Commit 6078791f authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

first commit of user-customizable catalog version

parent 1635e47d
......@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ class Catalog(object):
# star_file = 'stars_ccd' + chip.getChipLabel(chip.chipID) + '_p_RA'+str(self.pRa) + '_DE' + str(self.pDec) + '.hdf5'
# galaxy_file = 'galaxies_ccd' + chip.getChipLabel(chip.chipID) + '_p_RA'+str(self.pRa) + '_DE' + str(self.pDec) + '.hdf5'
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"]:
if "star_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["star_cat"]:
star_file = config["input_path"]["star_cat"]
star_SED_file = config["SED_templates_path"]["star_SED"]
self.star_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, star_file)
self.star_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], star_SED_file)
if "galaxy_cat" in config["input_path"]:
if "galaxy_cat" in config["input_path"] and config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]:
galaxy_file = config["input_path"]["galaxy_cat"]
self.galaxy_path = os.path.join(self.cat_dir, galaxy_file)
self.galaxy_SED_path = os.path.join(config["data_dir"], config["SED_templates_path"]["galaxy_SED"])
......@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ class Catalog(object):
self.rng_sedGal = random.Random()
self.rng_sedGal.seed(pix_id) # Use healpix index as the random seed
self.ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(pix_id)
# print(ngals)
for igals in range(ngals):
param = {}
param['ra'] = gals['ra_true'][igals]
......@@ -143,7 +142,6 @@ class Catalog(object):
def _load_stars(self, stars, pix_id=None):
nstars = len(stars['sourceID'])
# print(nstars)
for istars in range(nstars):
param = {}
param['ra'] = stars['RA'][istars]
......@@ -168,10 +166,6 @@ class Catalog(object):
def _load(self):
self.nav = 15005
self.avGal = extAv(self.nav, seed=self.seed_Av)
# gals =
# stars =
# self.ngals = gals['galaxyID'].size
# self.nstars = stars['sourceID'].size
gals_cat = h5.File(self.galaxy_path, 'r')['galaxies']
star_cat = h5.File(self.star_path, 'r')['catalog']
self.objs = []
......@@ -183,65 +177,3 @@ class Catalog(object):
self._load_stars(stars, pix_id=pix)
print("number of objects in catalog: ", len(self.objs))
del self.avGal
\ No newline at end of file
# for igals in range(self.ngals):
# param = {}
# param['id'] = igals + 1
# param['ra'] = gals['ra_true'][igals]
# param['dec'] = gals['dec_true'][igals]
# param['z'] = gals['redshift_true'][igals]
# param['model_tag'] = 'None'
# param['gamma1'] = 0
# param['gamma2'] = 0
# param['kappa'] = 0
# param['delta_ra'] = 0
# param['delta_dec'] = 0
# sersicB = gals['sersic_bulge'][igals]
# hlrMajB = gals['size_bulge_true'][igals]
# hlrMinB = gals['size_minor_bulge_true'][igals]
# sersicD = gals['sersic_disk'][igals]
# hlrMajD = gals['size_disk_true'][igals]
# hlrMinD = gals['size_minor_disk_true'][igals]
# aGal = gals['size_true'][igals]
# bGal = gals['size_minor_true'][igals]
# param['bfrac'] = gals['bulge_to_total_ratio_i'][igals]
# param['theta'] = gals['position_angle_true'][igals]
# param['hlr_bulge'] = np.sqrt(hlrMajB * hlrMinB)
# param['hlr_disk'] = np.sqrt(hlrMajD * hlrMinD)
# param['ell_bulge'] = (hlrMajB - hlrMinB)/(hlrMajB + hlrMinB)
# param['ell_disk'] = (hlrMajD - hlrMinD)/(hlrMajD + hlrMinD)
# param['ell_tot'] = (aGal - bGal) / (aGal + bGal)
# # Assign each galaxy a template SED
# param['sed_type'] = sed_assign(phz=param['z'], btt=param['bfrac'], rng=self.rng_sedGal)
# param['redden'] = self.tempRed_gal[param['sed_type']]
# param['av'] = avGal[int(self.ud()*nav)]
# if param['sed_type'] <= 5:
# param['av'] = 0.0
# param['redden'] = 0
# param['star'] = 0 # Galaxy
# if param['sed_type'] >= 29:
# param['av'] = 0.6 * param['av'] / 3.0 # for quasar, av=[0, 0.2],
# param['star'] = 2 # Quasar
# param['mag_use_normal'] = gals['mag_true_g_lsst'][igals]
# if param['star'] == 0:
# obj = Galaxy(param, self.rotation)
# self.objs.append(obj)
# if param['star'] == 2:
# obj = Quasar(param)
# self.objs.append(obj)
# for istars in range(self.nstars):
# param = {}
# param['id'] = self.ngals + istars + 1
# param['ra'] = stars['RA'][istars]
# param['dec'] = stars['Dec'][istars]
# param['sed_type'] = stars['sourceID'][istars]
# param['model_tag'] = stars['model_tag'][istars]
# param['z'] = 0.0
# param['star'] = 1 # Star
# param['mag_use_normal'] = stars['app_sdss_g'][istars]
# obj = Star(param)
# self.objs.append(obj)
# del gals
# del stars
# del avGal
\ No newline at end of file
