Commit 5254ae80 authored by Wei Chengliang's avatar Wei Chengliang
Browse files

update codestyle-PEP8

parent 2c0a9477
Pipeline #7103 failed with stage
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......@@ -559,22 +559,22 @@ def CTEModelColRow(img, trail_direction='up', direction='column', threshold=27):
# ---------- For Cosmic-Ray Simulation ------------
# ---------- Zhang Xin ----------------------------
def getYValue(collection, x):
index = 0;
index = 0
if (collection.shape[1] == 2):
while(x>collection[index, 0] and index < collection.shape[0]):
index= index + 1;
while(x > collection[index, 0] and index < collection.shape[0]):
index = index + 1
if (index == collection.shape[0] or index == 0):
return 0;
return 0
deltX = collection[index, 0] - collection[index-1, 0];
deltY = collection[index, 1] - collection[index-1, 1];
deltX = collection[index, 0] - collection[index-1, 0]
deltY = collection[index, 1] - collection[index-1, 1]
if deltX == 0:
return (collection[index, 1] + collection[index-1, 1])/2.0
a = deltY/deltX;
return a * (x - collection[index-1, 0]) + collection[index-1, 1];
return 0;
a = deltY/deltX
return a * (x - collection[index-1, 0]) + collection[index-1, 1]
return 0
def selectCosmicRayCollection(attachedSizes, xLen, yLen, cr_pixelRatio, CR_max_size):
......@@ -582,45 +582,45 @@ def selectCosmicRayCollection(attachedSizes, xLen, yLen, cr_pixelRatio, CR_max_s
normalRay = 0.90
nnormalRay = 1-normalRay
max_nrayLen = 100
pixelNum = int(xLen * yLen * cr_pixelRatio * normalRay );
pixelNum_n = int(xLen * yLen * cr_pixelRatio * nnormalRay )
CRPixelNum = 0;
pixelNum = int(xLen * yLen * cr_pixelRatio * normalRay)
pixelNum_n = int(xLen * yLen * cr_pixelRatio * nnormalRay)
CRPixelNum = 0
maxValue = max(attachedSizes[:, 1])
maxValue += 0.1;
maxValue += 0.1
cr_event_num = 0;
CRs = np.zeros(pixelNum);
cr_event_num = 0
CRs = np.zeros(pixelNum)
while (CRPixelNum < pixelNum):
x = CR_max_size * np.random.random();
y = maxValue * np.random.random();
x = CR_max_size * np.random.random()
y = maxValue * np.random.random()
if (y <= getYValue(attachedSizes, x)):
CRs[cr_event_num] = np.ceil(x);
cr_event_num = cr_event_num + 1;
CRPixelNum = CRPixelNum + round(x);
CRs[cr_event_num] = np.ceil(x)
cr_event_num = cr_event_num + 1
CRPixelNum = CRPixelNum + round(x)
while (CRPixelNum < pixelNum + pixelNum_n):
nx = np.random.random()*(max_nrayLen-CR_max_size)+CR_max_size
CRs[cr_event_num] = np.ceil(nx);
cr_event_num = cr_event_num + 1;
CRPixelNum = CRPixelNum + np.ceil(nx);
CRs[cr_event_num] = np.ceil(nx)
cr_event_num = cr_event_num + 1
CRPixelNum = CRPixelNum + np.ceil(nx)
return CRs[0:cr_event_num];
return CRs[0:cr_event_num]
def defineEnergyForCR(cr_event_size, seed = 12345):
def defineEnergyForCR(cr_event_size, seed=12345):
import random
sigma = 0.6 / 2.355;
mean = 3.3;
sigma = 0.6 / 2.355
mean = 3.3
energys = np.zeros(cr_event_size);
energys = np.zeros(cr_event_size)
for i in np.arange(cr_event_size):
energy_index = random.normalvariate(mean,sigma);
energys[i] = pow(10, energy_index);
