_WORLD Variance of PSF position along X-WORLD (alpha) [deg**2] #ERRY2PSF_WORLD Variance of PSF position along Y-WORLD (delta) [deg**2] #ERRXYPSF_WORLD Covariance of PSF position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD [deg**2] #ERRCXXPSF_IMAGE Cxx PSF error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCYYPSF_IMAGE Cyy PSF error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXYPSF_IMAGE Cxy PSF error ellipse parameter [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXXPSF_WORLD Cxx PSF error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCYYPSF_WORLD Cyy PSF error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCXYPSF_WORLD Cxy PSF error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRAPSF_IMAGE PSF RMS position error along major axis [pixel] #ERRBPSF_IMAGE PSF RMS position error along minor axis [pixel] #ERRTHETAPSF_IMAGE PSF error ellipse position angle (CCW/x) [deg] #ERRAPSF_WORLD World PSF RMS position error along major axis [pixel] #ERRBPSF_WORLD World PSF RMS position error along minor axis [pixel] #ERRTHETAPSF_WORLD PSF error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #ERRTHETAPSF_SKY Native PSF error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETAPSF_J2000 J2000 PSF error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETAPSF_B1950 B1950 PSF error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #DURATION_ANALYSIS Duration of analysis for this source [s] #VECTOR_MODEL Model-fitting coefficients #VECTOR_MODELERR Model-fitting coefficient uncertainties #MATRIX_MODELERR Model-fitting covariance matrix #CHI2_MODEL Reduced Chi2 of the fit #FLAGS_MODEL Model-fitting flags #NITER_MODEL Number of iterations for model-fitting #FLUX_MODEL Flux from model-fitting [count] #FLUXERR_MODEL RMS error on model-fitting flux [count] #MAG_MODEL Magnitude from model-fitting [mag] #MAGERR_MODEL RMS error on model-fitting magnitude [mag] #FLUX_MAX_MODEL Peak model flux above background [count] #FLUX_EFF_MODEL Effective model flux above background [count] #FLUX_MEAN_MODEL Mean effective model flux above background [count] #MU_MAX_MODEL Peak model surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_EFF_MODEL Effective model surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_MEAN_MODEL Mean effective model surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #XMODEL_IMAGE X coordinate from model-fitting [pixel] #YMODEL_IMAGE Y coordinate from model-fitting [pixel] #XFOCAL_WORLD Fitted position along focal-plane x axis #YFOCAL_WORLD Fitted position along focal-plane y axis #XMODEL_WORLD Fitted position along world x axis [deg] #YMODEL_WORLD Fitted position along world y axis [deg] #ALPHAMODEL_SKY Fitted position along right ascension (native) [deg] #DELTAMODEL_SKY Fitted position along declination (native) [deg] #ALPHAMODEL_J2000 Fitted position along right ascension (J2000) [deg] #DELTAMODEL_J2000 Fitted position along declination (J2000) [deg] #ALPHAMODEL_B1950 Fitted position along right ascension (B1950) [deg] #DELTAMODEL_B1950 Fitted position along declination (B1950) [deg] #ERRX2MODEL_IMAGE Variance of fitted position along x [pixel**2] #ERRY2MODEL_IMAGE Variance of fitted position along y [pixel**2] #ERRXYMODEL_IMAGE Covariance of fitted position between x and y [pixel**2] #ERRX2MODEL_WORLD Variance of fitted position along X-WORLD (alpha) [deg**2] #ERRY2MODEL_WORLD Variance of fitted position along Y-WORLD (delta) [deg**2] #ERRXYMODEL_WORLD Covariance of fitted position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD [deg**2] #ERRCXXMODEL_IMAGE Cxx error ellipse parameter of fitted position [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCYYMODEL_IMAGE Cyy error ellipse parameter of fitted position [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXYMODEL_IMAGE Cxy error ellipse parameter of fitted position [pixel**(-2)] #ERRCXXMODEL_WORLD Cxx fitted