import numpy as np
import galsim
import copy
from astropy.table import Table
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import integrate_sed_bandpass, getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG, getABMAG
class CatalogBase(metaclass=ABCMeta):
def __init__(self):
def load_sed(self, obj, **kward):
def _load(self, **kward):
def load_norm_filt(self, obj):
return None
def initialize_param():
param = {
return param
def convert_sed(mag, sed, target_filt, norm_filt=None):
bandpass = target_filt.bandpass_full
if norm_filt is not None:
norm_thr_rang_ids = norm_filt['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
norm_filt = Table(
np.array(np.array([bandpass.wave_list*10.0, bandpass.func(bandpass.wave_list)])).T, names=(['WAVELENGTH', 'SENSITIVITY'])
norm_thr_rang_ids = norm_filt['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=mag,
sed_photon = copy.copy(sed)
sed_photon = np.array([sed_photon['WAVELENGTH'], sed_photon['FLUX']*sedNormFactor]).T
sed_photon = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
# Get magnitude
sed_photon = galsim.SED(sed_photon, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=sed_photon, bandpass=bandpass)
mag_csst = getABMAG(
if target_filt.survey_type == "photometric":
return sed_photon, mag_csst
elif target_filt.survey_type == "spectroscopic":
del sed_photon
return sed, mag_csst
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -28,65 +28,65 @@ class Galaxy(MockObject):
if rotation is not None:
def load_SED(self, survey_type, sed_path=None, cosids=None, objtypes=None, sed_templates=None, normFilter=None, target_filt=None):
if survey_type == "photometric":
norm_thr_rang_ids = normFilter['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
if sed_templates is None:
# Read SED data directly
itype = objtypes[cosids==self.sed_type][0]
sed_file = os.path.join(sed_path, itype + "_ID%s.sed"%(self.sed_type))
if not os.path.exists(sed_file):
raise ValueError("!!! No SED found.")
sed_data =, format="ascii")
wave, flux = sed_data["observedLambda"].data, sed_data["observedFlux"].data
# Load SED from templates
sed_data = sed_templates[self.sed_type]
# redshift, intrinsic extinction
sed_data = getObservedSED(
wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
flux_photon = flux * (wave / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value)) * 1e-13
sed_photon = Table(np.array([wave, flux_photon]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# Get scaling factor for SED
sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=self.param['mag_use_normal'],
sed_photon = np.array([sed_photon['WAVELENGTH'], sed_photon['FLUX']*sedNormFactor]).T
# Convert to galsim.SED object
spec = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
self.sed = galsim.SED(spec, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
# Get magnitude
interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full)
self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type] = getABMAG(
# print('mag_use_normal = ', self.param['mag_use_normal'])
# print('mag_%s = '%target_filt.filter_type, self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type])
# print('redshift = %.3f'%(self.z))
# print('sed_type = %d, av = %.2f, redden = %d'%(self.sed_type, self.param['av'], self.param['redden']))
elif survey_type == "spectroscopic":
if sed_templates is None:
self.sedPhotons(sed_path=sed_path, cosids=cosids, objtypes=objtypes)
sed_data = sed_templates[self.sed_type]
sed_data = getObservedSED(
speci = interpolate.interp1d(sed_data[0], sed_data[1])
lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# def load_SED(self, survey_type, sed_path=None, cosids=None, objtypes=None, sed_templates=None, normFilter=None, target_filt=None):
