/* * winpos.c * * Compute iteratively windowed parameters. * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: SExtractor * * Copyright: (C) 2005-2010 IAP/CNRS/UPMC * * Author: Emmanuel Bertin (IAP) * * License: GNU General Public License * * SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SExtractor. If not, see . * * Last modified: 11/10/2010 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "winpos.h" static obj2struct *obj2 = &outobj2; /****** compute_winpos ******************************************************** PROTO void compute_winpos(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj) PURPOSE Compute windowed source barycenter. INPUT Picture structure pointer, Weight-map structure pointer, object structure. OUTPUT -. NOTES obj->posx and obj->posy are taken as initial centroid guesses. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP) VERSION 16/07/2010 ***/ void compute_winpos(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield, objstruct *obj) { float r2,invtwosig2, raper,raper2, rintlim,rintlim2,rextlim2, dx,dx1,dy,dy2, sig, invngamma, pdbkg, offsetx,offsety,scalex,scaley,scale2, locarea; double tv, norm, pix, var, backnoise2, invgain, locpix, dxpos,dypos, err,err2, emx2,emy2,emxy, esum, temp,temp2, mx2, my2,mxy,pmx2, theta, mx,my, mx2ph, my2ph; int i,x,y, x2,y2, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, sx,sy, w,h, fymin,fymax, pflag,corrflag, gainflag, errflag, momentflag; long pos; PIXTYPE *strip,*stript, *wstrip,*wstript, wthresh = 0.0; if (wfield) wthresh = wfield->weight_thresh; wstrip = wstript = NULL; w = field->width; h = field->stripheight; fymin = field->ymin; fymax = field->ymax; pflag = (prefs.detect_type==PHOTO)? 1:0; corrflag = (prefs.mask_type==MASK_CORRECT); gainflag = wfield && prefs.weightgain_flag; errflag = FLAG(obj2.winposerr_mx2); momentflag = FLAG(obj2.win_mx2) | FLAG(obj2.winposerr_mx2); var = backnoise2 = field->backsig*field->backsig; invgain = field->gain>0.0? 1.0/field->gain : 0.0; sig = obj2->hl_radius*2.0/2.35; /* From half-FWHM to sigma */ invtwosig2 = 1.0/(2.0*sig*sig); /* Integration radius */ raper = WINPOS_NSIG*sig; /* For photographic data */ if (pflag) { invngamma = 1.0/field->ngamma; pdbkg = expf(obj->dbkg*invngamma); } else { invngamma = 0.0; pdbkg = 0.0; } raper2 = raper*raper; /* Internal radius of the oversampled annulus (0.0)? rintlim*rintlim: 0.0; /* External radius of the oversampled annulus (>r+sqrt(2)/2) */ rextlim2 = (raper + 0.75)*(raper + 0.75); scaley = scalex = 1.0/WINPOS_OVERSAMP; scale2 = scalex*scaley; offsetx = 0.5*(scalex-1.0); offsety = 0.5*(scaley-1.0); /* Use isophotal centroid as a first guess */ mx = obj2->posx - 1.0; my = obj2->posy - 1.0; for (i=0; iflag |= OBJ_APERT_PB; } if (xmax > w) { xmax = w; obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB; } if (ymin < fymin) { ymin = fymin; obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB; } if (ymax > fymax) { ymax = fymax; obj->flag |= OBJ_APERT_PB; } tv = esum = emxy = emx2 = emy2 = mx2 = my2 = mxy = 0.0; dxpos = dypos = 0.0; strip = field->strip; wstrip = wstript = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ if (wfield) wstrip = wfield->strip; for (y=ymin; y1 && r2> rintlim2) { dx += offsetx; dy += offsety; locarea = 0.0; for (sy=WINPOS_OVERSAMP; sy--; dy+=scaley) { dx1 = dx; dy2 = dy*dy; for (sx=WINPOS_OVERSAMP; sx--; dx1+=scalex) if (dx1*dx1+dy2=wthresh)) { if (corrflag && (x2=(int)(mx2ph-x))>=0 && x2=fymin && y2-BIG) { if (wfield) { var = *(wstrip + pos); if (var>=wthresh) pix = var = 0.0; } } else { pix = 0.0; if (wfield) var = 0.0; } } if (pflag) pix = expf(pix*invngamma); dx = x - mx; dy = y - my; locpix = locarea*pix; tv += locpix; dxpos += locpix*dx; dypos += locpix*dy; if (errflag) { err = var; if (pflag) err *= locpix*pix*invngamma*invngamma; else