Commit 4afd1181 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

add renamed files

parent 4c9c940a
from .MockObject import MockObject
from .Galaxy import Galaxy
from .CatalogBase import CatalogBase
from .Quasar import Quasar
from .Star import Star
from .Stamp import Stamp
from .FlatLED import FlatLED
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline, interp1d
from scipy import interpolate, integrate
from astropy.table import Table
import galsim
VC_A = 2.99792458e+18 # speed of light: A/s
VC_M = 2.99792458e+8 # speed of light: m/s
H_PLANK = 6.626196e-27 # Plank constant: erg s
def comoving_dist(z, om_m=0.3111, om_L=0.6889, h=0.6766):
# Return comving distance in pc
H0 = h*100. # km / (s Mpc)
def dist_int(z):
return 1./np.sqrt(om_m*(1.+z)**3 + om_L)
res, err = integrate.quad(dist_int, 0., z)
return [res * (VC_M/1e3/H0) * 1e6, err * (VC_M/1e3/H0) * 1e6]
def magToFlux(mag):
flux of a given AB magnitude
mag: magnitude in unit of AB
flux: flux in unit of erg/s/cm^2/Hz
flux = 10**(-0.4*(mag+48.6))
return flux
def extAv(nav, seed=1212123):
Generate random intrinsic extinction Av
following the distribution from Holwerda et al, 2015
tau = 0.4
peak, a = 0.1, 0.5
b = a*(tau-peak)
def pav(av): return (a*av+b)*np.exp(-av/tau)
avmin, avmax = 0., 3.
avs = np.linspace(avmin, avmax, int((avmax-avmin)/0.001)+1)
norm = np.trapz(pav(avs), avs)
pav_base = pav(avs)/np.sum(pav(avs))
rav = np.random.choice(avs, nav, p=pav_base)
return rav
def seds(sedlistn, seddir="./", unit="A"):
read SEDs and save into Python dictionary
sedlistn: filename of the sed template list and corresponding intrinsic
extinction model, see for detailes
listdir: directory of the list
unit: wavelength unit of the input templates
SED dictionary, the output wavelength unit is 'A'
seds = {}
reds = {}
sedlist = seddir + sedlistn
sedn = open(sedlist).read().splitlines()
sedtype = range(1, len(sedn)+1)
for i in range(len(sedn)):
xxx = sedn[i].split()
isedn = seddir+xxx[0]
itype = sedtype[i]
ised = np.loadtxt(isedn)
if unit == "nm":
ised[:, 0] *= 10.0
seds[itype] = ised
reds[itype] = int(xxx[1])
return seds, reds
def sed_assign(phz, btt, rng):
assign SED template to a galaxy.
sedid = list(range(1, 34))
lzid = sedid[0:13] + sedid[23:28]
hzid = sedid[13:23]
if btt == 1.0:
sedtype = rng.sample(sedid[0:5] + sedid[28:33], 1)[0]
if phz > 2.0 and sedtype in sedid[0:5]:
sedtype = rng.sample(sedid[28:33], 1)[0]
elif btt > 0.3 and btt < 1.0:
sedtype = rng.sample(sedid, 1)[0]
if phz > 2.0 and sedtype in lzid:
sedtype = rng.sample(hzid, 1)[0]
elif btt >= 0.1 and btt < 0.3:
sedtype = rng.sample(sedid[5:28], 1)[0]
if phz > 1.5 and sedtype in lzid:
sedtype = rng.sample(hzid, 1)[0]
elif btt >= 0.0 and btt < 0.1:
sedtype = rng.sample(sedid[5:23], 1)[0]
if phz > 1.5 and sedtype in lzid:
sedtype = rng.sample(hzid, 1)[0]
sedtype = 0
return sedtype
def tflux(filt, sed, redshift=0.0, av=0.0, redden=0):
calculate the theoretical SED for given filter set and template
Only AB magnitude is support!!!