energy_index = random.normalvariate(mean, sigma);
energys[i] = pow(10, energy_index)
return energys;
return energys
def convCR(CRmap=None, addPSF=None, sp_n = 4):
def convCR(CRmap=None, addPSF=None, sp_n=4):
sh = CRmap.shape
# sp_n = 4
......@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ def convCR(CRmap=None, addPSF=None, sp_n = 4):
for i in np.arange(sh[0]):
i_st = sp_n*i
for j in np.arange(sh[1]):
if CRmap[i,j] ==0:
if CRmap[i, j] == 0:
j_st = sp_n*j
pix_v1 = CRmap[i, j]*pix_v0
......@@ -639,11 +639,11 @@ def convCR(CRmap=None, addPSF=None, sp_n = 4):
m_size = addPSF.shape[0]
subCRmap_n = np.zeros(np.array(subCRmap.shape) + m_size -1)
subCRmap_n = np.zeros(np.array(subCRmap.shape) + m_size - 1)
for i in np.arange(subCRmap.shape[0]):
for j in np.arange(subCRmap.shape[1]):
if subCRmap[i, j]>0:
if subCRmap[i, j] > 0:
convPix = addPSF*subCRmap[i, j]
subCRmap_n[i:i+m_size, j:j+m_size] += convPix
......@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ def convCR(CRmap=None, addPSF=None, sp_n = 4):
i_st = sp_n*i
for j in np.arange(sh_n[1]):
p_v = 0
j_st = sp_n*j
for m in np.arange(sp_n):
for n in np.arange(sp_n):
p_v += subCRmap_n[i_st+m, j_st + n]
......@@ -668,13 +668,13 @@ def produceCR_Map(xLen, yLen, exTime, cr_pixelRatio, gain, attachedSizes, seed=2
# Return: an 2-D numpy array
# attachedSizes = np.loadtxt('./wfc-cr-attachpixel.dat');
CR_max_size = 20.0;
cr_size = selectCosmicRayCollection(attachedSizes, xLen, yLen, cr_pixelRatio, CR_max_size);
CR_max_size = 20.0
cr_size = selectCosmicRayCollection(attachedSizes, xLen, yLen, cr_pixelRatio, CR_max_size)
cr_event_size = cr_size.shape[0];
cr_energys = defineEnergyForCR(cr_event_size,seed = seed);
cr_event_size = cr_size.shape[0]
cr_energys = defineEnergyForCR(cr_event_size, seed=seed)
CRmap = np.zeros([yLen, xLen]);
CRmap = np.zeros([yLen, xLen])
# produce conv kernel
from astropy.modeling.models import Gaussian2D
......@@ -689,28 +689,26 @@ def produceCR_Map(xLen, yLen, exTime, cr_pixelRatio, gain, attachedSizes, seed=2
addPSF = addPSF_(xp, yp)
convKernel = addPSF/addPSF.sum()
# ---------------------------------
for i in np.arange(cr_event_size):
xPos = round((xLen - 1)* np.random.random());
yPos = round((yLen - 1)* np.random.random());
cr_lens = int(cr_size[i]);
if cr_lens ==0:
pix_energy = cr_energys[i]/gain/cr_lens;
pos_angle = 1/2*math.pi*np.random.random();
if cr_lens == 0:
pix_energy = cr_energys[i]/gain/cr_lens
pos_angle = 1/2*math.pi*np.random.random()
crMatrix = np.zeros([cr_lens+1, cr_lens + 1])
for j in np.arange(cr_lens):
x_n = int(np.cos(pos_angle)*j - np.sin(pos_angle)*0);
x_n = int(np.cos(pos_angle)*j - np.sin(pos_angle)*0)
if x_n < 0:
x_n = x_n + cr_lens+1
y_n = int(np.sin(pos_angle)*j + np.cos(pos_angle)*0);
y_n = int(np.sin(pos_angle)*j + np.cos(pos_angle)*0)
if x_n < 0 or x_n > cr_lens or y_n < 0 or y_n > cr_lens:
crMatrix[y_n, x_n] = pix_energy;
crMatrix[y_n, x_n] = pix_energy
crMatrix_n = convCR(crMatrix, convKernel, sp_n)
# crMatrix_n = crMatrix
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