* define.h
* Global definitions
* This file part of: SExtractor
* Copyright: (C) 1993-2022 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP/CNRS/SorbonneU
* License: GNU General Public License
* SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with SExtractor. If not, see .
* Last modified: 07/09/2022
/* Check if we are using a configure script here */
#define VERSION "2.x"
#define DATE "2009-03-31"
#define THREADS_NMAX 1024 /* max. number of threads */
/*------------------------ what, who, when and where ------------------------*/
#define BANNER "SExtractor"
#define EXECUTABLE "sex"
#define COPYRIGHT "2012-2015 IAP/CNRS/UPMC"
"You may redistribute copies of " BANNER "\n" \
"under the terms of the GNU General Public License."
#define AUTHORS "Emmanuel BERTIN "
#define WEBSITE "http://astromatic.net/software/sextractor"
#define INSTITUTE "IAP http://www.iap.fr"
/*--------------------------- Internal constants ----------------------------*/
#define BIG 1e+30 /* a huge number */
#define LESSBIG 1e+25 /* a somewhat smaller number */
#define DATA_BUFSIZE 262144 /* data buffer size */
#define MARGIN_SCALE 2.0 /* Margin / object height */
#define MARGIN_OFFSET 4.0 /* Margin offset (pixels) */
#define MAXCHAR 512 /* max. number of characters */
#define MAXCHARL 16384 /* max.nb of chars in strlist*/
#define MAXDEBAREA 3 /* max. area for deblending */
#define MAXFLAG 4 /* max. # of FLAG-images */
#define MAXIMAGE 2 /* max. # of input images */
#define MAXNAPER 32 /* max. number of apertures */
#define MAXNASSOC 32 /* max. number of assoc. */
#define MAXPICSIZE 1048576 /* max. image size */
#define NISO 8 /* number of isophotes */
#define OUTPUT stderr /* where all msgs are sent */
#define PSF_NPSFMAX 9 /* Max number of fitted PSFs */
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.1415926535898 /* never met before? */
#define DEG (PI/180.0) /* 1 deg in radians */
*One must have: BIG < the biggest element a float can store
* DATA_BUFSIZE >= 2880 with DATA_BUFSIZE%8 = 0
* MAXCHAR >= 16
* 1 <= MAXCHECK <= MAXLIST (see prefs.h)
* 1 <= MAXDEBAREA (see prefs.c & extract.c)
* 1 <= MAXFLAG <= MAXLIST (see prefs.h)
* 1 <= MAXIMAGE <= MAXLIST (see prefs.h)
* 1 <= MAXNAPER <= MAXLIST (see prefs.h)
* 1 <= MAXNASSOC <= MAXLIST (see prefs.h)
* MAXPICSIZE > size of any image!!
* NISO = 8 (otherwise need to change prefs.h)
/*---- Set defines according to machine's specificities and customizing -----*/
#define FSEEKO fseeko
#define FTELLO ftello
#define FSEEKO fseek
#define FTELLO ftell
/*--------------------- in case of missing constants ------------------------*/
#ifndef SEEK_SET
#define SEEK_SET 0
#ifndef SEEK_CUR
#define SEEK_CUR 1
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE -1
/*---------------------------- return messages ------------------------------*/
#define RETURN_OK 0
#define RETURN_ERROR (-1)
/*------------------- a few definitions to read FITS parameters ------------*/
#define FBSIZE 2880L /* size (in bytes) of one FITS block */
#define FITSTOF(k, def) \
(st[0]=0,((point = fitsnfind(buf, k, n))? \
fixexponent(point), \
atof(strncat(st, &point[10], 70)) \
#define FITSTOI(k, def) \
(st[0]=0,(point = fitsnfind(buf, k, n))? \
atoi(strncat(st, &point[10], 70)) \
#define FITSTOS(k, str, def) \
{ if (fitsread(buf,k,str,H_STRING,T_STRING)!= RETURN_OK) \
strcpy(str, (def)); \
/*------------------------------- Other Macros -----------------------------*/
#define DEXP(x) exp(2.30258509299*(x)) /* 10^x */
#define DEXPF(x) expf(2.30258509299f*(x)) /* 10^x */
#define QFREAD(ptr, size, afile, fname) \
