[ ["SIMPLE", NaN, "L1", NaN, "c"], ["BITPIX", NaN, "I2", NaN, "c"], ["NAXIS", NaN, "I2", "always 0", "c"], ["EXTEND", NaN, "L1", "always T", "c"], ["NEXTEND", "number of array dimensions", "I2", "always 1", "c"], ["GROUPS", NaN, "L1", "always F", "c"], ["DATE", "date this file was written (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)", "C20", NaN, "b"], [ "FILENAME", NaN, "C68", "\u6587\u4ef6\u540d\u4e0d\u5e26.fits\u540e\u7f00\uff0c\u8d85\u51fa68\u4e2a\u5b57\u7b26\uff0c\u81ea\u52a8\u622a\u65ad\uff0c\u4e0d\u663e\u793a\u540e\u9762\u7684\u5b57\u7b26", "b" ], [ "FILETYPE", "type of data found in data file", "C12", "\u2018BIAS\u2019, \u2018DARK\u2019, \u2018FLAT\u2019, \u2018SCIE\u2019, etc \uff08\u53c2\u8003\u6587\u4ef6\u540d\u4e2d\u7684TYPE\u5173\u952e\u5b57\uff09", "b" ], [ "TELESCOP", "telescope used to acquire data", "C06", "always \u2018CSST\u2019", "c" ], [ "INSTRUME", "instrument used to acquire data", "C06", "\u2018MSC\u2019, \u2018MCI\u2019, etc", "b" ], [ "RADECSYS", "reference coordinate system", "C08", "always \u2018ICRS\u2019", "c" ], ["EQUINOX", NaN, "R4", "always 2000.0", "c"], ["FITSCREA", "FITS create software version", NaN, NaN, "c"], [ "OBJECT", "object name", "C30", "\u4e3b\u5de1\u5929\u53ef\u4ee5\u4f7f\u7528\u5929\u533a\u7f16\u53f7", "b" ], [ "TARGET", "target name (hhmmss+ddmmss)", "C13", "hhmmss+ddmmss, \u4f5c\u4e3a\u76ee\u6807\u6807\u8bc6\u8bb0\u5f55\u5230\u79d2\uff0c\u6bd4RA\u548cDEC\u7cbe\u5ea6\u4f4e", "b" ], [ "OBSID", "observation ID", "C11", "\u89c2\u6d4b\u7f16\u53f7\uff0cX+OBSTYPE+8\u4f4d\u6570\u5b57\uff0cX\u662f\u8bbe\u5907\u7f16\u53f7", "b" ], ["OBJ_RA", "RA of the object (degrees)", "R8", NaN, "b"], ["OBJ_DEC", "DEC of the object (degrees)", "R8", NaN, "b"], ["REFFRAME", "guide star catalog version", "C16", "e.g., CSSTGSC-1.0", "c"], [ "DATE-OBS", "date of the observation (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)", "C20", "\u5730\u9762\u6307\u4ee4\u8bbe\u7f6e\u7684\u66dd\u5149\u5f00\u59cb\u65f6\u523b", "b" ], ["SATESWV", "software version in the satellite", "C16", NaN, "c"], [ "EXPSTART", "exposure start time (MJD)", "R8", "\u5404\u6a21\u5757\u7ed9\u51fa\u7684\u66dd\u5149\u5f00\u59cb\u65f6\u523b", "e (1553B\u7ed9\u51faUTC\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u5730\u9762\u89e3\u7b97MJD)" ], [ "CABSTART", NaN, "R8", "\u66dd\u5149\u5f00\u59cb\u540e\uff0c\u6700\u8fd1\u4e00\u6b21\u5e7f\u64ad\u7684\u7edd\u5bf9\u5b9a\u4f4d\u65f6\u95f4", "e (1553B\u7ed9\u51faUTC\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u5730\u9762\u89e3\u7b97MJD)" ], [ "SUNANGL0", "angle between sun and optical axis at CABSTART", "R4", "CABSTART \u65f6\u523b\uff0c\u592a\u9633\u4e0e\u5149\u8f74\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "MOONANG0", "angle between moon and optical axis at CABSTART", "R4", "CABSTART\u65f6\u523b\uff0c\u6708\u4eae\u4e0e\u5149\u8f74\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "TEL_ALT0", "angle between Earth's limb and optical axis at CABSTART", "R8", "CABSTART\u65f6\u523b\uff0c\u5730\u5e73\u9762\u4e0e\u5149\u8f74\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "POS_ANG0", "angle between y axis (CSST frame) and the North Pole at CABSTART", "R8", "CABSTART\u65f6\u523b\uff0cCSST\u672c\u4f53\u51e0\u4f55\u5750\u6807\u7cfb\u4e0by\u8f74\u4e0e\u5317\u5929\u6781\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "POSI0_X", "the orbital position of CSST in X direction at CABSTART", "R8", "R=Sqrt(X^2+Y^2+Z^2)\u7edd\u5bf9\u8bef\u5dee\u4e0d\u5927\u4e8e16.8\u516c\u91cc\uff08\u5355\u500d\u4e2d\u8bef\u5dee\uff09", "d" ], [ "POSI0_Y", "the orbital position of CSST in Y direction at CABSTART", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "POSI0_Z", "the orbital position of CSST in Z direction at CABSTART", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "VELO0_X", "the orbital velocity of CSST in X direction at CABSTART", "R8", "V=Sqrt(Vx^2+Vy^2+Vz^2) \u8bef\u5dee\u4e0d\u5927\u4e8e0.025\u7c73/\u79d2\uff08\u5355\u500d\u4e2d\u8bef\u5dee\uff09", "d" ], [ "VELO0_Y", "the orbital velocity of CSST in Y direction at CABSTART", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "VELO0_Z", "the