error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCYYMODEL_WORLD Cyy fitted error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRCXYMODEL_WORLD Cxy fitted error ellipse parameter (WORLD units) [deg**(-2)] #ERRAMODEL_IMAGE RMS error of fitted position along major axis [pixel] #ERRBMODEL_IMAGE RMS error of fitted position along minor axis [pixel] #ERRTHETAMODEL_IMAGE Error ellipse pos.angle of fitted position (CCW/x) [deg] #ERRAMODEL_WORLD World RMS error of fitted position along major axis [deg] #ERRBMODEL_WORLD World RMS error of fitted position along minor axis [deg] #ERRTHETAMODEL_WORLD Error ellipse pos.angle of fitted position (CCW/world-x) [deg] #ERRTHETAMODEL_SKY Native fitted error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETAMODEL_J2000 J2000 fitted error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #ERRTHETAMODEL_B1950 B1950 fitted error ellipse pos. angle (east of north) [deg] #X2MODEL_IMAGE Variance along x from model-fitting [pixel**2] #Y2MODEL_IMAGE Variance along y from model-fitting [pixel**2] #XYMODEL_IMAGE Covariance between x and y from model-fitting [pixel**2] #ELLIP1MODEL_IMAGE Ellipticity component from model-fitting #ELLIP2MODEL_IMAGE Ellipticity component from model-fitting #POLAR1MODEL_IMAGE Ellipticity component (quadratic) from model-fitting #POLAR2MODEL_IMAGE Ellipticity component (quadratic) from model-fitting #ELLIP1ERRMODEL_IMAGE Ellipticity component std.error from model-fitting #ELLIP2ERRMODEL_IMAGE Ellipticity component std.error from model-fitting #ELLIPCORRMODEL_IMAGE Corr.coeff between ellip.components from model-fitting #POLAR1ERRMODEL_IMAGE Polarisation component std.error from model-fitting #POLAR2ERRMODEL_IMAGE Polarisation component std.error from model-fitting #POLARCORRMODEL_IMAGE Corr.coeff between polar. components from fitting #X2MODEL_WORLD Variance along X-WORLD (alpha) from model-fitting [deg**2] #Y2MODEL_WORLD Variance along Y_WORLD (delta) from model-fitting [deg**2] #XYMODEL_WORLD Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD from model-fitting [deg**2] #ELLIP1MODEL_WORLD Ellipticity component from model-fitting #ELLIP2MODEL_WORLD Ellipticity component from model-fitting #POLAR1MODEL_WORLD Polarisation component from model-fitting #POLAR2MODEL_WORLD Polarisation component from model-fitting #ELLIP1ERRMODEL_WORLD Ellipticity component std.error from model-fitting #ELLIP2ERRMODEL_WORLD Ellipticity component std.error from model-fitting #ELLIPCORRMODEL_WORLD Corr.coeff between ellip.components from model-fitting #POLAR1ERRMODEL_WORLD Polarisation component std.error from model-fitting #POLAR2ERRMODEL_WORLD Polarisation component std.error from model-fitting #POLARCORRMODEL_WORLD Corr.coeff between polar. components from fitting #CXXMODEL_IMAGE Cxx ellipse parameter from model-fitting [pixel**(-2)] #CYYMODEL_IMAGE Cyy ellipse parameter from model-fittinh [pixel**(-2)] #CXYMODEL_IMAGE Cxy ellipse parameter from model-fitting [pixel**(-2)] #CXXMODEL_WORLD Cxx ellipse parameter (WORLD) from model-fitting [deg**(-2)] #CYYMODEL_WORLD Cyy ellipse parameter (WORLD) from model-fitting [deg**(-2)] #CXYMODEL_WORLD Cxy ellipse parameter (WORLD) from model-fitting [deg**(-2)] #AMODEL_IMAGE Model RMS along major axis [pixel] #BMODEL_IMAGE Model RMS along minor axis [pixel] #THETAMODEL_IMAGE Model position angle (CCW/x) [deg] #AMODEL_WORLD Model RMS along major axis (WORLD units) [deg] #BMODEL_WORLD Model RMS along minor axis (WORLD units) [deg] #THETAMODEL_WORLD Model position angle (CCW/WORLD-x) [deg] #THETAMODEL_SKY Model position angle (east of north) (native) [deg] #THETAMODEL_J2000 Model position angle (east of north) (J2000) [deg] #THETAMODEL_B1950 Model position angle (east of north) (B1950) [deg] #SPREAD_MODEL Spread parameter from model-fitting #SPREADERR_MODEL Spread parameter error from model-fitting #FLUX_BACKOFFSET Background offset from fitting [count] #FLUXERR_BACKOFFSET RMS error on fitted background