Commit 29ac5666 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files


PSF interpolation for CSST-Sim
NOTE: [iccd, iwave, ipsf] are counted from 1 to n, but [tccd, twave, tpsf] are counted from 0 to n-1
import galsim
import numpy as np
import os
import time
import copy
import PSF.PSFInterp.PSFConfig as myConfig
import PSF.PSFInterp.PSFUtil as myUtil
from PSF.PSFModel import PSFModel
LOG_DEBUG = False #***#
NPSF = 900 #***# 30*30
iccdTest = 1 #***#
class PSFInterp(PSFModel):
# def __init__(self, PSF_data=None, params=None, PSF_data_file=None):
def __init__(self, chip, PSF_data=None, PSF_data_file=None, sigSpin=0., psfRa=0.15):
The PSF data matrix is either given by a object parameter or read in from a file.
PSF_data: The PSF data matrix object
params: Other parameters?
PSF_data_file: The file for PSF data matrix (optional).
print('DEBUG: psf module for csstSim ' \
+time.strftime("(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)", time.localtime()), flush=True)
self.sigSpin = sigSpin
self.sigGauss = psfRa # 80% light radius
self.iccd = int(chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID))
if PSF_data_file == None:
PSF_data_file = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp_30X30'
self.nwave= self._getPSFwave(self.iccd, PSF_data_file)
self.PSF_data = self._loadPSF(self.iccd, PSF_data_file)
print('nwave-{:} on ccd-{:}::'.format(self.nwave, self.iccd), flush=True)
print('self.PSF_data ... ok', flush=True)
print('Preparing self.[psfMat,cen_col,cen_row] for psfMaker ... ', end='', flush=True)
ngy, ngx = self.PSF_data[0][0]['psfMat'].shape
self.psfMat = np.zeros([self.nwave, NPSF, ngy, ngx])
self.cen_col= np.zeros([self.nwave, NPSF])
self.cen_row= np.zeros([self.nwave, NPSF])
self.hoc =[]
for twave in range(self.nwave):
for tpsf in range(NPSF):
#psfMatX = myUtil.psfTailor(self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['psfMat'], apSizeInArcsec=2.5)
self.psfMat[twave, tpsf, :, :] = self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['psfMat']
self.cen_col[twave, tpsf] = self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['image_x'] + self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['centroid_x']
self.cen_row[twave, tpsf] = self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['image_y'] +self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['centroid_y']
#hoclist on twave for neighborsFinding
hoc,hoclist = myUtil.findNeighbors_hoclist(self.cen_col[twave], self.cen_row[twave])
print('ok', flush=True)
def _getPSFwave(self, iccd, PSF_data_file):
Get # of sampling waves on iccd
iccd: The chip of i-th ccd
PSF_data_file: The file for PSF data matrix
nwave: The number of the sampling waves
strs = os.listdir(PSF_data_file + '/ccd{:}'.format(iccd))
nwave = 0
for _ in strs:
if 'wave_' in _:
nwave += 1
return nwave
def _loadPSF(self, iccd, PSF_data_file):
load psf-matrix on iccd
iccd: The chip of i-th ccd
PSF_data_file: The file for PSF data matrix
psfSet: The matrix of the csst-psf
psfSet = []
for ii in range(self.nwave):
iwave = ii+1
print('self._loadPSF: iwave::', iwave, flush=True)
psfWave = []
for jj in range(NPSF):
ipsf = jj+1
psfInfo = myConfig.LoadPSF(iccd, iwave, ipsf, PSF_data_file, InputMaxPixelPos=True, PSFCentroidWgt=True)
print('psfSet has been loaded:', flush=True)
print('psfSet[iwave][ipsf][keys]:', psfSet[0][0].keys(), flush=True)
return psfSet
def _preprocessPSF(self):
Preprocessing psf-matrix
itpPSF_data: The matrix of the preprocessed csst-psf
#old version (discarded)
itpPSF_data = copy.deepcopy(self.PSF_data)
for twave in range(self.nwave):
for tpsf in range(NPSF):
psfMat = self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['psfMat']
psf_image_x = self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['image_x']
psf_image_y = self.PSF_data[twave][tpsf]['image_y']
#psfMatX= myUtil.psfCentering(psfMat, CenteringMode=1)
#itpPSF_data[twave][tpsf]['psfMat'] = psfMatX
#img, cxt, cyt = myUtil.psfCentering_wgt(psfMat, psf_image_x, psf_image_y)
#itpPSF_data[twave][tpsf]['psfMat'] = img
#itpPSF_data[twave][tpsf]['centroid_x'] = cxt
#itpPSF_data[twave][tpsf]['centroid_y'] = cyt
return itpPSF_data
def _findWave(self, bandpass):
for twave in range(self.nwave):
bandwave = self.PSF_data[twave][0]['wavelength']
if bandpass.blue_limit < bandwave and bandwave < bandpass.red_limit:
return twave
return -1
def get_PSF(self, chip, pos_img, bandpass, pixSize=0.037, galsimGSObject=True, folding_threshold=5.e-3):
Get the PSF at a given image position
chip: A 'Chip' object representing the chip we want to extract PSF from.
pos_img: A 'galsim.Position' object representing the image position.
bandpass: A 'galsim.Bandpass' object representing the wavelength range.
pixSize: The pixels size of psf matrix
PSF: A 'galsim.GSObject'.
assert self.iccd == int(chip.getChipLabel(chipID=chip.chipID)), 'ERROR: self.iccd != chip.label'
# twave = bandpass-1 #***# ??? #self.findWave(bandpass) ###twave=iwave-1 as that in NOTE
twave = self._findWave(bandpass)
if twave == -1:
print("!!!PSF bandpass does not match.")