orbital velocity of CSST in Z direction at CABSTART", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "EULER0_1", "Euler angle 1 at CABSTART", "R8", "\u59ff\u6001\u8bef\u5dee\u4e0d\u5927\u4e8e0.05\u89d2\u79d2", "e" ], ["EULER0_2", "Euler angle 2 at CABSTART", "R8", NaN, "e"], ["EULER0_3", "Euler angle 3 at CABSTART", "R8", NaN, "e"], [ "RA_PNT0", "RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART", "R8", "\u592a\u8d6b\u5179\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u661f\u654f\u63d0\u4f9b\uff0c\u5176\u4f59\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u5bfc\u661f\u63d0\u4f9b", "e" ], [ "DEC_PNT0", "DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABSTART", "R8", "\u592a\u8d6b\u5179\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u661f\u654f\u63d0\u4f9b\uff0c\u5176\u4f59\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u5bfc\u661f\u63d0\u4f9b", "e" ], [ "EXPEND", "exposure end time (MJD)", "R8", "\u5404\u6a21\u5757\u7ed9\u51fa\u7684\u66dd\u5149\u7ed3\u675f\u65f6\u523b", "e (1553B\u7ed9\u51faUTC\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u5730\u9762\u89e3\u7b97MJD)" ], [ "CABEND", NaN, "R8", "\u66dd\u5149\u7ed3\u675f\u540e\uff0c\u6700\u8fd1\u4e00\u6b21\u5e7f\u64ad\u7684\u7edd\u5bf9\u5b9a\u4f4d\u65f6\u95f4", "e (1553B\u7ed9\u51faUTC\u65f6\u95f4\uff0c\u5730\u9762\u89e3\u7b97MJD)" ], [ "SUNANGL1", "angle between sun and optical axis at CABEND", "R4", "CABEND\u65f6\u523b\uff0c\u592a\u9633\u4e0e\u5149\u8f74\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "MOONANG1", "angle between moon and optical axis at CABEND", "R4", "CABEND\u65f6\u523b\uff0c\u6708\u4eae\u4e0e\u89c6\u8f74\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "TEL_ALT1", "angle between Earth's limb and optical axis at CABEND", "R8", "CABEND\u65f6\u523b\uff0c\u5730\u5e73\u9762\u4e0e\u5149\u8f74\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "POS_ANG1", "angle between optical axis and the North Pole at CABEND", "R8", "CABEND\u65f6\u523b\uff0cCSST\u672c\u4f53\u51e0\u4f55\u5750\u6807\u7cfb\u4e0by\u8f74\u4e0e\u5317\u5929\u6781\u7684\u5939\u89d2", "e" ], [ "POSI1_X", "the orbital position of CSST in X direction at CABEND", "R8", "R=Sqrt(X^2+Y^2+Z^2)\u7edd\u5bf9\u8bef\u5dee\u4e0d\u5927\u4e8e16.8\u516c\u91cc\uff08\u5355\u500d\u4e2d\u8bef\u5dee\uff09", "d" ], [ "POSI1_Y", "the orbital position of CSST in Y direction at CABEND", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "POSI1_Z", "the orbital position of CSST in Z direction at CABEND", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "VELO1_X", "the orbital velocity of CSST in X direction at CABEND", "R8", "V=Sqrt(Vx^2+Vy^2+Vz^2) \u8bef\u5dee\u4e0d\u5927\u4e8e0.025\u7c73/\u79d2\uff08\u5355\u500d\u4e2d\u8bef\u5dee\uff09", "d" ], [ "VELO1_Y", "the orbital velocity of CSST in Y direction at CABEND", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "VELO1_Z", "the orbital velocity of CSST in Z direction at CABEND", "R8", NaN, "d" ], [ "EULER1_1", "Euler angle 1 at CABEND ", "R8", "\u59ff\u6001\u8bef\u5dee\u4e0d\u5927\u4e8e0.05\u89d2\u79d2", "d" ], ["EULER1_2", "Euler angle 2 at CABEND", "R8", NaN, "e"], ["EULER1_3", "Euler angle 3 at CABEND", "R8", NaN, "e"], [ "RA_PNT1", "RA of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND", "R8", "\u592a\u8d6b\u5179\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u661f\u654f\u63d0\u4f9b\uff0c\u5176\u4f59\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u5bfc\u661f\u63d0\u4f9b", "e" ], [ "DEC_PNT1", "DEC of the pointing (degrees) at CABEND", "R8", "\u592a\u8d6b\u5179\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u661f\u654f\u63d0\u4f9b\uff0c\u5176\u4f59\u6a21\u5757\u7531\u5bfc\u661f\u63d0\u4f9b", "e" ], ["EXPTIME", "exposure duration", "R4", "EXPEND-EXPSTART", "e"], [ "EPOCH", "coordinate epoch", "R4 ", "\u5f53\u524d\u5386\u5143", "e (\u6839\u636e1553B\u7ed9\u51fa\u7684UTC\u65f6\u95f4\u89e3\u7b97) " ], ["CHECKSUM", " HDU checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS", NaN, NaN, NaN], ["DATASUM", " data unit checksum updated yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS", NaN, NaN, NaN] ]