Commit 0fa8ebe9 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

SLS bug fixed; saturation update; field distortion update

parent 8ddba13c
......@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ class C3Catalog(CatalogBase):
stars = star_cat[str(pix)]
self._load_gals(gals, pix_id=pix)
self._load_stars(stars, pix_id=pix)
del gals
del stars
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
del self.avGal
......@@ -229,4 +231,6 @@ class C3Catalog(CatalogBase):
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
del wave
del flux
return sed
......@@ -320,6 +320,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
flat_normal = flat_img / np.mean(flat_img.array)
if self.survey_type == "photometric":
img *= flat_normal
del flat_normal
if config["output_setting"]["flat_output"] == False:
......@@ -329,6 +330,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
if config["ins_effects"]["shutter_effect"] == True:
print(" Apply shutter effect", flush=True)
shuttimg = effects.ShutterEffectArr(img, t_shutter=1.3, dist_bearing=735, dt=1E-3) # shutter effect normalized image for this chip
if self.survey_type == "photometric":
img *= shuttimg
if config["output_setting"]["shutter_output"] == True: # output 16-bit shutter effect image with pixel value <=65535
shutt_gsimg = galsim.ImageUS(shuttimg*6E4)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from matplotlib.pyplot import flag
import numpy as np
from numpy.core.fromnumeric import mean, size
from numpy.random import Generator, PCG64
import math
import math,copy
from numba import jit
from astropy import stats
......@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ def BadColumns(GSImage, seed=20240309, chipid=1):
xposit = rgxpos.integers(low=int(xsize*0.05), high=int(xsize*0.95), size=(nbadsecA+nbadsecD))
# signs = 2*rgdn.integers(0,2,size=(nbadsecA+nbadsecD))-1
if meanimg>0:
dn = rgdn.integers(low=meanimg*1.3+50, high=meanimg*2+150, size=(nbadsecA+nbadsecD)) #*signs
elif meanimg<0:
dn = rgdn.integers(low=meanimg*2-150, high=meanimg*1.3-50, size=(nbadsecA+nbadsecD)) #*signs
# if meanimg>0:
dn = rgdn.integers(low=np.abs(meanimg)*1.3+50, high=np.abs(meanimg)*2+150, size=(nbadsecA+nbadsecD)) #*signs
# elif meanimg<0:
# dn = rgdn.integers(low=meanimg*2-150, high=meanimg*1.3-50, size=(nbadsecA+nbadsecD)) #*signs
for badcoli in range(nbadsecA):
GSImage.array[(ysize-collen[badcoli]):ysize,xposit[badcoli]:(xposit[badcoli]+1)] = (np.abs(np.random.normal(0, stdimg*2, (collen[badcoli],1)))+dn[badcoli])
for badcoli in range(nbadsecD):
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ def AddBiasNonUniform16(GSImage, bias_level = 500, nsecy = 2, nsecx=8, seed=2021
BiasLevel = np.zeros((nsecy,nsecx))
elif bias_level>0:
BiasLevel = Random16.reshape((nsecy,nsecx)) + bias_level
print(" Biases of 16 channels:\n",BiasLevel)
arrshape = GSImage.array.shape
secsize_x = int(arrshape[1]/nsecx)
