Commit 8f6e5f8f authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

overall and obs configs for SCIE observation

parent 633fbbab
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
self.hdr += additional_column_names
def create_output_file(self):
if self.pointing_type == 'SCI':
if self.pointing_type == 'SCIE': = open(os.path.join(self.subdir, self.cat_name), "w")"Creating catalog file %s ...\n"%(os.path.join(self.subdir, self.cat_name)))
if not self.hdr.endswith("\n"):
......@@ -68,8 +68,6 @@ class ChipOutput(object):
def cat_add_obj(self, obj, pos_img, pos_shear):
# ximg = pos_img.x - self.chip.bound.xmin + 1.0
# yimg = pos_img.y - self.chip.bound.ymin + 1.0
#'from global',ximg, yimg)
ximg = obj.real_pos.x + 1.0
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def config_dir(config, work_dir=None, data_dir=None):
path_dict["data_dir"] = data_dir
# PSF data directory
if config["psf_setting"]["psf_model"] == "Interp":
path_dict["psf_dir"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["psf_setting"]["psf_dir"])
path_dict["psf_pho_dir"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["psf_setting"]["psf_pho_dir"])
path_dict["psf_sls_dir"] = os.path.join(path_dict["data_dir"], config["psf_setting"]["psf_sls_dir"])
return path_dict
......@@ -71,12 +71,13 @@ class Pointing(object):
self.survey_field_type = "DEEP"
# Load the configuration file for this particular pointing
# [TODO]
self.obs_config_file = "/share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/csst-simulation/config/obs_config_SCI_WIDE_phot.yaml"
with open(self.obs_config_file, "r") as stream:
self.obs_param = yaml.safe_load(stream)
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
self.pointing_type = self.obs_config_file["obs_type"]
self.pointing_type = self.obs_param["obs_type"]
self.timestamp = t
......@@ -57,10 +57,8 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
for key in chip_dict:
setattr(self, key, chip_dict[key])
if self.filter_type == "FGS":
if ("field_dist" in config) and (config["ins_effects"]["field_dist"]) == False:
self.fdModel = None
if self.filter_type == "FGS":
fgs_name = self.chip_name[0:4]
with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath("FieldDistModelGlobal_pr4_%s.pickle"%(fgs_name.lower())) as field_distortion:
......@@ -72,9 +70,6 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
self.fdModel = pickle.load(f)
# Get the corresponding field distortion model
if ("field_dist" in config) and (config["ins_effects"]["field_dist"] == False):
self.fdModel = None
with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath("FieldDistModel_v2.0.pickle") as field_distortion:
with open(field_distortion, "rb") as f:
......@@ -117,10 +112,7 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
self.effCurve = self._getChipEffCurve(self.filter_type)
# Define the sensor model
if "bright_fatter" in config["ins_effects"] and config["ins_effects"]["bright_fatter"] == True and self.survey_type == "photometric":
self.sensor = galsim.SiliconSensor(strength=self.df_strength, treering_func=treering_func)
# # Define the sensor model
self.sensor = galsim.Sensor()
self.flat_cube = None # for spectroscopic flat field cube simulation
......@@ -132,9 +124,9 @@ class Chip(FocalPlane):
self.rotate_angle = 0.
self.overscan = 1000
# Override default values
for key in ["gain", "bias_level, dark_exptime", "flat_exptime", "readout_time", "full_well", "read_noise", "dark_noise", "overscan"]:
if key in config["ins_effects"]:
setattr(self, key, config["ins_effects"][key])
# for key in ["gain", "bias_level, dark_exptime", "flat_exptime", "readout_time", "full_well", "read_noise", "dark_noise", "overscan"]:
# if key in config["ins_effects"]:
# setattr(self, key, config["ins_effects"][key])
def _getChipRowCol(self):
self.rowID, self.colID = self.getChipRowCol(self.chipID)
import numpy as np
import galsim
import os, sys
import astropy.constants as cons
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy import interpolate
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import eObs, integrate_sed_bandpass, getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG, getObservedSED, getABMAG,convolveGaussXorders
from ObservationSim.MockObject._util import eObs, integrate_sed_bandpass, getNormFactorForSpecWithABMAG
from ObservationSim.MockObject.SpecDisperser import SpecDisperser
from ObservationSim.MockObject.MockObject import MockObject
......@@ -64,6 +61,11 @@ class Galaxy(MockObject):
