import os import numpy as np import healpy as hp from import fits from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord class ExtinctionMW(object): def __init__(self): self.Rv = 3.1 self.lamb = np.arange(2000, 11001+0.5, 0.5) @staticmethod def radec2pix(ra, dec, NSIDE=2048): return hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside=NSIDE, theta=ra, phi=dec, lonlat=True) def init_ext_model(self, model_name="odonnell", Av=1.0, Rv=3.1, lamb=None): self.model_name = model_name self.Av = Av self.Rv = Rv if lamb is not None: self.lamb = lamb if self.model_name == "odonnell": alpha = np.zeros(self.lamb.shape) beta = np.zeros(self.lamb.shape) x = 1.e4 / self.lamb def f_alpha_1(x): return 0.574 * (x**1.61) def f_beta_1(x): return -0.527 * (x**1.61) def f_alpha_2(x): y = x - 1.82 return 1 + 0.104*y - 0.609*(y**2) + 0.701*(y**3) + \ 1.137*(y**4) - 1.718*(y**5) - 0.827 * \ (y**6) + 1.647*(y**7) - 0.505*(y**8) def f_beta_2(x): y = x - 1.82 return 1.952*y + 2.908*(y**2) - 3.989*(y**3) - 7.985 * \ (y**4) + 11.102*(y**5) + 5.491 * \ (y**6) - 10.805*(y**7) + 3.347*(y**8) def f_alpha_3(x): return 1.752 - 0.316*x - \ 0.104 / ((x - 4.67)**2 + 0.341) def f_beta_3(x): return -3.090 + 1.825*x + \ 1.206 / ((x - 4.62)**2 + 0.262) def f_alpha_4(x): return f_alpha_3(x) + -0.04473 * \ (x - 5.9)**2 - 0.009779 * (x - 5.9)**3 def f_beta_4(x): return f_beta_3(x) + 0.2130 * \ (x - 5.9)**2 + 0.1207 * (x - 5.9)**3 def f_alpha_5(x): return -1.073 - 0.628*(x - 8) + \ 0.137*(x - 8)**2 - 0.070*(x - 8)**3 def f_beta_5(x): return 13.670 + 4.257*(x - 8) - \ 0.420*(x - 8)**2 + 0.374 * (x - 8)**3 alpha = np.piecewise( x, [x <= 1.1, (x > 1.1)*(x <= 3.3), (x > 3.3)*(x <= 5.9), (x > 5.9)*(x <= 8.), (x > 8.)], [f_alpha_1, f_alpha_2, f_alpha_3, f_alpha_4, f_alpha_5]) beta = np.piecewise( x, [x <= 1.1, (x > 1.1)*(x <= 3.3), (x > 3.3)*(x <= 5.9), (x > 5.9)*(x <= 8.), (x > 8.)], [f_beta_1, f_beta_2, f_beta_3, f_beta_4, f_beta_5]) self.ext = (alpha + beta / self.Rv) * self.Av def load_Planck_ext(self, file_path): hdu = self.ebv_planck = hdu[1].data["EBV"] def Av_from_Planck(self, ra, dec): if not hasattr(self, 'ebv_planck'): raise ValueError( "Need to load planck dust map first") # Convert to galactic coordinates c = SkyCoord(ra=ra *, dec=dec *, frame='icrs').galactic l, b = c.l.radian, c.b.radian NSIDE = hp.pixelfunc.get_nside(self.ebv_planck) pix = hp.pixelfunc.ang2pix(nside=NSIDE, theta=np.pi/2. - b, phi=l) return self.ebv_planck[pix] * self.Rv def apply_extinction(self, spec, Av=1.0): if len(spec) != len(self.lamb): raise ValueError( "Dimension of spec do not match that of ExtinctionMW.lamb: try initilize (init_ext_model) by the actual size of spec which you want to apply the extinction to") if not hasattr(self, 'ext'): raise ValueError( "Need to initialize the extinction model (init_ext_model) first") scale = 10**(-.4 * self.ext * Av) print("scale = ", scale) spec *= scale return spec