from pylab import * import math, sys, numpy as np import astropy.coordinates as coord from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from astropy import wcs, units as u from observation_sim.config.header import ImageHeader from observation_sim.instruments import Telescope, Chip, FilterParam, Filter, FocalPlane def transRaDec2D(ra, dec): x1 = np.cos(dec / 57.2957795) * np.cos(ra / 57.2957795) y1 = np.cos(dec / 57.2957795) * np.sin(ra / 57.2957795) z1 = np.sin(dec / 57.2957795) return np.array([x1, y1, z1]) def ecl2radec(lon_ecl, lat_ecl): ## convert from ecliptic coordinates to equatorial coordinates c_ecl = SkyCoord( lon=lon_ecl *, lat=lat_ecl *, frame="barycentrictrueecliptic" ) c_eq = c_ecl.transform_to("icrs") ra_eq, dec_eq =, return ra_eq, dec_eq def radec2ecl(ra, dec): ## convert from equatorial coordinates to ecliptic coordinates c_eq = SkyCoord(ra=ra *, dec=dec *, frame="icrs") c_ecl = c_eq.transform_to("barycentrictrueecliptic") lon_ecl, lat_ecl =, return lon_ecl, lat_ecl def cal_FoVcenter_1P_equatorial(ra_FieldCenter, dec_FieldCenter, chipID = 1, pa = -23.5): ### [ra_FieldCenter, dec_FieldCenter] is the center ra, dec of calibration fileds, such as: NEP, NGC 6397, etc. ### [ra_ChipCenter, dec_ChipCenter] is the center ra, dec of the Chip center. ### [ra_PointCenter, dec_PointCenter] is the telescope pointing center. ## Calculate PA angle chip = Chip(chipID) h_ext = ImageHeader.generateExtensionHeader( chip=chip, xlen=chip.npix_x, ylen=chip.npix_y, ra=(ra_FieldCenter *, dec=(dec_FieldCenter *, pa=pa, gain=chip.gain, readout=chip.read_noise, dark=chip.dark_noise, saturation=90000, pixel_scale=chip.pix_scale, pixel_size=chip.pix_size, xcen=chip.x_cen, ycen=chip.y_cen, ) # assume that the telescope point to the sky center; then abtain the chip center under this situation; then calculate the differenc between the assumed telescope center and chip center; then add this difference to the sky center wcs_h = wcs.WCS(h_ext) pixs = np.array([[4608, 4616]]) world_point = wcs_h.wcs_pix2world(pixs, 0) ra_ChipCenter, dec_ChipCenter = world_point[0][0], world_point[0][1] d_ra = ra_FieldCenter - ra_ChipCenter d_dec = dec_FieldCenter - dec_ChipCenter ra_PointCenter = ra_FieldCenter + d_ra dec_PointCenter = dec_FieldCenter + d_dec lon_ecl_PointCenter, lat_ecl_PointCenter = radec2ecl( ra_PointCenter, dec_PointCenter ) return ra_PointCenter, dec_PointCenter, lon_ecl_PointCenter, lat_ecl_PointCenter def cal_FoVcenter_1P_ecliptic(lon_ecl_FieldCenter, lat_ecl_FieldCenter, chipID = 1, pa = -23.5): ### [ra_FieldCenter, dec_FieldCenter] is the center ra, dec of calibration fileds, such as: NEP, NGC 6397, etc. ### [ra_ChipCenter, dec_ChipCenter] is the center ra, dec of the Chip center. ### [ra_PointCenter, dec_PointCenter] is the telescope pointing center. ra_FieldCenter, dec_FieldCenter = ecl2radec( lon_ecl_FieldCenter, lat_ecl_FieldCenter ) ## Calculate PA angle chip = Chip(chipID) h_ext = ImageHeader.generateExtensionHeader( chip=chip, xlen=chip.npix_x, ylen=chip.npix_y, ra=(ra_FieldCenter *, dec=(dec_FieldCenter *, pa=pa, gain=chip.gain, readout=chip.read_noise, dark=chip.dark_noise, saturation=90000, pixel_scale=chip.pix_scale, pixel_size=chip.pix_size, xcen=chip.x_cen, ycen=chip.y_cen, ) # assume that the telescope point to the sky center; then abtain the chip center under this situation; then calculate the differenc between the assumed telescope center and chip center; then add this difference to the sky center wcs_h = wcs.WCS(h_ext) pixs = np.array([[4608, 4616]]) world_point = wcs_h.wcs_pix2world(pixs, 0) ra_ChipCenter, dec_ChipCenter = world_point[0][0], world_point[0][1] d_ra = ra_FieldCenter - ra_ChipCenter d_dec = dec_FieldCenter - dec_ChipCenter ra_PointCenter = ra_FieldCenter + d_ra dec_PointCenter = dec_FieldCenter + d_dec lon_ecl_PointCenter, lat_ecl_PointCenter = radec2ecl( ra_PointCenter, dec_PointCenter ) return ra_PointCenter, dec_PointCenter, lon_ecl_PointCenter, lat_ecl_PointCenter def getChipCenterRaDec(chipID = 1, p_ra = 60., p_dec = -40.): chip = Chip(chipID) h_ext = ImageHeader.generateExtensionHeader( chip=chip, xlen=chip.npix_x, ylen=chip.npix_y, ra=(p_ra *, dec=(p_dec *, pa=pa, gain=chip.gain, readout=chip.read_noise, dark=chip.dark_noise, saturation=90000, pixel_scale=chip.pix_scale, pixel_size=chip.pix_size, xcen=chip.x_cen, ycen=chip.y_cen, ) wcs_h = wcs.WCS(h_ext) pixs = np.array([[4608, 4616]]) world_point = wcs_h.wcs_pix2world(pixs, 0) RA_chip, Dec_chip = world_point[0][0], world_point[0][1] return RA_chip, Dec_chip if __name__ == '__main__': ra_input, dec_input = 270.00000, 66.56000 # NEP pa = 23.5 # chipid = 2 for chipid in np.arange(1,31,1): ra, dec, lon_ecl, lat_ecl = cal_FoVcenter_1P_equatorial( ra_input, dec_input,chipID=chipid, pa=pa) print("chip id is %d, chip center [ra,dec] is [%f, %f], pointing center calculated [ra,dec] is [%f, %f]"%(chipid, ra_input, dec_input, ra, dec)) #for check the result # testRA, testDec = getChipCenterRaDec(chipID = chipid, p_ra = ra, p_dec = dec) # print(ra_input-testRA, dec_input-testDec)