PSFMat = self.psfMat[twave]
cen_col= self.cen_col[twave]
cen_row= self.cen_row[twave]
# px = pos_img[0]
# py = pos_img[1]
px = (pos_img.x - chip.cen_pix_x)*0.01
py = (pos_img.y - chip.cen_pix_y)*0.01
imPSF = myConfig.psfMaker_IDW(px, py, PSFMat, cen_col, cen_row, IDWindex=2, OnlyNeighbors=True, hoc=self.hoc[twave], hoclist=self.hoclist[twave], PSFCentroidWgt=True)
#imPSF = myConfig.psfMaker_IDW(px, py, PSFMat, cen_col, cen_row, IDWindex=2, OnlyNeighbors=True, PSFCentroidWgt=True)
if galsimGSObject:
img = galsim.ImageF(imPSF, scale=pixSize)
gsp = galsim.GSParams(folding_threshold=folding_threshold)
self.psf = galsim.InterpolatedImage(img, gsparams=gsp)
# dx = px - chip.cen_pix_x
# dy = py - chip.cen_pix_y
return self.PSFspin(x=px/0.01, y=py/0.01)
return imPSF
def PSFspin(self, x, y):
The PSF profile at a given image position relative to the axis center
theta : spin angles in a given exposure in unit of [arcsecond]
dx, dy: relative position to the axis center in unit of [pixels]
Spinned PSF: g1, g2 and axis ratio 'a/b'
a2Rad = np.pi/(60.0*60.0*180.0)
ff = self.sigGauss * 0.107 * (1000.0/10.0) # in unit of [pixels]
rc = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
cpix = rc*(self.sigSpin*a2Rad)
beta = (np.arctan2(y,x) + np.pi/2)
ell = cpix**2/(2.0*ff**2+cpix**2)
qr = np.sqrt((1.0+ell)/(1.0-ell))
PSFshear = galsim.Shear(e=ell, beta=beta*galsim.radians)
return self.psf.shear(PSFshear), PSFshear
def testPSFInterp():
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
iccd = iccdTest #[1, 30] for test
iwave= 1 #[1, 4] for test
npsfB = 900
psfPathB = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp_30X30'
psfCSST = PSFInterp(PSF_data_file = psfPathB) ### define PSF_data from 30*30
npsfA = 100
psfPathA = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp'
psfSetA, PSFMatA, cen_colA, cen_rowA = myConfig.LoadPSFset(iccd, iwave, npsfA, psfPathA, InputMaxPixelPos=False, PSFCentroidWgt=True) ###load test_data from 10*10
psf_sz = np.zeros(npsfA)
psf_e1 = np.zeros(npsfA)
psf_e2 = np.zeros(npsfA)
psfMaker_sz = np.zeros(npsfA)
psfMaker_e1 = np.zeros(npsfA)
psfMaker_e2 = np.zeros(npsfA)
runtimeInterp = 0
starttime = time.time()
for ipsf in range(npsfA):
print('IDW-ipsf: {:4}/100'.format(ipsf), end='\r', flush=True)
starttimeInterp = time.time()
px = cen_colA[ipsf]
py = cen_rowA[ipsf]
pos_img = [px, py]
img = psfCSST.get_PSF(iccd, pos_img, iwave, galsimGSObject=False) ###interpolate PSF at[px,py]
endtimeInterp = time.time()
runtimeInterp = runtimeInterp + (endtimeInterp - starttimeInterp)
imx = psfSetA[ipsf]['psfMat']
imy = img
cenX, cenY, sz, e1, e2, REE80 = myUtil.psfSizeCalculator(imx, CalcPSFcenter=True, SigRange=True, TailorScheme=2)
psf_sz[ipsf] = sz
psf_e1[ipsf] = e1
psf_e2[ipsf] = e2
cenX, cenY, sz, e1, e2, REE80 = myUtil.psfSizeCalculator(imy, CalcPSFcenter=True, SigRange=True, TailorScheme=2)
psfMaker_sz[ipsf] = sz
psfMaker_e1[ipsf] = e1
psfMaker_e2[ipsf] = e2
endtime = time.time()
print('run time::', endtime - starttime, runtimeInterp)
if True:
ell_iccd = np.zeros(npsfA)
ell_iccd_psfMaker = np.zeros(npsfA)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 5))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
for ipsf in range(npsfA):
imx = cen_colA[ipsf]
imy = cen_rowA[ipsf]
plt.plot(imx, imy, 'b.')
ang = np.arctan2(psf_e2[ipsf], psf_e1[ipsf])/2
ell = np.sqrt(psf_e1[ipsf]**2 + psf_e2[ipsf]**2)
ell_iccd[ipsf] = ell
ell *= 50
lcos = ell*np.cos(ang)
lsin = ell*np.sin(ang)
plt.plot([imx-lcos, imx+lcos],[imy-lsin, imy+lsin],'b', lw=2)
ang = np.arctan2(psfMaker_e2[ipsf], psfMaker_e1[ipsf])/2
ell = np.sqrt(psfMaker_e1[ipsf]**2 + psfMaker_e2[ipsf]**2)
ell_iccd_psfMaker[ipsf] = ell
ell *= 50
lcos = ell*np.cos(ang)
lsin = ell*np.sin(ang)
plt.plot([imx-lcos, imx+lcos],[imy-lsin, imy+lsin],'r', lw=1)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
tmp = plt.hist(ell_iccd, bins = 8, color='b', alpha=0.5)
tmp = plt.hist(ell_iccd_psfMaker, bins = 8, color='r', alpha=0.5)
plt.annotate('iccd-{:} iwave-{:}'.format(iccd, iwave), (0.55, 0.85), xycoords='axes fraction',fontsize=15)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
dsz = (psfMaker_sz - psf_sz)/psf_sz
dsz_hist= plt.hist(dsz)
plt.savefig('test/figs/testPSFInterp_30t10_iccd{:}_iwave{:}.pdf'.format(iccd, iwave))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if False:
psfPath = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp_30X30'
#psfPath = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp'
psfCSST = PSFInterp(PSF_data_file = psfPath)
iwave= 1
ipsf = 665
pos_img = [psfCSST.cen_col[iwave, ipsf], psfCSST.cen_row[iwave, ipsf]]
img = psfCSST.get_PSF(1, pos_img, iwave, galsimGSObject=False)
if True:
if False:
#old version (discarded)
#plot check-1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,5))
ax = plt.subplot(1,3,1)
ax = plt.subplot(1,3,2)
imgx = psfCSST.itpPSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['psfMat']
imgx/= np.sum(imgx)
ax = plt.subplot(1,3,3)
plt.imshow(img - imgx)
if False:
#old version (discarded)
#plot check-2: 注意图像坐标和全局坐标
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8), dpi = 200)
img = psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['psfMat']
npix = img.shape[0]
dng = 105
imgg = img[dng:-dng, dng:-dng]
imgX = psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['image_x'] #in mm
imgY = psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['image_y'] #in mm
deltX= psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['centroid_x'] #in mm
deltY= psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['centroid_y'] #in mm
maxX = psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['max_x']
maxY = psfCSST.PSF_data[iwave][ipsf]['max_y']
cenPix_X = npix/2 + deltX/0.005
cenPix_Y = npix/2 - deltY/0.005
maxPix_X = npix/2 + maxX/0.005-1
maxPix_Y = npix/2 - maxY/0.005-1
plt.plot([cenPix_X-dng],[cenPix_Y-dng], 'rx', ms = 20)
plt.plot([maxPix_X-dng],[maxPix_Y-dng], 'b+', ms=20)
from scipy import ndimage
y, x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img)
plt.plot([x-dng],[y-dng], 'rx', ms = 10, mew=4)
x, y = myUtil.findMaxPix(img)
plt.plot([x-dng],[y-dng], 'b+', ms = 10, mew=4)
import os, sys
import numpy as np
import mpi4py.MPI as MPI
import PSFConfig as myConfig
import PSFUtil as myUtil
def mkdir(path):
isExists = os.path.exists(path)
if not isExists:
ThisTask = comm.Get_rank()
NTasks = comm.Get_size()
npsf = 900
psfPath = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp_30X30'
#npsf = 100
#psfPath = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp'
npsfPerTasks = int(npsf/NTasks)
iStart= 0 + npsfPerTasks*ThisTask
iEnd = npsfPerTasks + npsfPerTasks*ThisTask
if ThisTask == NTasks:
iEnd = npsf
for iccd in range(1, 31):
iccdPath = psfPath + '_proc/ccd{:}'.format(iccd)
if ThisTask == 0:
for iwave in range(1, 5):
iwavePath = iccdPath + '/wave_{:}'.format(iwave)
if ThisTask == 0:
psfMatPath = iwavePath + '/5_psf_array'
if ThisTask == 0:
for ii in range(iStart, iEnd):
ipsf = ii+1
if ThisTask ==0:
print('iccd-iwave-ipsf: {:4}{:4}{:4}'.format(iccd, iwave, ipsf), end='\r',flush=True)
#if iccd != 1 or iwave !=1 or ipsf != 1:
# continue
ipsfOutput = psfMatPath + '/psf_{:}_centroidWgt.mat'.format(ipsf)
#ipsfOutput = './psf_{:}_centroidWgt.mat'.format(ipsf)
psfInfo = myConfig.LoadPSF(iccd, iwave, ipsf, psfPath, InputMaxPixelPos=True)
ipsfMat = psfInfo['psfMat']
npix_y, npix_x = ipsfMat.shape
if npsf == 100:
ncut = 160
if npsf == 900:
ncut = 200
img, cx, cy = myUtil.centroidWgt(ipsfMat, nt=ncut)
dcx = cx - npix_x/2 #pixel coords -> global coords
dcy =-(cy - npix_y/2) #pixel coords -> global coords
dcx*= 5e-3 #pixels -> mm
dcy*= 5e-3 #pixels -> mm
nn = 256
dn = int((nn - ncut)/2)
imgt = np.zeros([nn, nn], dtype=np.float32)
imgt[dn:-dn, dn:-dn] = img, {'cx':dcx, 'cy':dcy, 'psf':imgt})
if iccd != 1 or iwave !=1 or ipsf != 1:
if ThisTask == 0:
print('CHECK::', dcx, dcy, psfInfo['centroid_x'],psfInfo['centroid_y'])
import sys
from itertools import islice
import numpy as np
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from import loadmat
#import xlrd
from scipy import ndimage
#from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
import scipy.spatial as spatial
#from astropy.modeling.models import Ellipse2D
#from astropy.coordinates import Angle
#import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import ctypes
#import galsim
def psfPixelLayout(nrows, ncols, cenPosRow, cenPosCol, pixSizeInMicrons=5.0):
convert psf pixels to physical position
nrows, ncols (int, int): psf sampling with [nrows, ncols].
