Commit 296ada42 authored by Yan Zhaojun's avatar Yan Zhaojun
Browse files


parent 4350f0cb
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Shuai Feng (
# @Time: 2022-09-25
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from import fits
from import ascii
from astropy import units as u
# ----------------
# Magnitude Module
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
def Calzetti_Law(wave, Rv = 4.05):
"""Dust Extinction Curve by Calzetti et al. (2000)
wave (float): Wavelength
Rv (float, optional): Extinction curve. Defaults to 4.05.
float: Extinction value E(B-V)
wave_number = 1./(wave * 1e-4)
reddening_curve = np.zeros(len(wave))
idx = np.logical_and(wave >= 1200, wave <= 6300)
reddening_curve[idx] = 2.659 * ( -2.156 + 1.509 * wave_number[idx] - 0.198 * \
(wave_number[idx] ** 2)) + 0.011 * (wave_number[idx] **3 ) + Rv
idx = np.logical_and(wave >= 6300, wave <= 22000)
reddening_curve[idx] = 2.659 * ( -1.857 + 1.040 * wave_number[idx]) + Rv
return reddening_curve
def reddening(wave, flux, ebv = 0.0, law = 'calzetti', Rv = 4.05):
Reddening an input spectra through a given reddening curve.
wave (float): Wavelength of input spectra
flux (float): Flux of input spectra
ebv (float, optional): Extinction value. Defaults to 0.
law (str, optional): Extinction curve. Defaults to 'calzetti'.
Rv (float, optional): _description_. Defaults to 4.05.
float: Flux of spectra after reddening.
if law == 'calzetti':
curve = Calzetti_Law(wave, Rv = Rv)
fluxNew = flux / (10. ** (0.4 * ebv * curve))
return fluxNew
def flux_to_mag(wave, flux, path, band='GAIA_bp'):
"""Convert flux of given spectra to magnitude
wave (float): Wavelength
flux (float): Flux of spectra
band (str, optional): Filter band name. Defaults to 'GAIA_bp'.
float: value of magnitude
# /home/yan/MCI_sim/MCI_input/SED_Code/data
##import os
###parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
band ='MCI_inputData/SED_Code/seddata/' + band + '.dat')
wave0= band['col1']
curv0= band['col2']
# Setting the response
func = interp1d(wave0, curv0)
response = np.copy(wave)
ind_extra = (wave > max(wave0)) | (wave < min(wave0))
response[ind_extra] = 0
ind_inside = (wave < max(wave0)) & (wave > min(wave0))
response[ind_inside] = func(wave[ind_inside])
# Total Flux
Tflux = np.trapz(flux * response, wave) / np.trapz(response, wave)
return -2.5 * np.log10(Tflux)
def calibrate(wave, flux, mag, path,band='GAIA_bp'):
Calibrate the spectra according to the magnitude.
wave (float): Wavelength
flux (float): Flux of spectra
mag (float): Input magnitude.
band (str, optional): Filter band name. Defaults to 'GAIA_bp'.
float: Flux of calibrated spectra. Units: 1e-17 erg/s/A/cm^2
inst_mag = flux_to_mag(wave, flux, path,band = band)
instflux = 10 ** (-0.4 * inst_mag)
realflux = (mag * u.STmag).to(u.erg/u.s/**2/u.AA).value
# Normalization
flux_ratio = realflux / instflux
flux_calibrate = flux * flux_ratio * 1e17 # Units: 10^-17 erg/s/A/cm^2
return flux_calibrate
# ------------
# SED Template
class Gal_Temp():
Template of Galaxy SED
def __init__(self,path):
###import os
###parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
hdulist ='MCI_inputData/SED_Code/seddata/galaxy_temp.fits')
self.wave = hdulist[1].data['wave']
self.flux = hdulist[2].data
self.age_grid = hdulist[3].data['logAge']
self.feh_grid = hdulist[3].data['FeH']
def toMag(self, redshift = 0):
"""Calculating magnitude
redshift (float, optional): redshift of spectra. Defaults to 0.
wave = self.wave * (1 + redshift)
self.umag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='SDSS_u')
self.gmag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='SDSS_g')
self.rmag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='SDSS_r')
self.imag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='SDSS_i')
self.zmag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='SDSS_z')
class Star_Temp():
Template of Stellar SED
def __init__(self,path):
##import os
####parent = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
###print("获取其父目录——" + parent) # 从当前文件路径中获取目录
hdulist ='MCI_inputData/SED_Code/seddata/stellar_temp.fits')
self.wave = hdulist[1].data['wave']
self.flux = hdulist[2].data
self.Teff_grid = hdulist[3].data['Teff']
self.FeH_grid = hdulist[3].data['FeH']
self.bpmag = flux_to_mag(self.wave, self.flux, path,band='GAIA_bp')
self.rpmag = flux_to_mag(self.wave, self.flux, path,band='GAIA_rp')
def toMag(self):
wave = self.wave
self.bpmag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='GAIA_bp')
self.rpmag = flux_to_mag(wave, self.flux, self.path,band='GAIA_rp')
# -------------
# SED Modelling
def Model_Stellar_SED(wave, bp, rp, temp):
"""Modelling stellar SED based on bp, rp magnitude
wave (float): Wavelength
bp (float): Magnitude of GAIA BP band
rp (float): Magnitude of GAIA RP band
temp (class): Class of stellar template
float array: Spectral energy distribution of stellar SED,
which have the same length to the input wave
color0 = bp - rp
colors = temp.bpmag - temp.rpmag
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(colors - color0))
flux0 = temp.flux[idx]
flux1 = np.interp(wave, temp.wave, flux0)
flux = calibrate(wave, flux1, rp, band = 'GAIA_rp')
return flux
def Model_Galaxy_SED(wave, ugriz, z, temp, path):
"""Modelling galaxy SED based on u,g,r,i,z magnitude
wave (float): Wavelength
ugriz (float, array): The array of magnitude of SDSS ugriz band
z (float): Redshift
temp (class): Class of gaalxy template
float array: Spectral energy distribution of stellar SED,
which have the same length to the input wave
sed = 10. ** (-0.4 * ugriz)
sed = sed / sed[2]
ntemp = len(temp.rmag)
dmag = np.zeros(ntemp)
for j in range(ntemp):
ugriz0 = np.array([temp.umag[j], temp.gmag[j], temp.rmag[j],
temp.imag[j], temp.zmag[j]])
sed0 = 10. ** (-0.4 * ugriz0)
sed0 = sed0 / sed0[2]
dmag[j] = np.sum(np.abs(sed - sed0))
idx = np.argmin(dmag)
flux0 = temp.flux[idx]
# Effect of E(B-V)
ri0 = ugriz[2] - ugriz[3]
ri = temp.rmag - temp.imag
dri = ri0 - ri[idx]
Alambda = Calzetti_Law(np.array([6213 / (1 + z), 7625 / (1 + z)]))
eri0 = (Alambda[0] - Alambda[1])
ebv = dri/eri0
if ebv<0:
if ebv>0.5:
flux1 = reddening(temp.wave, flux0, ebv = ebv)
flux2 = np.interp(wave, temp.wave * (1 + z), flux1)
flux = calibrate(wave, flux2, ugriz[2], path, band = 'SDSS_r')
return flux
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