* fitscat.h
* Main include file for the LDACTools FITS library.
* This file part of: AstrOmatic FITS/LDAC library
* Copyright: (C) 1995-2020 IAP/CNRS/SorbonneU
* License: GNU General Public License
* AstrOmatic software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* AstrOmatic software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with AstrOmatic software.
* If not, see .
* Last modified: 26/08/2020
#ifndef _FITSCAT_H_
#define _FITSCAT_H_
#include CFITSIO_H
#define MAXCHARS 256 /* max. number of characters */
#define WARNING_NMAX 1000 /* max. number of recorded warnings */
/*---------------------------- return messages ------------------------------*/
#ifndef RETURN_OK
#define RETURN_OK 0
#define RETURN_ERROR (-1)
/*--------------------------- FITS BitPix coding ----------------------------*/
#define BP_BYTE 8
#define BP_SHORT 16
#define BP_LONG 32
#define BP_LONGLONG 64
#define BP_FLOAT (-32)
#define BP_DOUBLE (-64)
/*-------------------------------- macros -----------------------------------*/
/* Standard FITS name suffix*/
#define FITS_SUFFIX ".fits"
/* size (in bytes) of one FITS block */
#define FBSIZE 2880L
/* FITS size after adding padding */
#define PADTOTAL(x) (((x-1)/FBSIZE+1)*FBSIZE)
/* extra size to add for padding */
/*--------------------------------- typedefs --------------------------------*/
/* type of FITS-header data */
typedef enum {T_BYTE, T_SHORT, T_LONG, T_LONGLONG,
t_type; /* Type of data */
typedef enum {WRITE_ONLY, READ_ONLY}
access_type_t; /* Type of access */
typedef enum {SHOW_ASCII, SHOW_SKYCAT}
output_type; /* Type of output */
typedef float PIXTYPE; /* Pixel type */
typedef unsigned int FLAGTYPE; /* Flag type */
typedef unsigned long long KINGSIZE_T; /* for large sizes */
typedef unsigned long long ULONGLONG;
typedef size_t KINGSIZE_T;/* better than nothing */
typedef union {unsigned int l[2];} ULONGLONG;
typedef long long SLONGLONG;
typedef union {int l[2];} SLONGLONG;
// CFITSIO changed OFF_T to OFF_T2 due to clash with cfitsio lib
#if defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && !defined(OFF_T2)
#define OFF_T2 off_t
#define OFF_T2 long
/*------------------------------- constants ---------------------------------*/
extern const int t_size[]; /* size in bytes per t_type (see fitshead.c) */
/*---------------------------------- key ------------------------------------*/
typedef struct structkey
char name[80]; /* name */
char comment[80]; /* a comment */
void *ptr; /* pointer to the data */
h_type htype; /* standard ``h_type'' (display) */
t_type ttype; /* standard ``t_type'' (storage) */
char printf[80]; /* printing format (C Convention) */
char unit[80]; /* physical unit */
char voucd[80]; /* VO ucd */
char vounit[80]; /* VO unit */
int naxis; /* number of dimensions */
int *naxisn; /* pointer to an array of dim. */
int nobj; /* number of objects */
int nbytes; /* number of bytes per element */
long pos; /* position within file */
struct structkey *prevkey; /* previous key within the chain */
struct structkey *nextkey; /* next key within the chain */
struct structtab *tab; /* (original) parent tab */
int allocflag; /* true if ptr dynamically allocated */
} keystruct;
/*------------------------------- catalog ---------------------------------*/
typedef struct structcat
char filename[MAXCHARS]; /* file name */
FILE *file; /* pointer to the file structure */
struct structtab *tab; /* pointer to the first table */
int ntab; /* number of tables included */
access_type_t access_type; /* READ_ONLY or WRITE_ONLY */
} catstruct;