cenPosRow, cenPosCol (float, float): A physical position of the chief ray for a given psf.
pixSizeInMicrons (float-optional): The pixel size in microns from the psf sampling.
psfPixelPos (numpy.array-float): [posx, posy] in mm for [irow, icol]
1. show positions on ccd, but not position on image only [+/- dy]
psfPixelPos = np.zeros([2, nrows, ncols])
if nrows % 2 != 0:
if ncols % 2 != 0:
cenPix_row = nrows/2 + 1 #中心主光线对应pixle [由长光定义]
cenPix_col = ncols/2 + 1
for irow in range(nrows):
for icol in range(ncols):
delta_row = ((irow + 1) - cenPix_row)*pixSizeInMicrons*1e-3
delta_col = ((icol + 1) - cenPix_col)*pixSizeInMicrons*1e-3
psfPixelPos[0, irow, icol] = cenPosCol + delta_col
psfPixelPos[1, irow, icol] = cenPosRow - delta_row #note-1:in CCD全局坐标
return psfPixelPos
def findMaxPix(img):
get the pixel position of the maximum-value
img (numpy.array-float): image
imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y (int, int): pixel position in columns & rows
maxIndx = np.argmax(img)
maxIndx = np.unravel_index(maxIndx, np.array(img).shape)
imgMaxPix_x = maxIndx[1]
imgMaxPix_y = maxIndx[0]
return imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y
def findNeighbors(tx, ty, px, py, dr=0.1, dn=1, OnlyDistance=True):
find nearest neighbors by 2D-KDTree
tx, ty (float, float): a given position
px, py (numpy.array, numpy.array): position data for tree
dr (float-optional): distance
dn (int-optional): nearest-N
OnlyDistance (bool-optional): only use distance to find neighbors. Default: True
dataq (numpy.array): index
datax = px
datay = py
tree = spatial.KDTree(list(zip(datax.ravel(), datay.ravel())))
rr = dr
if OnlyDistance == True:
dataq = tree.query_ball_point([tx, ty], rr)
if OnlyDistance == False:
while len(dataq) < dn:
dataq = tree.query_ball_point([tx, ty], rr)
rr += dr
dd = np.hypot(datax[dataq]-tx, datay[dataq]-ty)
ddSortindx = np.argsort(dd)
dataq = np.array(dataq)[ddSortindx[0:dn]]
return dataq
def hocBuild(partx, party, nhocx, nhocy, dhocx, dhocy):
if np.max(partx) > nhocx*dhocx:
if np.max(party) > nhocy*dhocy:
npart = partx.size
hoclist= np.zeros(npart, dtype=np.int32)-1
hoc = np.zeros([nhocy, nhocx], dtype=np.int32)-1
for ipart in range(npart):
ix = int(partx[ipart]/dhocx)
iy = int(party[ipart]/dhocy)
hoclist[ipart] = hoc[iy, ix]
hoc[iy, ix] = ipart
return hoc, hoclist
def hocFind(px, py, dhocx, dhocy, hoc, hoclist):
ix = int(px/dhocx)
iy = int(py/dhocy)
it = hoc[iy, ix]
while it != -1:
it = hoclist[it]
return neigh
def findNeighbors_hoclist(px, py, tx=None,ty=None, dn=4, hoc=None, hoclist=None):
nhocy = nhocx = 20
pxMin = np.min(px)
pxMax = np.max(px)
pyMin = np.min(py)
pyMax = np.max(py)
dhocx = (pxMax - pxMin)/(nhocx-1)
dhocy = (pyMax - pyMin)/(nhocy-1)
partx = px - pxMin +dhocx/2
party = py - pyMin +dhocy/2
if hoc is None:
hoc, hoclist = hocBuild(partx, party, nhocx, nhocy, dhocx, dhocy)
return hoc, hoclist
if hoc is not None:
tx = tx - pxMin +dhocx/2
ty = ty - pyMin +dhocy/2
itx = int(tx/dhocx)
ity = int(ty/dhocy)
ps = [-1, 0, 1]
for ii in range(3):
for jj in range(3):
ix = itx + ps[ii]
iy = ity + ps[jj]
if ix < 0:
if iy < 0:
if ix > nhocx-1:
if iy > nhocy-1:
#neightt = myUtil.hocFind(ppx, ppy, dhocx, dhocy, hoc, hoclist)
it = hoc[iy, ix]
while it != -1:
it = hoclist[it]
#ll = [i for k in neigh for i in k]
if dn != -1:
ptx = np.array(partx[neigh])
pty = np.array(party[neigh])
dd = np.hypot(ptx-tx, pty-ty)
idx = np.argsort(dd)
neigh= np.array(neigh)[idx[0:dn]]
return neigh
def psfCentering(img, apSizeInArcsec=0.5, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28, CenteringMode=1):
centering psf within an aperture
img (numpy.array): image
apSizeInArcsec (float-optional): aperture size in arcseconds.
psfSampleSizeInMicrons (float-optional): psf pixel size in microns.
focalLengthInMeters (float-optional): csst focal length im meters.