offset [count] #FLUX_POINTSOURCE Point source flux from fitting [count] #FLUXERR_POINTSOURCE RMS error on fitted point source total flux [count] #MAG_POINTSOURCE Point source total magnitude from fitting [mag] #MAGERR_POINTSOURCE RMS error on fitted point source total magnitude [mag] #FLUX_SPHEROID Spheroid total flux from fitting [count] #FLUXERR_SPHEROID RMS error on fitted spheroid total flux [count] #MAG_SPHEROID Spheroid total magnitude from fitting [mag] #MAGERR_SPHEROID RMS error on fitted spheroid total magnitude [mag] #FLUX_MAX_SPHEROID Peak spheroid flux above background [count] #FLUX_EFF_SPHEROID Effective spheroid flux above background [count] #FLUX_MEAN_SPHEROID Mean effective spheroid flux above background [count] #MU_MAX_SPHEROID Peak spheroid surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_EFF_SPHEROID Effective spheroid surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_MEAN_SPHEROID Mean effective spheroid surface brightness above backgrou [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #SPHEROID_REFF_IMAGE Spheroid effective radius from fitting [pixel] #SPHEROID_REFFERR_IMAGE RMS error on fitted spheroid effective radius [pixel] #SPHEROID_REFF_WORLD Spheroid effective radius from fitting [deg] #SPHEROID_REFFERR_WORLD RMS error on fitted spheroid effective radius [deg] #SPHEROID_ASPECT_IMAGE Spheroid aspect ratio from fitting #SPHEROID_ASPECTERR_IMAGE RMS error on fitted spheroid aspect ratio #SPHEROID_ASPECT_WORLD Spheroid aspect ratio from fitting #SPHEROID_ASPECTERR_WORLD RMS error on fitted spheroid aspect ratio #SPHEROID_THETA_IMAGE Spheroid position angle (CCW/x) from fitting [deg] #SPHEROID_THETAERR_IMAGE RMS error on spheroid position angle [deg] #SPHEROID_THETA_WORLD Spheroid position angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #SPHEROID_THETAERR_WORLD RMS error on spheroid position angle [deg] #SPHEROID_THETA_SKY Spheroid position angle (east of north, native) [deg] #SPHEROID_THETA_J2000 Spheroid position angle (east of north, J2000) [deg] #SPHEROID_THETA_B1950 Spheroid position angle (east of north, B1950) [deg] #SPHEROID_SERSICN Spheroid Sersic index from fitting #SPHEROID_SERSICNERR RMS error on fitted spheroid Sersic index #FLUX_DISK Disk total flux from fitting [count] #FLUXERR_DISK RMS error on fitted disk total flux [count] #MAG_DISK Disk total magnitude from fitting [mag] #MAGERR_DISK RMS error on fitted disk total magnitude [mag] #FLUX_MAX_DISK Peak disk flux above background [count] #FLUX_EFF_DISK Effective disk flux above background [count] #FLUX_MEAN_DISK Mean effective disk flux above background [count] #MU_MAX_DISK Peak disk surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_EFF_DISK Effective disk surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #MU_MEAN_DISK Mean effective disk surface brightness above background [mag * arcsec**(-2)] #DISK_SCALE_IMAGE Disk scalelength from fitting [pixel] #DISK_SCALEERR_IMAGE RMS error on fitted disk scalelength [pixel] #DISK_SCALE_WORLD Disk scalelength from fitting (world coords) [deg] #DISK_SCALEERR_WORLD RMS error on fitted disk scalelength (world coords) [deg] #DISK_ASPECT_IMAGE Disk aspect ratio from fitting #DISK_ASPECTERR_IMAGE RMS error on fitted disk aspect ratio #DISK_ASPECT_WORLD Disk aspect ratio from fitting #DISK_ASPECTERR_WORLD RMS error on disk aspect ratio #DISK_INCLINATION Disk inclination from fitting [deg] #DISK_INCLINATIONERR RMS error on disk inclination from fitting [deg] #DISK_THETA_IMAGE Disk position angle (CCW/x) from fitting [deg] #DISK_THETAERR_IMAGE RMS error on fitted disk position angle [deg] #DISK_THETA_WORLD Disk position angle (CCW/world-x) [deg] #DISK_THETAERR_WORLD RMS error on disk position angle [deg] #DISK_THETA_SKY Disk position angle (east of north, native) [deg] #DISK_THETA_J2000 Disk position angle (east of north, J2000) [deg] #DISK_THETA_B1950 Disk position angle (east of north, B1950) [deg]