Commit a21fb694 authored by Shuai Feng's avatar Shuai Feng
Browse files


parent e7048f6f
Pipeline #7699 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
%% Cell type:code id:0a6280f4 tags:
``` python
from csst_ifs_gehong import spec1d as s
from csst_ifs_gehong import config as c
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%% Cell type:code id:d21769ee tags:
``` python
config = c.config(wave_min=3000, wave_max=10000, dlam=2, inst_fwhm=0.1, nx=30, ny=30, dpix=0.2)
nlr_temp = s.EmissionLineTemplate(config, model = 'nlr')
agn = s.AGN(config, nlr_temp, bhmass=21671200, edd_ratio=0.3, halpha_broad=12300, halpha_narrow=200000, vdisp_broad=3156, vdisp_narrow=717.1, vel=216701, logz=-1.234, ebv=1.1, dist=1)
plt.plot(agn.wave, agn.flux, color = 'blue', alpha = 0.5)
%% Output
......@@ -23,14 +23,15 @@ class config():
dpix : float, optional
Pixel size in the spatial direction, by default 0.2arcsec
def __init__(self, wave_min=3500.0, wave_max=10000.0, dlam=2.0, nx=30,
ny=30, dpix=0.2):
def __init__(self, wave_min=3500.0, wave_max=10000.0,
dlam=2.0, inst_fwhm=0.1,
nx=30, ny=30, dpix=0.2):
self.dlam = dlam
self.wave = np.arange(wave_min, wave_max, dlam)
self.wave_min = wave_min
self.inst_fwhm = inst_fwhm
self.nx = nx
self.ny = ny
self.dpix = dpix
self.fov_x = nx * dpix
self.fov_y = ny * dpix
self.inst_fwhm = 2.5
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