/* * wcs.c * * High level driver routines. * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: AstrOmatic WCS library * * Copyright: (C) 2000-2010 IAP/CNRS/UPMC * (C) 1995-1999 Mark Calabretta * * Authors: Emmanuel Bertin (this version) * Mark Calabretta (original version) * * Licenses: GNU General Public License * * AstrOmatic software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * AstrOmatic software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AstrOmatic software. * If not, see . * * Last modified: 10/10/2010 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ /*============================================================================= * * WCSLIB - an implementation of the FITS WCS proposal. * Copyright (C) 1995-1999, Mark Calabretta * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Correspondence concerning WCSLIB may be directed to: * Internet email: mcalabre@atnf.csiro.au * Postal address: Dr. Mark Calabretta, * Australia Telescope National Facility, * P.O. Box 76, * Epping, NSW, 2121, * AUSTRALIA * *============================================================================= * * C routines which implement the FITS World Coordinate System (WCS) * convention. * * Summary of routines * ------------------- * wcsfwd() and wcsrev() are high level driver routines for the WCS linear * transformation, spherical coordinate transformation, and spherical * projection routines. * * Given either the celestial longitude or latitude plus an element of the * pixel coordinate a hybrid routine, wcsmix(), iteratively solves for the * unknown elements. * * An initialization routine, wcsset(), computes indices from the ctype * array but need not be called explicitly - see the explanation of * wcs.flag below. * * * Initialization routine; wcsset() * -------------------------------- * Initializes elements of a wcsprm data structure which holds indices into * the coordinate arrays. Note that this routine need not be called directly; * it will be invoked by wcsfwd() and wcsrev() if the "flag" structure member * is anything other than a predefined magic value. * * Given: * naxis const int * Number of image axes. * ctype[][9] * const char * Coordinate axis types corresponding to the FITS * CTYPEn header cards. * * Returned: * wcs wcsprm* Indices for the celestial coordinates obtained * by parsing the ctype[] array (see below). * * Function return value: * int Error status * 0: Success. * 1: Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis * types. * * * Forward transformation; wcsfwd() * -------------------------------- * Compute the pixel coordinate for given world coordinates. * * Given: * ctype[][9] * const char * Coordinate axis types corresponding to the FITS * CTYPEn header cards. * * Given or returned: * wcs wcsprm* Indices for the celestial coordinates obtained * by parsing the ctype[] array (see below). * * Given: * world const double[] * World coordinates. world[wcs->lng] and * world[wcs->lat] are the celestial longitude and * latitude, in degrees. * * Given: * crval const double[] * Coordinate reference values corresponding to the FITS * CRVALn header cards. * * Given and returned: * cel celprm* Spherical coordinate transformation parameters (usage * is described in the prologue to "cel.c"). * * Returned: * phi, double* Longitude and latitude in the native coordinate * theta system of the projection, in degrees. * * Given and returned: * prj prjprm* Projection parameters (usage is described in the * prologue to "proj.c"). * * Returned: * imgcrd double[] Image coordinate. imgcrd[wcs->lng] and * imgcrd[wcs->lat] are the projected x-, and * y-coordinates, in "degrees". For quadcube * projections with a CUBEFACE axis the face number is * also returned in imgcrd[wcs->cubeface]. * * Given and returned: * lin linprm* Linear transformation parameters (usage is described * in the prologue to "lin.c"). * * Returned: * pixcrd double[] Pixel coordinate. * * Function return value: * int Error status * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid coordinate transformation parameters. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 3: Invalid world coordinate. * 4: Invalid linear transformation parameters. * * * Reverse transformation; wcsrev() * -------------------------------- * Compute world coordinates for a given pixel coordinate. * * Given: * ctype[][9] * const char * Coordinate axis types corresponding to the FITS * CTYPEn header cards. * * Given or returned: * wcs wcsprm* Indices for the celestial coordinates obtained * by parsing the ctype[] array (see below). * * Given: * pixcrd const double[] * Pixel coordinate. * * Given and returned: * lin linprm* Linear transformation parameters (usage is described * in the prologue to "lin.c"). * * Returned: * imgcrd double[] Image coordinate. imgcrd[wcs->lng] and * imgcrd[wcs->lat] are the projected x-, and * y-coordinates, in "degrees". * * Given and returned: * prj prjprm* Projection parameters (usage is described in the * prologue to "proj.c"). * * Returned: * phi, double* Longitude and latitude in the native coordinate * theta system of the projection, in degrees. * * Given: * crval const double[] * Coordinate reference values corresponding to the FITS * CRVALn header cards. * * Given and returned: * cel celprm* Spherical coordinate transformation parameters * (usage is described in the prologue to "cel.c"). * * Returned: * world double[] World coordinates. world[wcs->lng] and * world[wcs->lat] are the celestial longitude and * latitude, in degrees. * * Function return value: * int Error status * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid coordinate transformation parameters. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 3: Invalid pixel coordinate. * 4: Invalid linear transformation parameters. * * * Hybrid transformation; wcsmix() * ------------------------------- * Given either the celestial longitude or latitude plus an element of the * pixel coordinate solve for the remaining elements by iterating on the * unknown celestial coordinate element using wcsfwd(). * * Given: * ctype[][9] * const char * Coordinate axis types corresponding to the FITS * CTYPEn header cards. * * Given or returned: * wcs wcsprm* Indices for the celestial coordinates obtained * by parsing the ctype[] array (see below). * * Given: * mixpix const int * Which element of the pixel coordinate is given. * mixcel const int * Which element of the celestial coordinate is * given: * 1: Celestial longitude is given in * world[wcs->lng], latitude returned in * world[wcs->lat]. * 2: Celestial latitude is given in * world[wcs->lat], longitude returned in * world[wcs->lng]. * vspan[2] const double * Solution interval for the celestial coordinate, in * degrees. * vstep const double * Step size for solution search, in degrees. If zero, * a sensible, although perhaps non-optimal default will * be used. * viter int * If a solution is not found then the step size will be * halved and the search recommenced. viter controls * how many times the step size is halved. The allowed * range is 5 - 10. * * Given and returned: * world double[] World coordinates. world[wcs->lng] and * world[wcs->lat] are the celestial longitude and * latitude, in degrees. Which is given and which * returned depends on the value of mixcel. All other * elements are given. * * Given: * crval const double[] * Coordinate reference values corresponding to the FITS * CRVALn header cards. * * Given and returned: * cel celprm* Spherical coordinate transformation parameters * (usage is described in the prologue to "cel.c"). * * Returned: * phi, double* Longitude and latitude in the native coordinate * theta system of the projection, in degrees. * * Given and returned: * prj prjprm* Projection parameters (usage is described in the * prologue to "proj.c"). * * Returned: * imgcrd double[] Image coordinate. imgcrd[wcs->lng] and * imgcrd[wcs->lat] are the projected x-, and * y-coordinates, in "degrees". * * Given and returned: * lin linprm* Linear transformation parameters (usage is described * in the prologue to "lin.c"). * * Given and returned: * pixcrd double[] Pixel coordinate. The element indicated by mixpix is * given and the remaining elements are returned. * * Function return value: * int Error status * 0: Success. * 1: Invalid coordinate transformation parameters. * 2: Invalid