"doc/source/ch08_csst_common.rst" did not exist on "769ad99b4f9aea4c736e821a34f17d6962fa22ac"
Commit 50fc43d6 authored by Shuai Feng's avatar Shuai Feng
Browse files

0415 first upload

parent 912992f4
import numpy as np
class config():
The configuration of spectral modeling. The default value is used for ETC calculation.
wave_min : float, optional
Minimum value of wavelength coverage, by default 3500.0A
wave_max : float, optional
Minimum value of wavelength coverage, by default 10000.0A
dlam : float, optional
Wavelength width of each spaxel, by default 2.0A
inst_fwhm : float, optional
Spectral resolution, by default 0.1A
nx : int, optional
Number of spaxel in a spatial direction, by default 30
ny : int, optional
Number of spaxel in a spatial direction, by default 30
dpix : float, optional
Pixel size in the spatial direction, by default 0.2arcsec
def __init__(self, wave_min = 3500.0, wave_max = 10000.0,
dlam = 2.0, inst_fwhm = 0.1,
nx = 30, ny = 30, dpix = 0.2):
self.dlam = dlam
self.wave = np.arange(wave_min, wave_max, dlam)
self.wave_min = wave_min
self.inst_fwhm = inst_fwhm
self.nx = nx
self.ny = ny
self.dpix = dpix
self.fov_x = nx * dpix
self.fov_y = ny * dpix
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import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from .spec1d import *
import astropy.wcs
class Cube3D():
Class of 3-dimentional spectral cube
def __init__(self, config, stellar_map = None, gas_map = None):
self.config= config
self.nx = config.nx
self.ny = config.ny
self.dpix = config.dpix
self.fov_x = config.fov_x
self.fov_y = config.fov_y
self.wave = config.wave
self.nz = len(self.wave)
self.wave0 = np.min(self.wave)
self.inst_fwhm = config.inst_fwhm
self.flux = np.zeros((self.nx,self.ny,self.nz))
self.stellar_map = stellar_map
self.gas_map = gas_map
def make_cube(self, stellar_tem = None, hii_tem = None):
for i in range(self.nx):
for j in range(self.ny):
if self.stellar_map is not None:
ss = StellarContinuum(self.config, stellar_tem, mag = self.stellar_map.mag[i,j],
age = self.stellar_map.age[i,j], feh = self.stellar_map.feh[i,j],
vel = self.stellar_map.vel[i,j], vdisp = self.stellar_map.vdisp[i,j],
ebv = self.stellar_map.ebv[i,j])
if self.gas_map is not None:
gg = HII_Region(self.config, hii_tem, halpha = self.gas_map.halpha[i,j],
logz = self.gas_map.zh[i,j], vel = self.gas_map.vel[i,j],
vdisp = self.gas_map.vdisp[i,j], ebv = self.gas_map.ebv[i,j])
self.flux[i,j,:] = ss.flux + gg.flux
self.flux[i,j,:] = ss.flux
def wcs_info(self):
wcs = fits.Header()
wcs_dict = {'CTYPE1': 'WAVE ',
'CUNIT1': 'Angstrom',
'CDELT1': self.config.dlam,
'CRPIX1': 1,
'CRVAL1': np.min(self.wave),
'CTYPE2': 'RA---TAN',
'CUNIT2': 'deg',
'CDELT2': self.dpix / 3600.,
'CRPIX2': np.round(self.ny / 2.),
'CRVAL2': 0.5,
'CUNIT3': 'deg',
'CDELT3': self.dpix / 3600.,
'CRPIX3': np.round(self.nx / 2.),
'CRVAL3': 1,
'BUNIT' : '10**(-17)*erg/s/cm**2/Angstrom'}
input_wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(wcs_dict)
self.wcs_header = input_wcs.to_header()
def insert_spec(self, spec, dx = 0, dy = 0):
x0 = np.int(np.round(self.config.nx / 2.))
y0 = np.int(np.round(self.config.ny / 2.))
self.flux[x0 + dx, y0 + dy, :] = self.flux[x0 + dx, y0 + dy, :] + spec.flux
def savefits(self, filename, path = './'):
hdr = fits.Header()
hdr['VERSION'] = '0.0.1'
hdr['OBJECT'] = 'NGC1234'
hdr['RA'] = 0.0
hdr['DEC'] = 0.0
hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header = hdr)
hdr = self.wcs_header
hdu1 = fits.ImageHDU(self.flux, header = hdr)
# Output
hdulist = fits.HDUList([hdu0, hdu1])
hdulist.writeto(path + filename, overwrite = True)
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