filt: 2d array
fliter transmissions: lambda(A), T
sed: 2d array
sed templateL lambda (A), flux (erg s-1 cm-2 A-1)
redshift: float
redshift of the corresponding source, default is zero
av: float
extinction value for intrincal extinction
redden: int
reddening model, see Function 'reddening' for details
tflux: float
theoretical flux
sedObs: array
SED in observed frame
z = redshift + 1.0
sw, sf = sed[:, 0], sed[:, 1]
# reddening
sf = reddening(sw, sf, av=av, model=redden)
sw, sf = sw*z, sf*(z**3)
# lyman forest correction
sf = lyman_forest(sw, sf, redshift)
sedxx = (sw.copy(), sf.copy())
sw = VC_A/sw
sf = sf*(VC_A/sw**2) # convert flux unit to erg/s/cm^s/Hz
sw, sf = sw[::-1], sf[::-1]
sfun = interp1d(sw, sf, kind='linear')
fwave, fresp = filt[:, 0], filt[:, 1]
fwave = VC_A/fwave
fwave, fresp = fwave[::-1], fresp[::-1]
tflux = sfun(fwave)
zpflux = 3.631*1.0e-20
tflux = np.trapz(tflux*fresp/fwave, fwave) / \
np.trapz(zpflux*fresp/fwave, fwave)
# tflux = np.trapz(tflux*fresp,fwave)/np.trapz(zpflux*fresp,fwave)
return tflux, sedxx
def lyman_forest(wavelen, flux, z):
Compute the Lyman forest mean absorption of an input spectrum,
according to D_A and D_B evolution from Madau (1995).
The waveeln and flux are in observed frame
if z <= 0:
flux0 = flux
nw = 200
istep = np.linspace(0, nw-1, nw)
w1a, w2a = 1050.0*(1.0+z), 1170.0*(1.0+z)
w1b, w2b = 920.0*(1.0+z), 1015.0*(1.0+z)
wstepa = (w2a-w1a)/float(nw)
wstepb = (w2b-w1b)/float(nw)
wtempa = w1a + istep*wstepa
ptaua = np.exp(-3.6e-03*(wtempa/1216.0)**3.46)
wtempb = w1b + istep*wstepb
ptaub = np.exp(-1.7e-3*(wtempb/1026.0)**3.46
- 1.2e-3*(wtempb/972.50)**3.46
- 9.3e-4*(wtempb/950.00)**3.46)
da = (1.0/(120.0*(1.0+z)))*np.trapz(ptaua, wtempa)
db = (1.0/(95.0*(1.0+z)))*np.trapz(ptaub, wtempb)
if da > 1.0:
da = 1.0
if db > 1.0:
db = 1.0
if da < 0.0:
da = 0.0
if db < 0.0:
db = 0.0
flux0 = flux.copy()
id0 = wavelen <= 1026.0*(1.0+z)
id1 = np.logical_and(wavelen < 1216.0*(1.0+z),
wavelen >= 1026.0*(1.0+z))
flux0[id0] = db*flux[id0]
flux0[id1] = da*flux[id1]
return flux0
def reddening(sw, sf, av=0.0, model=0):
calculate the intrinsic extinction of a given template
sw: array
sf: array
av: float or array
model: int
Five models will be used:
1: Allen (1976) for the Milky Way
2: Seaton (1979) fit by Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Milky Way
3: Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
4: Prevot et al (1984) and Bouchet (1985) for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
5: Calzetti et al (2000) for starburst galaxies
6: Reddy et al (2015) for star forming galaxies
reddening-corrected flux or observed flux
if model == 0 or av == 0.0:
flux = sf
elif model == 1: # Allen (1976) for the Milky Way
lambda0 = np.array([1000, 1110, 1250, 1430, 1670,
2000, 2220, 2500, 2850, 3330,
3650, 4000, 4400, 5000, 5530,
6700, 9000, 10000, 20000, 100000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([4.20, 3.70, 3.30, 3.00, 2.70,
2.80, 2.90, 2.30, 1.97, 1.69,
1.58, 1.45, 1.32, 1.13, 1.00,
0.74, 0.46, 0.38, 0.11, 0.00], dtype=float)
ext0 = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lambda0, kR, k=1)