secsize_y = int(arrshape[0]/nsecy)
......@@ -153,6 +154,22 @@ def ApplyGainNonUniform16(GSImage, gain=1, nsecy = 2, nsecx=8, seed=202102):
return GSImage
def GainsNonUniform16(GSImage, gain=1, nsecy = 2, nsecx=8, seed=202102):
# Generate Gain non-uniformity, and multipy the different factors (mean~1 with sigma~1%) to the GS-Image
rg = Generator(PCG64(int(seed)))
Random16 = (rg.random(nsecy*nsecx)-0.5)*0.04+1 # sigma~1%
Gain16 = Random16.reshape((nsecy,nsecx))/gain
print(seed-20210202, "Gains of 16 channels:\n", Gain16)
# arrshape = GSImage.array.shape
# secsize_x = int(arrshape[1]/nsecx)
# secsize_y = int(arrshape[0]/nsecy)
# for rowi in range(nsecy):
# for coli in range(nsecx):
# GSImage.array[rowi*secsize_y:(rowi+1)*secsize_y,coli*secsize_x:(coli+1)*secsize_x] *= Gain16[rowi,coli]
# return GSImage
return Gain16
def MakeFlatSmooth(GSBounds, seed):
rg = Generator(PCG64(int(seed)))
r1,r2,r3,r4 = rg.random(4)
......@@ -235,104 +252,128 @@ def NonLinearity(GSImage, beta1=5E-7, beta2=0):
return GSImage
def chargeflow(ndarr, fullwell=10E4):
size_y,size_x = ndarr.shape
satpos_y = np.where(ndarr>=fullwell)[0]
satpos_x = np.where(ndarr>=fullwell)[1]
Nsatpix = len(satpos_y)
if Nsatpix==0:
# make no change for the image array
return ndarr
######################################## Saturation & Bleeding Start ###############################
def BleedingTrail(aa, yy):
if aa<0.2:
for i in range(Nsatpix):
satcharge = ndarr[satpos_y[i],satpos_x[i]]-fullwell
ndarr[satpos_y[i],satpos_x[i]] = fullwell
satpos_yi0 = satpos_y[i]
# Define the x,y=0,0 element of image array is the lower-left corner. So y decreases being downward.
# print('Charge Clump moves down')
chargedn = ((np.random.random()-0.5)*0.05+0.5)*satcharge
chargeup = satcharge - chargedn
fwi = 1
aa = np.log(chargedn/fullwell)**3*0.9 # blooming length begin to has e- less than fullwell
if aa < 0.05:
# Test
while ClumpFullwell==True:
if satpos_y[i]<=0:
if ndarr[satpos_y[i]-1,satpos_x[i]]<fullwell:
ndarr[satpos_y[i]-1,satpos_x[i]] = ndarr[satpos_y[i]-1,satpos_x[i]] + chargedn
if ndarr[satpos_y[i]-1,satpos_x[i]]>=fullwell:
fx = 0.5*(math.exp(math.log(fwi)**3/aa)+np.exp(-1*math.log(fwi)**3/aa))
if fx>5:
faa= 0.5*(math.exp(aa/aa)+np.exp(-1*aa/aa))
rand_frac = 1-0.1*(fx-1)/(faa-1)
chargedn = ndarr[satpos_y[i]-1,satpos_x[i]] - fullwell
ndarr[satpos_y[i]-1,satpos_x[i]] = fullwell*rand_frac
satpos_y[i] = satpos_y[i]-1
if satpos_y[i]<0:
fwi += 1
satpos_y[i] = satpos_y[i]-1
if satpos_y[i]<0:
fy = 0.5*(math.exp(math.log(yy+1)**3/aa)+np.exp(-1*math.log(yy+1)**3/aa))
faa= 0.5*(math.e+1/math.e)
trail_frac = 1-0.1*(fy-1)/(faa-1)
except Exception as e:
trail_frac = 1
return trail_frac
def MakeTrail(imgarr, satuyxtuple, charge, fullwell=9e4, direction='up', trailcutfrac=0.9):
direction: "up" or "down". For "up", bleeds along Y-decreasing direction; for "down", bleeds along Y-increasing direction.
