Commit 8b690ff1 authored by Shuai Feng's avatar Shuai Feng
Browse files

add justification of input pars range

parent 168ff730
Pipeline #6993 passed with stage
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......@@ -229,7 +229,8 @@ class Map2d(object):
if (mag > 26) or (mag < 8):
print("Notice: Your input integral magnitude of Sersic mode (mag) is > 26 mag or < 8 mag.")
if (r_eff <= 0):
raise Exception("Effective radius (r_eff) should be > 0 arcsec!")
#raise Exception("Effective radius (r_eff) should be > 0 arcsec!")
print("Effective radius (r_eff) should be > 0 arcsec!")
if (n < 0):
raise Exception("Sersic index (n) should be > 0!")
if (ellip > 1) or (ellip < 0):
......@@ -269,11 +270,11 @@ class Map2d(object):
if (vmax <= 0):
print("Notice: Your input maximum rotational velocity (vmax) is <= 0 km/s!")
if (rt <= 0):
raise Exception("Turn-over radius (rt) should be > 0 arcsec!")
if (ellip > 1) or (ellip < 0):
raise Exception("Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
if (ellip == 0):
print("Notice: Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
#raise Exception("Turn-over radius (rt) should be > 0 arcsec!")
print("Turn-over radius (rt) should be > 0 arcsec!")
if (ellip >= 1) or (ellip < 0):
#raise Exception("Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
print("Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
if (theta > 180) or (theta < -180):
print("Notice: Your input position angle (theta) is > 180 degree or < -180 degree.")
......@@ -303,10 +304,10 @@ class Map2d(object):
# Check Input Parameters
if (r_eff <= 0):
raise Exception("Effective radius (r_eff) should be > 0 arcsec!")
#raise Exception("Effective radius (r_eff) should be > 0 arcsec!")
print("Effective radius (r_eff) should be > 0 arcsec!")
if (ellip > 1) or (ellip < 0):
raise Exception("Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
if (ellip == 0):
#raise Exception("Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
print("Notice: Ellipcity (ellip) should be >= 0 and < 1!")
if (theta > 180) or (theta < -180):
print("Notice: Your input position angle (theta) is > 180 degree or < -180 degree.")
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