A_lambda = av*ext0(sw)
A_lambda[A_lambda < 0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model == 2: # Seaton (1979) fit by Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Milky Way
Rv = 3.1
al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.595, 1.051, -0.38, 0.74, 3.96, 0.26
ff11 = __red(1100.0, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4)
ff12 = __red(1200.0, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4)
slope = (ff12-ff11)/100.0
lambda0 = np.array([3650, 4000, 4400, 5000, 5530,
6700, 9000, 10000, 20000, 100000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([1.58, 1.45, 1.32, 1.13, 1.00,
0.74, 0.46, 0.38, 0.11, 0.00], dtype=float)
fun = interp1d(lambda0, kR, kind='linear')
sw0 = sw[sw < 1200.0]
A_lambda0 = (ff11+(sw0-1100.0)*slope)/Rv+1.0
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw >= 1200.0, sw <= 3650.0)]
ff = __red(sw1, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4)
A_lambda1 = ff/Rv+1.0
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw > 3650.0, sw <= 100000.0)]
A_lambda2 = fun(sw2)
A_lambda3 = sw[sw > 100000.0]*0.0
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([A_lambda0, A_lambda1, A_lambda2, A_lambda3])
A_lambda[A_lambda < 0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model == 3: # Fitzpatrick (1986) for the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
Rv = 3.1
al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4 = 4.608, 0.994, -0.69, 0.89, 2.55, 0.50
ff11 = __red(1100.0, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4)
ff12 = __red(1200.0, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4)
slope = (ff12-ff11)/100.0
lambda0 = np.array([3330, 3650, 4000, 4400, 5000, 5530,
6700, 9000, 10000, 20000, 100000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([1.682, 1.58, 1.45, 1.32, 1.13, 1.00,
0.74, 0.46, 0.38, 0.11, 0.00], dtype=float)
fun = interp1d(lambda0, kR, kind='linear')
sw0 = sw[sw < 1200.0]
A_lambda0 = (ff11+(sw0-1100.0)*slope)/Rv+1.0
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw >= 1200.0, sw <= 3330.0)]
ff = __red(sw1, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4)
A_lambda1 = ff/Rv+1.0
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw > 3330.0, sw <= 100000.0)]
A_lambda2 = fun(sw2)
A_lambda3 = sw[sw > 100000.0]*0.0
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([A_lambda0, A_lambda1, A_lambda2, A_lambda3])
A_lambda[A_lambda < 0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
# Prevot et al (1984) and Bouchet (1985) for the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)
elif model == 4:
Rv = 2.72
lambda0 = np.array([1275, 1330, 1385, 1435, 1490, 1545,
1595, 1647, 1700, 1755, 1810, 1860,
1910, 2000, 2115, 2220, 2335, 2445,
2550, 2665, 2778, 2890, 2995, 3105,
3704, 4255, 5291, 12500, 16500, 22000], dtype=float)
kR = np.array([13.54, 12.52, 11.51, 10.80, 9.84, 9.28,
9.06, 8.49, 8.01, 7.71, 7.17, 6.90, 6.76,
6.38, 5.85, 5.30, 4.53, 4.24, 3.91, 3.49,
3.15, 3.00, 2.65, 2.29, 1.81, 1.00, 0.00,
-2.02, -2.36, -2.47], dtype=float)
kR = kR/Rv+1.0