# if survey_type == "photometric":
# norm_thr_rang_ids = normFilter['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
# if sed_templates is None:
# # Read SED data directly
# itype = objtypes[cosids==self.sed_type][0]
# sed_file = os.path.join(sed_path, itype + "_ID%s.sed"%(self.sed_type))
# if not os.path.exists(sed_file):
# raise ValueError("!!! No SED found.")
# sed_data =, format="ascii")
# wave, flux = sed_data["observedLambda"].data, sed_data["observedFlux"].data
# else:
# # Load SED from templates
# sed_data = sed_templates[self.sed_type]
# # redshift, intrinsic extinction
# sed_data = getObservedSED(
# sedCat=sed_data,
# redshift=self.z,
# av=self.param['av'],
# redden=self.param['redden'])
# wave, flux = sed_data[0], sed_data[1]
# flux_photon = flux * (wave / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value)) * 1e-13
# sed_photon = Table(np.array([wave, flux_photon]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# # Get scaling factor for SED
# sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=self.param['mag_use_normal'],
# spectrum=sed_photon,
# norm_thr=normFilter,
# sWave=np.floor(normFilter[norm_thr_rang_ids][0][0]),
# eWave=np.ceil(normFilter[norm_thr_rang_ids][-1][0]))
# sed_photon = np.array([sed_photon['WAVELENGTH'], sed_photon['FLUX']*sedNormFactor]).T
# # Convert to galsim.SED object
# spec = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
# self.sed = galsim.SED(spec, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
# # Get magnitude
# interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full)
# self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type] = getABMAG(
# interFlux=interFlux,
# bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full)
# # print('mag_use_normal = ', self.param['mag_use_normal'])
# # print('mag_%s = '%target_filt.filter_type, self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type])
# # print('redshift = %.3f'%(self.z))
# # print('sed_type = %d, av = %.2f, redden = %d'%(self.sed_type, self.param['av'], self.param['redden']))
# elif survey_type == "spectroscopic":
# if sed_templates is None:
# self.sedPhotons(sed_path=sed_path, cosids=cosids, objtypes=objtypes)
# else:
# sed_data = sed_templates[self.sed_type]
# sed_data = getObservedSED(
# sedCat=sed_data,
# redshift=self.z,
# av=self.param['av'],
# redden=self.param['redden'])
# speci = interpolate.interp1d(sed_data[0], sed_data[1])
# lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
# y = speci(lamb)
# # erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
# all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
# self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
def unload_SED(self):
......@@ -94,23 +94,23 @@ class Galaxy(MockObject):
del self.sed
def sedPhotons(self, sed_path, cosids, objtypes):
itype = objtypes[cosids == self.sed_type][0]
sed_file = os.path.join(sed_path, itype + "_ID%s.sed" % (self.sed_type))
if not os.path.exists(sed_file):
raise ValueError("!!! No SED found.")
sed =, format="ascii")
spec_data = {}
f_orig = sed["observedFlux"].data
w_orig = sed["observedLambda"].data
speci = interpolate.interp1d(w_orig, f_orig)
lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# def sedPhotons(self, sed_path, cosids, objtypes):
# itype = objtypes[cosids == self.sed_type][0]
# sed_file = os.path.join(sed_path, itype + "_ID%s.sed" % (self.sed_type))
# if not os.path.exists(sed_file):
# raise ValueError("!!! No SED found.")
# sed =, format="ascii")
# spec_data = {}
# f_orig = sed["observedFlux"].data
# w_orig = sed["observedLambda"].data
# speci = interpolate.interp1d(w_orig, f_orig)
# lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
# y = speci(lamb)
# # erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
# all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
# self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
def getGSObj_multiband(self, tel, psf_list, bandpass_list, filt, nphotons_tot=None, g1=0, g2=0, exptime=150.):
if len(psf_list) != len(bandpass_list):
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as cons
from astropy.table import Table
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import magToFlux, vc_A, convolveGaussXorders
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import magToFlux, VC_A, convolveGaussXorders
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import integrate_sed_bandpass, getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG, getObservedSED, getABMAG
from ObservationSim.MockObject.SpecDisperser import SpecDisperser
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class MockObject(object):
self.sed_type = self.param["sed_type"]
self.model_tag = self.param["model_tag"]
self.mag_use_normal = self.param["mag_use_normal"]
self.sed = None
def getMagFilter(self, filt):
if filt.filter_type in ["GI", "GV", "GU"]:
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class MockObject(object):
def getElectronFluxFilt(self, filt, tel, exptime=150.):
photonEnergy = filt.getPhotonE()