bulge_shape = galsim.Shear(g1=self.e1_bulge, g2=self.e2_bulge)
bulge = bulge.shear(bulge_shape)
if self.bfrac == 0:
gal = disk
elif self.bfrac == 1:
gal = bulge
gal = self.bfrac * bulge + (1.0 - self.bfrac) * disk
gal = gal.withFlux(nphotons)
if fd_shear is not None:
......@@ -155,9 +157,13 @@ class Galaxy(MockObject):
# Get PSF model
psf, pos_shear = psf_model.get_PSF(chip=chip, pos_img=pos_img, bandpass=bandpass, folding_threshold=folding_threshold)
if self.bfrac == 0:
gal_temp = disk
elif self.bfrac == 1:
gal_temp = bulge
gal_temp = self.bfrac * bulge + (1.0 - self.bfrac) * disk
gal_temp = gal_temp.shear(gal_shear)
gal_temp = gal_temp.withFlux(nphotons)
if not big_galaxy: # Not apply PSF for very big galaxy
gal_temp = galsim.Convolve(psf, gal_temp)
......@@ -172,14 +178,6 @@ class Galaxy(MockObject):
# kfrac = np.random.random()*(1.0 - self.bfrac)
# gal = self.bfrac * bulge + (1.0 - self.bfrac - kfrac) * disk + kfrac * knots
# # [C6 TEST]
# print('xmax = %d, ymax = %d '%(xmax, ymax))
# # Output memory usage
# snapshot = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()
# top_stats = snapshot.statistics('lineno')
# for stat in top_stats[:10]:
# print(stat)
# stamp = gal.drawImage(wcs=chip_wcs_local, method='phot', offset=offset, save_photons=True)
stamp = gal.drawImage(wcs=chip_wcs_local, offset=offset)
if np.sum(np.isnan(stamp.array)) > 0:
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class SimSteps:
zoldial_spec = filt.zodical_spec)
sky_map = sky_map + filt.sky_background
sky_map = sky_map * tel.pupil_area * obs_param["exptime"]
# sky_map = sky_map * tel.pupil_area * obs_param["exptime"]
chip.img += sky_map
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
......@@ -292,11 +292,11 @@ class SimSteps:
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
def add_cosmic_rays(self, chip, filt, tel, pointing, catalog, obs_param):
self.chip_output.Log_info(msg=" Adding Cosmic-Ray", logger=self.logger)
self.chip_output.Log_info(" Adding Cosmic-Ray")
chip.img, crmap_gsimg, cr_event_num = chip_utils.add_cosmic_rays(
# [TODO] output cosmic ray image
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
......@@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ class SimSteps:
InputDark = False
if obs_param["add_dark"] == True:
if InputDark:
chip.img = chip_utils.add_inputdark(img=chip.img, chip=chip, exptime=pointing.exptime)
chip.img = chip_utils.add_inputdark(img=chip.img, chip=chip, exptime=pointing.exp_time)
chip.img, _ = chip_utils.add_poisson(img=chip.img, chip=chip, exptime=pointing.exptime, poisson_noise=chip.poisson_noise)
chip.img, _ = chip_utils.add_poisson(img=chip.img, chip=chip, exptime=pointing.exp_time, poisson_noise=chip.poisson_noise)
chip.img, _ = chip_utils.add_poisson(img=chip.img, chip=self, exptime=pointing.exptime, poisson_noise=chip.poisson_noise, dark_noise=0.)
chip.img, _ = chip_utils.add_poisson(img=chip.img, chip=self, exptime=pointing.exp_time, poisson_noise=chip.poisson_noise, dark_noise=0.)
return chip, filt, tel, pointing
def add_brighter_fatter(self, chip, filt, tel, pointing, catalog, obs_param):
......@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ class SimSteps:
newimg = galsim.Image(nx, int(ny+chip.overscan_y), init_value=0)
for ichannel in range(16):
print('\n***add CTI effects: pointing-{:} chip-{:} channel-{:}***'.format(, chip.chipID, ichannel+1))
noverscan, nsp, nmax = self.overscan_y, 3, 10
noverscan, nsp, nmax = chip.overscan_y, 3, 10
beta, w, c = 0.478, 84700, 0
t = np.array([0.74, 7.7, 37],dtype=np.float32)
rho_trap = np.array([0.6, 1.6, 1.4],dtype=np.float32)
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ class SimSteps:
if obs_param["gain_16channel"] == True:
chip.img, chip.gain_channel = Effects.ApplyGainNonUniform16(
chip.img, gain=chip.gain,
nsecy = self.nsecy, nsecx=self.nsecx,
nsecy = chip.nsecy, nsecx=chip.nsecx,
elif obs_param["gain_16channel"] == False:
chip.img /= chip.gain
......@@ -29,25 +29,9 @@ def generate_pointing_list(config, pointing_filename=None, data_dir=None):
# Calculate starting time(s) for CAL exposures
# NOTE: temporary implementation
t = datetime.timestamp(t0)
ncal = config['obs_setting']['np_cal']
ipoint = 0
for i in range(ncal):
pointing = Pointing(
id = ipoint,
t += 3 * delta_t * 60. # 3 calibration exposures for each pointing
ipoint += 1
run_pointings = config['obs_setting']['run_pointings']
if config["obs_setting"]["exp_time"]:
exp_time = config["obs_setting"]["exp_time"]
exp_time = 150.