CenteringMode (int-optional): how to center psf images
imgT (numpy.array)
if CenteringMode == 1:
imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img)
if CenteringMode == 2:
y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols
imgMaxPix_x = int(x)
imgMaxPix_y = int(y)
apSizeInMicrons = np.deg2rad(apSizeInArcsec/3600.)*focalLengthInMeters*1e6
apSizeInPix = apSizeInMicrons/psfSampleSizeInMicrons
apSizeInPix =
imgT = np.zeros_like(img)
ngy, ngx = img.shape
cy = int(ngy/2)
cx = int(ngx/2)
cx-apSizeInPix:cx+apSizeInPix+1] = \
return imgT
def psfCentering_FFT(image):
centering psf within an aperture by FFT
ny, nx = image.shape
py, px = ndimage.center_of_mass(image)
dx = (px - nx/2)
dy = (py - ny/2)
ge =np.zeros_like(fg)
inx = int(nx/2)
jny = int(ny/2)
#prepare for the phase multiply matrix
#left bottom
for i in range(inx+1):
for j in range(jny+1):
#top right
for i in range(inx-1):
for j in range(jny-1):
#bottom right
for i in range(inx+1):
for j in range(jny-1):
#top left
for i in range(inx-1):
for j in range(int(jny+1)):
for i in range(nx):
for j in range(ny):
def psfStack(*psfMat):
stacked image from the different psfs
*psfMat (numpy.array): the different psfs for stacking
img (numpy.array): image
nn = len(psfMat)
img = np.zeros_like(psfMat[0])
for ii in range(nn):
img += psfMat[ii]/np.sum(psfMat[ii])
img /= np.sum(img)
return img
def psfSizeCalculator(psfMat, psfSampleSize=5, CalcPSFcenter=True, SigRange=True, TailorScheme=2):
calculate psf size & ellipticity
psfMat (numpy.array): image
psfSampleSize (float-optional): psf size in microns.
CalcPSFcenter (bool-optional): whether calculate psf center. Default: True
SigRange (bool-optional): whether use psf tailor. Default: False
TailorScheme (int-optional): which method for psf tailor. Default: 1
cenX, cenY (float, float): the pixel position of the mass center
sz (float): psf size
e1, e2 (float, float): psf ellipticity
REE80 (float): radius of REE80 in arcseconds
psfSampleSize = psfSampleSize*1e-3 #mm
REE80 = -1.0 ##encircling 80% energy
if SigRange is True:
if TailorScheme == 1:
psfMat = imSigRange(psfMat, fraction=0.80)
psfInfo['psfMat'] = psfMat #set on/off
if TailorScheme == 2:
#img = psfTailor(psfMat, apSizeInArcsec=0.5)
imgX, REE80 = psfEncircle(psfMat)
#psfMat = img
REE80 = REE80[0]
if CalcPSFcenter is True:
img = psfMat/np.sum(psfMat)
y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols
cenX = x
cenY = y
if CalcPSFcenter is False:
cenPix_X = psfMat.shape[1]/2 #90
cenPix_Y = psfMat.shape[0]/2 #90
cenX = cenPix_X + psfInfo['centroid_x']/psfSampleSize
cenY = cenPix_Y - psfInfo['centroid_y']/psfSampleSize
pixSize = 1
sz, e1, e2 = psfSecondMoments(psfMat, cenX, cenY, pixSize=pixSize)
return cenX, cenY, sz, e1, e2, REE80
def psfSecondMoments(psfMat, cenX, cenY, pixSize=1):
estimate the psf ellipticity by the second moment of surface brightness
psfMat (numpy.array-float): image
cenX, cenY (float, float): pixel position of the psf center
pixSize (float-optional): pixel size
sz (float): psf size
e1, e2 (float, float): psf ellipticity
apr = 0.5 #arcsec, 0.5角秒内测量
fl = 28. #meters
pxs = 5.0 #microns
apr = np.deg2rad(apr/3600.)*fl*1e6
apr = apr/pxs
apr =
I = psfMat
ncol = I.shape[1]
nrow = I.shape[0]
w = 0.0
w11 = 0.0
w12 = 0.0
w22 = 0.0
for icol in range(ncol):
for jrow in range(nrow):
x = icol*pixSize - cenX
y = jrow*pixSize - cenY
rr = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
wgt= 0.0
if rr <= apr:
wgt = 1.0
w += I[jrow, icol]*wgt
w11 += x*x*I[jrow, icol]*wgt
w12 += x*y*I[jrow, icol]*wgt
w22 += y*y*I[jrow, icol]*wgt
w11 /= w
w12 /= w
w22 /= w
sz = w11 + w22
e1 = (w11 - w22)/sz
e2 = 2.0*w12/sz
return sz, e1, e2
def psfEncircle(img, fraction=0.8, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28):
psf tailor within a given percentage.
img (numpy.array-float): image
fraction (float-optional): a percentage for psf tailor.
psfSampleSizeInMicrons (float-optional): psf pixel size in microns.
focalLengthInMeters (float-optional): csst focal length im meters.
img*wgt (numpy.array-float): image
REE80 (float): radius of REE80 in arcseconds.
#imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img)
y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols
imgMaxPix_x = int(x)
imgMaxPix_y = int(y)
im1 = img.copy()
im1size = im1.shape
dis = np.zeros_like(img)
for irow in range(im1size[0]):
for icol in range(im1size[1]):
dx = icol - imgMaxPix_x
dy = irow - imgMaxPix_y
dis[irow, icol] = np.hypot(dx, dy)
nn = im1size[1]*im1size[0]
disX = dis.reshape(nn)
disXsortId = np.argsort(disX)
imgX = img.reshape(nn)
imgY = imgX[disXsortId]
psfFrac = np.cumsum(imgY)/np.sum(imgY)
ind = np.where(psfFrac > fraction)[0][0]
wgt = np.ones_like(dis)
wgt[np.where(dis > dis[np.where(img == imgY[ind])])] = 0
REE80 = np.rad2deg(dis[np.where(img == imgY[ind])]*psfSampleSizeInMicrons*1e-6/focalLengthInMeters)*3600
return img*wgt, REE80
def imSigRange(img, fraction=0.80):
extract the image within x-percent (DISCARD)
img (numpy.array-float): image
fraction (float-optional): a percentage
im1 (numpy.array-float): image
im1 = img.copy()
im1size = im1.shape
im2 = np.sort(im1.reshape(im1size[0]*im1size[1]))
im2 = im2[::-1]
im3 = np.cumsum(im2)/np.sum(im2)
loc = np.where(im3 > fraction)
#print(im3[loc[0][0]], im2[loc[0][0]])
im1[np.where(im1 <= im2[loc[0][0]])]=0
return im1
def psfTailor(img, apSizeInArcsec=0.5, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28):
psf tailor within a given aperture size
img (numpy.array-float): image
apSizeInArcsec (float-optional): aperture size in arcseconds.
psfSampleSizeInMicrons (float-optional): psf pixel size in microns.
focalLengthInMeters (float-optional): csst focal length im meters.