flux = magToFlux(self.getMagFilter(filt))
factor = 1.0e4 * flux/photonEnergy * vc_A * (1.0/filt.blue_limit - 1.0/filt.red_limit)
factor = 1.0e4 * flux/photonEnergy * VC_A * (1.0/filt.blue_limit - 1.0/filt.red_limit)
return factor * filt.efficiency * tel.pupil_area * exptime
def getPosWorld(self):
......@@ -17,60 +17,60 @@ class Star(MockObject):
del self.sed
def load_SED(self, survey_type, normFilter=None, target_filt=None, sed_lib=None, sed_path=None):
if survey_type == "photometric":
norm_thr_rang_ids = normFilter['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
# spec_lambda =, path=f"/SED/wave_{self.model_tag}")
# spec_flux =, path=f"/SED/{self.sed_type}")
# wave, flux = spec_lambda['col0'].data, spec_flux['col0'].data
_, wave, flux = tag_sed(
flux_photon = flux * (wave / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value)) * 1e-13
sed_photon = Table(np.array([wave, flux_photon]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# Get scaling factor for SED
sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=self.param['mag_use_normal'],
sed_photon = np.array([sed_photon['WAVELENGTH'], sed_photon['FLUX']*sedNormFactor]).T
# Convert to galsim.SED object
spec = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
self.sed = galsim.SED(spec, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
# Get magnitude
interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full)
self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type] = getABMAG(
# print('mag_use_normal = ', self.param['mag_use_normal'])
# print('mag_%s = '%target_filt.filter_type, self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type])
# def load_SED(self, survey_type, normFilter=None, target_filt=None, sed_lib=None, sed_path=None):
# if survey_type == "photometric":
# norm_thr_rang_ids = normFilter['SENSITIVITY'] > 0.001
# # spec_lambda =, path=f"/SED/wave_{self.model_tag}")
# # spec_flux =, path=f"/SED/{self.sed_type}")
# # wave, flux = spec_lambda['col0'].data, spec_flux['col0'].data
# _, wave, flux = tag_sed(
# h5file=sed_lib,
# model_tag=self.param['model_tag'],
# teff=self.param['teff'],
# logg=self.param['logg'],
# feh=self.param['feh'])
# flux_photon = flux * (wave / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value)) * 1e-13
# sed_photon = Table(np.array([wave, flux_photon]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# # Get scaling factor for SED
# sedNormFactor = getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG(ABMag=self.param['mag_use_normal'],
# spectrum=sed_photon,
# norm_thr=normFilter,
# sWave=np.floor(normFilter[norm_thr_rang_ids][0][0]),
# eWave=np.ceil(normFilter[norm_thr_rang_ids][-1][0]))
# sed_photon = np.array([sed_photon['WAVELENGTH'], sed_photon['FLUX']*sedNormFactor]).T
# # Convert to galsim.SED object
# spec = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
# self.sed = galsim.SED(spec, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
# # Get magnitude
# interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(sed=self.sed, bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full)
# self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type] = getABMAG(
# interFlux=interFlux,
# bandpass=target_filt.bandpass_full)
# # print('mag_use_normal = ', self.param['mag_use_normal'])
# # print('mag_%s = '%target_filt.filter_type, self.param['mag_%s'%target_filt.filter_type])
elif survey_type == "spectroscopic":
# self.sedPhotons(sed_path=sed_path)
# elif survey_type == "spectroscopic":
# # self.sedPhotons(sed_path=sed_path)
# self.sedPhotons(sed_lib=sed_lib)
def sedPhotons(self, sed_path=None, sed_lib=None):
# spec_lambda =, path=f"/SED/wave_{self.model_tag}")
# spec_flux =, path=f"/SED/{self.sed_type}")
_, w_orig, f_orig = tag_sed(
# spec_data = {}
# f_orig = spec_flux["col0"].data
# w_orig = spec_lambda["col0"].data
speci = interpolate.interp1d(w_orig, f_orig)
lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
y = speci(lamb)
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
# def sedPhotons(self, sed_path=None, sed_lib=None):
# # spec_lambda =, path=f"/SED/wave_{self.model_tag}")
# # spec_flux =, path=f"/SED/{self.sed_type}")
# _, w_orig, f_orig = tag_sed(
# h5file=sed_lib,
# model_tag=self.param['model_tag'],
# teff=self.param['teff'],
# logg=self.param['logg'],
# feh=self.param['feh'])
# # spec_data = {}
# # f_orig = spec_flux["col0"].data
# # w_orig = spec_lambda["col0"].data
# speci = interpolate.interp1d(w_orig, f_orig)
# lamb = np.arange(2500, 10001 + 0.5, 0.5)
# y = speci(lamb)
# # erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A
# all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
# self.sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
def getGSObj(self, psf, g1=0, g2=0, flux=None, filt=None, tel=None, exptime=150.):
if flux == None:
from .MockObject import MockObject
from .Galaxy import Galaxy
from .CatalogBase import CatalogBase
from .Quasar import Quasar
from .Star import Star
from .Catalog import Catalog
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