from ObservationSim.MockObject.SpecDisperser import SpecDisperser from ObservationSim.MockObject.SpecDisperser import rotate90 import galsim import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table from scipy import interpolate import galsim import astropy.constants as cons import os import time try: import importlib.resources as pkg_resources except ImportError: # Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources' import importlib_resources as pkg_resources ###calculate sky map by sky SED def calculateSkyMap_split_g(skyMap=None, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, skyfn='sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', conf=[''], pixelSize=0.074, isAlongY=0, split_pos=3685, flat_cube = None, zoldial_spec = None): # skyMap = np.ones([yLen, xLen], dtype='float32') # # if isAlongY == 1: # skyMap = np.ones([xLen, yLen], dtype='float32') # for i in range(len(conf)): # conf[i] = os.path.join(SLSSIM_PATH, conf[i]) conf1 = conf[0] conf2 = conf[0] if np.size(conf) == 2: conf2 = conf[1] skyImg = galsim.Image(skyMap, xmin=0, ymin=0) tbstart = blueLimit tbend = redLimit fimg = np.zeros_like(skyMap) fImg = galsim.Image(fimg) try: with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath(skyfn) as data_path: skySpec = np.loadtxt(data_path) except AttributeError: with pkg_resources.path('', skyfn) as data_path: skySpec = np.loadtxt(data_path) # skySpec = np.loadtxt(skyfn) spec = Table(np.array([skySpec[:, 0], skySpec[:, 1]]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX')) if zoldial_spec is not None: deltL = 0.5 lamb = np.arange(2000, 11000, deltL) speci = interpolate.interp1d(zoldial_spec['WAVELENGTH'], zoldial_spec['FLUX']) y = speci(lamb) # erg/s/cm2/A --> photo/s/m2/A s_flux = y * lamb / (cons.h.value * cons.c.value) * 1e-13 spec = Table(np.array([lamb, s_flux]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX')) if isAlongY == 0: directParm = 0 if isAlongY ==1: directParm = 1 if split_pos >= skyImg.array.shape[directParm]: skyImg1 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array) origin1 = [0, 0] # sdp = specDisperser.specDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, # full_img=fimg, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, # origin=origin1, # conf=conf1) # sdp.compute_spec_orders() y_len = skyMap.shape[0] x_len = skyMap.shape[1] delt_x = 100 delt_y = 100 sub_y_start_arr = np.arange(0, y_len, delt_y) sub_y_end_arr = sub_y_start_arr + delt_y sub_y_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_y_end_arr[-1], y_len) sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(0, x_len, delt_x) sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], x_len) for i,k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr): sub_y_s = k1 sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i] sub_y_center = (sub_y_s+sub_y_e)/2. for j,k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr): sub_x_s = k2 sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j] skyImg_sub = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e]) origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s] sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2. sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf2, flat_cube=flat_cube, ignoreBeam=['D','E']) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds if bounds.area() == 0: continue fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] # sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, origin=origin1, # tar_spec=spec, # band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, # conf=conf2, # flat_cube=flat_cube, ignoreBeam=['D','E']) # # spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() # # for k, v in spec_orders.items(): # img_s = v[0] # origin_order_x = v[1] # origin_order_y = v[2] # ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) # ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) # bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds # if bounds.area() == 0: # continue # fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] else: # skyImg1 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[:, 0:split_pos]) # origin1 = [0, 0] # skyImg2 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[:, split_pos:]) # origin2 = [0, split_pos] # sdp = specDisperser.specDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, # full_img=fimg, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, # origin=origin1, # conf=conf1) # sdp.compute_spec_orders() y_len = skyMap.shape[0] x_len = skyMap.shape[1] delt_x = 500 delt_y = y_len sub_y_start_arr = np.arange(0, y_len, delt_y) sub_y_end_arr = sub_y_start_arr + delt_y sub_y_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_y_end_arr[-1], y_len) delt_x = split_pos-0 sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(0, split_pos, delt_x) sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], split_pos) for i,k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr): sub_y_s = k1 sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i] sub_y_center = (sub_y_s+sub_y_e)/2. for j,k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr): sub_x_s = k2 sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j] # print(i,j,sub_y_s, sub_y_e,sub_x_s,sub_x_e) T1 = time.time() skyImg_sub = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e]) origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s] sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2. sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf1, flat_cube=flat_cube) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds if bounds.area() == 0: continue fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] T2 = time.time() print('time: %s ms'% ((T2 - T1)*1000)) delt_x = x_len-split_pos sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(split_pos, x_len, delt_x) sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], x_len) for i, k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr): sub_y_s = k1 sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i] sub_y_center = (sub_y_s + sub_y_e) / 2. for j, k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr): sub_x_s = k2 sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j] # print(i,j,sub_y_s, sub_y_e,sub_x_s,sub_x_e) T1 = time.time() skyImg_sub = galsim.Image(skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e]) origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s] sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2. sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf2, flat_cube=flat_cube) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds if bounds.area() == 0: continue fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] T2 = time.time() print('time: %s ms'% ((T2 - T1)*1000)) if isAlongY == 1: fimg, tmx, tmy = rotate90(array_orig=fImg.array, xc=0, yc=0, isClockwise=0) else: fimg = fImg.array fimg = fimg * pixelSize * pixelSize return fimg def calculateSkyMap(xLen=9232, yLen=9126, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, skyfn='sky_emiss_hubble_50_50_A.dat', conf='', pixelSize=0.074, isAlongY=0): skyMap = np.ones([yLen, xLen], dtype='float32') if isAlongY == 1: skyMap = np.ones([xLen, yLen], dtype='float32') skyImg = galsim.Image(skyMap) tbstart = blueLimit tbend = redLimit fimg = np.zeros_like(skyMap) fImg = galsim.Image(fimg) try: with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath(skyfn) as data_path: skySpec = np.loadtxt(data_path) except AttributeError: with pkg_resources.path('', skyfn) as data_path: skySpec = np.loadtxt(data_path) # skySpec = np.loadtxt(skyfn) spec = Table(np.array([skySpec[:, 0], skySpec[:, 1]]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX')) sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg,,, origin=[1, 1], tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] if isAlongY == 1: fimg, tmx, tmy = rotate90(array_orig=fImg.array, xc=0, yc=0, isClockwise=0) else: fimg = fImg.array fimg = fimg * pixelSize * pixelSize return fimg