| CCRSHIS | 1 | Astrometric solution Record for CCRS | 1 | i8 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| DELT_RA | 0.3 | The difference between the initial central RA and the measured central RA for CCRS in unit degree | 361|f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| DELT_dec | 0.3 | The difference between the initial central DEC and the measured central DEC for CCRS in unit degree | 181|f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| DELT_ps | 0.3 | The difference between the the initial pixelscale and the measured pixelscale for CCRS in unit arcsecond per pixel | 99999 |f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDALCE | 3468 | CCD Centroid along coordinate for CCRS | 3345 | f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDALCEE | 3 | CCD Centroid along coordinate Error for CCRS | 9999 | f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDACCE | 3468 | CCD Centroid along coordinate for CCRS | 3345 | f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDACCEE | 3 | CCD Centroid across coordinate Error for CCRS | 9999 | f32 |csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCRSHIS | 1 | Astrometric solution Record for CCRS | 1 | i8 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| DELT_RA | 0.3 | The difference between the initial central RA and the measured central RA for CCRS in unit degree | 361 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| DELT_DEC | 0.3 | The difference between the initial central DEC and the measured central DEC for CCRS in unit degree | 181 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| DELT_PS | 0.3 | The difference between the the initial pixelscale and the measured pixelscale for CCRS in unit arcsecond per pixel | 99999 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDALCE | 3468 | CCD Centroid along coordinate for CCRS | 3345 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDALCEE | 3 | CCD Centroid along coordinate Error for CCRS | 9999 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDACCE | 3468 | CCD Centroid along coordinate for CCRS | 3345 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |
| CCDACCEE | 3 | CCD Centroid across coordinate Error for CCRS | 9999 | f32 | csst_ms_mbi_astrometry |