import unittest import sys,os,math from itertools import islice import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import yaml from ObservationSim.Config import Config from ObservationSim.Config.Config import config_dir from ObservationSim.Instrument import Chip from ObservationSim.PSF.PSFInterp import PSFInterp def defineCCD(iccd, config_file): with open(config_file, "r") as stream: try: config = yaml.safe_load(stream) #for key, value in config.items(): # print (key + " : " + str(value)) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: print(exc) path_dict = config_dir(config=config, work_dir=config['work_dir'], data_dir=config['data_dir']) chip = Chip(chipID=iccd, config=config) #chip = Chip(chipID=iccd, ccdEffCurve_dir=path_dict["ccd_dir"], CRdata_dir=path_dict["CRdata_dir"], normalize_dir=path_dict["normalize_dir"], sls_dir=path_dict['sls_dir'], config=config) return chip def psfSecondMoments(psfMat, cenX, cenY, pixSize=1): apr = 0.5 #arcsec, 0.5角秒内测量 fl = 28. #meters pxs = 2.5 #microns apr = np.deg2rad(apr/3600.)*fl*1e6 apr = apr/pxs apr = I = psfMat ncol = I.shape[1] nrow = I.shape[0] w = 0.0 w11 = 0.0 w12 = 0.0 w22 = 0.0 for icol in range(ncol): for jrow in range(nrow): x = icol*pixSize - cenX y = jrow*pixSize - cenY rr = np.sqrt(x*x + y*y) wgt= 0.0 if rr <= apr: wgt = 1.0 w += I[jrow, icol]*wgt w11 += x*x*I[jrow, icol]*wgt w12 += x*y*I[jrow, icol]*wgt w22 += y*y*I[jrow, icol]*wgt w11 /= w w12 /= w w22 /= w sz = w11 + w22 e1 = (w11 - w22)/sz e2 = 2.0*w12/sz return sz, e1, e2 def test_psfEll(iccd, iwave, psfMat): psfMat_iwave = psfMat.psfMat[iwave-1, :,:,:] npsf = np.shape(psfMat_iwave)[0] imx = np.zeros(npsf) imy = np.zeros(npsf) psf_e1 = np.zeros(npsf) psf_e2 = np.zeros(npsf) psf_sz = np.zeros(npsf) for ipsf in range(1, npsf+1): print('ipsf-{:}'.format(ipsf), end='\r') imx[ipsf-1] = psfMat.cen_col[iwave-1, ipsf-1] imy[ipsf-1] = psfMat.cen_row[iwave-1, ipsf-1] psfMat_iwave_ipsf = psfMat_iwave[ipsf-1, :, :] cenX = 256 cenY = 256 sz, e1, e2 = psfSecondMoments(psfMat_iwave_ipsf, cenX, cenY, pixSize=1) psf_e1[ipsf-1] = e1 psf_e2[ipsf-1] = e2 psf_sz[ipsf-1] = sz #print('ell======', ipsf, np.sqrt(e1**2 + e2**2)) ####### arr = [imx, imy, psf_e1, psf_e2, psf_sz]'data/psfEll{:}_{:}_{:}'.format(int(np.sqrt(npsf)),iccd, iwave), arr) def test_psfEllPlot(OVERPLOT=False): #if ThisTask == 0: if True: prefix = 'psfEll30' iccd = 1 iwave= 1 data = np.load('data/'+prefix+'_1_1.npy') imx= data[0] imy= data[1] psf_e1 = data[2] psf_e2 = data[3] print(np.shape(imx)) npsf = np.shape(imx)[0] ####### plt.cla() plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) for ipsf in range(npsf): plt.plot(imx[ipsf], imy[ipsf], 'r.') ang = np.arctan2(psf_e2[ipsf], psf_e1[ipsf])/2 ell = np.sqrt(psf_e1[ipsf]**2 + psf_e2[ipsf]**2) ell *= 15 lcos = ell*np.cos(ang) lsin = ell*np.sin(ang) plt.plot([imx[ipsf]-lcos, imx[ipsf]+lcos],[imy[ipsf]-lsin, imy[ipsf]+lsin],'r', lw=2) ########### ang = 0. ell = 0.05 ell*= 15 lcos = ell*np.cos(ang) lsin = ell*np.sin(ang) plt.plot([imx[898]-lcos, imx[898]+lcos],[imy[898]+5.