import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import import galsim vc_A = 2.99792458e+18 # speed of light: A/s vc_m = 2.99792458e+8 # speed of light: m/s h_Plank = 6.626196e-27 # Plank constant: erg s def photonEnergy(lambd): nu = vc_A / lambd eph = h_Plank * nu return eph pixSize = 0.037 mag_star = 15. Nx = 256 Ny = 256 ###加载PSF信息### def LoadPSF(iccd, iwave, ipsf, psfPath, psfSampleSize=5, PSFCentroidWgt=False): psfInfo = {} fpath = psfPath +'/' +'ccd{:}'.format(iccd) +'/' + 'wave_{:}'.format(iwave) #获取ipsf矩阵 if not PSFCentroidWgt: ##读取PSF原数据 fpathMat = fpath +'/' +'5_psf_array' +'/' +'psf_{:}.mat'.format(ipsf) data = psfInfo['psfMat'] = data['psf'] if PSFCentroidWgt: ##读取PSFCentroidWgt ffpath = psfPath +'_proc/' +'ccd{:}'.format(iccd) +'/' + 'wave_{:}'.format(iwave) ffpathMat = ffpath +'/' +'5_psf_array' +'/' +'psf_{:}_centroidWgt.mat'.format(ipsf) data = psfInfo['psfMat'] = data['psf'] return psfInfo def psfCentering(img, apSizeInArcsec=0.5, psfSampleSizeInMicrons=5, focalLengthInMeters=28, CenteringMode=1): imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y = findMaxPix(img) apSizeInMicrons = np.deg2rad(apSizeInArcsec/3600.)*focalLengthInMeters*1e6 apSizeInPix = apSizeInMicrons/psfSampleSizeInMicrons apSizeInPix = imgT = np.zeros_like(img) ngy, ngx = img.shape cy = int(ngy/2) cx = int(ngx/2) imgT[cy-apSizeInPix:cy+apSizeInPix+1, cx-apSizeInPix:cx+apSizeInPix+1] = \ img[imgMaxPix_y-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_y+apSizeInPix+1, imgMaxPix_x-apSizeInPix:imgMaxPix_x+apSizeInPix+1] return imgT def findMaxPix(img): maxIndx = np.argmax(img) maxIndx = np.unravel_index(maxIndx, np.array(img).shape) imgMaxPix_x = maxIndx[1] imgMaxPix_y = maxIndx[0] return imgMaxPix_x, imgMaxPix_y def magToFlux(mag): flux = 10**(-0.4*(mag+48.6)) return flux def getElectronFluxFilt(mag, exptime=150.): pE = photonEnergy(lambd=6199.8) flux = magToFlux(mag) factor = 1.0e4 * flux/pE * vc_A * (1.0/5370.0 - 1.0/7030.0) return factor * 0.5040 * np.pi * (0.5 * 2.0)**2 * exptime def radial_profile(img, cx, cy, nbins=100, Rmin=16, Rmax=128): nx = img.shape[0] ny = img.shape[1] x = np.arange(0, img.shape[0], 1) y = np.arange(0, img.shape[1], 1) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) dist = np.sqrt((xx - cx)**2 + (yy - cy)**2) img_flat = img.flatten() dist_flat = dist.flatten() a, bins = np.histogram(dist_flat, range=(Rmin, Rmax), bins=nbins, weights=img_flat) b, bins = np.histogram(dist_flat, range=(Rmin, Rmax), bins=nbins) b[b==0] = 1. mid = (bins[0:-1]+bins[1:])/2. return a / b, mid if __name__ == '__main__': iccd = 1 iwave = 1 ipsf = 1 psfPath= '/data/simudata/CSSOSDataProductsSims/data/csstPSFdata/CSSOS_psf_ciomp_30X30' psfInfo= LoadPSF(iccd, iwave, ipsf, psfPath, psfSampleSize=5, PSFCentroidWgt=False) ipsfMat = psfInfo['psfMat'] print(ipsfMat[0:100,0:100]) cgrid = 128 dgrid = 15 cx = int(Nx/2) cy = int(Ny/2) with np.printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,12)) ax = plt.subplot(2,2,1) plt.imshow(ipsfMat[cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid, cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid], origin='lower') plt.annotate('originalPSF', [0.1, 0.85], xycoords='axes fraction', color='w') ax = plt.subplot(2,2,2) img = galsim.ImageF(ncol=Nx, nrow=Ny, scale=pixSize) psf_img = galsim.ImageF(ipsfMat, scale=pixSize) psf = galsim.InterpolatedImage(psf_img) psf_list = [psf] * 4 mag_star = 15 nphotons_tot = getElectronFluxFilt(mag=mag_star) print(nphotons_tot) for i in range(4): nphotons = nphotons_tot / 4. # star = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=1.e-8, flux=1.) star = galsim.DeltaFunction() star = star.withFlux(nphotons) star = galsim.Convolve(psf_list[i], star) img = star.drawImage(image=img, method='phot', center=galsim.PositionD(cx, cy), add_to_image=True) print(img.array.shape) plt.imshow(img.array[cx-dgrid:cx+dgrid, cy-dgrid:cy+dgrid], origin='lower') plt.annotate('photon shooting 4 times', [0.1, 0.85], xycoords='axes fraction', color='w') plt.colorbar() ax = plt.subplot(2,2,3) val, bins = radial_profile(img=img.array, cx=cx, cy=cy, nbins=100, Rmax=cx) # plt.hist(val, bins=bins) plt.plot(bins, val, label='mag=%d'%(mag_star)) img = galsim.ImageF(ncol=Nx, nrow=Ny, scale=pixSize) psf_img = galsim.ImageF(ipsfMat, scale=pixSize) psf = galsim.InterpolatedImage(psf_img) psf_list = [psf] * 4 mag_star = 13 nphotons_tot = getElectronFluxFilt(mag=mag_star) print(nphotons_tot) for i in range(4): nphotons = nphotons_tot / 4. # star = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=1.e-8, flux=1.) star = galsim.DeltaFunction() star = star.withFlux(nphotons) star = galsim.Convolve(psf_list[i], star) img = star.drawImage(image=img, method='phot', center=galsim.PositionD(cx, cy), add_to_image=True) print(img.array.shape) val, bins = radial_profile(img=img.array, cx=cx, cy=cy, nbins=100, Rmax=cx) # plt.hist(val, bins=bins) plt.plot(bins, val, label='mag=%d'%(mag_star)) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fancybox=True) plt.xlabel("R [pix]", size='x-large') plt.ylabel("photon count", size='x-large') plt.ylim([0, 500]) # print(img.array[0:100,0:100]) #psf Convolve galsim.DeltaFunction #photon shooting ? #plot image? # ax = plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow(ipsfMat[cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid, cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid], origin='lower') # plt.annotate('originalPSF', [0.1, 0.85], xycoords='axes fraction', color='w') # ax = plt.subplot(2,2,4) # img = galsim.ImageF(ncol=Nx, nrow=Ny, scale=pixSize) # psf_img = galsim.ImageF(ipsfMat, scale=pixSize) # psf = galsim.InterpolatedImage(psf_img) # psf_list = [psf] * 4 # nphotons_tot = getElectronFluxFilt(mag=mag_star) # print(nphotons_tot) # obj_list = [] # for i in range(4): # nphotons = nphotons_tot / 4. # # star = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=1.e-8, flux=1.) # star = galsim.DeltaFunction() # star = star.withFlux(nphotons) # star = galsim.Convolve(psf_list[i], star) # obj_list.append(star) # star = galsim.Sum(obj_list) # img = star.drawImage(image=img, method='phot', center=galsim.PositionD(cx, cy), add_to_image=True) # plt.annotate('photon shooting once', [0.1, 0.85], xycoords='axes fraction', color='w') # print(img.array.shape) # plt.imshow(img.array[cx-dgrid:cx+dgrid, cy-dgrid:cy+dgrid], origin='lower') # plt.colorbar() # print(img.array[0:100,0:100]) # ax = plt.subplot(2,3,2) # imy = psfCentering(ipsfMat, apSizeInArcsec=2.0) # plt.imshow(imy[cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid, cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid], origin='lower') # plt.annotate('PSFCentroidOld', [0.1, 0.85], xycoords='axes fraction', color='w') # ax = plt.subplot(2,3,5) # #psf Convolve galsim.DeltaFunction # #photon shooting ? # #plot image? # ax = plt.subplot(2,3,3) # psfInfo= LoadPSF(iccd, iwave, ipsf, psfPath, psfSampleSize=5, PSFCentroidWgt=True) # ipsfMat = psfInfo['psfMat'] # # print(ipsfMat[0:100,0:100]) # plt.imshow(ipsfMat[cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid, cgrid-dgrid:cgrid+dgrid], origin='lower') # plt.annotate('PSFCentroidNew', [0.1, 0.85], xycoords='axes fraction', color='w') # ax = plt.subplot(2,3,6) # #psf Convolve galsim.DeltaFunction # #photon shooting ? # #plot image? plt.savefig('testPlot.pdf')