ext0 = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(lambda0, kR, k=1)
A_lambda = av*ext0(sw)
A_lambda[A_lambda < 0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model == 5: # Calzetti et al (2000) for starburst galaxies
Rv = 4.05
sw = sw*1.0e-04 # wavelength in microns
def fun1(x): return 2.659*(-2.156+1.509/x-0.198/x**2+0.011/x**3)+Rv
def fun2(x): return 2.659*(-1.857+1.040/x)+Rv
ff11, ff12 = fun1(0.11), fun1(0.12)
slope1 = (ff12-ff11)/0.01
ff99, ff100 = fun2(2.19), fun2(2.2)
slope2 = (ff100-ff99)/0.01
sw0 = sw[sw < 0.12]
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw >= 0.12, sw <= 0.63)]
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw > 0.63, sw <= 2.2)]
sw3 = sw[sw > 2.2]
k_lambda0 = ff11+(sw0-0.11)*slope1
k_lambda1, k_lambda2 = fun1(sw1), fun2(sw2)
k_lambda3 = ff99+(sw3-2.19)*slope2
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([k_lambda0, k_lambda1,
k_lambda2, k_lambda3])/Rv
A_lambda[A_lambda < 0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
elif model == 6: # Reddy et al (2015) for satr forming galaxies
Rv = 2.505
sw = sw*1.0e-04
def fun1(x): return -5.726+4.004/x-0.525/x**2+0.029/x**3+Rv
def fun2(x): return -2.672-0.010/x+1.532/x**2-0.412/x**3+Rv
ff11, ff12 = fun1(0.14), fun1(0.15)
slope1 = (ff12-ff11)/0.01
ff99, ff100 = fun2(2.84), fun2(2.85)
slope2 = (ff100-ff99)/0.01
sw0 = sw[sw < 0.15]
sw1 = sw[np.logical_and(sw >= 0.15, sw < 0.60)]
sw2 = sw[np.logical_and(sw >= 0.60, sw < 2.85)]
sw3 = sw[sw >= 2.85]
k_lambda0 = ff11+(sw0-0.14)*slope1
k_lambda1, k_lambda2 = fun1(sw1), fun2(sw2)
k_lambda3 = ff99+(sw3-2.84)*slope2
A_lambda = av*np.hstack([k_lambda0, k_lambda1,
k_lambda2, k_lambda3])/Rv
A_lambda[A_lambda < 0.0] = 0.0
flux = sf*10**(-0.4*A_lambda)
raise ValueError("!!! Please select a proper reddening model")
return flux
def __red(alan, al0, ga, c1, c2, c3, c4):
def fun1(x): return c3/(((x-(al0**2/x))**2)+ga*ga)
def fun2(x, cc): return cc*(0.539*((x-5.9)**2)+0.0564*((x-5.9)**3))
def fun(x, cc): return c1+c2*x+fun1(x)+fun2(x, cc)
ala = alan*1.0e-04 # wavelength in microns
p = 1.0/ala
if np.size(p) > 1:
p1, p2 = p[p >= 5.9], p[p < 5.9]
ff = np.append(fun(p1, c4), fun(p2, 0.0))
elif np.size(p) == 1:
if p < 5.9:
c4 = 0.0
ff = fun(p, c4)
return ff
def sed2mag(mag_i, sedCat, filter_list, redshift=0.0, av=0.0, redden=0):
# load the filters
nfilt = len(filter_list)
aflux = np.zeros(nfilt)
nid = -1
for k in range(nfilt):
if filter_list[k].filter_type == 'i':
nid = k
bandpass = filter_list[k].bandpass_full
ktrans = np.transpose(
np.array([bandpass.wave_list*10.0, bandpass.func(bandpass.wave_list)]))
aflux[k], isedObs = tflux(
ktrans, sedCat, redshift=redshift, av=av, redden=redden)
# normalize to i-band
aflux = aflux / aflux[nid]
# magnitudes in all filters
amag = -2.5*np.log10(aflux) + mag_i
spec = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(isedObs[0]), f=np.array(
isedObs[1]), interpolant='nearest')
isedObs = galsim.SED(spec, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
return amag, isedObs
def eObs(e1, e2, g1, g2):
Calculate the sheared (observed) ellipticity using the
intrinsic ellipticity and cosmic shear components.