imgT (numpy.array-float): image
#imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img)
y,x = ndimage.center_of_mass(img) #y-rows, x-cols
imgMaxPix_x = int(x)
imgMaxPix_y = int(y)
apSizeInMicrons = np.deg2rad(apSizeInArcsec/3600.)*focalLengthInMeters*1e6
apSizeInPix = apSizeInMicrons/psfSampleSizeInMicrons
apSizeInPix =
imgT = np.zeros_like(img)
imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] = \
return imgT
###centroid with a window###
def centroidWgt(img, nt=160):
#libCentroid = ctypes.CDLL('/public/home/weichengliang/lnData/CSST_new_framwork/csstPSF/libCentroid/') # CDLL加载库
libCentroid = ctypes.CDLL('./libCentroid/') # CDLL加载库
libCentroid.centroidWgt.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)]
libCentroid.imSplint.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)]
imx = img/np.sum(img)
ny, nx = imx.shape
#imx centroid
nn = nx*ny
arr = (ctypes.c_float*nn)()
arr[:] = imx.reshape(nn)
para = (ctypes.c_double*10)()
libCentroid.centroidWgt(arr, ny, nx, para)
imx_cy = para[3] #irow
imx_cx = para[4] #icol
#imx -> imy
yat = (ctypes.c_float*nn)()
libCentroid.imSplint(arr, ny, nx, para, nxt, nyt, yat)
imy = np.array(yat[:]).reshape([nxt, nyt])
return imy, imx_cx, imx_cy
def psfCentering_wgt(ipsfMat, psf_image_x, psf_image_y, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5.0):
img, cx, cy = centroidWgt(ipsfMat, nt=160)
nrows, ncols = ipsfMat.shape
cyt = (cy + nrows/2)*psfSampleSizeInMicrons*1e-3 +psf_image_y
cxt = (cx + ncols/2)*psfSampleSizeInMicrons*1e-3 +psf_image_x
return img, cxt, cyt
from .PSFInterp import PSFInterp
\ No newline at end of file
#OPTS += -D
CC = gcc
OPTIMIZE = -fPIC -g -O3 #-Wall -wd981 #-wd1419 -wd810
#GSLI = -I/home/alex/opt/gsl/include
#GSLL = -L/home/alex/opt/gsl/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas
#FFTWI = -I/home/alex/opt/fftw/include
#FFTWL = -L/home/alex/opt/fftw/lib -lfftw3 -lfftw3f
#HDF5I = -I/home/alex/opt/hdf5/include
#HDF5L = -L/home/alex/opt/hdf5/lib -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5
#FITSI = -I/home/alex/opt/cfitsio/include
#FITSL = -L/home/alex/opt/cfitsio/lib -lcfitsio
CLIB= -shared -lm #$(EXTRACLIB)
OBJS = centroidWgt.o nrutil.o
all: $(EXEC)
$(EXEC): $(OBJS)
$(CLINK) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(CLIB)
$(OBJS): nrutil.h Makefile
.PHONY : clean
rm -f *.o $(EXEC)
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "nrutil.h"
//y is the input image, nx and ny are the pixels along x and y axis;
//yt and residu are the required matrix for the function
//para contains the needed parameters: centx=para[3], centy=para[4]
void star_gaus(float **y,int nx,int ny,double *para);
void Interp_bicubic(int nx,int ny,float **a0,int nbound, int nxt,int nyt, float **at,double *xcen);
void splie2(float **ya, int m, int n, float **y2a);
void spline(float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[]);
void splint(float ya[], float y2a[], int n, float x, float *y);
void centroidWgt(float *y, int nx, int ny, double *para)
int i, j, k;
float **yy;
double **basef;
double **coff;
double ccol, crow;
yy = matrix(0, nx-1, 0, ny-1);
for(i=0; i<nx; i++)
for(j=0; j<ny; j++)
k = j + i*nx;
yy[i][j] = y[k];
star_gaus(yy, nx, ny, para);
//ccol = para[4];
//crow = para[3];
void imSplint(float *y, int nx, int ny, double *para, int nxt, int nyt, float *yat)
int i, j, k;
float **yy;
double **basef;
double **coff;
double ccol, crow;
yy = matrix(0, nx-1, 0, ny-1);
for(i=0; i<nx; i++)
for(j=0; j<ny; j++)
k = j + i*nx;
yy[i][j] = y[k];
crow = para[3];
ccol = para[4];
int nbound;
float **at;
double xcen[2];
at = matrix(0, nxt-1, 0, nyt-1);
nbound = (int)((nx - nxt)/2);
xcen[0]= crow;
xcen[1]= ccol;
Interp_bicubic(nx, ny, yy, nbound, nxt, nyt, at, xcen);
for(i=0; i<nxt; i++)
for(j=0; j<nyt; j++)
k = j + i*nxt;
yat[k] = at[i][j];
//void star_gaus(float **y,int nx,int ny,float **yt,float **residu,double *para)
void star_gaus(float **y,int nx,int ny,double *para)
void gasfit_2D(double **x, double *y,int np,double *para,double bg0, int fbg);
double **xs,*ys,ymax;
int i,j,np,npt,im,jm,**xi,k;
double kc,bgc,sigmac,xc,yc,sigma2v,det;
double bg0=0;
int fbg=0;
int cutPix;
cutPix = 23;
gasfit_2D(xs, ys,npt,para,bg0,fbg);
// printf("%e %e %e %e %e\n",kc,sigmac,bgc,xc,yc);
void gasfit_2D(double **x, double *y,int np,double *para,double bg0,int fbg)
void search_2D(double **x,double *y,int np,double kc,double kd,double sigmac,
double sigmad,double bgc,double bgd,double xc, double xd,
double yc, double yd,double *para,double bg0,int fbg);
int i,j,k,imax=0,isigma;
double ymax,ymin,kc,kd,sigmac,sigmad,bgc,bgd,ysigma,xc,yc,xd,yd;
double det,dett;
if(dett<det && y[i]!=kc){det=dett;isigma=i;}
void search_2D(double **x,double *y,int np,double kc,double kd,double sigmac,
double sigmad,double bgc,double bgd,double xc, double xd,
double yc, double yd,double *para,double bg0,int fbg)
double k,sigma,bg,k2,k20,sigma2v,det,xt,yt;
int i,j,l,m,p,q;
//printf("k20=%e k2=%e\n",k20,k2);
//#include <math.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include "nrutil.h"
//nx,ny is the pixels of x and y direction
//a0 is the input image in nx*ny
//nbound is the boundary limit
//nxt,nyt is out put image dimentions
//at is the output image and cen represent the required center
void Interp_bicubic(int nx,int ny,float **a0,int nbound,
int nxt,int nyt, float **at,double *xcen)
void splie2(float **ya, int m, int n, float **y2a);
void spline(float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[]);
void splint(float ya[], float y2a[], int n, float x, float *y);
int i,j,m,n,ic,jc;
float *ytmp,*yytmp,**y2a,x1,x2,shift1,shift2;
if(fabs(shift1)>nbound || fabs(shift2)>nbound){
printf("bicubic shifts too much %e %e\n",shift1,shift2);
for (n=0;n<nyt;n++){
for (m=0;m<nxt;m++){
void splie2(float **ya, int m, int n, float **y2a)
void spline(float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[]);
int j;
for (j=0;j<m;j++)spline(ya[j],n,1.0e30,1.0e30,y2a[j]);
void spline(float y[], int n, float yp1, float ypn, float y2[])
int i,k;
float p,qn,sig,un,*u;
if (yp1 > 0.99e30)
else {
y2[0] = -0.5;
for (i=1;i<=n-2;i++) {
if (ypn > 0.99e30)
else {
for (k=n-2;k>=0;k--)y2[k]=y2[k]*y2[k+1]+u[k];
void splint(float ya[], float y2a[], int n, float x, float *y)
void nrerror(char error_text[]);
int klo,khi,k;
float h,b,a;
if( klo<0)klo=0;
if (klo<0 || khi>=n) printf("error:klo, khi, n: %d %d %d\n", klo, khi, n);
if (klo<0 || khi>=n) nrerror("Bad xa input to routine splint");
#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(ANSI) || defined(NRANSI) /* ANSI */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NR_END 1
#define FREE_ARG char*
void nrerror(char error_text[])
/* Numerical Recipes standard error handler */
fprintf(stderr,"Numerical Recipes run-time error...\n");
fprintf(stderr," exiting to system...\n");
float *vector(long nl, long nh)
/* allocate a float vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
float *v;
v=(float *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(float)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in vector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
int *ivector(long nl, long nh)
/* allocate an int vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
int *v;
v=(int *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(int)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in ivector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
unsigned char *cvector(long nl, long nh)
/* allocate an unsigned char vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
unsigned char *v;
v=(unsigned char *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(unsigned char)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in cvector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
unsigned long *lvector(long nl, long nh)
/* allocate an unsigned long vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
unsigned long *v;
v=(unsigned long *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(long)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in lvector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
double *dvector(long nl, long nh)
/* allocate a double vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
double *v;
v=(double *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(double)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in dvector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
float **matrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* allocate a float matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
float **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(float **) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(float *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(float)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
double **dmatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* allocate a double matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
double **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(double **) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(double*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(double *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(double)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