-lsin, imy[898]+5.+lsin],'k', lw=2) plt.annotate('{:}'.format(ell/15), (imx[898]-2., imy[898]+6.), xycoords='data', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('CCD X (mm)') plt.ylabel('CCD Y (mm)') if OVERPLOT == True: prefix = 'psfEll20' data = np.load('data/'+prefix+'_1_1.npy') imx= data[0] imy= data[1] psf_e1 = data[2] psf_e2 = data[3] npsf = np.shape(imx)[0] for ipsf in range(npsf): plt.plot(imx[ipsf], imy[ipsf], 'b.') ang = np.arctan2(psf_e2[ipsf], psf_e1[ipsf])/2 ell = np.sqrt(psf_e1[ipsf]**2 + psf_e2[ipsf]**2) ell *= 15 lcos = ell*np.cos(ang) lsin = ell*np.sin(ang) plt.plot([imx[ipsf]-lcos, imx[ipsf]+lcos],[imy[ipsf]-lsin, imy[ipsf]+lsin],'b', lw=2) plt.gca().set_aspect(1) if OVERPLOT == True: prefix = 'psfEllOP' plt.savefig('figs/'+prefix+'_iccd{:}.pdf'.format(iccd)) def test_psfIDW(iccd, iwave, psfMatA, chip, psfMatB): bandpass = iwave-1 class pos_img(): def __init__(self,x, y): self.x = x*1e3/10. #in unit of pixels self.y = y*1e3/10. psfMat_iwave = psfMatA.psfMat[iwave-1, :,:,:] npsf = np.shape(psfMat_iwave)[0] psf_e1 = np.zeros(npsf) psf_e2 = np.zeros(npsf) psf_sz = np.zeros(npsf) for ipsf in range(1, npsf+1): print('ipsf:', ipsf, end='\r', flush=True) tpos_img = pos_img(psfMatA.cen_col[iwave-1, ipsf-1], psfMatA.cen_row[iwave-1, ipsf-1]) psfIDW = psfMatB.get_PSF(chip, tpos_img, bandpass, galsimGSObject=False, findNeighMode='treeFind')'figs/psfIDW/psfIDW_{:}_{:}_{:}'.format(iccd, iwave, ipsf), psfIDW) cenX = 256 cenY = 256 sz, e1, e2 = psfSecondMoments(psfIDW, cenX, cenY, pixSize=1) psf_e1[ipsf-1] = e1 psf_e2[ipsf-1] = e2 psf_sz[ipsf-1] = sz arr = [psf_e1, psf_e2, psf_sz]'data/psfEll20IDW_{:}_{:}'.format(iccd, iwave), arr) def test_psfResidualPlot(iccd, iwave, ipsf, psfMatA): psfMat_iwave = psfMatA.psfMat[iwave-1, :,:,:] psfMatORG = psfMat_iwave[ipsf-1, :, :] psfMatIDW = np.load('figs/psfIDW/psfIDW_{:}_{:}_{:}.npy'.format(iccd, iwave, ipsf)) npix = psfMatORG.shape[0] pixCutEdge= int(npix/2-15) img0 = psfMatORG[pixCutEdge:npix-pixCutEdge, pixCutEdge:npix-pixCutEdge] img1 = psfMatIDW[pixCutEdge:npix-pixCutEdge, pixCutEdge:npix-pixCutEdge] imgX = (img1 - img0)/img0 img0 = np.log10(img0) img1 = np.log10(img1) imgX = np.log10(np.abs(imgX)) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,4)) ax = plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.imshow(img0, origin='lower', vmin=-7, vmax=-1.3) plt.plot([npix/2-pixCutEdge, npix/2-pixCutEdge],[0, (npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-1],'w--') plt.plot([0, (npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-1],[npix/2-pixCutEdge, npix/2-pixCutEdge],'w--') plt.annotate('ORG', [0,(npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-5], c='w', size=15) cticks=[-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1] cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=cticks)['$10^{-7}$', '$10^{-6}$', '$10^{-5}$','$10^{-4}$','$10^{-3}$','$10^{-2}$', '$10^{-1}$']) print(img0.min(), img0.max()) ax = plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.imshow(img1, origin='lower', vmin=-7, vmax=-1.3) plt.plot([npix/2-pixCutEdge, npix/2-pixCutEdge],[0, (npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-1],'w--') plt.plot([0, (npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-1],[npix/2-pixCutEdge, npix/2-pixCutEdge],'w--') plt.annotate('IDW', [0,(npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-5], c='w', size=15) cticks=[-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1] cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=cticks)['$10^{-7}$', '$10^{-6}$', '$10^{-5}$','$10^{-4}$','$10^{-3}$','$10^{-2}$', '$10^{-1}$']) print(img1.min(), img1.max()) ax = plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.imshow(imgX, origin='lower', vmin =-3, vmax =np.log10(3e-1)) plt.plot([npix/2-pixCutEdge, npix/2-pixCutEdge],[0, (npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-1],'w--') plt.plot([0, (npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-1],[npix/2-pixCutEdge, npix/2-pixCutEdge],'w--') #plt.annotate('(IDW-ORG)/ORG', [0,(npix/2-pixCutEdge)*2-5], c='w', size=15) cticks=[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1] cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=cticks)['$10^{-5}$','$10^{-4}$','$10^{-3}$','$10^{-2}$', '$10^{-1}$']) print(np.max((psfMatORG-psfMatIDW))) plt.savefig('figs/psfResidual_iccd{:}.pdf'.format(iccd)) def test_psfEllIDWPlot(OVERPLOT=False): #if ThisTask == 0: if True: prefix = 'psfEll20' iccd = 1 iwave= 1 data = np.load('data/'+prefix+'_1_1.npy') imx= data[0] imy= data[1] psf_e1 = data[2] psf_e2 = data[3] print(np.shape(imx)) npsf = np.shape(imx)[0] ####### plt.cla() plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) for ipsf in range(npsf): plt.plot(imx[ipsf], imy[ipsf], 'b.') ang = np.arctan2(psf_e2[ipsf], psf_e1[ipsf])/2 ell = np.sqrt(psf_e1[ipsf]**2 + psf_e2[ipsf]**2) ell *= 15 lcos = ell*np.cos(ang) lsin = ell*np.sin(ang) plt.plot([imx[ipsf]-lcos, imx[ipsf]+lcos],[imy[ipsf]-lsin, imy[ipsf]+lsin],'b', lw=2) ########### ang = 0. ell = 0.05 ell*= 15 lcos = ell*np.cos(ang) lsin = ell*np.sin(ang) #plt.plot([imx[898]-lcos, imx[898]+lcos],[imy[898]+5.-lsin, imy[898]+5.+lsin],'k', lw=2) #plt.annotate('{:}'.format(ell/15), (imx[898]-2., imy[898]+6.), xycoords='data', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel('CCD X (mm)') plt.ylabel('CCD Y (mm)') if OVERPLOT == True: prefix = 'psfEll20IDW' data = np.load('data/'+prefix+'_1_1.npy') #imx= data[0] #imy= data[1] psf_e1 = data[0] psf_e2 = data[1] npsf = np.shape(imx)[0] for ipsf in range(npsf): #plt.plot(imx[ipsf], imy[ipsf], 'r.') ang = np.arctan2(psf_e2[ipsf], psf_e1[ipsf])/2 ell = np.sqrt(psf_e1[ipsf]**2 + psf_e2[ipsf]**2) ell *= 15 lcos = ell*np.cos(ang) lsin = ell*np.sin(ang) plt.plot([imx[ipsf]-lcos, imx[ipsf]+lcos],[imy[ipsf]-lsin, imy[ipsf]+lsin],'r', lw=1) plt.gca().set_aspect(1) if OVERPLOT == True: prefix = 'psfEllOPIDW' plt.savefig('figs/'+prefix+'_iccd{:}.pdf'.format(iccd)) def test_psfdEllabsPlot(iccd): #if ThisTask == 0: if True: prefix = 'psfEll20' #iccd = 1 #iwave= 1 data = np.load('data/'+prefix+'_{:}_1.npy'.format(iccd)) imx= data[0] imy= data[1] psf_e1 = data[2] psf_e2 = data[3] psf_sz = data[4] print(np.shape(imx)) npsf = np.shape(imx)[0] ellX = np.sqrt(psf_e1**2 + psf_e2**2) angX = np.arctan2(psf_e2, psf_e1)/2 angX = np.rad2deg(angX) szX = psf_sz ############################## prefix = 'psfEll20IDW' data = np.load('data/'+prefix+'_{:}_1.npy'.format(iccd)) #imx= data[0] #imy= data[1] psf_e1 = data[0] psf_e2 = data[1] psf_sz = data[2] ellY = np.sqrt(psf_e1**2 + psf_e2**2) angY = np.arctan2(psf_e2, psf_e1)/2 angY = np.rad2deg(angY) szY = psf_sz ############################## fig=plt.figure(figsize=(6, 5)) grid = plt.GridSpec(3,1,left=0.15, right=0.95, wspace=None, hspace=0.02) #plt.subplots_adjust(left=None,bottom=None,right=None,top=None,wspace=None,hspace=0.02) ax = plt.subplot(grid[0:2,0]) plt.plot([0.01,0.1],[0.01,0.1], 'k--', lw=1. ) plt.scatter(ellX, ellY, color='b', alpha=1., s=3., edgecolors='None') #plt.xlim([0.015, 0.085]) #plt.ylim([0.015, 0.085]) plt.ylabel('$\epsilon_{\\rm IDW}$') plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax = plt.subplot(grid[2,0]) plt.plot([0.015,0.085],[0.,0.], 'k--', lw=1. ) plt.scatter(ellX, (ellY-ellX), color='b', s=3., edgecolors='None') #plt.xlim([0.015, 0.085]) #plt.ylim([-0.0018, 0.0018]) plt.xlabel('$\epsilon_{\\rm ORG}$') plt.ylabel('$\Delta$') plt.savefig('figs/psfEllOPIDWPDF_{:}.pdf'.format(iccd)) fig=plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) plt.hist((szY-szX)/szX, bins=20, color='r', alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('$(R_{\\rm IDW}-R_{\\rm ORG})/R_{\\rm ORG}$') plt.ylabel('PDF') plt.savefig('figs/psfEllOPIDWPDF_dsz_{:}.pdf'.format(iccd)) class PSFInterpModule_coverage(unittest.TestCase): def test_psfEll_(self): iccd = 1 iwave= 1 config_file = "/public/home/weichengliang/CSST_git/newVersion/CSST/config/config_C3.yaml" chip = defineCCD(iccd, config_file) print(chip.chipID) print(chip.cen_pix_x, chip.cen_pix_y) ipath = '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/psfCubeTest' psfMatA = PSFInterp(chip, npsf=400, PSF_data_file=ipath, PSF_data_prefix="S20x20_") psfMatB = PSFInterp(chip, npsf=900, PSF_data_file=ipath, PSF_data_prefix="S30x30_") test_psfEll(iccd, iwave, psfMatA) test_psfEll(iccd, iwave, psfMatB) test_psfEllPlot(OVERPLOT=True) test_psfIDW(iccd, iwave, psfMatA, chip, psfMatB) ipsf = 1 test_psfResidualPlot(iccd, iwave, ipsf, psfMatA) test_psfEllIDWPlot(OVERPLOT=True) test_psfdEllabsPlot(iccd) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() print('#####haha#####')