import galsim import os import sys import numpy as np import time import math import astropy.constants as cons from import fits from scipy.interpolate import griddata from astropy.table import Table from observation_sim.mock_objects.SpecDisperser import SpecDisperser from scipy import interpolate import gc from observation_sim.mock_objects.MockObject import MockObject try: import importlib.resources as pkg_resources except ImportError: # Try backported to PY<37 'importlib_resources' import importlib_resources as pkg_resources # flatDir = '/Volumes/EAGET/LED_FLAT/' LED_name = ['LED1', 'LED2', 'LED3', 'LED4', 'LED5', 'LED6', 'LED7', 'LED8', 'LED9', 'LED10', 'LED11', 'LED12', 'LED13', 'LED14'] cwaves_name = {'LED1': '275', 'LED2': '310', 'LED3': '430', 'LED4': '505', 'LED5': '545', 'LED6': '590', 'LED7': '670', 'LED8': '760', 'LED9': '940', 'LED10': '940', 'LED11': '1050', 'LED12': '1050', 'LED13': '340', 'LED14': '365'} cwaves = {'LED1': 2750, 'LED2': 3100, 'LED3': 4300, 'LED4': 5050, 'LED5': 5250, 'LED6': 5900, 'LED7': 6700, 'LED8': 7600, 'LED9': 8800, 'LED10': 9400, 'LED11': 10500, 'LED12': 15500, 'LED13': 3400, 'LED14': 3650} cwaves_fwhm = {'LED1': 110, 'LED2': 120, 'LED3': 200, 'LED4': 300, 'LED5': 300, 'LED6': 130, 'LED7': 210, 'LED8': 260, 'LED9': 400, 'LED10': 370, 'LED11': 500, 'LED12': 1400, 'LED13': 90, 'LED14': 100} # LED_QE = {'LED1': 0.3, 'LED2': 0.4, 'LED13': 0.5, 'LED14': 0.5, 'LED10': 0.4} # e-/ms # fluxLED = {'LED1': 0.16478729, 'LED2': 0.084220931, 'LED3': 2.263360617, 'LED4': 2.190623489, 'LED5': 0.703504768, # 'LED6': 0.446117963, 'LED7': 0.647122098, 'LED8': 0.922313442, # 'LED9': 0.987278143, 'LED10': 2.043989167, 'LED11': 0.612571429, 'LED12': 1.228915663, 'LED13': 0.17029384, # 'LED14': 0.27842925} # e-/ms fluxLED = {'LED1': 15, 'LED2': 15, 'LED3': 12.5, 'LED4': 9, 'LED5': 9, 'LED6': 9, 'LED7': 9, 'LED8': 9, 'LED9': 9, 'LED10': 12.5, 'LED11': 15, 'LED12': 15, 'LED13': 12.5, 'LED14': 12.5} # fluxLEDL = {'LED1': 10, 'LED2': 10, 'LED3': 10, 'LED4': 10, 'LED5': 10, # 'LED6': 10, 'LED7': 10, 'LED8': 10, 'LED9': 10, 'LED10': 10, 'LED11': 10, 'LED12':10, 'LED13': 10, # 'LED14': 10} mirro_eff = {'GU': 0.61, 'GV': 0.8, 'GI': 0.8} bandtoLed = {'NUV': ['LED1', 'LED2'], 'u': ['LED13', 'LED14'], 'g': ['LED3', 'LED4', 'LED5'], 'r': ['LED6', 'LED7'], 'i': ['LED8'], 'z': ['LED9', 'LED10'], 'y': ['LED10'], 'GU': ['LED1', 'LED2', 'LED13', 'LED14'], 'GV': ['LED3', 'LED4', 'LED5', 'LED6'], 'GI': ['LED7', 'LED8', 'LED9', 'LED10']} # mirro_eff = {'GU':1, 'GV':1, 'GI':1} class FlatLED(MockObject): def __init__(self, chip, filt, flatDir=None, logger=None): # self.led_type_list = led_type_list self.filt = filt self.chip = chip self.logger = logger if flatDir is not None: self.flatDir = flatDir else: try: with pkg_resources.files('').joinpath("") as ledDir: self.flatDir = ledDir.as_posix() except AttributeError: with pkg_resources.path('', "") as ledDir: self.flatDir = ledDir.as_posix() def getInnerFlat(self): ledflats = bandtoLed[self.chip.filter_type] iFlat = np.zeros([self.chip.npix_y, self.chip.npix_x]) for nled in ledflats: iFlat = iFlat + self.getLEDImage1(led_type=nled, LED_Img_flag=False) iFlat = iFlat/len(ledflats) return iFlat ### # return LED flat, e/s ### def getLEDImage(self, led_type='LED1', LED_Img_flag=True): # cwave = cwaves[led_type] flat =, 'model_' + cwaves_name[led_type] + 'nm.fits')) xlen = flat[0].header['NAXIS1'] ylen = 601 x = np.linspace(0, self.chip.npix_x * 6, xlen) y = np.linspace(0, self.chip.npix_y * 