int **imatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* allocate a int matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
int **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(int **) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(int*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(int *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(int)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
float **submatrix(float **a, long oldrl, long oldrh, long oldcl, long oldch,
long newrl, long newcl)
/* point a submatrix [newrl..][newcl..] to a[oldrl..oldrh][oldcl..oldch] */
long i,j,nrow=oldrh-oldrl+1,ncol=oldcl-newcl;
float **m;
/* allocate array of pointers to rows */
m=(float **) malloc((size_t) ((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure in submatrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= newrl;
/* set pointers to rows */
for(i=oldrl,j=newrl;i<=oldrh;i++,j++) m[j]=a[i]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
float **convert_matrix(float *a, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* allocate a float matrix m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] that points to the matrix
declared in the standard C manner as a[nrow][ncol], where nrow=nrh-nrl+1
and ncol=nch-ncl+1. The routine should be called with the address
&a[0][0] as the first argument. */
long i,j,nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
float **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(float **) malloc((size_t) ((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure in convert_matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* set pointers to rows */
for(i=1,j=nrl+1;i<nrow;i++,j++) m[j]=m[j-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
float ***f3tensor(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch, long ndl, long ndh)
/* allocate a float 3tensor with range t[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch][ndl..ndh] */
long i,j,nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1,ndep=ndh-ndl+1;
float ***t;
/* allocate pointers to pointers to rows */
t=(float ***) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float**)));
if (!t) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in f3tensor()");
t += NR_END;
t -= nrl;
/* allocate pointers to rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl]=(float **) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!t[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl] += NR_END;
t[nrl] -= ncl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl][ncl]=(float *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol*ndep+NR_END)*sizeof(float)));
if (!t[nrl][ncl]) nrerror("allocation failure 3 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl][ncl] += NR_END;
t[nrl][ncl] -= ndl;
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[nrl][j]=t[nrl][j-1]+ndep;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) {
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return t;
double ***d3tensor(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch, long ndl, long ndh)
/* allocate a double 3tensor with range t[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch][ndl..ndh] */
long i,j,nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1,ndep=ndh-ndl+1;
double ***t;
/* allocate pointers to pointers to rows */
t=(double ***) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(double**)));
if (!t) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in f3tensor()");
t += NR_END;
t -= nrl;
/* allocate pointers to rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl]=(double **) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(double*)));
if (!t[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl] += NR_END;
t[nrl] -= ncl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl][ncl]=(double *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol*ndep+NR_END)*sizeof(double)));
if (!t[nrl][ncl]) nrerror("allocation failure 3 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl][ncl] += NR_END;
t[nrl][ncl] -= ndl;
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[nrl][j]=t[nrl][j-1]+ndep;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) {
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return t;
unsigned char **cmatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* allocate a int matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
unsigned char **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(unsigned char **) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(unsigned char *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(unsigned char)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
void free_vector(float *v, long nl, long nh)
/* free a float vector allocated with vector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_ivector(int *v, long nl, long nh)
/* free an int vector allocated with ivector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_cvector(unsigned char *v, long nl, long nh)
/* free an unsigned char vector allocated with cvector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_lvector(unsigned long *v, long nl, long nh)
/* free an unsigned long vector allocated with lvector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_dvector(double *v, long nl, long nh)
/* free a double vector allocated with dvector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_matrix(float **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* free a float matrix allocated by matrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
void free_dmatrix(double **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* free a double matrix allocated by dmatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
void free_imatrix(int **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* free an int matrix allocated by imatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
void free_submatrix(float **b, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* free a submatrix allocated by submatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (b+nrl-NR_END));
void free_convert_matrix(float **b, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* free a matrix allocated by convert_matrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (b+nrl-NR_END));
void free_f3tensor(float ***t, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch,
long ndl, long ndh)
/* free a float f3tensor allocated by f3tensor() */
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl][ncl]+ndl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t+nrl-NR_END));
void free_d3tensor(double ***t, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch,
long ndl, long ndh)
/* free a double f3tensor allocated by f3tensor() */
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl][ncl]+ndl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t+nrl-NR_END));
void free_cmatrix(unsigned char **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch)
/* free a character matrix allocated by matrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
#else /* ANSI */
/* traditional - K&R */
#include <stdio.h>
#define NR_END 1
#define FREE_ARG char*
void nrerror(error_text)
char error_text[];
/* Numerical Recipes standard error handler */
void exit();
fprintf(stderr,"Numerical Recipes run-time error...\n");
fprintf(stderr," exiting to system...\n");
float *vector(nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
/* allocate a float vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
float *v;
v=(float *)malloc((unsigned int) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(float)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in vector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
int *ivector(nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
/* allocate an int vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
int *v;
v=(int *)malloc((unsigned int) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(int)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in ivector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
unsigned char *cvector(nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
/* allocate an unsigned char vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
unsigned char *v;
v=(unsigned char *)malloc((unsigned int) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(unsigned char)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in cvector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
unsigned long *lvector(nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
/* allocate an unsigned long vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
unsigned long *v;
v=(unsigned long *)malloc((unsigned int) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(long)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in lvector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
double *dvector(nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
/* allocate a double vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */
double *v;
v=(double *)malloc((unsigned int) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(double)));
if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in dvector()");
return v-nl+NR_END;
