/* * fitstab.c * * Handle FITS extensions and tables. * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * This file part of: AstrOmatic FITS/LDAC library * * Copyright: (C) 1995-2010 Emmanuel Bertin -- IAP/CNRS/UPMC * * License: GNU General Public License * * AstrOmatic software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * AstrOmatic software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with AstrOmatic software. * If not, see . * * Last modified: 11/09/2012 * *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "fitscat_defs.h" #include "fitscat.h" /****** about_tab ************************************************************** PROTO int about_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, FILE *stream) PURPOSE Print information concerning a tab structure. INPUT Pointer to the input catalog, table name, an output stream. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if the table was found, RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E.R. Deul(Leiden observatory), E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory): return value modified. E.R. Deul(Leiden observatory): output units VERSION 28/10/2009 ***/ int about_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, FILE *stream) { tabstruct *tab; keystruct *key; int i, j; if ((tab = name_to_tab(cat, tabname, 0))) { fprintf(stream, "Table %s\n", tabname); for (i=0, key=tab->key; inkey; i++,key=key->nextkey) { fprintf(stream, "****** Key #%d\n", i+1); fprintf(stream, " Key name:...............%s\n", key->name); fprintf(stream, " Key comment:............%s\n", key->comment); fprintf(stream, " Key type:..............."); switch (key->ttype) { case T_BYTE: fprintf(stream,"Byte"); break; case T_SHORT: fprintf(stream,"Short Int"); break; case T_LONG: fprintf(stream,"Long Int"); break; case T_LONGLONG: fprintf(stream,"Long Long Int"); break; case T_FLOAT: fprintf(stream,"Float"); break; case T_DOUBLE: fprintf(stream,"Double"); break; case T_STRING: fprintf(stream,"String"); break; } fprintf(stream,"\n"); fprintf(stream, " Key dimension:..........%d ", key->naxis); if (key->naxis) fprintf(stream, "("); for (j=0;jnaxis;j++) { if (j>0) fprintf(stream, " "); fprintf(stream, "%d", key->naxisn[j]); } if (key->naxis) fprintf(stream, ")"); fprintf(stream, "\n"); if (key->unit[0] != '\0') fprintf(stream, " Key unit:...............%s\n", key->unit); } } else return RETURN_ERROR; return RETURN_OK; } /****** add_tab **************************************************************** PROTO int add_tab(tabstruct *tab, catstruct *cat, int pos) PURPOSE Add a table to a catalog. INPUT Pointer to the table, Pointer to the destination catalog, Position (1= first after the primary HDU, <=0 = at the end). OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES Only 1-segment tables are accepted. To copy multi-segment tables, use copy_tab() instead. If a table with the same name and basic attributes already exists in the destination catalog, then the new table is appended to it. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 15/08/2003 ***/ int add_tab(tabstruct *tab, catstruct *cat, int pos) { tabstruct *outtab, *prevtab; int i; /*Check if a similar table doesn't already exist in the dest. cat */ if ((outtab = name_to_tab(cat, tab->extname, 0))) { if ((outtab->naxis != 2) || (outtab->bitpix!=8) || strcmp(outtab->xtension,tab->xtension) || (outtab->tfields != tab->tfields) || (outtab->naxisn[0] != tab->naxisn[0])) return RETURN_ERROR; prevtab = outtab; for (i=outtab->nseg-1; i--;) prevtab = prevtab->nexttab; tab->seg = prevtab->seg+1; tab->nseg = 0; outtab->nseg++; } else { if ((prevtab = pos_to_tab(cat, pos, 0))) prevtab = prevtab->prevtab; else tab->nexttab = tab->prevtab = prevtab = tab; cat->ntab++; } (tab->nexttab = (tab->prevtab = prevtab)->nexttab)->prevtab = tab; prevtab->nexttab = tab; return RETURN_OK; } /****** copy_tab ************************************************************** PROTO int copy_tab(catstruct *catin, char *tabname, int seg, catstruct *catout, int pos) PURPOSE Copy a table from one catalog to another. INPUT Pointer to the original catalog, Name of the table, Table segment (0 = all), Pointer to the destination catalog, Position (1= first after the primary HDU, <=0 = at the end) OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES If a table with the same name and basic attributes already exists in the destination catalog, then the original table is appended to it. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 15/08/2003 ***/ int copy_tab(catstruct *catin, char *tabname, int seg, catstruct *catout, int pos) { keystruct *key; tabstruct *outtab, *prevtab, *nexttab, *tabin,*tabout; int i,j, nseg; /*Convert the table name to a pointer*/ if (!(tabin = name_to_tab(catin, tabname, seg))) return RETURN_ERROR; nseg = seg?1:tabin->nseg; /*Check if a similar table doesn't already exist in the dest. cat */ if (*tabname && (outtab = name_to_tab(catout, tabname, 0))) { if ((outtab->naxis != 2) || (outtab->bitpix!=8) || strcmp(outtab->xtension,tabin->xtension) || (outtab->tfields != tabin->tfields) || (outtab->naxisn[0] != tabin->naxisn[0])) return RETURN_ERROR; prevtab = outtab; for (i=0; inseg-1; i++) prevtab = prevtab->nexttab; nexttab = prevtab->nexttab; outtab->nseg += nseg; } else { prevtab = nexttab = outtab = NULL; catout->ntab++; } /*Now copy each segment of the original table*/ tabout = NULL; /* to satisfy gcc -Wall */ for (i=nseg; i--;) { /*---First, allocate memory and copy data */ QCALLOC(tabout, tabstruct, 1); *tabout = *tabin; if (tabin->naxis) QMEMCPY(tabin->naxisn, tabout->naxisn, int, tabin->naxis); if (tabin->headbuf) QMEMCPY(tabin->headbuf, tabout->headbuf, char, tabin->headnblock*FBSIZE); if (tabin->bodybuf) QMEMCPY(tabin->bodybuf, tabout->bodybuf, char, tabin->tabsize); key = tabin->key; tabout->key = NULL; tabout->nkey = 0; for (j=tabin->nkey; j--;) { copy_key(tabin, key->name, tabout, 0); key = key->nextkey; } /*---Then, update the links */ if (prevtab) { prevtab->nexttab = tabout; tabout->prevtab = prevtab; tabout->seg = prevtab->seg+1; tabout->nseg = 0; } else { outtab = tabout; outtab->prevtab = NULL; tabout->seg = 1; } tabin = tabin->nexttab; prevtab = tabout; } /*place the new chain of table-segments within the catalog (tricky, isn't it?)*/ if (!nexttab) /*--if the table is new */ { nexttab = pos_to_tab(catout, pos, 0); if (!nexttab) nexttab = catout->tab = tabout; else { outtab->prevtab = nexttab->prevtab; nexttab->prevtab->nexttab = outtab; } } prevtab->nexttab = nexttab; nexttab->prevtab = prevtab; return RETURN_OK; } /****** copy_tab_fromptr ****************************************************** PROTO void copy_tab_fromptr(tabstruct *tabin, catstruct *catout, int pos) PURPOSE Copy a table from one catalog to another. INPUT Pointer to the original catalog, Pointer to the table, Pointer to the destination catalog, Position (1= first after the primary HDU, <=0 = at the end) OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 22/06/2001 ***/ void copy_tab_fromptr(tabstruct *tabin, catstruct *catout, int pos) { keystruct *key; tabstruct *prevtab, *nexttab,*tabout; int j; catout->ntab++; /* First, allocate memory and copy data */ QCALLOC(tabout, tabstruct, 1); *tabout = *tabin; if (tabin->naxis) QMEMCPY(tabin->naxisn, tabout->naxisn, int, tabin->naxis); if (tabin->headbuf) QMEMCPY(tabin->headbuf, tabout->headbuf, char, tabin->headnblock*FBSIZE); if (tabin->bodybuf) QMEMCPY(tabin->bodybuf, tabout->bodybuf, char, tabin->tabsize); key = tabin->key; tabout->key = NULL; tabout->nkey = 0; for (j=tabin->nkey; j--;) { copy_key(tabin, key->name, tabout, 0); key = key->nextkey; } /* Then, update the links */ tabout->prevtab = NULL; tabout->seg = 1; tabin = tabin->nexttab; prevtab = tabout; if (!(nexttab = pos_to_tab(catout, pos, 0))) nexttab = catout->tab = tabout; else { tabout->prevtab = nexttab->prevtab; nexttab->prevtab->nexttab = tabout; } prevtab->nexttab = nexttab; nexttab->prevtab = prevtab; return; } /****** copy_tabs ************************************************************** PROTO int copy_tabs(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout) PURPOSE Copy all tables from one catalog to another. INPUT Pointer to the original catalog, Pointer to the destination catalog, OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise (for instance if there were tabs that were not binary-tables, and therefore that were not copied). NOTES If a table with the same name and basic attributes already exists in the destination catalog, then the original table is appended to it. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 12/06/2001 ***/ int copy_tabs(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout) { tabstruct *tab; int i, flag, ntab; if (!catin->tab) return RETURN_ERROR; tab = catin->tab->nexttab; /* skip the primary header */ flag = RETURN_OK; ntab = catin->ntab-1; if (!ntab) ntab = 1; for (i=ntab; i--;) { flag |= copy_tab(catin, tab->extname, 0, catout, 0); while (!