if pointing_filename and data_dir:
pointing_file = os.path.join(data_dir, pointing_filename)
......@@ -62,14 +46,18 @@ def generate_pointing_list(config, pointing_filename=None, data_dir=None):
line = line.strip()
columns = line.split()
pointing = Pointing(exp_time=exp_time)
pointing.read_pointing_columns(columns=columns, id=ipoint, t=t)
pointing = Pointing()
pointing.read_pointing_columns(columns=columns, id=ipoint)
t += delta_t * 60.
iline += 1
ipoint += 1
if config["obs_setting"]["exp_time"]:
exp_time = config["obs_setting"]["exp_time"]
exp_time = 150.
pointing = Pointing(
......@@ -96,38 +84,8 @@ def make_run_dirs(work_dir, run_name, pointing_list):
os.makedirs(imgDir, exist_ok=True)
except OSError:
# prefix = "MSC_"
# for pointing in pointing_list:
# fname=prefix + str(, '0')
# subImgDir = os.path.join(imgDir, fname)
# if not os.path.exists(subImgDir):
# try:
# os.makedirs(subImgDir, exist_ok=True)
# except OSError:
# pass
return imgDir
# def imgName(tt=0):
# ut = datetime.utcnow()
# eye, emo, eda, eho, emi, ese = str(ut.year), str(ut.month), str(, str(ut.hour), str(ut.minute), str(ut.second)
# emse = str(ut.microsecond)
# if int(emo)<10: emo = "0%s"%emo
# if int(eda)<10: eda = "0%s"%eda
# if int(eho)<10: eho = "0%s"%eho
# if int(emi)<10: emi = "0%s"%emi
# if int(ese)<10: ese = "0%s"%ese
# if tt==0:
# namekey = "CSST%s%s%sT%s%s%s"%(eye,emo,eda,eho,emi,ese)
# elif tt==1:
# namekey = "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s.%s"%(eye,emo,eda,eho,emi,ese,emse)
# elif tt==2:
# namekey = "%s%s%s%s%s%s"%(eye,emo,eda,eho,emi,ese)
# else:
# raise ValueError("!!! Give a right 'tt' value.")
# return namekey
def makeSubDir_PointingList(path_dict, config, pointing_ID=0):
imgDir = os.path.join(path_dict["work_dir"], config["run_name"])
if not os.path.exists(imgDir):
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# CSST-Sim Group, 2023/04/25
# Base diretories and naming setup
# Can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# OK to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/Users/zhangxin/Work/SlitlessSim/CSST_SIM/CSST_new_sim/csst-simulation/"
data_dir: "/Volumes/EAGET/C6_data/inputData/"
run_name: "C6_new_sim_2sq_run2"
project_cycle: 6
run_counter: 1
# Whether to use MPI
use_mpi: NO
# NOTE: "n_threads" paramters is currently not used in the backend
# simulation codes. It should be implemented later in the web frontend
# in order to config the number of threads to request from NAOC cluster
n_threads: 80
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure your catalog: options to be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "Catalog_C6_20221212"
AGN_cat: "AGN_C6_ross13_rand_pos_rmax-1.3.fits"
CALIB_cat: "calibration_data/GP/calibrationCat_CHIP1_GI.fits"
star_SED: "Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: "Catalog_C6_20221212/sedlibs/"
AGN_SED: "quickspeclib_ross13.fits"
AGN_SED_WAVE: "wave_ross13.npy"
CALIB_SED: "calibration_data/GP/GPTable/"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: NO
# rotate galaxy ellipticity
rotateEll: 0. # [degree]
seed_Av: 121212 # Seed for generating random intrinsic extinction
# Observation setting
# Options for survey types:
# "Photometric": simulate photometric chips only
# "Spectroscopic": simulate slitless spectroscopic chips only
# "FGS": simulate FGS chips only (31-42)
# "All": simulate full focal plane
# "CALIBRATION": falt, bias, dark with or without postflash
survey_type: "Spectroscopic"
#"LED": ['LED1','LED2','LED3','LED4','LED5','LED6','LED7','LED8','LED9','LED10','LED11','LED12','LED13','LED14'] or null
#'LED1': '275', 'LED2': '310', 'LED3': '430', 'LED4': '505', 'LED5': '545', 'LED6': '590', 'LED7': '670',
#'LED8': '760', 'LED9': '940', 'LED10': '940', 'LED11': '1050', 'LED12': '1050','LED13': '340', 'LED14': '365'
LED_TIME: [1.,0.1]
# unit e- ,flat level
# Exposure time [seconds]
exp_time: 150.
# Observation starting date & time
date_obs: "210525" # [yymmdd]
time_obs: "120000" # [hhmmss]
# Default Pointing [degrees]
# Note: NOT valid when a pointing list file is specified
ra_center: 192.8595
dec_center: 27.1283
# Image rotation [degree]
image_rot: -113.4333
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_dir: "/Volumes/EAGET/C6_data/inputData/"
pointing_file: "pointing_radec_246.5_40.dat"
# Number of calibration pointings
np_cal: 0
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0]
# Run specific chip(s):
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: [1]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: False
# Whether to enable straylight model
enable_straylight_model: False
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
# mag_sat_margin: -2.5
mag_sat_margin: -15.