if (invgain>0.0 && pix>0.0) { if (gainflag) err += pix*invgain*var/backnoise2; else err += pix*invgain; } err2 = locarea*locarea*err; esum += err2; emx2 += err2*(dx*dx+0.0833); /* Finite pixel size */ emy2 += err2*(dy*dy+0.0833); /* Finite pixel size */ emxy += err2*dx*dy; } if (momentflag) { mx2 += locpix*dx*dx; my2 += locpix*dy*dy; mxy += locpix*dx*dy; } } } } if (tv>0.0) { mx += (dxpos /= tv)*WINPOS_FAC; my += (dypos /= tv)*WINPOS_FAC; } else break; /*-- Stop here if position does not change */ if (dxpos*dxpos+dypos*dypos < WINPOS_STEPMIN*WINPOS_STEPMIN) break; } mx2 = mx2/tv - dxpos*dxpos; my2 = my2/tv - dypos*dypos; mxy = mxy/tv - dxpos*dypos; obj2->winpos_x = mx + 1.0; /* The dreaded 1.0 FITS offset */ obj2->winpos_y = my + 1.0; /* The dreaded 1.0 FITS offset */ obj2->winpos_niter = i+1; /* WINdowed flux */ if (FLAG(obj2.flux_win)) { obj2->flux_win = tv; obj2->fluxerr_win = sqrt(esum); } temp2=mx2*my2-mxy*mxy; obj2->win_flag = (tv <= 0.0)*4 + (mx2 < 0.0 || my2 < 0.0)*2 + (temp2<0.0); if (obj2->win_flag) { /*--- Negative values: revert to isophotal estimates */ if (errflag) { obj2->winposerr_mx2 = obj->poserr_mx2; obj2->winposerr_my2 = obj->poserr_my2; obj2->winposerr_mxy = obj->poserr_mxy; if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_a)) { obj2->winposerr_a = obj2->poserr_a; obj2->winposerr_b = obj2->poserr_b; obj2->winposerr_theta = obj2->poserr_theta; } if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_cxx)) { obj2->winposerr_cxx = obj2->poserr_cxx; obj2->winposerr_cyy = obj2->poserr_cyy; obj2->winposerr_cxy = obj2->poserr_cxy; } } if (momentflag) { obj2->win_mx2 = obj->mx2; obj2->win_my2 = obj->my2; obj2->win_mxy = obj->mxy; if (FLAG(obj2.win_cxx)) { obj2->win_cxx = obj->cxx; obj2->win_cyy = obj->cyy; obj2->win_cxy = obj->cxy; } if (FLAG(obj2.win_a)) { obj2->win_a = obj->a; obj2->win_b = obj->b; obj2->win_polar = obj2->polar; obj2->win_theta = obj->theta; } } } else { if (errflag) { norm = WINPOS_FAC*WINPOS_FAC/(tv*tv); emx2 *= norm; emy2 *= norm; emxy *= norm; /*-- Handle fully correlated profiles (which cause a singularity...) */ esum *= 0.08333*norm; if (obj->singuflag && (emx2*emy2-emxy*emxy) < esum*esum) { emx2 += esum; emy2 += esum; } obj2->winposerr_mx2 = emx2; obj2->winposerr_my2 = emy2; obj2->winposerr_mxy = emxy; /*---- Error ellipse parameters */ if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_a)) { double pmx2,pmy2,temp,theta; if (fabs(temp=emx2-emy2) > 0.0) theta = atan2(2.0 * emxy,temp) / 2.0; else theta = PI/4.0; temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+ emxy*emxy); pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(emx2+emy2); pmx2+=temp; pmy2-=temp; obj2->winposerr_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2); obj2->winposerr_b = (float)sqrt(pmy2); obj2->winposerr_theta = theta*180.0/PI; } if (FLAG(obj2.winposerr_cxx)) { double temp; obj2->winposerr_cxx = (float)(emy2/(temp=emx2*emy2-emxy*emxy)); obj2->winposerr_cyy = (float)(emx2/temp); obj2->winposerr_cxy = (float)(-2*emxy/temp); } } if (momentflag) { /*-- Handle fully correlated profiles (which cause a singularity...) */ if ((temp2=mx2*my2-mxy*mxy)<0.00694) { mx2 += 0.0833333; my2 += 0.0833333; temp2 = mx2*my2-mxy*mxy; } obj2->win_mx2 = mx2; obj2->win_my2 = my2; obj2->win_mxy = mxy; if (FLAG(obj2.win_cxx)) { obj2->win_cxx = (float)(my2/temp2); obj2->win_cyy = (float)(mx2/temp2); obj2->win_cxy = (float)(-2*mxy/temp2); } if (FLAG(obj2.win_a)) { if ((fabs(temp=mx2-my2)) > 0.0) theta = atan2(2.0 * mxy,temp) / 2.0; else theta = PI/4.0; temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+mxy*mxy); pmx2 = 0.5*(mx2+my2); obj2->win_a = (float)sqrt(pmx2 + temp); obj2->win_b = (float)sqrt(pmx2 - temp); if (FLAG(obj2.win_polar)) obj2->win_polar = temp / pmx2; obj2->win_theta = theta*180.0/PI; } } } return; }