[ [ "XTENSION", "extension type", "C08", NaN, "c" ], [ "BITPIX", "bits per data value", "I2", "always 16 for raw data", "c" ], [ "NAXIS", "number of data axes", "I2", "always 2", "c" ], [ "NAXIS1", "length of first data axis", "I4", NaN, "c" ], [ "NAXIS2", "length of second data axis", "I4", NaN, "c" ], [ "EXTNAME", NaN, "C08", NaN, "c" ], [ "EXTVER", NaN, "I2", "always 1", "c" ], [ "BSCALE", NaN, "R8", "always 32768.0", "c" ], [ "BZERO", NaN, "R8", "always 1.0", "c" ], [ "BUNIT", "physical unit of array values", "C08", "always \u2018ADU\u2019", "c" ], [ "FILTER", "filter band", "C08", NaN, "b" ], [ "DETSN", "detector serial number", "C40", NaN, "c" ], [ "DETNAME", "detector name", "C40", "\u63a2\u6d4b\u5668\u578b\u53f7", "c" ], [ "CHIPLAB", "chip label", "C08", "EMCCD/NIR", "c" ], [ "CHIPTEMP", "chip temperature (in K)", "R4", NaN, "d" ], [ "DEWTEMP", "dewer temperature (in K)", "R4", NaN, "d" ], [ "DETSIZE", "detector size", "C20", "1080*1050(EMCCD)/640*512(NIR)\u56fe\u50cf\u603b\u5927\u5c0f", "c" ], [ "IMGINDEX", "index of image", "I4", "\u56fe\u50cf\u5e27\u5e8f\u53f7", "b" ], [ "IMG_EXPT", "image frame exposure start time", "C20", "\u672c\u56fe\u50cf\u5e27\u66dd\u5149\u5f00\u59cb\u65f6\u523b\uff08\u5149\u7ea4\u6570\u636e\u5305\u5305\u5934\u4e2d\u7684\u66dd\u5149\u65f6\u523b\uff09yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss\u683c\u5f0f", NaN ], [ "IMG_CABT", NaN, "C20", "\u8ddd\u79bb\u66dd\u5149\u5f00\u59cb\u65f6\u523b\u6700\u8fd1\u7684\u4e00\u6b21\u5e7f\u64ad\u65f6\u523b", NaN ], [ "IMG_DUR", "image frame exposure duration", "R8", "\u672c\u56fe\u50cf\u5e27\u66dd\u5149\u65f6\u95f4", NaN ], [ "IMG_PA", "position angle at IMG_CABT", "R8", "IMG_CABT\u65f6\u523b\u7684\u65b9\u4f4d\u89d2", NaN ], [ "IMG_RA", "RA of pointing (degree) at IMG_CABT", "R8", "IMG_CABT\u65f6\u523b\u7684\u671b\u8fdc\u955c\u6307\u5411RA\u5206\u91cf\uff0c\u7531\u5bfc\u661f\u4eea\u63d0\u4f9b", NaN ], [ "IMG_DEC", "DEC of pointing (degree) at IMG_CABT", "R8", "IMG_CABT\u65f6\u523b\u7684\u671b\u8fdc\u955c\u6307\u5411DEC\u5206\u91cf\uff0c\u7531\u5bfc\u661f\u4eea\u63d0\u4f9b", NaN ], [ "DATASECT", "data section", "C20", "1024*1024(EMCCD)/640*512(NIR)\u6709\u6548\u56fe\u50cf\u5927\u5c0f", "c" ], [ "PIXSCAL", "pixel scale", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "PIXSIZE", "pixel size", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "NCHAN", "number of readout channels", "I2", 44928, "c" ], [ "PSCAN1", "horizontal prescan width", "I4", "8(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "PSCAN2", "vertical prescan height", "I4", "always 0", "c" ], [ "OSCAN1", "horizontal overscan width", "I4", "16(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "OSCAN2", "vertical overscan width", "I4", "18(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "UDARK", "height of upside dark reference region", "I4", "6(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "BDARK", "height of downside dark reference region", "I4", "2(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "LDARK", "width of leftside dark reference region", "I4", "16(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "RDARK", "width of rightside dark reference region", "I4", "16(EMCCD)/0(NIR)", "c" ], [ "WCSAXES", "number of World Coordinate System axes", "I2", "always 2", "c" ], [ "CRPIX1", "x-coordinate of reference pixel", "R8", "\u5c0f\u6570\u70b9\u540e1\u4f4d\u6709\u6548\u6570\u5b57", "c (\u4e0d\u9700\u8981\u5730\u9762\u4e34\u65f6\u89e3\u7b97\uff0c\u4f46\u9700\u8981\u5728\u5730\u9762\u6d4b\u8bd5\u9636\u6bb5\u63d0\u524d\u8bbe\u5b9a)" ], [ "CRPIX2", "y-coordinate of reference pixel", "R8", "\u5c0f\u6570\u70b9\u540e1\u4f4d\u6709\u6548\u6570\u5b57", "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CRVAL1", "first axis value at reference pixel", "R8", NaN, "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CRVAL2", "second axis value at reference pixel", "R8", NaN, "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CTYPE1", "the coordinate type for the first axis", "C08", "always \u2018RA---TAN\u2019", "c (TAN\u8fd8\u662f TPV\u9700\u8981\u4f4d\u7f6e\u5b9a\u6807\u786e\u5b9a)" ], [ "CTYPE2", "the coordinate type for the second axis", "C08", "always \u2018DEC--TAN\u2019", "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CD1_1", "partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. x", "R8", NaN, "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CD1_2", "partial of first axis coordinate w.r.t. y", "R8", NaN, "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CD2_1", "partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. x", "R8", NaN, "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "CD2_2", "partial of second axis coordinate w.r.t. y", "R8", NaN, "c (\u540c\u4e0a)" ], [ "others", NaN, NaN, "other specific parameters", NaN ], [ "EMGAIN", "EMgain for EMCCD", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "GAIN", "gain (electron/ADU)", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "DET_BIAS", "bias voltage", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "RON", "readout noise", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "READTIME", "readout time", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "ROSPEED", "readout speed (in MHz)", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "LS_STAT", "lazer status", "C04", "on/off", "d" ], [ "IWA", "inner working angle of CPIC", "R4", NaN, "c" ], [ "WFSINFO1", "x-direction residuals of WFS of CPIC", "R4", NaN, "d" ], [ "WFSINFO2", "y-direction residuals of WFS of CPIC", "R4", NaN, "d" ], [ "CHECKSUM", "HDU checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS", NaN, NaN, NaN ], [ "DATASUM", " data unit checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS", NaN, NaN, NaN ] ]