5, ylen) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) a1 = flat[0].data[0:ylen, 0:xlen] # z = np.sin((xx+yy+xx**2+yy**2)) # fInterp = interp2d(xx, yy, z, kind='linear') X_ = np.hstack((xx.flatten()[:, None], yy.flatten()[:, None])) Z_ = a1.flatten() n_x = np.arange(0, self.chip.npix_x * 6, 1) n_y = np.arange(0, self.chip.npix_y * 5, 1) M, N = np.meshgrid(n_x, n_y) i = self.chip.rowID - 1 j = self.chip.colID - 1 U = griddata(X_, Z_, ( M[self.chip.npix_y * i:self.chip.npix_y * (i + 1), self.chip.npix_x * j:self.chip.npix_x * (j + 1)], N[self.chip.npix_y * i:self.chip.npix_y * (i + 1), self.chip.npix_x * j:self.chip.npix_x * (j + 1)]), method='linear') U = U/np.mean(U) flatImage = U if LED_Img_flag: flatImage = flatImage*fluxLED[led_type]*1000 gc.collect() return flatImage ### # return LED flat, e/s ### def getLEDImage1(self, led_type='LED1', LED_Img_flag=True): # cwave = cwaves[led_type] flat =, 'model_' + cwaves_name[led_type] + 'nm.fits')) xlen = flat[0].header['NAXIS1'] ylen = 601 i = self.chip.rowID - 1 j = self.chip.colID - 1 x = np.linspace(0, self.chip.npix_x, int(xlen/6.)) y = np.linspace(0, self.chip.npix_y, int(ylen/5.)) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) a1 = flat[0].data[int(ylen*i/5.):int(ylen*i/5.)+int(ylen/5.), int(xlen*j/6.):int(xlen*j/6.)+int(xlen/6.)] # z = np.sin((xx+yy+xx**2+yy**2)) # fInterp = interp2d(xx, yy, z, kind='linear') X_ = np.hstack((xx.flatten()[:, None], yy.flatten()[:, None])) Z_ = a1.flatten() n_x = np.arange(0, self.chip.npix_x, 1) n_y = np.arange(0, self.chip.npix_y, 1) M, N = np.meshgrid(n_x, n_y) x_seg_len = 4 y_seg_len = 8 x_seg = int(self.chip.npix_x/x_seg_len) y_seg = int(self.chip.npix_y/y_seg_len) U = np.zeros([self.chip.npix_y, self.chip.npix_x], dtype=np.float32) for y_seg_i in np.arange(y_seg_len): for x_seg_i in np.arange(x_seg_len): U[y_seg_i*y_seg:(y_seg_i+1)*y_seg, x_seg_i*x_seg:(x_seg_i+1)*x_seg] = griddata(X_, Z_, ( M[y_seg_i*y_seg:(y_seg_i+1)*y_seg, x_seg_i*x_seg:(x_seg_i+1)*x_seg], N[y_seg_i*y_seg:(y_seg_i+1)*y_seg, x_seg_i*x_seg:(x_seg_i+1)*x_seg]), method='linear') # U = griddata(X_, Z_, ( # M[0:self.chip.npix_y, 0:self.chip.npix_x], # N[0:self.chip.npix_y, 0:self.chip.npix_x]), # method='nearest').astype(np.float32) U = U/np.mean(U) flatImage = U if LED_Img_flag: flatImage = U*fluxLED[led_type]*1000 gc.collect() return flatImage def drawObj_LEDFlat_img(self, led_type_list=['LED1'], exp_t_list=[0.1]): if len(led_type_list) > len(exp_t_list): return np.ones([self.chip.npix_y, self.chip.npix_x]) ledFlat = np.zeros([self.chip.npix_y, self.chip.npix_x]) ledStat = '00000000000000' ledTimes = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] nledStat = '2' for i in np.arange(len(led_type_list)): led_type = led_type_list[i] exp_t = exp_t_list[i] # unitFlatImg = self.getLEDImage(led_type=led_type) unitFlatImg = self.getLEDImage1(led_type=led_type) # print("---------------TEST mem:",np.mean(unitFlatImg)) led_wave = cwaves[led_type] led_fwhm = cwaves_fwhm[led_type] led_spec = self.gaussian1d_profile_led(led_wave, led_fwhm) speci = interpolate.interp1d( led_spec['WAVELENGTH'], led_spec['FLUX']) w_list = np.arange(self.filt.blue_limit, self.filt.red_limit, 0.5) # A f_spec = speci(w_list) ccd_bp = self.chip._getChipEffCurve(self.chip.filter_type) ccd_eff = ccd_bp.__call__(w_list / 10.) filt_bp = self.filt.filter_bandpass fil_eff = filt_bp.