/* * readimage.c. * * Read image data. * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: SExtractor * * Copyright: (C) 1993-2015 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP/CNRS/UPMC * * License: GNU General Public License * * SExtractor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * SExtractor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SExtractor. If not, see . * * Last modified: 14/01/2015 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "wcs/wcs.h" #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "check.h" #include "field.h" #include "fits/fitscat.h" #include "fitswcs.h" #include "interpolate.h" #include "back.h" #include "astrom.h" #include "weight.h" #include "wcs/tnx.h" /******************************* loadstrip ***********************************/ /* Load a new strip of pixel data into the buffer. */ void *loadstrip(picstruct *field, picstruct *wfield) { tabstruct *tab; checkstruct *check; int y, w, flags, interpflag, npixtot; PIXTYPE *data, *wdata, *rmsdata; tab = field->tab; w = field->width; npixtot = field->width*field->height; flags = field->flags; interpflag = (wfield && wfield->interp_flag); wdata = NULL; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ if (!field->y) { /*- First strip */ int nbpix; nbpix = w*field->stripheight; if (!(flags & (FLAG_FIELD|DGEO_FIELD))) { /*---- Allocate space for the frame-buffer */ if (!(field->strip=(PIXTYPE *)malloc(field->stripheight*field->width *sizeof(PIXTYPE)))) error(EXIT_FAILURE,"Not enough memory for the image buffer of ", field->rfilename); data = field->strip; /*---- We assume weight data have been read just before */ if (interpflag) wdata = wfield->strip; if (flags & BACKRMS_FIELD) for (y=0, rmsdata=data; ystripheight; y++, rmsdata += w) backrmsline(field, y, rmsdata); else if (flags & INTERP_FIELD) copydata(field, 0, nbpix); else read_body(tab, data, nbpix); if (flags & (WEIGHT_FIELD|RMS_FIELD|BACKRMS_FIELD|VAR_FIELD)) weight_to_var(field, data, nbpix); if ((flags & MEASURE_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_IDENTICAL])) writecheck(check, data, nbpix); for (y=0; ystripheight; y++, data += w) { /*------ This is the only place where one can pick-up safely the current bkg */ if (flags & (MEASURE_FIELD|DETECT_FIELD)) subbackline(field, y, data); /*------ Go to interpolation process */ if (interpflag) { interpolate(field,wfield, data, wdata); wdata += w; } /*------ Check-image stuff */ if (prefs.check_flag) { if (flags & MEASURE_FIELD) { if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_BACKGROUND])) writecheck(check, field->backline, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBTRACTED])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_APERTURES])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPSFPROTOS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPCPROTOS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPROFILES])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBSPHEROIDS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBDISKS])) writecheck(check, data, w); } if ((flags&DETECT_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_BACKRMS])) { backrmsline(field, y, (PIXTYPE *)check->pix); writecheck(check, check->pix, w); } } } } else if (flags & FLAG_FIELD) { /*---- flag map */ if (!(field->fstrip=(FLAGTYPE *)malloc(field->stripheight*field->width *sizeof(FLAGTYPE)))) error(EXIT_FAILURE,"Not enough memory for the flag buffer of ", field->rfilename); read_ibody(field->tab, field->fstrip, nbpix); } else { /*---- differential geometry map */ if (!(field->dgeostrip[0]=(PIXTYPE *)malloc(field->stripheight * field->width * sizeof(PIXTYPE))) || !(field->dgeostrip[1]=(PIXTYPE *)malloc(field->stripheight * field->width * sizeof(PIXTYPE)))) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Not enough memory for differential geometry buffers of ", field->rfilename); /*---- Read first data plane (x shift) */ read_body(tab, field->dgeostrip[0], nbpix); /*---- Move to second data plane */ QFSEEK(tab->cat->file,tab->bodypos + npixtot*tab->bytepix, SEEK_SET, field->rfilename); /*---- Read second data plane (y shift) */ read_body(tab, field->dgeostrip[1], nbpix); /*---- Move back to first data plane */ QFSEEK(tab->cat->file,tab->bodypos + nbpix*tab->bytepix, SEEK_SET, field->rfilename); } field->ymax = field->stripheight; if (field->ymax < field->height) field->stripysclim = field->stripheight - field->stripmargin; } else { /*- other strips */ if (!