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Gauss"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/psfCube1"
psf_sls_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/SLS_PSF_PCA_fp/"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": from catalog
shear_type: "catalog"
# For constant shear filed
reduced_g1: 0.
reduced_g2: 0.
# Instrumental effects setting
# switches
# Note: bias_16channel, gain_16channel, and shutter_effect
# is currently not applicable to "FGS" observations
field_dist: NO # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: YES # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: YES # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: YES # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: YES # Whether to add bias-level to images
add_prescan: OFF
bias_16channel: YES # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: YES # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: YES # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: YES # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: YES # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: YES # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: NO # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: NO # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: YES # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: YES # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: YES # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: YES # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: YES # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: YES # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
format_output: OFF
# Values:
# default values have been defined individually for each chip in:
# ObservationSim/Instrument/data/ccd/chip_definition.json
# Set them here will override the default values
# dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
# flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
# readout_time: 40 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
# df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
# bias_level: 500 # bias level [e-/pixel]
# gain: 1.1 # Gain
# full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Output options (for calibration pointings only)
readout16: OFF # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan
shutter_output: OFF # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
bias_output: ON # Whether to export bias frames
dark_output: ON # Whether to export the combined dark current files
flat_output: ON # Whether to export the combined flat-fielding files
prnu_output: OFF # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
NBias: 1 # Number of bias frames to be exported for each exposure
NDark: 1 # Number of dark frames to be exported for each exposure
NFlat: 1 # Number of flat frames to be exported for each exposure
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# CSST-Sim Group, 2023/04/25
# Base diretories and naming setup
# Can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# OK to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/share/home/fangyuedong/csst-simulation/workplace/"
data_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "fd_shear_g2m"
# Whether to use MPI
use_mpi: YES
# NOTE: "n_threads" paramters is currently not used in the backend
# simulation codes. It should be implemented later in the web frontend
# in order to config the number of threads to request from NAOC cluster
n_threads: 80
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure your catalog: options to be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "Catalog_C6_20221212"
star_cat: "C6_MMW_GGC_Astrometry_healpix.hdf5"
galaxy_cat: "cat2CSSTSim_bundle/"
AGN_cat: "AGN_C6_ross13_rand_pos_rmax-1.3.fits"
star_SED: "Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: "Catalog_C6_20221212/sedlibs/"
AGN_SED: "quickspeclib_ross13.fits"
AGN_SED_WAVE: "wave_ross13.npy"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: YES
# rotate galaxy ellipticity
rotateEll: 0. # [degree]
seed_Av: 121212 # Seed for generating random intrinsic extinction
# Observation setting
# Options for survey types:
# "Photometric": simulate photometric chips only
# "Spectroscopic": simulate slitless spectroscopic chips only
# "FGS": simulate FGS chips only (31-42)
# "All": simulate full focal plane
survey_type: "All"
# Exposure time [seconds]
exp_time: 150.
# Observation starting date & time
date_obs: "210525" # [yymmdd]
time_obs: "120000" # [hhmmss]
# Default Pointing [degrees]
# Note: NOT valid when a pointing list file is specified
ra_center: 192.8595
dec_center: 27.1283
# Image rotation [degree]
image_rot: -113.4333
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
pointing_file: "pointing_radec_246.5_40.dat"
# Number of calibration pointings
np_cal: 0
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0]
# Run specific chip(s):
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: [9]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: False
# Whether to enable straylight model
enable_straylight_model: False
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/psfCube1"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": from catalog
shear_type: "catalog"
# For constant shear filed
reduced_g1: 0.
reduced_g2: 0.
