Commit dfb71c23 authored by Fang Yuedong's avatar Fang Yuedong
Browse files

magnitude ('mag_use_normal') calculations for galaxies and QSOs now is only based on their SEDs

parent 36106f04
......@@ -557,8 +557,22 @@ class Catalog(CatalogBase):
# erg/s/cm2/A --> photon/s/m2/A
all_sed = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13
sed = Table(np.array([lamb, all_sed]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX'))
if obj.type == 'quasar':
# if obj.type == 'quasar':
# # integrate to get the magnitudes
# sed_photon = np.array([sed['WAVELENGTH'], sed['FLUX']]).T
# sed_photon = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(
# sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
# sed_photon = galsim.SED(
# sed_photon, wave_type='A', flux_type='1', fast=False)
# interFlux = integrate_sed_bandpass(
# sed=sed_photon, bandpass=self.filt.bandpass_full)
# obj.param['mag_use_normal'] = getABMAG(
# interFlux, self.filt.bandpass_full)
# # mag = getABMAG(interFlux, self.filt.bandpass_full)
# # print("mag diff = %.3f"%(mag - obj.param['mag_use_normal']))
# integrate to get the magnitudes
if obj.type == 'quasar' or obj.type == 'galaxy':
sed_photon = np.array([sed['WAVELENGTH'], sed['FLUX']]).T
sed_photon = galsim.LookupTable(x=np.array(sed_photon[:, 0]), f=np.array(
sed_photon[:, 1]), interpolant='nearest')
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