(flags & (FLAG_FIELD|DGEO_FIELD))) { data = field->strip + field->stripylim*w; /*---- We assume weight data have been read just before */ if (interpflag) wdata = wfield->strip + field->stripylim*w; /*---- copy to Check-image the "oldest" line before it is replaced */ if ((flags & MEASURE_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_SUBOBJECTS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((flags & MEASURE_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_MASK])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((flags & MEASURE_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_SUBMASK])) writecheck(check, data, w); if (flags & BACKRMS_FIELD) backrmsline(field, field->ymax, data); else if (flags & INTERP_FIELD) copydata(field, field->stripylim*w, w); else read_body(tab, data, w); if (flags & (WEIGHT_FIELD|RMS_FIELD|BACKRMS_FIELD|VAR_FIELD)) weight_to_var(field, data, w); if ((flags & MEASURE_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_IDENTICAL])) writecheck(check, data, w); /*---- Interpolate and subtract the background at current line */ if (flags & (MEASURE_FIELD|DETECT_FIELD)) subbackline(field, field->ymax, data); if (interpflag) interpolate(field,wfield, data, wdata); /*---- Check-image stuff */ if (prefs.check_flag) { if (flags & MEASURE_FIELD) { if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_BACKGROUND])) writecheck(check, field->backline, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBTRACTED])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_APERTURES])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPSFPROTOS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPCPROTOS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPROFILES])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBSPHEROIDS])) writecheck(check, data, w); if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBDISKS])) writecheck(check, data, w); } if ((flags&DETECT_FIELD) && (check=prefs.check[CHECK_BACKRMS])) { backrmsline(field, field->ymax, (PIXTYPE *)check->pix); writecheck(check, check->pix, w); } } } else if (flags & FLAG_FIELD) read_ibody(tab, field->fstrip + field->stripylim*w, w); else { /*---- differential geometry map */ /*---- Read first data plane (x shift) */ read_body(tab, field->dgeostrip[0] + field->stripylim*w, w); /*---- Move to second data plane */ QFSEEK(tab->cat->file,tab->bodypos + (field->ymax * w + npixtot) * tab->bytepix, SEEK_SET, field->rfilename); /*---- Read second data plane (y shift) */ read_body(tab, field->dgeostrip[1] + field->stripylim*w, w); /*---- Move back to first data plane */ QFSEEK(tab->cat->file, tab->bodypos + (field->ymax + 1) * w * tab->bytepix, SEEK_SET, field->rfilename); } field->stripylim = (++field->ymin)%field->stripheight; if ((++field->ymax)height) field->stripysclim = (++field->stripysclim)%field->stripheight; } return !(flags & (FLAG_FIELD|DGEO_FIELD))? (void *)(field->strip + field->stripy*w) : ((flags & FLAG_FIELD)? (void *)(field->fstrip + field->stripy*w) : (void *)(field->dgeostrip[0] + field->stripy*w)); } /******************************** copydata **********************************/ /* Copy image data from one field to the other. */ void copydata(picstruct *field, int offset, int size) { memcpy(field->strip+offset, field->reffield->strip+offset, size*sizeof(PIXTYPE)); return; } /******************************* readimagehead *******************************/ /* extract some data from the FITS-file header */ void readimagehead(picstruct *field) { #define FITSREADS(buf, k, str, def) \ {if (fitsread(buf,k,str, H_STRING,T_STRING) != RETURN_OK) \ strcpy(str, (def)); \ } tabstruct *tab; tab = field->tab; if(tab->naxis < 2) error(EXIT_FAILURE, field->filename, " does NOT contain image data!"); /*---------------------------- Basic keywords ------------------------------*/ if (tab->bitpix != BP_BYTE && tab->bitpix != BP_SHORT && tab->bitpix != BP_LONG && tab->bitpix != BP_FLOAT && tab->bitpix != BP_DOUBLE) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "Sorry, I don't know that kind of data.", ""); field->width = tab->naxisn[0]; field->height = tab->naxisn[1]; field->npix = (KINGSIZE_T)field->width*field->height; field->bitpix = tab->bitpix; field->bytepix = tab->bytepix; if (tab->bitsgn && (prefs.fitsunsigned_flag || tab->bitpix==BP_BYTE)) tab->bitsgn = 0; FITSREADS(tab->headbuf, "OBJECT ", field->ident, "Unnamed"); /*----------------------------- Astrometry ---------------------------------*/ /* Presently, astrometry is done only on the measurement and detect images */ if (field->flags&(MEASURE_FIELD|DETECT_FIELD)) field->wcs = read_wcs(tab); QFSEEK(field->file, tab->bodypos, SEEK_SET, field->filename); return; #undef FITSREADS }