float **matrix(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a float matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
float **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(float **) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(float *) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(float)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
double **dmatrix(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a double matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
double **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(double **) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(double*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(double *) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(double)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
int **imatrix(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a int matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
int **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(int **) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(int*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(int *) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(int)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
float **submatrix(a,oldrl,oldrh,oldcl,oldch,newrl,newcl)
float **a;
long newcl,newrl,oldch,oldcl,oldrh,oldrl;
/* point a submatrix [newrl..][newcl..] to a[oldrl..oldrh][oldcl..oldch] */
long i,j,nrow=oldrh-oldrl+1,ncol=oldcl-newcl;
float **m;
/* allocate array of pointers to rows */
m=(float **) malloc((unsigned int) ((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure in submatrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= newrl;
/* set pointers to rows */
for(i=oldrl,j=newrl;i<=oldrh;i++,j++) m[j]=a[i]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
float **convert_matrix(a,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
float *a;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a float matrix m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] that points to the matrix
declared in the standard C manner as a[nrow][ncol], where nrow=nrh-nrl+1
and ncol=nch-ncl+1. The routine should be called with the address
&a[0][0] as the first argument. */
long i,j,nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
float **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(float **) malloc((unsigned int) ((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure in convert_matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* set pointers to rows */
for(i=1,j=nrl+1;i<nrow;i++,j++) m[j]=m[j-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
double ***d3tensor(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch,ndl,ndh)
long nch,ncl,ndh,ndl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a float 3tensor with range t[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch][ndl..ndh] */
long i,j,nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1,ndep=ndh-ndl+1;
double ***t;
/* allocate pointers to pointers to rows */
t=(double ***) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(double**)));
if (!t) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in f3tensor()");
t += NR_END;
t -= nrl;
/* allocate pointers to rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl]=(double **) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(double*)));
if (!t[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl] += NR_END;
t[nrl] -= ncl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl][ncl]=(double *) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol*ndep+NR_END)*sizeof(double)));
if (!t[nrl][ncl]) nrerror("allocation failure 3 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl][ncl] += NR_END;
t[nrl][ncl] -= ndl;
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[nrl][j]=t[nrl][j-1]+ndep;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) {
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return t;
float ***f3tensor(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch,ndl,ndh)
long nch,ncl,ndh,ndl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a float 3tensor with range t[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch][ndl..ndh] */
long i,j,nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1,ndep=ndh-ndl+1;
float ***t;
/* allocate pointers to pointers to rows */
t=(float ***) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(float**)));
if (!t) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in f3tensor()");
t += NR_END;
t -= nrl;
/* allocate pointers to rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl]=(float **) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(float*)));
if (!t[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl] += NR_END;
t[nrl] -= ncl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
t[nrl][ncl]=(float *) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol*ndep+NR_END)*sizeof(float)));
if (!t[nrl][ncl]) nrerror("allocation failure 3 in f3tensor()");
t[nrl][ncl] += NR_END;
t[nrl][ncl] -= ndl;
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[nrl][j]=t[nrl][j-1]+ndep;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) {
for(j=ncl+1;j<=nch;j++) t[i][j]=t[i][j-1]+ndep;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return t;
unsigned char **cmatrix(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* allocate a int matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */
long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1;
unsigned char **m;
/* allocate pointers to rows */
m=(unsigned char **) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(unsigned char*)));
if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");
m += NR_END;
m -= nrl;
/* allocate rows and set pointers to them */
m[nrl]=(unsigned char *) malloc((unsigned int)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(unsigned char)));
if (!m[nrl]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()");
m[nrl] += NR_END;
m[nrl] -= ncl;
for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol;
/* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */
return m;
void free_vector(v,nl,nh)
float *v;
long nh,nl;
/* free a float vector allocated with vector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_ivector(v,nl,nh)
int *v;
long nh,nl;
/* free an int vector allocated with ivector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_cvector(v,nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
unsigned char *v;
/* free an unsigned char vector allocated with cvector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_lvector(v,nl,nh)
long nh,nl;
unsigned long *v;
/* free an unsigned long vector allocated with lvector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_dvector(v,nl,nh)
double *v;
long nh,nl;
/* free a double vector allocated with dvector() */
free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END));
void free_matrix(m,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
float **m;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a float matrix allocated by matrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
void free_dmatrix(m,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
double **m;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a double matrix allocated by dmatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
void free_imatrix(m,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
int **m;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* free an int matrix allocated by imatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
void free_submatrix(b,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
float **b;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a submatrix allocated by submatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (b+nrl-NR_END));
void free_convert_matrix(b,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
float **b;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a matrix allocated by convert_matrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (b+nrl-NR_END));
void free_f3tensor(t,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch,ndl,ndh)
float ***t;
long nch,ncl,ndh,ndl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a float f3tensor allocated by f3tensor() */
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl][ncl]+ndl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t+nrl-NR_END));
void free_d3tensor(t,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch,ndl,ndh)
double ***t;
long nch,ncl,ndh,ndl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a float f3tensor allocated by f3tensor() */
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl][ncl]+ndl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (t+nrl-NR_END));
void free_cmatrix(m,nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)
unsigned **m;
long nch,ncl,nrh,nrl;
/* free a double matrix allocated by dmatrix() */
free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END));
free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END));
#endif /* ANSI */
/* CAUTION: This is the ANSI C (only) version of the Numerical Recipes
utility file nrutil.h. Do not confuse this file with the same-named
file nrutil.h that may be supplied in a 'misc' subdirectory.