/*-------------------------------- table ----------------------------------*/
typedef struct structtab
int bitpix; /* bits per element */
int bytepix; /* bytes per element */
int bitsgn; /* = 0 if unsigned data */
double bscale; /* data scale factor */
double bzero; /* data offset parameter */
int blank; /* integer code for undefined values */
int blankflag; /* set if a blank keyword was found */
compress_type; /* image compression type */
char *compress_buf; /* de-compression buffer */
char *compress_bufptr; /* present pixel in buffer */
int compress_curval; /* current pixel or checksum value */
int compress_checkval; /* foreseen pixel or checksum value */
size_t compress_npix; /* remaining pixels in buffer */
int naxis; /* number of dimensions */
int *naxisn; /* array of dimensions */
int tfields; /* number of fields */
int pcount, gcount; /* alignment of the data */
KINGSIZE_T tabsize; /* total table size (bytes) */
char xtension[82]; /* FITS extension type */
char extname[82]; /* FITS extension name */
char *headbuf; /* buffer containing the header */
int headnblock; /* number of FITS blocks */
char *bodybuf; /* buffer containing the body */
OFF_T2 bodypos; /* position of the body in the file */
OFF_T2 headpos; /* position of the head in the file */
struct structcat *cat; /* (original) parent catalog */
struct structtab *prevtab, *nexttab; /* previous and next tab in chain */
int seg; /* segment position */
int nseg; /* number of tab segments */
keystruct *key; /* pointer to keys */
int nkey; /* number of keys */
int swapflag; /* mapped to a swap file ? */
char swapname[MAXCHARS]; /* name of the swapfile */
unsigned int bodysum; /* Checksum of the FITS body */
fitsfile *infptr; /* a cfitsio pointer to the file */
int hdunum; /* FITS HDU number for this 'table' */
int isTileCompressed; /* is this a tile compressed image? */
long currentElement; /* tracks the current image pixel */
} tabstruct;
/*------------------------------- functions ---------------------------------*/
extern catstruct *new_cat(int ncat),
*read_cat(char *filename),
*read_cats(char **filenames, int ncat);
extern tabstruct *asc2bin_tab(catstruct *catin, char *tabinname,
catstruct *catout, char *taboutname),
*init_readobj(tabstruct *tab, char **pbuf),
*name_to_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, int seg),
*new_tab(char *tabname),
*pos_to_tab(catstruct *cat, int pos, int seg);
extern keystruct *name_to_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname),
*new_key(char *keyname),
*pos_to_key(tabstruct *tab, int pos),
*read_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname);
extern void add_cleanupfilename(char *filename),
copy_tab_fromptr(tabstruct *tabin, catstruct *catout, int pos),
encode_checksum(unsigned int sum, char *str),
end_readobj(tabstruct *keytab, tabstruct *tab, char *buf),
end_writeobj(catstruct *cat, tabstruct *tab, char *buf),
error(int code, const char *msg1, const char *msg2),
error_installfunc(void (*func)(const char *msg1, const char *msg2)),
fixexponent(char *s),
free_body(tabstruct *tab),
free_cat(catstruct **cat, int ncat),
free_key(keystruct *key),
free_tab(tabstruct *tab),
init_writeobj(catstruct *cat, tabstruct *tab, char **pbuf),
install_cleanup(void (*func)(void)),
print_obj(FILE *stream, tabstruct *tab),
read_keys(tabstruct *tab, char **keynames, keystruct **keys,
int nkeys, unsigned char *mask),
read_basic(tabstruct *tab),
read_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size),
read_ibody(tabstruct *tab, FLAGTYPE *ptr, size_t size),
readbasic_head(tabstruct *tab),