projection parameters. * 3: Coordinate transformation error. * 4: Invalid linear transformation parameters. * 5: No solution found in the specified interval. * * * Notes * ----- * 1) The CTYPEn must in be upper case and there must be 0 or 1 pair of * matched celestial axis types. The ctype[][9] should be padded with * blanks on the right and null-terminated. * * 2) Elements of the crval[] array which correspond to celestial axes are * ignored, the reference coordinate values in cel->ref[0] and * cel->ref[1] are the ones used. * * 3) These functions recognize the NCP projection and convert it to the * equivalent SIN projection. * * 4) The quadcube projections (CSC, QSC, TSC) may be represented in FITS in * either of two ways: * * a) The six faces may be laid out in one plane and numbered as * follows: * * 0 * * 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 * * 5 * * Faces 2, 3 and 4 may appear on one side or the other (or both). * The forward routines map faces 2, 3 and 4 to the left but the * inverse routines accept them on either side. * * b) The "COBE" convention in which the six faces are stored in a * three-dimensional structure using a "CUBEFACE" axis indexed from * 0 to 5 as above. * * These routines support both methods; wcsset() determines which is * being used by the presence or absence of a CUBEFACE axis in ctype[]. * wcsfwd() and wcsrev() translate the CUBEFACE axis representation to * the single plane representation understood by the lower-level WCSLIB * projection routines. * * * WCS indexing parameters * ----------------------- * The wcsprm struct consists of the following: * * int flag * The wcsprm struct contains indexes and other information derived * from the CTYPEn. Whenever any of the ctype[] are set or changed * this flag must be set to zero to signal the initialization routine, * wcsset() to redetermine the indices. The flag is set to 999 if * there is no celestial axis pair in the CTYPEn. * * char pcode[4] * The WCS projection code. * * char lngtyp[5], lattyp[5] * WCS celestial axis types. * * int lng,lat * Indices into the imgcrd[], and world[] arrays as described above. * These may also serve as indices for the celestial longitude and * latitude axes in the pixcrd[] array provided that the PC matrix * does not transpose axes. * * int cubeface * Index into the pixcrd[] array for the CUBEFACE axis. This is * optionally used for the quadcube projections where each cube face is * stored on a separate axis. * * * wcsmix() algorithm * ------------------ * Initially the specified solution interval is checked to see if it's a * "crossing" interval. If it isn't, a search is made for a crossing * solution by iterating on the unknown celestial coordinate starting at * the upper limit of the solution interval and decrementing by the * specified step size. A crossing is indicated if the trial value of the * pixel coordinate steps through the value specified. If a crossing * interval is found then the solution is determined by a modified form of * "regula falsi" division of the crossing interval. If no crossing * interval was found within the specified solution interval then a search * is made for a "non-crossing" solution as may arise from a point of * tangency. The process is complicated by having to make allowance for * the discontinuities that occur in all map projections. * * Once one solution has been determined others may be found by subsequent * invokations of wcsmix() with suitably restricted solution intervals. * * Note the circumstance which arises when the solution point lies at a * native pole of a projection in which the pole is represented as a * finite curve, for example the zenithals and conics. In such cases two * or more valid solutions may exist but WCSMIX only ever returns one. * * Because of its generality wcsmix() is very compute-intensive. For * compute-limited applications more efficient special-case solvers could * be written for simple projections, for example non-oblique cylindrical * projections. * * Author: Mark Calabretta, Australia Telescope National Facility * $Id: wcs.c,v 2002/03/15 16:33:26 bertin Exp $ *===========================================================================*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_MATHIMF_H #include #else #include #endif #include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "wcsmath.h" #include "wcstrig.h" #include "sph.h" #include "wcs.h" /* Map error number to error message for each function. */ const char *wcsset_errmsg[] = { 0, "Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types"}; const char *wcsfwd_errmsg[] = { 0, "Invalid coordinate transformation parameters", "Invalid projection parameters", "Invalid world coordinate", "Invalid linear transformation parameters"}; const char *wcsrev_errmsg[] = { 0, "Invalid coordinate transformation parameters", "Invalid projection parameters", "Invalid pixel coordinate", "Invalid linear transformation parameters"}; const char *wcsmix_errmsg[] = { 0, "Invalid coordinate transformation parameters", "Invalid projection parameters", "Coordinate transformation error", "Invalid linear transformation parameters", "No solution found in the specified interval"}; #define wcs_signbit(X) ((X) < 0.0 ? 1 : 0) int wcsset (naxis, ctype, wcs) const int naxis; const char ctype[][9]; struct wcsprm *wcs; { int j, k, *ndx; char requir[9]; strcpy(wcs->pcode, ""); strcpy(requir, ""); wcs->lng = -1; ndx = &wcs->lng; /* to satisfy gcc -Wall */ wcs->lat = -1; wcs->cubeface = -1; for (j = 0; j < naxis; j++) { if (ctype[j][4] != '-') { if (strcmp(ctype[j], "CUBEFACE") == 0) { if (wcs->cubeface == -1) { wcs->cubeface = j; } else { /* Multiple CUBEFACE axes! */ return 1; } } continue; } /* Got an axis qualifier, is it a recognized WCS projection? */ for (k = 0; k < npcode; k++) { if (strncmp(&ctype[j][5], pcodes[k], 3) == 0) break; } if (k == npcode) { /* Allow NCP to pass (will be converted to SIN later). */ if (strncmp(&ctype[j][5], "NCP", 3)) continue; } /* Parse the celestial axis type. */ if (strcmp(wcs->pcode, "") == 0) { sprintf(wcs->pcode, "%.3s", &ctype[j][5]); if (strncmp(ctype[j], "RA--", 4) == 0) { wcs->lng = j; strcpy(wcs->lngtyp, "RA"); strcpy(wcs->lattyp, "DEC"); ndx = &wcs->lat; sprintf(requir, "DEC--%s", wcs->pcode); } else if (strncmp(ctype[j], "DEC-", 4) == 0) { wcs->lat = j; strcpy(wcs->lngtyp, "RA"); strcpy(wcs->lattyp, "DEC"); ndx = &wcs->lng; sprintf(requir, "RA---%s", wcs->pcode); } else if (strncmp(&ctype[j][1], "LON", 3) == 0) { wcs->lng = j; sprintf(wcs->lngtyp, "%cLON", ctype[j][0]); sprintf(wcs->lattyp, "%cLAT", ctype[j][0]); ndx = &wcs->lat; sprintf(requir, "%s-%s", wcs->lattyp, wcs->pcode); } else if (strncmp(&ctype[j][1], "LAT", 3) == 0) { wcs->lat = j; sprintf(wcs->lngtyp, "%cLON", ctype[j][0]); sprintf(wcs->lattyp, "%cLAT", ctype[j][0]); ndx = &wcs->lng; sprintf(requir, "%s-%s", wcs->lngtyp, wcs->pcode); } else { /* Unrecognized celestial type. */ return 1; } } else { if (strncmp(ctype[j], requir, 8) != 0) { /* Inconsistent projection types. */ return 1; } *ndx = j; strcpy(requir, ""); } } if (strcmp(requir, "")) { /* Unmatched celestial axis. */ return 1; } if (strcmp(wcs->pcode, "")) { wcs->flag = WCSSET; } else { /* Signal for no celestial axis pair. */ wcs->flag = 999; } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd) const char ctype[][9]; struct wcsprm* wcs; const double world[]; const double crval[]; struct celprm *cel; double *phi, *theta; struct prjprm *prj; double imgcrd[]; struct linprm *lin; double pixcrd[]; { int err, j; double offset; /* Initialize if required. */ if (wcs->flag != WCSSET) { if (wcsset(lin->naxis, ctype, wcs)) return 1; } /* Convert to relative physical coordinates. */ for (j = 0; j < lin->naxis; j++) { if (j == wcs->lng) continue; if (j == wcs->lat) continue; imgcrd[j] = world[j] - crval[j]; } if (wcs->flag != 999) { /* Compute projected coordinates. */ if (strcmp(wcs->pcode, "NCP") == 0) { /* Convert NCP to SIN. */ if (cel->ref[2] == 0.0) { return 2; } strcpy(wcs->pcode, "SIN"); prj->p[1] = 0.0; prj->p[2] = wcs_cosd(cel->ref[2])/wcs_sind(cel->ref[2]); prj->flag = 0; } if ((err = celfwd(wcs->pcode, world[wcs->lng], world[wcs->lat], cel, phi, theta, prj, &imgcrd[wcs->lng], &imgcrd[wcs->lat]))) { return err; } /* Do we have a CUBEFACE axis? */ if (wcs->cubeface != -1) { /* Separation between faces. */ if (prj->r0 == 0.0) { offset = 90.0; } else { offset = prj->r0*PI/2.0; } /* Stack faces in a cube. */ if (imgcrd[wcs->lat] < -0.5*offset) { imgcrd[wcs->lat] += offset; imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] = 5.0; } else if (imgcrd[wcs->lat] > 0.5*offset) { imgcrd[wcs->lat] -= offset; imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] = 0.0; } else if (imgcrd[wcs->lng] > 2.5*offset) { imgcrd[wcs->lng] -= 3.0*offset; imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] = 4.0; } else if (imgcrd[wcs->lng] > 1.5*offset) { imgcrd[wcs->lng] -= 2.0*offset; imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] = 3.0; } else if (imgcrd[wcs->lng] > 0.5*offset) { imgcrd[wcs->lng] -= offset; imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] = 2.0; } else { imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] = 1.0; } } } /* Apply forward linear transformation. */ if (linfwd(imgcrd, lin, pixcrd)) { return 4; } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int wcsrev(ctype, wcs, pixcrd, lin, imgcrd, prj, phi, theta, crval, cel, world) const char ctype[][9]; struct wcsprm *wcs; const double pixcrd[]; struct linprm *lin; double imgcrd[]; struct prjprm *prj; double *phi, *theta; const double crval[]; struct celprm *cel; double world[]; { int err, face, j; double offset; /* Initialize if required. */ if (wcs->flag != WCSSET) { if (wcsset(lin->naxis, ctype, wcs)) return 1; } /* Apply reverse linear transformation. */ if (linrev(pixcrd, lin, imgcrd)) { return 4; } /* Convert to world coordinates. */ for (j = 0; j < lin->naxis; j++) { if (j == wcs->lng) continue; if (j == wcs->lat) continue; world[j] = imgcrd[j] + crval[j]; } if (wcs->flag != 999) { /* Do we have a CUBEFACE axis? */ if (wcs->cubeface != -1) { face = (int)(imgcrd[wcs->cubeface] + 0.5); if (fabs(imgcrd[wcs->cubeface]-face) > 1e-10) { return 3; } /* Separation between faces. */ if (prj->r0 == 0.0) { offset = 90.0; } else { offset = prj->r0*PI/2.0; } /* Lay out faces in a plane. */ switch (face) { case 0: imgcrd[wcs->lat] += offset; break; case 1: break; case 2: imgcrd[wcs->lng] += offset; break; case 3: imgcrd[wcs->lng] += offset*2; break; case 4: imgcrd[wcs->lng] += offset*3; break; case 5: imgcrd[wcs->lat] -= offset; break; default: return 3; } } /* Compute celestial coordinates. */ if (strcmp(wcs->pcode, "NCP") == 0) { /* Convert NCP to SIN. */ if (cel->ref[2] == 0.0) { return 2; } strcpy(wcs->pcode, "SIN"); prj->p[1] = 0.0; prj->p[2] = wcs_cosd(cel->ref[2])/wcs_sind(cel->ref[2]); prj->flag = 0; } if ((err = celrev(wcs->pcode, imgcrd[wcs->lng], imgcrd[wcs->lat], prj, phi, theta, cel, &world[wcs->lng], &world[wcs->lat]))) { return err; } } return 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int wcsmix(ctype, wcs, mixpix, mixcel, vspan, vstep, viter, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd) const char ctype[][9]; struct wcsprm *wcs; const int mixpix, mixcel; const double vspan[2], vstep; int viter; double world[]; const double crval[]; struct celprm *cel; double *phi, *theta; struct prjprm *prj; double imgcrd[]; struct linprm *lin; double pixcrd[]; { const int niter = 60; int crossed, err, istep, iter, j, k, nstep, retry; const double tol = 1.0e-10; double lambda, span[2], step; double pixmix; double lng, lng0, lng0m, lng1, lng1m; double lat, lat0, lat0m, lat1, lat1m; double d, d0, d0m, d1, d1m, dx; double dabs, dmin, lmin; double phi0, phi1; struct celprm cel0; /* Check vspan. */ if (vspan[0] <= vspan[1]) { span[0] = vspan[0]; span[1] = vspan[1]; } else { /* Swap them. */ span[0] = vspan[1]; span[1] = vspan[0]; } /* Check vstep. */ step = fabs(vstep); if (step == 0.0) { step = (span[1] - span[0])/10.0; if (step > 1.0 || step == 0.0) step = 1.0; } /* Check viter. */ nstep = viter; if (nstep < 5) { nstep = 5; } else if (nstep > 10) { nstep = 10; } /* Given pixel element. */ pixmix = pixcrd[mixpix]; dx = 0.0; /* to satisfy gcc -Wall */ /* Iterate on the step size. */ for (istep = 0; istep <= nstep; istep++) { if (istep) step /= 2.0; /* Iterate on the sky coordinate between the specified range. */ if (mixcel == 1) { /* Celestial longitude is given. */ /* Check whether the solution interval is a crossing