Commit eb67f0ac authored by Yan Zhaojun's avatar Yan Zhaojun
Browse files


parent 33dff68d
Pipeline #7594 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -4669,8 +4669,7 @@ class IFSsimulator():
# energy_red=energy_red+sum(photons_red.flux)
self.image_b = blue_img.array
self.image_r = red_img.array
......@@ -4678,10 +4677,8 @@ class IFSsimulator():
data_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# write the actual file
bluefile = os.path.join(self.result_path, 'original_Calibration/IFS_' +
self.source + '_' + d ata_time + '_' +
self.source + '_' + data_time + '_' + str(self.simnumber)+'_B_original.fits')
redfile = os.path.join(self.result_path, 'original_Calibration/IFS_' +
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