from .FocalPlane import FocalPlane import galsim import os import numpy as np from astropy.table import Table class Chip(FocalPlane): def __init__(self, chipID, ccdEffCurve_dir, config=None, treering_func=None): # Get focal plane (instance of paraent class) info # TODO: use chipID to config individual chip? super().__init__() if config is not None: self.npix_x = config["npix_x"] self.npix_y = config["npix_y"] self.read_noise = config["read_noise"] self.dark_noise = config["dark_noise"] self.pix_scale = config["pix_scale"] self.gain = config["gain"] else: # Default setting self.npix_x = 9232 self.npix_y = 9216 self.read_noise = 5.0 # e/pix self.dark_noise = 0.02 # e/pix/s self.pix_scale = 0.074 # pixel scale self.gain = 1.0 # A chip ID must be assigned self.chipID = int(chipID) # Get corresponding filter info self.filter_id, self.filter_type = self.getChipFilter() # Get boundary (in pix) self.bound = self.getChipLim() self.ccdEffCurve_dir = ccdEffCurve_dir self.effCurve = self._getChipEffCurve(self.filter_type) # Define the sensor # self.sensor = galsim.Sensor() self.sensor = galsim.SiliconSensor(strength=10., treering_func=treering_func) def _getChipEffCurve(self, filter_type): if filter_type in ['nuv', 'u']: filename = 'UV0.txt' if filter_type in ['g', 'r']: filename = 'Astro_MB.txt' if filter_type in ['i', 'z', 'y']: filename = 'Basic_NIR.txt' path = os.path.join(self.ccdEffCurve_dir, filename) table =, format='ascii') throughput = galsim.LookupTable(x=table['col1'], f=table['col2'], interpolant='linear') bandpass = galsim.Bandpass(throughput, wave_type='nm') return bandpass def getChipFilter(self, chipID=None, filter_layout=None): """Return the filter index and type for a given chip #(chipID) """ filter_type_list = ["nuv","u", "g", "r", "i","z","y"] # TODO: maybe a more elegent way other than hard coded? # e.g. use something like a nested dict: if filter_layout is not None: return filter_layout[chipID][0], filter_layout[chipID][1] if chipID == None: chipID = self.chipID # updated configurations if chipID>30 or chipID<1: raise ValueError("!!! Chip ID: [1,30]") if chipID in [10, 11, 20, 21]: filter_type = 'y' if chipID in [15, 16]: filter_type = "z" if chipID in [9, 22]: filter_type = "i" if chipID in [12, 19]: filter_type = "u" if chipID in [7, 24]: filter_type = "r" if chipID in [14, 13, 18, 17]: filter_type = "nuv" if chipID in [8, 23]: filter_type = "g" if chipID in [6, 5, 25, 26]: filter_type = "GI" if chipID in [27, 30, 1, 4]: filter_type = "GV" if chipID in [28, 29, 2, 3]: filter_type = "GU" filter_id = filter_type_list.index(filter_type) return filter_id, filter_type def getChipLim(self, chipID=None): """Calculate the edges in pixel for a given CCD chip on the focal plane NOTE: There are 5*4 CCD chips in the focus plane for photometric observation. Parameters: chipID: int the index of the chip Returns: A galsim BoundsD object """ if chipID == None: chipID = self.chipID gx = self.npix_gap_x gy1, gy2 = self.npix_gap_y # xlim of a given ccd chip xrem = (chipID-1)%self.nchip_x - self.nchip_x // 2 xcen = (self.npix_x + gx) * xrem nx0 = xcen - self.npix_x//2 + 1 nx1 = xcen + self.npix_x//2 # ylim of a given ccd chip yrem = 2*((chipID-1)//self.nchip_x) - (self.nchip_y-1) ycen = (self.npix_y//2 + gy1//2) * yrem if chipID <= 6: ycen = (self.npix_y//2 + gy1//2) * yrem - (gy2-gy1) if chipID >= 25: ycen = (self.npix_y//2 + gy1//2) * yrem + (gy2-gy1) ny0 = ycen - self.npix_y//2 + 1 ny1 = ycen + self.npix_y//2 return galsim.BoundsD(nx0-1, nx1-1, ny0-1, ny1-1) def getSkyCoverage(self, wcs): return super().getSkyCoverage(wcs, self.bound.xmin, self.bound.xmax, self.bound.ymin, self.bound.ymax) def getSkyCoverageEnlarged(self, wcs, margin=0.5): """The enlarged sky coverage of the chip """ margin /= 60.0 bound = self.getSkyCoverage(wcs) return galsim.BoundsD(bound.xmin - margin, bound.xmax + margin, bound.ymin - margin, bound.ymax + margin) def isContainObj(self, ra_obj, dec_obj, sky_coverage): if (ra_obj - sky_coverage.xmin) * (ra_obj - sky_coverage.xmax) > 0.0 or (dec_obj - sky_coverage.ymin) * (dec_obj - sky_coverage.ymax) > 0.0: return False return True def getChipNoise(self, exptime=150.0): # TODO: put it here or make it a separate class? noise = self.dark_noise * exptime + self.read_noise**2 return noise def addNoise(self, img, exptime=150.0, sky_noise=0., seed=31415): rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(seed) dark_noise = galsim.DeviateNoise(galsim.PoissonDeviate(rng, self.dark_noise*exptime)) img.addNoise(dark_noise) ccd_noise = galsim.CCDNoise(rng, sky_level=sky_noise, gain=self.gain, read_noise=self.read_noise) img.addNoise(ccd_noise) return img