[global] ;which method used for cosmic ray detection ;model=deepCR update_flag=True ;whether save CR cleaned image save_flag=True ;flag image suffix flag_suffix=flg ;CR masked image suffix data_suffix=crclean ;whether append CR masked image to the output FITS file append_flag=False ;mask image suffix mask_suffix=crmask ;whether use GPU gpu_flag=False ;whether fill appropriate value for CR contaminated pixels fill_flag=True ;filling method fill_method=meanmask [deepCR] threshold=0.5 inpaint=True binary=True patch=256 segment=True parallel=True ;Cosmic ray clean training model clean_model=./CSST_2021-12-30_CCD23_epoch20.pth ;Inpaint model inpaint_model=ACS-WFC-F606W-2-32 n_jobs=8 ;train parameters ;ignore pixel, e.g., bad pixel, saturation, npy or fits ;ignore=ignore.fits ;sky=sky.fits ;aug_sky_min=0 ;aug_sky_max=0 ;name=xxxx hidden=50 gpu=False epoch=50 batch=16 lr=0.005 auto_lr_decay=True lr_decay_patience=4 lr_decay_factor=0.1 save_after=1 plot_every=10 use_tqdm=False use_tqdm_notebook=False plot_roc=False directory=./data/ [lacosmic] sigclip=4.5 sigfrac=0.3 objlim=5.0 gain=1.0 readnoise=6.5 satlevel=65535.0 pssl=0.0 niter=4 sepmed=True cleantype=meanmask fsmode=median psfmodel=gauss psffwhm=2.5 psfsize=7 psfbeta=4.765 gain_apply=True