__call__(w_list / 10.) t_spec = np.trapz(f_spec*ccd_eff*fil_eff, w_list) # print(i, np.mean(unitFlatImg), t_spec, exp_t) unitFlatImg = unitFlatImg * t_spec # print("DEBUG1:---------------",np.mean(unitFlatImg)) ledFlat = ledFlat+unitFlatImg*exp_t ledStat = ledStat[0:int(led_type[3:])-1] + \ nledStat+ledStat[int(led_type[3:]):] ledTimes[int(led_type[3:])-1] = exp_t * 1000 gc.collect() return ledFlat, ledStat, ledTimes def drawObj_LEDFlat_slitless(self, led_type_list=['LED1'], exp_t_list=[0.1]): if len(led_type_list) != len(exp_t_list): return np.ones([self.chip.npix_y, self.chip.npix_x]) ledFlat = np.zeros([self.chip.npix_y, self.chip.npix_x]) ledStat = '00000000000000' ledTimes = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] nledStat = '2' for i in np.arange(len(led_type_list)): led_type = led_type_list[i] exp_t = exp_t_list[i] # unitFlatImg = self.getLEDImage(led_type=led_type) unitFlatImg = self.getLEDImage1(led_type=led_type) # print("---------------TEST mem:",np.mean(unitFlatImg)) ledFlat_ = unitFlatImg*exp_t ledFlat_ = ledFlat_ / mirro_eff[self.filt.filter_type] ledFlat_.astype(np.float32) led_wave = cwaves[led_type] led_fwhm = cwaves_fwhm[led_type] led_spec = self.gaussian1d_profile_led(led_wave, led_fwhm) # print("DEBUG1:---------------",np.mean(ledFlat_)) ledspec_map = self.calculateLEDSpec( skyMap=ledFlat_, blueLimit=self.filt.blue_limit, redLimit=self.filt.red_limit, conf=self.chip.sls_conf, pixelSize=self.chip.pix_scale, isAlongY=0, flat_cube=self.chip.flat_cube, led_spec=led_spec) ledFlat = ledFlat + ledspec_map ledStat = ledStat[0:int(led_type[3:])-1] + \ nledStat+ledStat[int(led_type[3:]):] ledTimes[int(led_type[3:])-1] = exp_t * 1000 return ledFlat, ledStat, ledTimes def drawObj_LEDFlat(self, led_type_list=['LED1'], exp_t_list=[0.1]): if self.chip.survey_type == "photometric": return self.drawObj_LEDFlat_img(led_type_list=led_type_list, exp_t_list=exp_t_list) elif self.chip.survey_type == "spectroscopic": return self.drawObj_LEDFlat_slitless(led_type_list=led_type_list, exp_t_list=exp_t_list) def gaussian1d_profile_led(self, xc=5050, fwhm=300): sigma = fwhm/2.355 x_radii = int(5*sigma + 1) xlist = np.arange(xc-x_radii, xc+x_radii, 0.5) xlist_ = np.zeros(len(xlist) + 2) xlist_[1:-1] = xlist xlist_[0] = 2000 xlist_[-1] = 18000 ids1 = xlist > xc-fwhm ids2 = xlist[ids1] < xc+fwhm data = np.exp((-(xlist-xc)*(xlist-xc))/(2*sigma*sigma)) / \ (np.sqrt(2*math.pi)*sigma) scale = 1/np.trapz(data[ids1][ids2], xlist[ids1][ids2]) data_ = np.zeros(len(xlist) + 2) data_[1:-1] = data*scale # print("DEBUG:-------------------------------",np.sum(data_), scale) return Table(np.array([xlist_.astype(np.float32), data_.astype(np.float32)]).T, names=('WAVELENGTH', 'FLUX')) def calculateLEDSpec(self, skyMap=None, blueLimit=4200, redLimit=6500, conf=[''], pixelSize=0.074, isAlongY=0, split_pos=3685, flat_cube=None, led_spec=None): conf1 = conf[0] conf2 = conf[0] if np.size(conf) == 2: conf2 = conf[1] skyImg = galsim.Image(skyMap, xmin=0, ymin=0) tbstart = blueLimit tbend = redLimit fimg = np.zeros_like(skyMap) fImg = galsim.Image(fimg) spec = led_spec if isAlongY == 0: directParm = 0 if isAlongY == 1: directParm = 1 if split_pos >= skyImg.array.shape[directParm]: skyImg1 = galsim.Image(skyImg.array) origin1 = [0, 0] # sdp = specDisperser.specDisperser(orig_img=skyImg1,,, # full_img=fimg, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, # origin=origin1, # conf=conf1) # sdp.compute_spec_orders() y_len = skyMap.shape[0] x_len = skyMap.shape[1] delt_x = 100 delt_y = 100 sub_y_start_arr = np.arange(0, y_len, delt_y) sub_y_end_arr = sub_y_start_arr + delt_y