yi,xi = satuyxtuple
aa = np.log(charge/fullwell)**3 # scale length of the bleeding trail
yy = 1
# print('Charge Clump moves up')
satpos_y[i] = satpos_yi0
fwi = 1
aa = np.log(chargeup/fullwell)**3*0.9 # blooming length at which it begins to have e- less than fullwell
if aa < 0.05:
while ClumpFullwell==True:
if satpos_y[i]>=size_y-1:
while charge>0:
if yi<0 or yi>imgarr.shape[0]-1:
if ndarr[satpos_y[i]+1,satpos_x[i]]<fullwell:
ndarr[satpos_y[i]+1,satpos_x[i]] = ndarr[satpos_y[i]+1,satpos_x[i]] + chargeup
if ndarr[satpos_y[i]+1,satpos_x[i]]>=fullwell:
fx = 0.5*(math.exp(math.log(fwi)**3/aa)+np.exp(-1*math.log(fwi)**3/aa))
if fx>5:
faa= 0.5*(math.exp(aa/aa)+np.exp(-1*aa/aa))
rand_frac = 1-0.1*(fx-1)/(faa-1)
chargeup = ndarr[satpos_y[i]+1,satpos_x[i]] - fullwell
ndarr[satpos_y[i]+1,satpos_x[i]] = fullwell*rand_frac
satpos_y[i] = satpos_y[i]+1
if satpos_y[i]>=size_y-1:
if yi==0 or yi==imgarr.shape[0]-1:
imgarr[yi,xi] = fullwell
if direction=='up':
if imgarr[yi-1,xi]>=fullwell:
imgarr[yi,xi] = fullwell
elif direction=='down':
if imgarr[yi+1,xi]>=fullwell:
imgarr[yi,xi] = fullwell
if aa<=1:
while imgarr[yi,xi] >= fullwell:
imgarr[yi,xi] = fullwell
if direction=='up':
imgarr[yi-1,xi] += charge
charge = imgarr[yi-1,xi]-fullwell
if yi<0:
elif direction=='down':
imgarr[yi+1,xi] += charge
charge = imgarr[yi+1,xi]-fullwell
if yi>imgarr.shape[0]:
fwi += 1
# calculate bleeding trail:
trail_frac = BleedingTrail(aa,yy)
# put charge upwards
if trail_frac>=0.99:
imgarr[yi,xi] = fullwell
if direction=='up':
elif direction=='down':
yy += 1
satpos_y[i] = satpos_y[i]+1
if satpos_y[i]>=size_y-1:
if trail_frac<trailcutfrac:
except Exception as e:
print(fwi, aa)
charge = fullwell*trail_frac
imgarr[yi,xi] += charge
if imgarr[yi,xi]>fullwell:
imgarr[yi,xi] = fullwell
if direction=='up':
elif direction=='down':
yy += 1
return imgarr
def ChargeFlow(imgarr, fullwell=9E4):
size_y,size_x = imgarr.shape
satupos_y,satupos_x = np.where(imgarr>fullwell)
return ndarr
if satupos_y.shape[0]==0:
# make no change for the image array
return imgarr
elif satupos_y.shape[0]/imgarr.size > 0.5:
return imgarr
chargedict = {}
imgarrorig = copy.deepcopy(imgarr)
for yi,xi in zip(satupos_y,satupos_x):
yxidx = ''.join([str(yi),str(xi)])
chargedict[yxidx] = imgarrorig[yi,xi]-fullwell
for yi,xi in zip(satupos_y,satupos_x):
yxidx = ''.join([str(yi),str(xi)])
satcharge = chargedict[yxidx]
chargeup = ((np.random.random()-0.5)*0.05+0.5)*satcharge
chargedn = satcharge - chargeup
def SaturBloom(GSImage, nsect_x=1, nsect_y=1, fullwell=10e4):
# Charge Clump moves up
if yi>=0 and yi<imgarr.shape[0]:
imgarr = MakeTrail(imgarr, (yi,xi), chargeup, fullwell=9e4, direction='up', trailcutfrac=0.9)
# Charge Clump moves down
imgarr = MakeTrail(imgarr, (yi,xi), chargedn, fullwell=9e4, direction='down', trailcutfrac=0.9)
except Exception as e:
print(e,'@pix ',(yi+1,xi+1))
return imgarr
return imgarr
def SaturBloom(GSImage, nsect_x=1, nsect_y=1, fullwell=9e4):
To simulate digital detector's saturation and blooming effect. The blooming is along the read-out direction, perpendicular to the charge transfer direction. Charge clumpy overflows the pixel well will flow to two oposite directions with nearly same charges.
Work together with chargeflow() function.
