* Modify the corresponding ```config_injection.yaml``` file to configure all running options
* An object catalog class which inherits from ```observation_sim.mock_objects.CatalogBase``` needs to be implemented and imported in ```injection.injection_pipeline.py```. This is to construct a list of to be injected ```observation_sim.mock_objects.MockObject```.
# Matching catalogs and check detection completeness
* For each pair of ground truth and detected catalogs from an injected image, use ```evaluation.cross_match_catalogs.match_catalogs_img``` to match the source by image coordinate
* Use ```evaluation.evaluation_utils.validation_hist``` to make a histogram for each pair. Accumulate the counts
* Use ```evaluation.evaluation_utils.create_fraction_figure``` to generate the final detection fraction histogram
/public/home/fangyuedong/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/csst_source_injection-1.0.0-py3.11.egg/evaluation/evaluation_utils.py:109: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
fraction = counts_detected / counts
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# Evaluate recovered photometry
* Use ```evaluation.evaluation_utils.plot_mag_comparison``` to make diff(mag) vs true_mag plot