e1, e2: scalar or numpy array
g1, g2: scalar or numpy array
Sheared (observed) ellipticity components, absolute value, and orientation
in format of scalar or numpy array
** NOTE: e1, e2, g1, and g2 should have the same dimensions.
if np.isscalar(e1):
e1 = np.array([e1])
e2 = np.array([e2])
g1 = np.array([g1])
g2 = np.array([g2])
e1 = e1.flatten()
e2 = e2.flatten()
g1 = g1.flatten()
g2 = g2.flatten()
# calculate the sheared (observed) ellipticity using complex rule
nobj = len(e1)
e1obs, e2obs = [], []
eeobs, theta = [], []
for i in range(nobj):
e = complex(e1[i], e2[i])
g = complex(g1[i], g2[i])
e, gg = abs(e), abs(g)
if gg <= 1.0:
tt = e + g
bb = 1.0 + e*g.conjugate()
eobs = tt/bb
tt = 1.0 + g*e.conjugate()
bb = e.conjugate() + g.conjugate()
eobs = tt/bb
# derive the orientation
dd = 0.5*np.arctan(abs(eobs.imag/eobs.real))*180.0/np.pi
if eobs.imag > 0 and eobs.real > 0:
dd = dd
if eobs.imag > 0 and eobs.real < 0:
dd = 90.0 - dd
if eobs.imag < 0 and eobs.real > 0:
dd = 0.0 - dd
if eobs.imag < 0 and eobs.real < 0:
dd = dd - 90.0
e1obs += [eobs.real]
e2obs += [eobs.imag]
eeobs += [abs(eobs)]
theta += [dd]
e1obs, e2obs, eeobs, theta = np.array(e1obs), np.array(
e2obs), np.array(eeobs), np.array(theta)
if nobj == 1:
e1obs, e2obs, eeobs, theta = e1obs[0], e2obs[0], eeobs[0], theta[0]
return e1obs, e2obs, eeobs, theta
def getObservedSED(sedCat, redshift=0.0, av=0.0, redden=0):
z = redshift + 1.0
sw, sf = sedCat[:, 0], sedCat[:, 1]
# reddening
sf = reddening(sw, sf, av=av, model=redden)
# sw, sf = sw*z, sf*(z**3)
sw, sf = sw*z, sf/z
# sw, sf = sw*z, sf
# lyman forest correction
sf = lyman_forest(sw, sf, redshift)
isedObs = (sw.copy(), sf.copy())
return isedObs
def integrate_sed_bandpass(sed, bandpass):
wave = np.linspace(bandpass.blue_limit, bandpass.red_limit, 1000) # in nm
flux_normalized = sed(wave)*bandpass(wave)
# print('in integrate_sed_bandpass', bandpass.blue_limit, bandpass.red_limit)
int_flux = np.trapz(y=flux_normalized, x=wave) * \
10. # convert to photons s-1 m-2 A-1
return int_flux
def getABMAG(interFlux, bandpass):
throughtput = Table(np.array(np.array([bandpass.wave_list*10.0, bandpass.func(
bandpass.wave_list)])).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'SENSITIVITY']))
sWave = bandpass.blue_limit*10.0
eWave = bandpass.red_limit*10.0
# print('in getABMAG', sWave, eWave)
ABMAG_zero = getABMagAverageVal(
flux_ave = interFlux / (eWave-sWave)
ABMAG_spec = -2.5 * np.log10(flux_ave/ABMAG_zero)
return ABMAG_spec
def getABMagAverageVal(ABmag=20., norm_thr=None, sWave=6840, eWave=8250):
norm_thr: astropy.table, 2 colum, 'WAVELENGTH', 'SENSITIVITY'
the integerate flux of AB magnitude in the norm_thr(the throughtput of band), photos s-1 m-2 A-1
inverseLambda = norm_thr['SENSITIVITY']/norm_thr['WAVELENGTH']
norm_thr_i = interpolate.interp1d(norm_thr['WAVELENGTH'], inverseLambda)
x = np.linspace(sWave, eWave, int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1)
y = norm_thr_i(x)
AverageLamdaInverse = np.trapz(y, x)/(eWave-sWave)
norm = 54798696332.52474 * pow(10.0, -0.4 * ABmag) * AverageLamdaInverse
# print('AverageLamdaInverse = ', AverageLamdaInverse)
# print('norm = ', norm)
return norm
def getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=20., spectrum=None, norm_thr=None, sWave=6840, eWave=8250):
Use AB magnitude system (zero point, fv = 3631 janskys) in the normal band(norm_thr) normalize the spectrum by inpute ABMag
spectrum: astropy.table, 2 colum, 'WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'
norm_thr: astropy.table, 2 colum, 'WAVELENGTH', 'SENSITIVITY'
sWave: the start of norm_thr
eWave: the end of norm_thr
the normalization factor flux of AB system(fix a band and magnitude ) /the flux of inpute spectrum(fix a band)
spectrumi = interpolate.interp1d(spectrum['WAVELENGTH'], spectrum['FLUX'])