*That* file is the one from the book, and contains both ANSI and
traditional K&R versions, along with #ifdef macros to select the
correct version. *This* file contains only ANSI C. */
#ifndef _NR_UTILS_H_
#define _NR_UTILS_H_
static float sqrarg;
#define SQR(a) ((sqrarg=(a)) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : sqrarg*sqrarg)
static double dsqrarg;
#define DSQR(a) ((dsqrarg=(a)) == 0.0 ? 0.0 : dsqrarg*dsqrarg)
static double dmaxarg1,dmaxarg2;
#define DMAX(a,b) (dmaxarg1=(a),dmaxarg2=(b),(dmaxarg1) > (dmaxarg2) ?\
(dmaxarg1) : (dmaxarg2))
static double dminarg1,dminarg2;
#define DMIN(a,b) (dminarg1=(a),dminarg2=(b),(dminarg1) < (dminarg2) ?\
(dminarg1) : (dminarg2))
static float maxarg1,maxarg2;
#define FMAX(a,b) (maxarg1=(a),maxarg2=(b),(maxarg1) > (maxarg2) ?\
(maxarg1) : (maxarg2))
static float minarg1,minarg2;
#define FMIN(a,b) (minarg1=(a),minarg2=(b),(minarg1) < (minarg2) ?\
(minarg1) : (minarg2))
static long lmaxarg1,lmaxarg2;
#define LMAX(a,b) (lmaxarg1=(a),lmaxarg2=(b),(lmaxarg1) > (lmaxarg2) ?\
(lmaxarg1) : (lmaxarg2))
static long lminarg1,lminarg2;
#define LMIN(a,b) (lminarg1=(a),lminarg2=(b),(lminarg1) < (lminarg2) ?\
(lminarg1) : (lminarg2))
static int imaxarg1,imaxarg2;
#define IMAX(a,b) (imaxarg1=(a),imaxarg2=(b),(imaxarg1) > (imaxarg2) ?\
(imaxarg1) : (imaxarg2))
static int iminarg1,iminarg2;
#define IMIN(a,b) (iminarg1=(a),iminarg2=(b),(iminarg1) < (iminarg2) ?\
(iminarg1) : (iminarg2))
#define SIGN(a,b) ((b) >= 0.0 ? fabs(a) : -fabs(a))
void nrerror(char error_text[]);
float *vector(long nl, long nh);
int *ivector(long nl, long nh);
unsigned char *cvector(long nl, long nh);
unsigned long *lvector(long nl, long nh);
double *dvector(long nl, long nh);
float **matrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
double **dmatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
int **imatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
float **submatrix(float **a, long oldrl, long oldrh, long oldcl, long oldch,
long newrl, long newcl);
float **convert_matrix(float *a, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
float ***f3tensor(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch, long ndl, long ndh);
void free_vector(float *v, long nl, long nh);
void free_ivector(int *v, long nl, long nh);
void free_cvector(unsigned char *v, long nl, long nh);
void free_lvector(unsigned long *v, long nl, long nh);
void free_dvector(double *v, long nl, long nh);
void free_matrix(float **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
void free_dmatrix(double **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
void free_imatrix(int **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
void free_submatrix(float **b, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
void free_convert_matrix(float **b, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
void free_f3tensor(float ***t, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch,
long ndl, long ndh);
int ***i3tensor(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch, long ndl, long ndh);
void free_i3tensor(int ***t, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch,
long ndl, long ndh);
unsigned char ***b3tensor(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch, long ndl, long ndh);
void free_b3tensor(unsigned char ***t, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch,
long ndl, long ndh);
double ***d3tensor(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch, long ndl, long ndh);
void free_d3tensor(double ***t, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch,
long ndl, long ndh);
unsigned char **cmatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
void free_cmatrix(unsigned char **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch);
#endif /* _NR_UTILS_H_ */
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ctypes
import galsim
libCentroid = ctypes.CDLL('../') # CDLL加载库
print('load libCenroid')
libCentroid.centroidWgt.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)]
dx = 0.275
dy =-0.393
center_x = 90+dx
center_y = 90+dy
R = np.sqrt(center_x**2 + center_y**2)
Gauss_map = np.zeros((IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH))
for i in range(IMAGE_HEIGHT):
for j in range(IMAGE_WIDTH):
dis = (i-center_y)**2+(j-center_x)**2
Gauss_map[i, j] = np.exp(-0.5*dis/R)
ymap = galsim.InterpolatedImage(galsim.ImageF(Gauss_map), scale=0.01)
zmap = ymap#.shear(g1 = 0.15, g2=0.27) #using shear
Gauss_map = zmap.drawImage(nx = 180, ny = 180, scale=0.01).array
plt.imshow(Gauss_map, origin='lower')
imx = Gauss_map/np.sum(Gauss_map)
ny,nx = imx.shape
print(nx, ny, np.max(imx))
nn = nx*ny
arr = (ctypes.c_float*nn)()
arr[:] = imx.reshape(nn)
para = (ctypes.c_double*10)()
libCentroid.centroidWgt(arr, ny, nx, para)
cx = para[3]
cy = para[4]
print('{:}'.format(cx), '{:}'.format(cy))
from scipy import ndimage
cx, cy = ndimage.center_of_mass(imx)
print('center_of_mass:', cx, cy)
plt.plot(para[4], para[3], 'bx', ms = 15)
plt.plot(cy, cx, 'r+', ms = 15)
plt.annotate('dx,dy:', [10, 170], color='w')
plt.annotate('{:8.5}, {:8.5}'.format(dx, dy), [10, 160], color='w')
plt.annotate('cx, cy:', [10, 150], color='w')
plt.annotate('{:0<8.5}, {:0<8.5}'.format(center_x, center_y), [10, 140], color='w')
plt.annotate('{:0<8.5}, {:0<8.5}'.format(para[4], para[3]), [10, 130], color='w')
plt.annotate('{:0<8.5}, {:0<8.5}'.format(cy, cx), [10, 120], color='w')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ctypes
import galsim
libCentroid = ctypes.CDLL('../') # CDLL加载库
print('load libCenroid')
libCentroid.centroidWgt.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)]
libCentroid.imSplint.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)]
from import loadmat
data = loadmat('/Users/chengliangwei/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp/ccd20/wave_1/5_psf_array/psf_10.mat')
imx = data['psf']
imx = imx/np.sum(imx)
ny,nx = imx.shape
print(nx, ny)
#imx centroid
nn = nx*ny
arr = (ctypes.c_float*nn)()
arr[:] = imx.reshape(nn)
para = (ctypes.c_double*10)()
libCentroid.centroidWgt(arr, ny, nx, para)
imx_cx = para[3]
imx_cy = para[4]
#imx -> imy
yat = (ctypes.c_float*nn)()
libCentroid.imSplint(arr, ny, nx, para, nxt, nyt, yat)
imy = np.array(yat[:]).reshape([nxt, nyt])
#imy centroid
libCentroid.centroidWgt(yat, nyt, nxt, para)
imy_cx = para[3]
imy_cy = para[4]
#plot check
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = plt.subplot(1,2,1)
cpix= int(nx/2)
dpix= 10
plt.imshow(imx[cpix-dpix:cpix+dpix, cpix-dpix:cpix+dpix], origin='lower')
plt.plot(imx_cy-cpix+dpix, imx_cx-cpix+dpix, 'bx', ms = 20)
from scipy import ndimage
cx, cy = ndimage.center_of_mass(imx)
plt.plot(cy-cpix+dpix, cx-cpix+dpix, 'r+', ms = 20)
maxIndx = np.argmax(imx)
maxIndx = np.unravel_index(maxIndx, np.array(imx).shape)
imgMaxPix_x = maxIndx[1]
imgMaxPix_y = maxIndx[0]
apSizeInPix = 23
imgT = np.zeros_like(imx)
imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] = \
cx, cy = ndimage.center_of_mass(imgT)
plt.plot(cy - cpix+dpix, cx - cpix+dpix, 'b+', ms = 15)
ax = plt.subplot(1,2,2)
cpix= int(nxt/2)
dpix= 10
plt.imshow(imy[cpix-dpix:cpix+dpix, cpix-dpix:cpix+dpix], origin='lower')
plt.plot(imy_cy-cpix+dpix, imy_cx-cpix+dpix, 'bx', ms = 20)
plt.plot([dpix, dpix],[0,dpix],'w:')
plt.plot([0, dpix],[dpix,dpix],'w:')
cx, cy = ndimage.center_of_mass(imy)
plt.plot(cy-cpix+dpix, cx-cpix+dpix, 'r+', ms = 20)
maxIndx = np.argmax(imy)
maxIndx = np.unravel_index(maxIndx, np.array(imy).shape)
imgMaxPix_x = maxIndx[1]
imgMaxPix_y = maxIndx[0]
apSizeInPix = 23
imgT = np.zeros_like(imy)
imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] = \
cx, cy = ndimage.center_of_mass(imgT)
plt.plot(cy - cpix+dpix, cx - cpix+dpix, 'b+', ms = 15)
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