# Instrumental effects setting
# switches
# Note: bias_16channel, gain_16channel, and shutter_effect
# is currently not applicable to "FGS" observations
field_dist: YES # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: YES # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: YES # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: YES # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: YES # Whether to add bias-level to images
bias_16channel: OFF # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: OFF # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: OFF # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: OFF # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: OFF # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: OFF # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: OFF # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: OFF # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: OFF # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: OFF # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: OFF # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: OFF # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: OFF # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: OFF # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# Values:
# default values have been defined individually for each chip in:
# ObservationSim/Instrument/data/ccd/chip_definition.json
# Set them here will override the default values
# dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
# flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
# readout_time: 40 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
# df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
# bias_level: 500 # bias level [e-/pixel]
# gain: 1.1 # Gain
# full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Output options (for calibration pointings only)
readout16: OFF # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan
shutter_output: OFF # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
bias_output: ON # Whether to export bias frames
dark_output: ON # Whether to export the combined dark current files
flat_output: ON # Whether to export the combined flat-fielding files
prnu_output: OFF # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
NBias: 1 # Number of bias frames to be exported for each exposure
NDark: 1 # Number of dark frames to be exported for each exposure
NFlat: 1 # Number of flat frames to be exported for each exposure
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
\ No newline at end of file
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# CSST-Sim Group, 2023/04/25
# Base diretories and naming setup
# Can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# OK to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/share/home/fangyuedong/test_psf_rot/csst-simulation/workplace/"
data_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "NGP_C3"
# Whether to use MPI
use_mpi: YES
# NOTE: "n_threads" paramters is currently not used in the backend
# simulation codes. It should be implemented later in the web frontend
# in order to config the number of threads to request from NAOC cluster
n_threads: 80
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure your catalog: options to be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "OnOrbitCalibration/CTargets20211231"
star_cat: "CT-NGP_r1.8_G28.hdf5"
galaxy_cat: "galaxyCats_r_3.0_healpix_shift_192.859500_27.128300.hdf5"
star_SED: "Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: "Templates/Galaxy/"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: NO
# rotate galaxy ellipticity
rotateEll: 0. # [degree]
seed_Av: 121212 # Seed for generating random intrinsic extinction
# Observation setting
# Options for survey types:
# "Photometric": simulate photometric chips only
# "Spectroscopic": simulate slitless spectroscopic chips only
# "FGS": simulate FGS chips only (31-42)
# "All": simulate full focal plane
survey_type: "Photometric"
# Exposure time [seconds]
exp_time: 150.
# Observation starting date & time
date_obs: "210525" # [yymmdd]
time_obs: "120000" # [hhmmss]
# Default Pointing [degrees]
# Note: NOT valid when a pointing list file is specified
ra_center: 192.8595
dec_center: 27.1283
# Image rotation [degree]
image_rot: -113.4333
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
pointing_file: "pointing_test_NGP_2.17.dat"
# Number of calibration pointings
np_cal: 0
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0, 1, 2]
# Run specific chip(s):
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: null
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: True
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/psfCube"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": from catalog
shear_type: "constant"
# For constant shear filed
reduced_g1: 0.026
reduced_g2: 0.015
# Instrumental effects setting
# switches
# Note: bias_16channel, gain_16channel, and shutter_effect
# is currently not applicable to "FGS" observations
field_dist: ON # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: ON # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: ON # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: ON # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: ON # Whether to add bias-level to images
bias_16channel: ON # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: ON # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: ON # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: ON # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: ON # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: ON # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: ON # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: ON # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: ON # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: ON # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: ON # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: ON # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: ON # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: ON # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# Values:
# default values have been defined individually for each chip in:
# ObservationSim/Instrument/data/ccd/chip_definition.json
# Set them here will override the default values
# dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
# flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
# readout_time: 40 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
# df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
# bias_level: 500 # bias level [e-/pixel]
# gain: 1.1 # Gain
# full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Output options (for calibration pointings only)
readout16: OFF # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan
shutter_output: OFF # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
bias_output: ON # Whether to export bias frames
dark_output: ON # Whether to export the combined dark current files
flat_output: ON # Whether to export the combined flat-fielding files
prnu_output: OFF # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
NBias: 1 # Number of bias frames to be exported for each exposure
NDark: 1 # Number of dark frames to be exported for each exposure
NFlat: 1 # Number of flat frames to be exported for each exposure
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
\ No newline at end of file
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# CSST-Sim Group, 2023/04/25
# Base diretories and naming setup
# Can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# OK to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/public/home/fangyuedong/20211203/CSST/workplace/"
data_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "example"
# Whether to use MPI
use_mpi: YES
# NOTE: "n_threads" paramters is currently not used in the backend
# simulation codes. It should be implemented later in the web frontend
# in order to config the number of threads to request from NAOC cluster
n_threads: 80
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure your catalog: options to be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "catalog_points_7degree2/point_RA60.9624_DE-41.5032/"
star_cat: "stars_ccd13_p_RA60.9624_DE-41.5032.hdf5"
galaxy_cat: null
star_SED: "SED_MMW_Gaia_Cluster_D20_SS.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: null
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: YES
# Observation setting
# Options for survey types:
# "Photometric": simulate photometric chips only
# "Spectroscopic": simulate slitless spectroscopic chips only
# "FGS": simulate FGS chips only (31-42)
# "All": simulate full focal plane
survey_type: "Photometric"
# Exposure time [seconds]
exp_time: 150.