......@@ -351,12 +392,14 @@ def SaturBloom(GSImage, nsect_x=1, nsect_y=1, fullwell=10e4):
for j in range(nsect_x):
subimg = imgarr[subsize_y*i:subsize_y*(i+1), subsize_x*j:subsize_x*(j+1)]
subimg = chargeflow(subimg, fullwell=fullwell)
subimg = ChargeFlow(subimg, fullwell=fullwell)
imgarr[subsize_y*i:subsize_y*(i+1), subsize_x*j:subsize_x*(j+1)] = subimg
return GSImage
################################# Saturation & Bleeding End ####################################
def readout16(GSImage, rowi=0, coli=0, overscan_value=0):
# readout image as 16 outputs of sub-images plus prescan & overscan.
......@@ -672,7 +715,7 @@ def produceCR_Map(xLen, yLen, exTime, cr_pixelRatio, gain, attachedSizes, seed=2
return CRmap.astype(np.int32), cr_event_size
def ShutterEffectArr(GSImage, t_shutter=1.3, dist_bearing=735, dt=1E-3):
def ShutterEffectArr(GSImage, t_exp=150, t_shutter=1.3, dist_bearing=735, dt=1E-3):
# Generate Shutter-Effect normalized image
# t_shutter: time of shutter movement
# dist_bearing: distance between two bearings of shutter leaves
......@@ -709,7 +752,10 @@ def ShutterEffectArr(GSImage, t_shutter=1.3, dist_bearing=735, dt=1E-3):
s2idx[i] = int(s2[i]/dist_bearing*(SampleNumb))
brt[(idx>s1idx[i]) & (idx<s2idx[i])] += dt
brt = brt*2+(150-t_shutter*2)
if t_exp>t_shutter*2:
brt = brt*2+(t_exp-t_shutter*2)
brt = brt*2
x = (x-dist_bearing/2)*100
......@@ -13,9 +13,12 @@ import os
###calculate sky map by sky SED
def calculateSkyMap_split_g(xLen=9232, yLen=9126, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, skyfn='param/skybackground/sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', conf=[''], pixelSize=0.074, isAlongY=0,
def calculateSkyMap_split_g(skyMap=None, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, skyfn='param/skybackground/sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', conf=[''], pixelSize=0.074, isAlongY=0,
skyMap = np.ones([yLen, xLen], dtype='float32')
# skyMap = np.ones([yLen, xLen], dtype='float32')
# if isAlongY == 1:
# skyMap = np.ones([xLen, yLen], dtype='float32')
# for i in range(len(conf)):
# conf[i] = os.path.join(SLSSIM_PATH, conf[i])
......@@ -24,9 +27,6 @@ def calculateSkyMap_split_g(xLen=9232, yLen=9126, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500,
if np.size(conf) == 2:
conf2 = conf[1]
if isAlongY == 1:
skyMap = np.ones([xLen, yLen], dtype='float32')
skyImg = galsim.Image(skyMap, xmin=0, ymin=0)
tbstart = blueLimit
......@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ def calculateSkyMap_split_g(xLen=9232, yLen=9126, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500,
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
......@@ -100,6 +102,8 @@ def calculateSkyMap_split_g(xLen=9232, yLen=9126, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500,
ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s)
ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y)
bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds
if bounds.area() == 0:
fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds]
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from datetime import datetime
from ObservationSim.Config import config_dir, ChipOutput
from ObservationSim.Config.Header import generatePrimaryHeader, generateExtensionHeader
from ObservationSim.Instrument import Telescope, Filter, FilterParam, FocalPlane, Chip
from ObservationSim.Instrument.Chip import Effects
from ObservationSim.MockObject import calculateSkyMap_split_g
from ObservationSim.PSF import PSFGauss, FieldDistortion, PSFInterp
from ObservationSim._util import get_shear_field, makeSubDir_PointingList
......@@ -89,10 +90,26 @@ class Observation(object):
chip.img.wcs = wcs_fp
if chip.survey_type == "photometric":