if (fread(ptr, (size_t)(size), (size_t)1, afile)!=1) \
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error* while reading ", fname)
#define QFWRITE(ptr, size, afile, fname) \
if (fwrite(ptr, (size_t)(size), (size_t)1, afile)!=1) \
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error* while writing ", fname)
#define QFSEEK(afile, offset, pos, fname) \
if (FSEEKO(afile, (offset), pos)) \
error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*Error*: file positioning failed in ", \
#define QFTELL(afile, pos, fname) \
if ((pos=FTELLO(afile))==-1) \
error(EXIT_FAILURE,"*Error*: file position unknown in ", \
#define QFREE(ptr) \
{free(ptr); \
ptr = NULL;}
#define QCALLOC(ptr, typ, nel) \
{if (!(ptr = (typ *)calloc((size_t)(nel),sizeof(typ)))) \
{ \
sprintf(gstr, #ptr " (" #nel "=%zd elements) " \
"at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !", \
(size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__); \
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not allocate memory for ", gstr);\
}; \
#define QMALLOC(ptr, typ, nel) \
{if (!(ptr = (typ *)malloc((size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ)))) \
{ \
sprintf(gstr, #ptr " (" #nel "=%zd elements) " \
"at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !", \
(size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__); \
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not allocate memory for ", gstr);\
}; \
#define QMALLOC16(ptr, typ, nel) \
{if (posix_memalign((void **)&ptr, 16, (size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ))) \
{ \
sprintf(gstr, #ptr " (" #nel "=%zd elements) " \
"at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !", \
(size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__); \
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not allocate memory for ", gstr);\
}; \
#define QREALLOC(ptr, typ, nel) \
{if (!(ptr = (typ *)realloc(ptr, (size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ))))\
{ \
sprintf(gstr, #ptr " (" #nel "=%zd elements) " \
"at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !", \
(size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__); \
error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not allocate memory for ", gstr);\
}; \
#define QMEMCPY(ptrin, ptrout, typ, nel) \
{if (ptrin) \
{if (!(ptrout = (typ *)malloc((size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ)))) \
{ \
sprintf(gstr, #ptrout " (" #nel "=%zd elements) " \
"at line %d in module " __FILE__ " !", \
(size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ), __LINE__); \
error(EXIT_FAILURE,"Could not allocate memory for ",gstr);\
}; \
memcpy(ptrout, ptrin, (size_t)(nel)*sizeof(typ)); \
}; \
#define RINT(x) (int)(floor(x+0.5))
#define PIX(pic, x, y) pic->strip[(((int)y)%pic->stripheight) \
*pic->width +(int)x]
#define DGEOPIXX(pic, x, y) pic->dgeostrip[0][(((int)y)%pic->stripheight) \
*pic->width +(int)x]
#define DGEOPIXY(pic, x, y) pic->dgeostrip[1][(((int)y)%pic->stripheight) \
*pic->width +(int)x]
#define NPRINTF if (prefs.verbose_type == NORM \
|| prefs.verbose_type==WARN) fprintf
#define NFPRINTF(w,x) {if (prefs.verbose_type==NORM \
|| prefs.verbose_type==WARN) \
fprintf(w, "\33[1M> %s\n\33[1A",x); \
else if (prefs.verbose_type == FULL) \
fprintf(w, "%s.\n", x);}
#define QPRINTF if (prefs.verbose_type != QUIET) fprintf
#define FPRINTF if (prefs.verbose_type == FULL) fprintf
#define QWARNING if (prefs.verbose_type==WARN \
|| prefs.verbose_type==FULL) warning
#define FLAG(x) (*((char *)&flag##x))
#define VECFLAG(x) (*((char *)flag##x))