interval. */ lat0 = span[0]; world[wcs->lat] = lat0; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; dabs = fabs(d0); if (dabs < tol) return 0; lat1 = span[1]; world[wcs->lat] = lat1; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; dabs = fabs(d1); if (dabs < tol) return 0; lmin = lat1; dmin = dabs; /* Check for a crossing point. */ if (wcs_signbit(d0) != wcs_signbit(d1)) { crossed = 1; dx = d1; } else { crossed = 0; lat0 = span[1]; } for (retry = 0; retry < 4; retry++) { /* Refine the solution interval. */ while (lat0 > span[0]) { lat0 -= step; if (lat0 < span[0]) lat0 = span[0]; world[wcs->lat] = lat0; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ dabs = fabs(d0); if (dabs < tol) return 0; /* Record the point of closest approach. */ if (dabs < dmin) { lmin = lat0; dmin = dabs; } /* Check for a crossing point. */ if (wcs_signbit(d0) != wcs_signbit(d1)) { crossed = 2; dx = d0; break; } /* Advance to the next subinterval. */ lat1 = lat0; d1 = d0; } if (crossed) { /* A crossing point was found. */ for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++) { /* Use regula falsi division of the interval. */ lambda = d0/(d0-d1); if (lambda < 0.1) { lambda = 0.1; } else if (lambda > 0.9) { lambda = 0.9; } lat = lat0 + lambda*(lat1 - lat0); world[wcs->lat] = lat; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ dabs = fabs(d); if (dabs < tol) return 0; /* Record the point of closest approach. */ if (dabs < dmin) { lmin = lat; dmin = dabs; } if (wcs_signbit(d0) == wcs_signbit(d)) { lat0 = lat; d0 = d; } else { lat1 = lat; d1 = d; } } /* No convergence, must have been a discontinuity. */ if (crossed == 1) lat0 = span[1]; lat1 = lat0; d1 = dx; crossed = 0; } else { /* No crossing point; look for a tangent point. */ if (lmin == span[0]) break; if (lmin == span[1]) break; lat = lmin; lat0 = lat - step; if (lat0 < span[0]) lat0 = span[0]; lat1 = lat + step; if (lat1 > span[1]) lat1 = span[1]; world[wcs->lat] = lat0; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); d = dmin; world[wcs->lat] = lat1; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1 = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++) { lat0m = (lat0 + lat)/2.0; world[wcs->lat] = lat0m; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0m = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); if (d0m < tol) return 0; lat1m = (lat1 + lat)/2.0; world[wcs->lat] = lat1m; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1m = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); if (d1m < tol) return 0; if (d0m < d && d0m <= d1m) { lat1 = lat; d1 = d; lat = lat0m; d = d0m; } else if (d1m < d) { lat0 = lat; d0 = d; lat = lat1m; d = d1m; } else { lat0 = lat0m; d0 = d0m; lat1 = lat1m; d1 = d1m; } } } } } else { /* Celestial latitude is given. */ /* Check whether the solution interval is a crossing interval. */ lng0 = span[0]; world[wcs->lng] = lng0; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; dabs = fabs(d0); if (dabs < tol) return 0; lng1 = span[1]; world[wcs->lng] = lng1; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; dabs = fabs(d1); if (dabs < tol) return 0; lmin = lng1; dmin = dabs; /* Check for a crossing point. */ if (wcs_signbit(d0) != wcs_signbit(d1)) { crossed = 1; dx = d1; } else { crossed = 0; lng0 = span[1]; } for (retry = 0; retry < 4; retry++) { /* Refine the solution interval. */ while (lng0 > span[0]) { lng0 -= step; if (lng0 < span[0]) lng0 = span[0]; world[wcs->lng] = lng0; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ dabs = fabs(d0); if (dabs < tol) return 0; /* Record the point of closest approach. */ if (dabs < dmin) { lmin = lng0; dmin = dabs; } /* Check for a crossing point. */ if (wcs_signbit(d0) != wcs_signbit(d1)) { crossed = 2; dx = d0; break; } /* Advance to the next subinterval. */ lng1 = lng0; d1 = d0; } if (crossed) { /* A crossing point was found. */ for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++) { /* Use regula falsi division of the interval. */ lambda = d0/(d0-d1); if (lambda < 0.1) { lambda = 0.1; } else if (lambda > 0.9) { lambda = 0.9; } lng = lng0 + lambda*(lng1 - lng0); world[wcs->lng] = lng; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ dabs = fabs(d); if (dabs < tol) return 0; /* Record the point of closest approach. */ if (dabs < dmin) { lmin = lng; dmin = dabs; } if (wcs_signbit(d0) == wcs_signbit(d)) { lng0 = lng; d0 = d; } else { lng1 = lng; d1 = d; } } /* No convergence, must have been a discontinuity. */ if (crossed == 1) lng0 = span[1]; lng1 = lng0; d1 = dx; crossed = 0; } else { /* No crossing point; look for a tangent point. */ if (lmin == span[0]) break; if (lmin == span[1]) break; lng = lmin; lng0 = lng - step; if (lng0 < span[0]) lng0 = span[0]; lng1 = lng + step; if (lng1 > span[1]) lng1 = span[1]; world[wcs->lng] = lng0; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); d = dmin; world[wcs->lng] = lng1; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1 = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++) { lng0m = (lng0 + lng)/2.0; world[wcs->lng] = lng0m; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0m = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); if (d0m < tol) return 0; lng1m = (lng1 + lng)/2.0; world[wcs->lng] = lng1m; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, cel, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1m = fabs(pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix); if (d1m < tol) return 0; if (d0m < d && d0m <= d1m) { lng1 = lng; d1 = d; lng = lng0m; d = d0m; } else if (d1m < d) { lng0 = lng; d0 = d; lng = lng1m; d = d1m; } else { lng0 = lng0m; d0 = d0m; lng1 = lng1m; d1 = d1m; } } } } } } /* Set cel0 to the unity transformation. */ cel0.flag = CELSET; cel0.ref[0] = cel->ref[0]; cel0.ref[1] = cel->ref[1]; cel0.ref[2] = cel->ref[2]; cel0.ref[3] = cel->ref[3]; cel0.euler[0] = -90.0; cel0.euler[1] = 0.0; cel0.euler[2] = 90.0; cel0.euler[3] = 1.0; cel0.euler[4] = 0.0; cel0.prjfwd = cel->prjfwd; cel0.prjrev = cel->prjrev; /* No convergence, check for aberrant behaviour at a native pole. */ *theta = -90.0; for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { /* Could the celestial coordinate element map to a native pole? */ *theta = -*theta; err = sphrev(0.0, *theta, cel->euler, &lng, &lat); if (mixcel == 1) { if (fabs(fmod(world[wcs->lng]-lng,360.0)) > tol) continue; if (lat < span[0]) continue; if (lat > span[1]) continue; world[wcs->lat] = lat; } else { if (fabs(world[wcs->lat]-lat) > tol) continue; if (lng < span[0]) lng += 360.0; if (lng > span[1]) lng -= 360.0; if (lng < span[0]) continue; if (lng > span[1]) continue; world[wcs->lng] = lng; } /* Is there a solution for the given pixel coordinate element? */ lng = world[wcs->lng]; lat = world[wcs->lat]; /* Feed native coordinates to wcsfwd() with cel0 set to unity. */ world[wcs->lng] = -180.0; world[wcs->lat] = *theta; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, &cel0, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d0 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ if (fabs(d0) < tol) { /* Recall saved world coordinates. */ world[wcs->lng] = lng; world[wcs->lat] = lat; return 0; } /* Search for a crossing interval. */ phi0 = -180.0; for (k = -179; k <= 180; k++) { phi1 = (float) k; world[wcs->lng] = phi1; if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, &cel0, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d1 = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ dabs = fabs(d1); if (dabs < tol) { /* Recall saved world coordinates. */ world[wcs->lng] = lng; world[wcs->lat] = lat; return 0; } /* Is it a crossing interval? */ if (wcs_signbit(d0) != wcs_signbit(d1)) break; phi0 = phi1; d0 = d1; } for (iter = 1; iter <= niter; iter++) { /* Use regula falsi division of the interval. */ lambda = d0/(d0-d1); if (lambda < 0.1) { lambda = 0.1; } else if (lambda > 0.9) { lambda = 0.9; } world[wcs->lng] = phi0 + lambda*(phi1 - phi0); if ((err = wcsfwd(ctype, wcs, world, crval, &cel0, phi, theta, prj, imgcrd, lin, pixcrd))) { return err; } d = pixcrd[mixpix] - pixmix; /* Check for a solution. */ dabs = fabs(d); if (dabs < tol) { /* Recall saved world coordinates. */ world[wcs->lng] = lng; world[wcs->lat] = lat; return 0; } if (wcs_signbit(d0) == wcs_signbit(d)) { phi0 = world[wcs->lng]; d0 = d; } else { phi1 = world[wcs->lng]; d1 = d; } } } /* No solution. */ return 5; }