remove_cleanupfilename(char *filename),
save_cat(catstruct *cat, char *filename),
save_tab(catstruct *cat, tabstruct *tab),
show_keys(tabstruct *tab, char **keynames, keystruct **keys,
int nkeys, unsigned char *mask, FILE *stream,
int strflag,int banflag, int leadflag,
output_type o_type),
swapbytes(void *, int, int),
ttypeconv(void *ptrin, void *ptrout,
t_type ttypein, t_type ttypeout),
voprint_obj(FILE *stream, tabstruct *tab),
warning(char *, char *),
write_body(tabstruct *tab, PIXTYPE *ptr, size_t size),
write_ibody(tabstruct *tab, FLAGTYPE *ptr, size_t size),
write_checksum(tabstruct *tab);
extern char *tdisptoprintf(char *tdisp, char *str),
*printftotdisp(char *cprintf, char *str),
*fitsnfind(char *fitsbuf, char *str, int nblock),
**tabs_list(catstruct *cat, int *n),
**keys_list(tabstruct *tab, int *n),
extern unsigned int
compute_blocksum(char *buf, unsigned int sum),
compute_bodysum(tabstruct *tab, unsigned int sum),
decode_checksum(char *str);
extern int about_cat(catstruct *cat, FILE *stream),
about_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, FILE *stream),
addhistoryto_cat(catstruct *cat, char *str),
add_key(keystruct *key, tabstruct *tab, int pos),
addkeyto_head(tabstruct *tab, keystruct *key),
addkeywordto_head(tabstruct *tab, char *keyword,char *comment),
add_tab(tabstruct *tab, catstruct *cat, int pos),
blank_keys(tabstruct *tab),
close_cat(catstruct *cat),
close_cfitsio(fitsfile *infptr),
copy_key(tabstruct *tabin, char *keyname, tabstruct *tabout,
int pos),
copy_tab(catstruct *catin, char *tabname, int seg,
catstruct *catout, int pos),
copy_tabs(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout),
copy_tabs_blind(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout),
ext_head(tabstruct *tab),
findkey(char *, char *, int),
findnkey(char *, char *, int, int),
fitsadd(char *fitsbuf, char *keyword, char *comment),
fitsfind(char *fitsbuf, char *keyword),
fitspick(char *fitsbuf, char *keyword, void *ptr,
h_type *htype, t_type *ttype, char *comment),
fitsread(char *fitsbuf, char *keyword, void *ptr,
h_type htype, t_type ttype),
fitsremove(char *fitsbuf, char *keyword),
fitswrite(char *fitsbuf, char *keyword, void *ptr,
h_type htype, t_type ttype),
get_head(tabstruct *tab),
inherit_cat(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout),
init_cat(catstruct *cat),
map_cat(catstruct *cat),
open_cat(catstruct *cat, access_type_t at),
pad_tab(catstruct *cat, KINGSIZE_T size),
prim_head(tabstruct *tab),
readbintabparam_head(tabstruct *tab),
read_field(tabstruct *tab, char **keynames, keystruct **keys,
int nkeys, int field, tabstruct *ftab),
read_obj(tabstruct *keytab, tabstruct *tab, char *buf),
read_obj_at(tabstruct *keytab, tabstruct *tab, char *buf,
long pos),
remove_key(tabstruct *tab, char *keyname),
remove_keys(tabstruct *tab),
removekeywordfrom_head(tabstruct *tab, char *keyword),
remove_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, int seg),
remove_tabs(catstruct *cat),
save_head(catstruct *cat, tabstruct *tab),
set_maxram(size_t maxram),
set_maxvram(size_t maxvram),
set_swapdir(char *dirname),
tab_row_len(char *, char *),
tformof(char *str, t_type ttype, int n),
tsizeof(char *str),
update_head(tabstruct *tab),
update_tab(tabstruct *tab),
verify_checksum(tabstruct *tab),
write_obj(tabstruct *tab, char *buf),
wstrncmp(char *, char *, int);
extern PIXTYPE *alloc_body(tabstruct *tab,
void (*func)(PIXTYPE *ptr, int npix));
extern FLAGTYPE *alloc_ibody(tabstruct *tab,
void (*func)(FLAGTYPE *ptr, int npix));
extern t_type ttypeof(char *str);