# Observation starting date & time
date_obs: "210525" # [yymmdd]
time_obs: "120000" # [hhmmss]
# Default Pointing [degrees]
# Note: NOT valid when a pointing list file is specified
ra_center: 60.9624
dec_center: -41.5032
# Image rotation [degree]
image_rot: -113.4333
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_dir: null
pointing_file: null
# Number of calibration pointings
np_cal: 2
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: null
# Run specific chip(s):
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: [18]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: True
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/psfCube"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": from catalog
shear_type: "constant"
# For constant shear filed
reduced_g1: 0.026
reduced_g2: 0.015
# Instrumental effects setting
# switches
# Note: bias_16channel, gain_16channel, and shutter_effect
# is currently not applicable to "FGS" observations
field_dist: ON # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: ON # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: ON # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: ON # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: ON # Whether to add bias-level to images
bias_16channel: ON # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: ON # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: ON # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: ON # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: ON # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: OFF # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: ON # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: ON # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: ON # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: ON # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: ON # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: ON # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: ON # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: ON # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# Values:
# default values have been defined individually for each chip in:
# ObservationSim/Instrument/data/ccd/chip_definition.json
# Set them here will override the default values
# dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
# flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
# readout_time: 40 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
# df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
# bias_level: 500 # bias level [e-/pixel]
# gain: 1.1 # Gain
# full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Output options (for calibration pointings only)
readout16: OFF # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan
shutter_output: OFF # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
bias_output: ON # Whether to export bias frames
dark_output: ON # Whether to export the combined dark current files
flat_output: ON # Whether to export the combined flat-fielding files
prnu_output: OFF # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
NBias: 1 # Number of bias frames to be exported for each exposure
NDark: 1 # Number of dark frames to be exported for each exposure
NFlat: 1 # Number of flat frames to be exported for each exposure
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
\ No newline at end of file
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# CSST-Sim Group, 2023/04/25
# Base diretories and naming setup
# Can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# OK to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/share/home/fangyuedong/csst-simulation/workplace/"
data_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "fgs_test"
# Whether to use MPI
use_mpi: NO
# NOTE: "n_threads" paramters is currently not used in the backend
# simulation codes. It should be implemented later in the web frontend
# in order to config the number of threads to request from NAOC cluster
n_threads: 80
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure your catalog: options to be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "Catalog_C6_20221212"
star_cat: "C6_MMW_GGC_Astrometry_healpix.hdf5"
galaxy_cat: "cat2CSSTSim_bundle/"
AGN_cat: "AGN_C6_ross13_rand_pos_rmax-1.3.fits"
star_SED: "Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: "Catalog_C6_20221212/sedlibs/"
AGN_SED: "quickspeclib_ross13.fits"
AGN_SED_WAVE: "wave_ross13.npy"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: NO
# rotate galaxy ellipticity
rotateEll: 0. # [degree]
seed_Av: 121212 # Seed for generating random intrinsic extinction
# Observation setting
# Options for survey types:
# "Photometric": simulate photometric chips only
# "Spectroscopic": simulate slitless spectroscopic chips only
# "FGS": simulate FGS chips only (31-42)
# "All": simulate full focal plane
survey_type: "FGS"
# Exposure time [seconds]
exp_time: 150.
# Observation starting date & time
date_obs: "210525" # [yymmdd]
time_obs: "120000" # [hhmmss]
# Default Pointing [degrees]
# Note: NOT valid when a pointing list file is specified
ra_center: 244.972773
dec_center: 39.895901
# Image rotation [degree]
image_rot: 109.59
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
# pointing_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
# pointing_file: "pointing_radec_246.5_40.dat"
pointing_dir: null
pointing_file: null
# Number of calibration pointings
np_cal: 0
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0]
# Run specific chip(s):
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: [32]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: True
# Whether to enable straylight model
enable_straylight_model: True
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "FGS"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/psfCube1"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": from catalog
shear_type: "catalog"
# For constant shear filed
reduced_g1: 0.
reduced_g2: 0.
# Instrumental effects setting
# switches
# Note: bias_16channel, gain_16channel, and shutter_effect
# is currently not applicable to "FGS" observations
field_dist: ON # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: ON # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: ON # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: ON # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: ON # Whether to add bias-level to images
bias_16channel: OFF # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: OFF # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: OFF # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: ON # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: ON # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: ON # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: ON # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: ON # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: ON # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: ON # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: ON # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: ON # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: ON # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: ON # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# Values:
# default values have been defined individually for each chip in:
# ObservationSim/Instrument/data/ccd/chip_definition.json
# Set them here will override the default values
# dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
# flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
# readout_time: 0.01 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
# df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
# bias_level: 2000 # bias level [e-/pixel]
# gain: 1. # Gain
# full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Output options (for calibration pointings only)
readout16: OFF # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan
shutter_output: OFF # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
bias_output: ON # Whether to export bias frames
dark_output: ON # Whether to export the combined dark current files
flat_output: ON # Whether to export the combined flat-fielding files
prnu_output: OFF # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
NBias: 1 # Number of bias frames to be exported for each exposure
NDark: 1 # Number of dark frames to be exported for each exposure
NFlat: 1 # Number of flat frames to be exported for each exposure
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
# ok to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/workplace/"
data_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "test20231218_c6_onlyCat"
run_name: "test_new_config"
# Project cycle and run counter are used to name the outputs
project_cycle: 6
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ run_option:
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: YES
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ catalog_options:
AGN_SED_WAVE: "wave_ross13.npy"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: YES
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: NO
......@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ obs_setting:
pointing_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
pointing_file: "pointing_radec_246.5_40.dat"
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: True
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ call_sequence:
exptime: 150. # [s]
shutter_effect: YES
flat_fielding: YES
enable_straylight_model: True
enable_straylight_model: YES
# Apply PRNU to accumulated photons
PRNU_effect: {}
# Accumulate photons caused by cosmic rays
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ call_sequence:
nonlinearity: {}
# Apply CCD Saturation & Blooming
blooming: {}
# Run CTE simulation
# # Run CTE simulation
CTE_effect: {}
# Add prescan and overscan
prescan_overscan: {}
......@@ -58,4 +58,6 @@ call_sequence:
# Apply gain
gain_16channel: YES
# Output the final image
quantization_and_output: {}
\ No newline at end of file
# Configuration file for CSST simulation
# CSST-Sim Group, 2023/04/25
# Base diretories and naming setup
# Can add some of the command-line arguments here as well;
# OK to pass either way or both, as long as they are consistent
work_dir: "/share/home/fangyuedong/csst-simulation/workplace/"
data_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
run_name: "fd_shear_g2m"