(tab=tab->nexttab)->nseg); } return flag; } /****** copy_tabs_blind ******************************************************* PROTO int copy_tabs(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout) PURPOSE Copy all tables from one catalog to another, without trying to append. INPUT Pointer to the original catalog, Pointer to the destination catalog, OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 07/05/2002 ***/ int copy_tabs_blind(catstruct *catin, catstruct *catout) { tabstruct *tab; int i, ntab; if (!catin->tab) return RETURN_ERROR; tab = catin->tab; /* don't skip the primary header */ ntab = catin->ntab; for (i=ntab; i--;) { copy_tab_fromptr(tab, catout, 0); tab=tab->nexttab; } return RETURN_OK; } /****** free_tab *************************************************************** PROTO void free_tab(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Free memory associated to a table pointer. INPUT Pointer to the table. OUTPUT -. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 28/02/2000 ***/ void free_tab(tabstruct *tab) { free_body(tab); free(tab->naxisn); free(tab->headbuf); free(tab->compress_buf); remove_keys(tab); free(tab); return; } /****** new_tab **************************************************************** PROTO tabstruct *new_tab(char *tabname) PURPOSE Create a new binary table. INPUT Name. OUTPUT A pointer to the new table. NOTES A defaut header is also created. No links are initialized. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 25/04/97 ***/ tabstruct *new_tab(char *tabname) { static char bintabtemplate[][80] = { "XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' / THIS IS A BINARY TABLE (FROM THE LDACTOOLS)", "BITPIX = 8 / ", "NAXIS = 2 / ", "NAXIS1 = 0 / BYTES PER ROW", "NAXIS2 = 0 / NUMBER OF ROWS", "PCOUNT = 0 / RANDOM PARAMETER COUNT", "GCOUNT = 1 / GROUP COUNT", "TFIELDS = 0 / FIELDS PER ROWS", "EXTNAME = 'WHOCARES' / TABLE NAME", "END "}; tabstruct *tab; char *buf; int i; QCALLOC(tab, tabstruct, 1); strcpy(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE"); strcpy(tab->extname, tabname); tab->naxis = 2; QCALLOC(tab->naxisn, int, tab->naxis); tab->bitpix = 8; tab->bytepix = 1; tab->pcount = 0; tab->gcount = 1; tab->seg = 1; tab->nseg = 1; /*Provide a new header*/ QCALLOC(tab->headbuf, char, FBSIZE); memcpy(tab->headbuf, bintabtemplate, sizeof(bintabtemplate)); for (buf = tab->headbuf, i=FBSIZE; i--; buf++) if (!*buf) *buf = ' '; tab->headnblock = 1; return tab; } /****** remove_tab ************************************************************* PROTO int remove_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, int seg) PURPOSE Remove a table from a catalog. INPUT Pointer to the catalog, Name of the table, Table segment (0 = all). OUTPUT RETURN_OK if everything went as expected, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES If tabname = "", the last table from the list is removed. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 15/08/2003 ***/ int remove_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, int seg) { tabstruct *tab, *prevtab, *nexttab; int i,nseg; if (!tabname || !cat->ntab || !cat->tab) return RETURN_ERROR; if (tabname[0]) { /*--Convert the table name to a pointer*/ if (!(tab = name_to_tab(cat, tabname, seg))) return RETURN_ERROR; /*--a small trick to simplify decisions afterwards*/ if (seg && tab->nseg==1) seg = 0; } else { tab = cat->tab->prevtab; if (!seg) for (;!tab->nseg; tab = tab->prevtab); } prevtab = tab->prevtab; nseg = seg?1:tab->nseg; /*Free memory for each table segment*/ nexttab = NULL; /* to satisfy gcc -Wall */ for (i=nseg; i--;) { nexttab = tab->nexttab; if (cat->tab == tab) cat->tab = nexttab; free_tab(tab); tab = nexttab; } if (!seg) if (!--cat->ntab) { cat->tab = NULL; return RETURN_OK; } /*update the links of neighbours*/ nexttab->prevtab = prevtab; prevtab->nexttab = nexttab; if (seg) /*--update status for each table segment*/ { for (tab=prevtab;!tab->nseg; tab = tab->prevtab); for (nexttab=tab->nexttab,i=2;!nexttab->nseg;nexttab=nexttab->nexttab,i++); nexttab->seg = i; tab->nseg = i; tab->seg = 1; } return RETURN_OK; } /****** remove_tabs ************************************************************ PROTO int remove_tabs(catstruct *cat) PURPOSE Remove all tables from a catalog. INPUT Pointer to the catalog. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if tabs were found, and RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES -. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 25/05/97 ***/ int remove_tabs(catstruct *cat) { int t; if (!cat->tab) return RETURN_ERROR; for (t=cat->ntab; t--;) remove_tab(cat, "",0); return RETURN_OK; } /****** update_tab ************************************************************ PROTO int update_tab(tabstruct *tab) PURPOSE Update a table according to what's in the keys. INPUT Table structure. OUTPUT RETURN_OK if tab is a binary table, or RETURN_ERROR otherwise. NOTES The headbuf pointer in the catstruct might be reallocated. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 11/09/2012 ***/ int update_tab(tabstruct *tab) { tabstruct *keytab; keystruct *key; int i,j, nobj, nbytes; /*Just pass if not a binary table*/ if ((tab->naxis != 2) || (tab->bitpix!=8) || strncmp(tab->xtension, "BINTABLE", 8)) return RETURN_ERROR; /*Well, not much to do if there are no keys!*/ if (!(key = tab->key)) return RETURN_OK; nobj = -1; keytab = NULL; nbytes = 0; for (i=tab->nkey; i--;) { if (keytab && !key->ptr && key->tab != keytab) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: wrong reference table in ", key->name); if (nobj!=-1 && (nobj != key->nobj)) error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: wrong number of elements in key ", key->name); keytab = key->tab; nobj = key->nobj; /*-- If the number of bytes per element is not set, recover it */ if (!key->nbytes) { key->nbytes = t_size[key->ttype]; for (j=key->naxis; j--;) key->nbytes *= key->naxisn[j]; } nbytes += key->nbytes; key = key->nextkey; } tab->tabsize = (KINGSIZE_T)nobj*nbytes; tab->naxisn[0] = nbytes; tab->naxisn[1] = nobj; tab->tfields = tab->nkey; return RETURN_OK; } /****** name_to_tab *********************************************************** PROTO tabstruct *name_to_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, int seg) PURPOSE Name search of a table in a catalog. INPUT Pointer to the catalog, Table name, Table segment (0 = first). OUTPUT The table pointer if the name was matched, and NULL otherwise. NOTES - VERSION 12/06/2001 ***/ tabstruct *name_to_tab(catstruct *cat, char *tabname, int seg) { tabstruct *tab; int i; if (!(tab = cat->tab)) return NULL; for (i=cat->ntab; strcmp(tabname,tab->extname) && i--;) while (!(tab=tab->nexttab)->nseg); if (i<0) return NULL; if (seg) { for (;tab->seg!=seg && !tab->nexttab->nseg; tab=tab->nexttab); return tab->seg==seg?tab:NULL; } return tab; } /****** pos_to_tab ************************************************************* PROTO tabstruct *pos_to_tab(catstruct *cat, int pos, int seg) PURPOSE Position search of a table in a catalog. INPUT Pointer to the catalog, Position of the table, Table segment (0 = first). OUTPUT The table pointer if the table exists at the given position, and the pointer to the primary ``table'' otherwise. NOTES pos = 1 means the first table after the primary one. AUTHOR E. Bertin (IAP & Leiden observatory) VERSION 15/02/96 ***/ tabstruct *pos_to_tab(catstruct *cat, int pos, int seg) { tabstruct *tab; int i; tab = cat->tab; for (i=0; i!=pos && intab; i++) while (!(tab=tab->nexttab)->nseg); if (seg) for (;tab->seg!=seg && !tab->nexttab->nseg; tab=tab->nexttab); return intab?tab:cat->tab; } /****** tabs_list ************************************************************** PROTO char **tabs_list(catstruct *cat, int *n) PURPOSE List all tables in a catalog. INPUT Pointer to the catalog, Pointer to the number of names in that list. OUTPUT A list of all table names. NOTES -. AUTHOR E.R. Deul (Leiden observatory) VERSION ??/??/96 ***/ char **tabs_list(catstruct *cat, int *n) { tabstruct *tab; int i; char **names; tab = cat->tab; QCALLOC(names, char *, cat->ntab); for (i=0; intab; i++) { QCALLOC(names[i], char, MAXCHARS); strcpy(names[i],tab->extname); while (!(tab=tab->nexttab)->nseg); } *n = cat->ntab; return names; } /****** tabs_row_len *********************************************************** PROTO int tab_row_len(char *file, char *tabname) PURPOSE Return the row length in bytes of a given table in a given catalog. INPUT File pointer. OUTPUT Table size (bytes) NOTES -. AUTHOR E.R. Deul (Leiden observatory) VERSION 05/06/200` ***/ int tab_row_len(char *file, char *tabname) { catstruct *tcat; tabstruct *tab; int retcode = -1; if ((tcat = read_cat(file)) != NULL) { if ((tab = name_to_tab(tcat, tabname, 0)) != NULL) { retcode = tab->naxisn[0]; free_tab(tab); } close_cat(tcat); free_cat(&tcat,1); } return retcode; }