norm_thri = interpolate.interp1d(
norm_thr['WAVELENGTH'], norm_thr['SENSITIVITY'])
x = np.linspace(sWave, eWave, int(eWave)-int(sWave)+1)
y_spec = spectrumi(x)
y_thr = norm_thri(x)
y = y_spec*y_thr
specAve = np.trapz(y, x)/(eWave-sWave)
norm = getABMagAverageVal(
ABmag=ABMag, norm_thr=norm_thr, sWave=sWave, eWave=eWave)
if specAve == 0:
return 0
# print('specAve = ', specAve)
return norm / specAve
def tag_sed(h5file, model_tag, teff=5000, logg=2, feh=0):
model_tag_str = model_tag.decode("utf-8").strip()
teff_grid = np.unique(h5file["teff"][model_tag_str])
logg_grid = np.unique(h5file["logg"][model_tag_str])
feh_grid = np.unique(h5file["feh"][model_tag_str])
close_teff = teff_grid[np.argmin(np.abs(teff_grid - teff))]
close_logg = logg_grid[np.argmin(np.abs(logg_grid - logg))]
if model_tag_str == "koester" or model_tag_str == "MC":
close_feh = 99
close_feh = feh_grid[np.argmin(np.abs(feh_grid - feh))]
path = model_tag_str + \
wave = np.array(h5file["wave"][model_tag_str][()]).ravel()
flux = np.array(h5file["sed"][path][()]).ravel()
return path, wave, flux
def convolveGaussXorders(img=None, sigma=1):
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
from scipy import signal
offset = int(np.ceil(sigma*10))
g_size = 2*offset+1
m_cen = int(g_size/2)
g_PSF_ = Gaussian2D(1, m_cen, m_cen, sigma, sigma)
yp, xp = np.mgrid[0:g_size, 0:g_size]
g_PSF = g_PSF_(xp, yp)
psf = g_PSF/g_PSF.sum()
convImg = signal.fftconvolve(img, psf, mode='full', axes=None)
return convImg, offset
def convolveImg(img=None, psf=None):
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
from scipy import signal
convImg = signal.fftconvolve(img, psf, mode='full', axes=None)
offset_x = int(psf.shape[1]/2. + 0.5) - 1
offset_y = int(psf.shape[0]/2. + 0.5) - 1
offset = [offset_x, offset_y]
return convImg, offset
import os
class SimSteps:
def __init__(self, overall_config, chip_output, all_filters):
self.overall_config = overall_config
self.chip_output = chip_output
self.all_filters = all_filters
from .prepare_headers import prepare_headers, updateHeaderInfo
from .add_sky_background import add_sky_background_sci, add_sky_flat_calibration, add_sky_background
from .add_objects import add_objects
from .add_cosmic_rays import add_cosmic_rays
from .add_pattern_noise import apply_PRNU, add_poisson_and_dark, add_detector_defects, add_nonlinearity, add_blooming, add_bias
from .add_brighter_fatter_CTE import add_brighter_fatter, apply_CTE
from .readout_output import add_prescan_overscan, add_readout_noise, apply_gain, quantization_and_output
from .add_LED_flat import add_LED_Flat
"scie_obs": "add_objects",
"sky_background": "add_sky_background",
"cosmic_rays": "add_cosmic_rays",
"PRNU_effect": "apply_PRNU",
"poisson_and_dark": "add_poisson_and_dark",
"bright_fatter": "add_brighter_fatter",
"detector_defects": "add_detector_defects",
"nonlinearity": "add_nonlinearity",
"blooming": "add_blooming",
"CTE_effect": "apply_CTE",
"prescan_overscan": "add_prescan_overscan",
"bias": "add_bias",
"readout_noise": "add_readout_noise",
"gain": "apply_gain",
"quantization_and_output": "quantization_and_output",
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
from observation_sim.mock_objects import FlatLED
import galsim
from astropy.time import Time
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import gc
def add_LED_Flat(self, chip, filt, tel, pointing, catalog, obs_param):
if not hasattr(self, 'h_ext'):
_, _ = self.prepare_headers(chip=chip, pointing=pointing)
chip_wcs = galsim.FitsWCS(header=self.h_ext)
pf_map = np.zeros_like(chip.img.array)
if obs_param["LED_TYPE"] is not None:
if len(obs_param["LED_TYPE"]) != 0:
print("LED OPEN--------")
led_obj = FlatLED(chip, filt)
led_flat, ledstat, letts = led_obj.drawObj_LEDFlat(