# Whether to use MPI
use_mpi: NO
# NOTE: "n_threads" paramters is currently not used in the backend
# simulation codes. It should be implemented later in the web frontend
# in order to config the number of threads to request from NAOC cluster
n_threads: 80
# Output catalog only?
# If yes, no imaging simulation will run
out_cat_only: NO
# Catalog setting
# Configure your catalog: options to be implemented
# in the corresponding (user defined) 'Catalog' class
cat_dir: "Catalog_C6_20221212"
star_cat: "C6_MMW_GGC_Astrometry_healpix.hdf5"
galaxy_cat: "cat2CSSTSim_bundle/"
AGN_cat: "AGN_C6_ross13_rand_pos_rmax-1.3.fits"
star_SED: "Catalog_20210126/SpecLib.hdf5"
galaxy_SED: "Catalog_C6_20221212/sedlibs/"
AGN_SED: "quickspeclib_ross13.fits"
AGN_SED_WAVE: "wave_ross13.npy"
# Only simulate stars?
star_only: NO
# Only simulate galaxies?
galaxy_only: YES
# rotate galaxy ellipticity
rotateEll: 0. # [degree]
seed_Av: 121212 # Seed for generating random intrinsic extinction
# Observation setting
# Options for survey types:
# "Photometric": simulate photometric chips only
# "Spectroscopic": simulate slitless spectroscopic chips only
# "FGS": simulate FGS chips only (31-42)
# "All": simulate full focal plane
survey_type: "Photometric"
# Exposure time [seconds]
exp_time: 150.
# Observation starting date & time
date_obs: "210525" # [yymmdd]
time_obs: "120000" # [hhmmss]
# Default Pointing [degrees]
# Note: NOT valid when a pointing list file is specified
ra_center: 192.8595
dec_center: 27.1283
# Image rotation [degree]
image_rot: -113.4333
# (Optional) a file of point list
# if you just want to run default pointing:
# - pointing_dir: null
# - pointing_file: null
pointing_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/"
pointing_file: "pointing_radec_246.5_40.dat"
# Number of calibration pointings
np_cal: 0
# Run specific pointing(s):
# - give a list of indexes of pointings: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all pointings: null
# Note: only valid when a pointing list is specified
run_pointings: [0]
# Run specific chip(s):
# - give a list of indexes of chips: [ip_1, ip_2...]
# - run all chips: null
# Note: for all pointings
run_chips: [9]
# Whether to enable astrometric modeling
enable_astrometric_model: True
# Whether to enable straylight model
enable_straylight_model: False
# Cut by saturation magnitude in which band?
cut_in_band: "z"
# saturation magnitude margin
mag_sat_margin: -2.5
# limiting magnitude margin
mag_lim_margin: +1.0
# PSF setting
# Which PSF model to use:
# "Gauss": simple gaussian profile
# "Interp": Interpolated PSF from sampled ray-tracing data
psf_model: "Interp"
# PSF size [arcseconds]
# radius of 80% energy encircled
# NOTE: only valid for "Gauss" PSF
psf_rcont: 0.15
# path to PSF data
# NOTE: only valid for "Interp" PSF
psf_dir: "/share/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/psfCube1"
# Shear setting
# Options to generate mock shear field:
# "constant": all galaxies are assigned a constant reduced shear
# "catalog": from catalog
shear_type: "catalog"
# For constant shear filed
reduced_g1: 0.
reduced_g2: 0.
