/* refine.c *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * Part of: SExtractor * * Author: E.BERTIN (IAP) * * Contents: functions to refine extraction of objects. * * Last modify: 10/01/2008 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "define.h" #include "globals.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "plist.h" #include "extract.h" #ifndef RAND_MAX #define RAND_MAX 2147483647 #endif #define NSONMAX 1024 /* max. number per level */ #define NBRANCH 16 /* starting number per branch */ static objliststruct *objlist; static short *son, *ok; /******************************** parcelout ********************************** PROTO parcelout(objliststruct *objlistin, objliststruct *objlistout) PURPOSE Divide a list of isophotal detections in several parts (deblending). INPUT input objlist, output objlist, OUTPUT RETURN_OK if success, RETURN_FATAL_ERROR otherwise (memory overflow). NOTES Even if the object is not deblended, the output objlist threshold is recomputed if a variable threshold is used. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP, Leiden & ESO) VERSION 15/03/98 ***/ int parcelout(objliststruct *objlistin, objliststruct *objlistout) { objstruct *obj; static objliststruct debobjlist, debobjlist2; double dthresh, dthresh0, value0; int h,i,j,k,l,m, xn, nbm = NBRANCH, out; out = RETURN_OK; xn = prefs.deblend_nthresh; /* ---- initialize lists of objects */ debobjlist.obj = debobjlist2.obj = NULL; debobjlist.plist = debobjlist2.plist = NULL; debobjlist.nobj = debobjlist2.nobj = 0; debobjlist.npix = debobjlist2.npix = 0; objlistout->thresh = debobjlist2.thresh = objlistin->thresh; memset(objlist, 0, (size_t)xn*sizeof(objliststruct)); for (l=0; lnobj && out==RETURN_OK; l++) { dthresh0 = objlistin->obj[l].dthresh; objlistout->dthresh = debobjlist2.dthresh = dthresh0; if ((out = addobj(l, objlistin, &objlist[0])) == RETURN_FATAL_ERROR) goto exit_parcelout; if ((out = addobj(l, objlistin, &debobjlist2)) == RETURN_FATAL_ERROR) goto exit_parcelout; value0 = objlist[0].obj[0].fdflux*prefs.deblend_mincont; ok[0] = (short)1; for (k=1; kobj[l].fdpeak; if (dthresh>0.0) { if (prefs.detect_type == PHOTO) debobjlist.dthresh= dthresh0 + (dthresh-dthresh0) * (double)k/xn; else debobjlist.dthresh = dthresh0 * pow(dthresh/dthresh0,(double)k/xn); } else debobjlist.dthresh = dthresh0; /*--------- Build tree (bottom->up) */ if (objlist[k-1].nobj>=NSONMAX) { out = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto exit_parcelout; } for (i=0; i=NSONMAX) { out = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto exit_parcelout; } if (h>=nbm-1) if (!(son = (short *)realloc(son, xn*NSONMAX*(nbm+=16)*sizeof(short)))) { out = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto exit_parcelout; } son[k-1+xn*(i+NSONMAX*(h++))] = (short)m; ok[k+xn*m] = (short)1; } son[k-1+xn*(i+NSONMAX*h)] = (short)-1; } } /*------- cut the right branches (top->down) */ for (k = xn-2; k>=0; k--) { obj = objlist[k+1].obj; for (i=0; i value0) m++; ok[k+xn*i] &= ok[k+1+xn*j]; } if (m>1) { for (h=0; (j=(int)son[k+xn*(i+NSONMAX*h)])!=-1; h++) if (ok[k+1+xn*j] && obj[j].fdflux-obj[j].dthresh*obj[j].fdnpix > value0) { objlist[k+1].obj[j].flag |= OBJ_MERGED /* Merge flag on */ | ((OBJ_ISO_PB|OBJ_APERT_PB|OBJ_OVERFLOW) &debobjlist2.obj[0].flag); if ((out = addobj(j, &objlist[k+1], &debobjlist2)) == RETURN_FATAL_ERROR) goto exit_parcelout; } ok[k+xn*i] = (short)0; } } } if (ok[0]) out = addobj(0, &debobjlist2, objlistout); else out = gatherup(&debobjlist2, objlistout); exit_parcelout: free(debobjlist2.obj); free(debobjlist2.plist); for (k=0; kobj, *objout, *objt; pliststruct *pixelin = objlistin->plist, *pixelout, *pixt,*pixt2; int i,k,l, *n, iclst, npix, bmwidth, nobj = objlistin->nobj, xs,ys, x,y, out; out = RETURN_OK; objlistout->dthresh = objlistin->dthresh; objlistout->thresh = objlistin->thresh; QMALLOC(amp, float, nobj); QMALLOC(p, float, nobj); QMALLOC(n, int, nobj); for (i=1; ixmax - (xs=objin->xmin) + 1; npix = bmwidth * (objin->ymax - (ys=objin->ymin) + 1); if (!(bmp = (char *)calloc(1, npix*sizeof(char)))) { bmp = 0; out = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto exit_gatherup; } for (objt = objin+(i=1); idthresh = objlistin->dthresh; objt->thresh = objlistin->thresh; /* ------------ flag pixels which are already allocated */ for (pixt=pixelin+objin[i].firstpix; pixt>=pixelin; pixt=pixelin+PLIST(pixt,nextpix)) bmp[(PLIST(pixt,x)-xs) + (PLIST(pixt,y)-ys)*bmwidth] = '\1'; if ((n[i] = addobj(i, objlistin, objlistout)) == RETURN_FATAL_ERROR) { out = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto exit_gatherup; } dist = objt->fdnpix/(2*PI*objt->abcor*objt->a*objt->b); amp[i] = dist<70.0? objt->thresh*exp(dist) : 4.0*objt->fdpeak; /* ------------ limitate expansion ! */ if (amp[i]>4.0*objt->fdpeak) amp[i] = 4.0*objt->fdpeak; } objout = objlistout->obj; /* DO NOT MOVE !!! */ if (!(pixelout=(pliststruct *)realloc(objlistout->plist, (objlistout->npix + npix)*plistsize))) { out = RETURN_FATAL_ERROR; goto exit_gatherup; } objlistout->plist = pixelout; k = objlistout->npix; iclst = 0; /* To avoid gcc -Wall warnings */ for (pixt=pixelin+objin->firstpix; pixt>=pixelin; pixt=pixelin+PLIST(pixt,nextpix)) { x = PLIST(pixt,x); y = PLIST(pixt,y); if (!bmp[(x-xs) + (y-ys)*bmwidth]) { pixt2 = pixelout + (l=(k++*plistsize)); memcpy(pixt2, pixt, (size_t)plistsize); PLIST(pixt2, nextpix) = -1; distmin = 1e+31; for (objt = objin+(i=1); imx; dy = y - objt->my; dist=0.5*(objt->cxx*dx*dx+objt->cyy*dy*dy+objt->cxy*dx*dy)/objt->abcor; p[i] = p[i-1] + (dist<70.0?amp[i]*exp(-dist) : 0.0); if (dist 1.0e-31) { drand = p[nobj-1]*rand()/RAND_MAX; for (i=1; inpix = k; if (!(objlistout->plist = (pliststruct *)realloc(pixelout, objlistout->npix*plistsize))) error (-1, "Not enough memory to update pixel list in ", "gatherup()"); exit_gatherup: free(bmp); free(amp); free(p); free(n); return out; }