led_type_list=obs_param["LED_TYPE"], exp_t_list=obs_param["LED_TIME"])
pf_map = led_flat
self.updateHeaderInfo(header_flag='ext', keys=[
'LEDSTAT'], values=[ledstat])
self.updateHeaderInfo(header_flag='ext', keys=['LEDT01', 'LEDT02', 'LEDT03', 'LEDT04', 'LEDT05', 'LEDT06',
'LEDT07', 'LEDT08', 'LEDT09', 'LEDT10', 'LEDT11', 'LEDT12', 'LEDT13', 'LEDT14'], values=letts)
if obs_param["shutter_effect"] == True:
pf_map = pf_map * chip.shutter_img
pf_map = np.array(pf_map, dtype='float32')
self.updateHeaderInfo(header_flag='ext', keys=[
'SHTSTAT'], values=[True])
self.updateHeaderInfo(header_flag='ext', keys=['SHTSTAT', 'SHTOPEN1', 'SHTCLOS0'], values=[
True, self.h_ext['SHTCLOS1'], self.h_ext['SHTOPEN0']])
chip.img = chip.img + pf_map
# renew header info
datetime_obs = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(pointing.timestamp)
datetime_obs = datetime_obs.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
t_obs = Time(datetime_obs)
# ccd刷新2s,等待0.5s,开灯后等待0.5s,开始曝光
t_obs_renew = Time(t_obs.mjd - (2.) / 86400., format="mjd")
t_obs_utc = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.round(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
t_obs_renew.unix).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp(), 1))
self.updateHeaderInfo(header_flag='prim', keys=[
'DATE-OBS'], values=[t_obs_utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-5]])
# dark time :
self.updateHeaderInfo(header_flag='ext', keys=[
'DARKTIME'], values=[pointing.exp_time])
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
import numpy as np
import galsim
from observation_sim.instruments.chip import chip_utils
from observation_sim.instruments.chip.libCTI.CTI_modeling import CTI_sim
def add_brighter_fatter(self, chip, filt, tel, pointing, catalog, obs_param):
chip.img = chip_utils.add_brighter_fatter(img=chip.img)
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
def apply_CTE(self, chip, filt, tel, pointing, catalog, obs_param):
self.chip_output.Log_info(" Apply CTE Effect")
# 2*8 -> 1*16 img-layout
img = chip_utils.formatOutput(GSImage=chip.img)
chip.nsecy = 1
chip.nsecx = 16
img_arr = img.array
ny, nx = img_arr.shape
dx = int(nx/chip.nsecx)
dy = int(ny/chip.nsecy)
newimg = galsim.Image(nx, int(ny+chip.overscan_y), init_value=0)
for ichannel in range(16):
print('\n***add CTI effects: pointing-{:} chip-{:} channel-{:}***'.format(, chip.chipID, ichannel+1))
noverscan, nsp, nmax = chip.overscan_y, 3, 10
beta, w, c = 0.478, 84700, 0
t = np.array([0.74, 7.7, 37], dtype=np.float32)
rho_trap = np.array([0.6, 1.6, 1.4], dtype=np.float32)
trap_seeds = np.array(
[0, 1000, 10000], dtype=np.int32) + ichannel + chip.chipID*16
release_seed = 50 + ichannel +*30 + chip.chipID*16
newimg.array[:, 0+ichannel*dx:dx+ichannel*dx] = CTI_sim(
img_arr[:, 0+ichannel*dx:dx+ichannel*dx], dx, dy, noverscan, nsp, nmax, beta, w, c, t, rho_trap, trap_seeds, release_seed)
newimg.wcs = img.wcs
del img
img = newimg
# 1*16 -> 2*8 img-layout
chip.img = chip_utils.formatRevert(GSImage=img)
chip.nsecy = 2
chip.nsecx = 8
# [TODO] make overscan_y == 0
chip.overscan_y = 0
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
from observation_sim.instruments.chip import chip_utils
def add_cosmic_rays(self, chip, filt, tel, pointing, catalog, obs_param):
self.chip_output.Log_info(" Adding Cosmic-Ray")
# Get exposure time
if (obs_param) and ("exptime" in obs_param) and (obs_param["exptime"] is not None):
exptime = obs_param["exptime"]
exptime = pointing.exp_time
chip.img, crmap_gsimg, cr_event_num = chip_utils.add_cosmic_rays(
# Save cosmic ray image
if (obs_param) and ("save_cosmic_img" in obs_param) and (obs_param["save_cosmic_img"] is not None):
if obs_param["save_cosmic_img"]:
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
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