# Instrumental effects setting
# switches
# Note: bias_16channel, gain_16channel, and shutter_effect
# is currently not applicable to "FGS" observations
field_dist: YES # Whether to add field distortions
add_back: YES # Whether to add sky background
add_dark: YES # Whether to add dark noise
add_readout: NO # Whether to add read-out (Gaussian) noise
add_bias: YES # Whether to add bias-level to images
bias_16channel: NO # Whether to add different biases for 16 channels
gain_16channel: NO # Whether to make different gains for 16 channels
shutter_effect: NO # Whether to add shutter effect
flat_fielding: YES # Whether to add flat-fielding effect
prnu_effect: NO # Whether to add PRNU effect
non_linear: NO # Whether to add non-linearity
cosmic_ray: NO # Whether to add cosmic-ray
cray_differ: NO # Whether to generate different cosmic ray maps CAL and MS output
cte_trail: NO # Whether to simulate CTE trails
saturbloom: NO # Whether to simulate Saturation & Blooming
add_badcolumns: NO # Whether to add bad columns
add_hotpixels: NO # Whether to add hot pixels
add_deadpixels: NO # Whether to add dead(dark) pixels
bright_fatter: NO # Whether to simulate Brighter-Fatter (also diffusion) effect
# Values:
# default values have been defined individually for each chip in:
# ObservationSim/Instrument/data/ccd/chip_definition.json
# Set them here will override the default values
# dark_exptime: 300 # Exposure time for dark current frames [seconds]
# flat_exptime: 150 # Exposure time for flat-fielding frames [seconds]
# readout_time: 40 # The read-out time for each channel [seconds]
# df_strength: 2.3 # Sillicon sensor diffusion strength
# bias_level: 500 # bias level [e-/pixel]
# gain: 1.1 # Gain
# full_well: 90000 # Full well depth [e-]
# Output options (for calibration pointings only)
readout16: OFF # Whether to export as 16 channels (subimages) with pre- and over-scan
shutter_output: OFF # Whether to export shutter effect 16-bit image
bias_output: ON # Whether to export bias frames
dark_output: ON # Whether to export the combined dark current files
flat_output: ON # Whether to export the combined flat-fielding files
prnu_output: OFF # Whether to export the PRNU (pixel-to-pixel flat-fielding) files
NBias: 1 # Number of bias frames to be exported for each exposure
NDark: 1 # Number of dark frames to be exported for each exposure
NFlat: 1 # Number of flat frames to be exported for each exposure
# Random seeds
seed_poisson: 20210601 # Seed for Poisson noise
seed_CR: 20210317 # Seed for generating random cosmic ray maps
seed_flat: 20210101 # Seed for generating random flat fields
seed_prnu: 20210102 # Seed for photo-response non-uniformity
seed_gainNonUniform: 20210202 # Seed for gain nonuniformity
seed_biasNonUniform: 20210203 # Seed for bias nonuniformity
seed_rnNonUniform: 20210204 # Seed for readout-noise nonuniformity
seed_badcolumns: 20240309 # Seed for bad columns
seed_defective: 20210304 # Seed for defective (bad) pixels
seed_readout: 20210601 # Seed for read-out gaussian noise
\ No newline at end of file
#PBS -l nodes=wcl-1:ppn=16+wcl-2:ppn=16+wcl-3:ppn=16+wcl-4:ppn=16+wcl-5:ppn=16+wcl-6:ppn=16
#PBS -u fangyuedong
###PBS -j oe
mpirun -np $NP python3 /share/home/fangyuedong/fgs_sim/csst-simulation/ \
--config_file config_NGP.yaml \
--catalog NGPCatalog \
-c /share/home/fangyuedong/fgs_sim/csst-simulation/config
#PBS -l nodes=wcl-1:ppn=12
###PBS -l nodes=wcl-1:ppn=24+wcl-2:ppn=24+wcl-3:ppn=24+wcl-4:ppn=24+wcl-5:ppn=24+wcl-6:ppn=24
#PBS -u fangyuedong
###PBS -j oe
mpirun -np $NP python3 /share/home/fangyuedong/fgs_sim/csst-simulation/ \
--config_file config_fgs.yaml \
--catalog FGS_Catalog \
-c /share/home/fangyuedong/fgs_sim/csst-simulation/config
......@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@ def run_sim():
config['work_dir'] = args.work_dir
# Some default values
# if "bias_16channel" not in config["ins_effects"]:
# config["ins_effects"]["bias_16channel"] = False
# if "gain_16channel" not in config["ins_effects"]:
# config["ins_effects"]["gain_16channel"] = False
if "mag_sat_margin" not in config["obs_setting"]:
config["obs_setting"]["mag_sat_margin"] = -2.5
if "mag_lim_margin" not in config["obs_setting"]:
......@@ -93,8 +89,7 @@ def run_sim():
# Run simulation
if __name__=='__main__':
......@@ -3,10 +3,15 @@
python3 /share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/csst-simulation/ \
--config_file config_C6_dev.yaml \
--config_file config_overall.yaml \
--catalog C6_Catalog \
-c /share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/csst-simulation/config
# python3 /share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/csst-simulation/ \
# --config_file config_C6_dev.yaml \
# --catalog C6_Catalog \
# -c /share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/csst-simulation/config
# python3 /share/home/fangyuedong/20231211/csst-simulation/ \
# --config_file config_ooc_c6.yaml \
# --catalog C6_Catalog \
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