Commit 97e07319 authored by Yan Zhaojun's avatar Yan Zhaojun
Browse files

redate ifs_sim

parent ecf13b22
Pipeline #3991 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -104,23 +104,23 @@ class cosmicrays():
ilo = np.round(x0.copy() - dx)
msk = ilo < 0.
ilo[msk] = 0
ilo = ilo.astype(
ilo = ilo.astype(int)
ihi = 1 + np.round(x0.copy() + dx)
msk = ihi > self.xsize
ihi[msk] = self.xsize
ihi = ihi.astype(
ihi = ihi.astype(int)
#pixels in y-directions
jlo = np.round(y0.copy() - dy)
msk = jlo < 0.
jlo[msk] = 0
jlo = jlo.astype(
jlo = jlo.astype(int)
jhi = 1 + np.round(y0.copy() + dy)
msk = jhi > self.ysize
jhi[msk] = self.ysize
jhi = jhi.astype(
jhi = jhi.astype(int)
#loop over the individual events
for i, luminosity in enumerate(lum):
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