sky_map = None
# elif chip.survey_type == "spectroscopic":
# sky_map = calculateSkyMap_split_g(xLen=chip.npix_x, yLen=chip.npix_y, blueLimit=filt.blue_limit, redLimit=filt.red_limit, skyfn=self.path_dict["sky_file"], conf=chip.sls_conf, pixelSize=chip.pix_scale, isAlongY=0)
elif chip.survey_type == "spectroscopic":
sky_map = calculateSkyMap_split_g(xLen=chip.npix_x, yLen=chip.npix_y, blueLimit=filt.blue_limit, redLimit=filt.red_limit, skyfn=self.path_dict["sky_file"], conf=chip.sls_conf, pixelSize=chip.pix_scale, isAlongY=0)
flat_normal = np.ones_like(chip.img.array)
if self.config["ins_effects"]["flat_fielding"] == True:
print("SLS flat preprocess,CHIP %d : Creating and applying Flat-Fielding"%chip.chipID, flush=True)
print(chip.img.bounds, flush=True)
flat_img = Effects.MakeFlatSmooth(
flat_normal = flat_normal * flat_img.array / np.mean(flat_img.array)
if self.config["ins_effects"]["shutter_effect"] == True:
print("SLS flat preprocess,CHIP %d : Apply shutter effect"%chip.chipID, flush=True)
shuttimg = Effects.ShutterEffectArr(chip.img, t_shutter=1.3, dist_bearing=735,
dt=1E-3) # shutter effect normalized image for this chip
flat_normal = flat_normal*shuttimg
flat_normal = np.array(flat_normal,dtype='float32')
sky_map = calculateSkyMap_split_g(skyMap=flat_normal, blueLimit=filt.blue_limit, redLimit=filt.red_limit, skyfn=self.path_dict["sky_file"], conf=chip.sls_conf, pixelSize=chip.pix_scale, isAlongY=0)
del flat_normal
# if pointing_type == 'MS':
if pointing.pointing_type == 'MS':
# Load catalogues and templates = self.Catalog(config=self.config, chip=chip, pointing=pointing, cat_dir=cat_dir, sed_dir=sed_dir)
......@@ -17,9 +17,12 @@ class FieldDistortion(object):
self.fdModel = fdModel
def isContainObj_FD(self, chip, pos_img):
ifdModel = self.fdModel["ccd" + chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID)]["wave1"]
# ifdModel = self.fdModel["ccd" + chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID)]["wave1"]
# x, y = pos_img.x, pos_img.y
# xLowI, xUpI, yLowI, yUpI = ifdModel["InterpLim"]
ifdModel = self.fdModel["wave1"]
xLowI, xUpI, yLowI, yUpI = ifdModel["interpLimit"]
x, y = pos_img.x, pos_img.y
xLowI, xUpI, yLowI, yUpI = ifdModel["InterpLim"]
if (xLowI - x)*(xUpI - x) > 0 or (yLowI - y) * (yUpI - y) > 0:
return False
return True
......@@ -40,8 +43,18 @@ class FieldDistortion(object):
if not self.isContainObj_FD(chip=chip, pos_img=pos_img):
return galsim.PositionD(-1, -1)
ifdModel = self.fdModel["ccd" + chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID)]["wave1"]
# ifdModel = self.fdModel["ccd" + chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID)]["wave1"]
ifdModel = self.fdModel["wave1"]
irsModel = self.fdModel["wave1"]["residual"]["ccd" + chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID)]
x, y = pos_img.x, pos_img.y
x = ifdModel["xImagePos"](x, y)[0][0]
y = ifdModel["yImagePos"](x, y)[0][0]
x1LowI, x1UpI, y1LowI, y1UpI = irsModel["interpLimit"]
if (x1LowI-x)*(x1UpI-x) <=0 and (y1LowI-y)*(y1UpI-y)<=0:
dx = irsModel["xResidual"](x, y)[0][0]
dy = irsModel["yResidual"](x, y)[0][0]
x += dx
y += dy
return galsim.PositionD(-1, -1)
return galsim.PositionD(x, y)
......@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
##mpdboot -n 10 -f ./mpd.hosts
##PBS -j oe
#PBS -l nodes=comput112:ppn=80
#PBS -l nodes=comput108:ppn=80
#####PBS -q longq
#PBS -q batch
#PBS -u fangyuedong
echo $NP
mpirun -np $NP python /public/home/fangyuedong/20211203/CSST/ config_C3.yaml -c /public/home/fangyuedong/20211203/CSST/config
mpirun -np $NP python /public/home/fangyuedong/test/CSST/ config_C3.yaml -c /public/home/fangyuedong/test/CSST/config
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