sub_y_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_y_end_arr[-1], y_len) sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(0, x_len, delt_x) sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], x_len) for i, k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr): sub_y_s = k1 sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i] sub_y_center = (sub_y_s + sub_y_e) / 2. for j, k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr): sub_x_s = k2 sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j] skyImg_sub = galsim.Image( skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e]) origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s] sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2. sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf2, flat_cube=flat_cube) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds if bounds.area() == 0: continue fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] else: # sdp.compute_spec_orders() y_len = skyMap.shape[0] x_len = skyMap.shape[1] delt_x = 500 delt_y = y_len sub_y_start_arr = np.arange(0, y_len, delt_y) sub_y_end_arr = sub_y_start_arr + delt_y sub_y_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_y_end_arr[-1], y_len) delt_x = split_pos - 0 sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(0, split_pos, delt_x) sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], split_pos) for i, k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr): sub_y_s = k1 sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i] sub_y_center = (sub_y_s + sub_y_e) / 2. for j, k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr): sub_x_s = k2 sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j] # print(i,j,sub_y_s, sub_y_e,sub_x_s,sub_x_e) T1 = time.time() skyImg_sub = galsim.Image( skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e]) origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s] sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2. sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf1, flat_cube=flat_cube) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds if bounds.area() == 0: continue fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] T2 = time.time() print('time: %s ms' % ((T2 - T1) * 1000)) delt_x = x_len - split_pos sub_x_start_arr = np.arange(split_pos, x_len, delt_x) sub_x_end_arr = sub_x_start_arr + delt_x sub_x_end_arr[-1] = min(sub_x_end_arr[-1], x_len) for i, k1 in enumerate(sub_y_start_arr): sub_y_s = k1 sub_y_e = sub_y_end_arr[i] sub_y_center = (sub_y_s + sub_y_e) / 2. for j, k2 in enumerate(sub_x_start_arr): sub_x_s = k2 sub_x_e = sub_x_end_arr[j] # print(i,j,sub_y_s, sub_y_e,sub_x_s,sub_x_e) T1 = time.time() skyImg_sub = galsim.Image( skyImg.array[sub_y_s:sub_y_e, sub_x_s:sub_x_e]) origin_sub = [sub_y_s, sub_x_s] sub_x_center = (sub_x_s + sub_x_e) / 2. sdp = SpecDisperser(orig_img=skyImg_sub, xcenter=sub_x_center, ycenter=sub_y_center, origin=origin_sub, tar_spec=spec, band_start=tbstart, band_end=tbend, conf=conf2, flat_cube=flat_cube) spec_orders = sdp.compute_spec_orders() for k, v in spec_orders.items(): img_s = v[0] origin_order_x = v[1] origin_order_y = v[2] ssImg = galsim.ImageF(img_s) ssImg.setOrigin(origin_order_x, origin_order_y) bounds = ssImg.bounds & fImg.bounds if bounds.area() == 0: continue fImg[bounds] = fImg[bounds] + ssImg[bounds] T2 = time.time() print('time: %s ms' % ((T2 - T1) * 1000)) if isAlongY == 1: fimg, tmx, tmy = SpecDisperser.rotate90( array_orig=fImg.array, xc=0, yc=0, isClockwise=0) else: fimg = fImg.array # fimg = fimg * pixelSize * pixelSize return fimg