Commit 62c408f8 authored by Yan Zhaojun's avatar Yan Zhaojun
Browse files


parent 1aa0db48
Pipeline #7735 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ class cosmicrays():
exposure time.
def __init__(self, log, image, exposuretime,crInfo=None, information=None):
def __init__(self, log, image, exposuretime, crInfo=None, information=None):
Cosmic ray generation class. Can either draw events from distributions or
set the energy of the events to a constant.
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ class cosmicrays():
# set up the information dictionary, first with defaults and then overwrite with inputs if given
self.information = (dict(cosmicraylengths='/home/yan/csst-master/data/cdf_cr_length.dat',
cosmicraydistance='/home/yan/csst-master/data/cdf_cr_total.dat', exptime=exposuretime))
if information is not None:
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